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Old 01-02-2009, 01:01 AM   #751
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Originally Posted by Patrick F View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

A malevolent sort might be prone to abuse a slave and the law prevented that.
Boy you really have to be able to twist scripture in your mind to believe this. The law allows for a sever beating of slaves, even girl slaves, and with a rod.

When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. 21But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for the(N) slave is his money.
How on earth can you twist this to say this protects a slave? This law means that if you just arbitrarily decided a woman (that you own) isn't working fast enough, you can beat her with a rod almost to the point of death and as long as she survives, then you completely get away it. You're actually allowed to do under Yahweh's law.
Because it means that if the slave died immediately from this beating then that would show that it was intentional and death was the punishment. That law serves to protect slaves from abuse because if abuse of slaves were the accepted norm.....then why the law?
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Old 01-02-2009, 01:13 AM   #752
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Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
I do think it is genetic.

Then you're sadly misinformed and unable to view this rationally.

You're also ignoring the thrust of my question: why would these foreigners in long, inherited captivity in Israel be:

(a) more inclined to idol worship than they would be
(b) inclined to borrow the majority culture of their captors around them

Since (b) is what every other captive group of people have done, you'll need to show evidence why it wouldn't happen this time, ESPECIALLY when captives are taken as children and integrated into the daily life of their captors.

Do you have an example of a captive group that was freed after 7 years?
I dont need an example. You're the one with the claim that this assimilation wouldn't happen among children.

1. Interesting claim - let's see your proof.

2. If they assimilate then why was Moses concerned about foreigners introducing idolatry? You don't seem to consider the ramifications of the home-made claims you toss out.

It is not about my argument. It is about history.
Sadly, I'm afraid it is most certainly about your argument. You've tossed an ad hoc assumption out here: Moses ordered the slaughter of innocent children to prevent the spread of idolatry.

1. What do children know about idol worship?
2. Why wouldn't those children simply assimilate the local culture, esp. since they are children and impressionable?
3. If the Hebrews were just as bad as surrounding peoples, then foreign children pose no more of a threat of idolatory than native-born Hebrew children would.

The argument you tossed above isn't history; it's your argument about a semi-mythical history. Don't confuse the two.

God destroys evil nations for a reason and that is to put an end to tyranny. Just like he did against Israel by giving them over to Babylon. Its interesting while God was sending the prophets the charges were human sacrificing, oppression of the weak, killing innocents, forced slavery etc....After Israel started killing the prophets....that was it....a final example of their complete rejection of God.

God didnt spare Israel and neither will he the Gentiles.

"For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name, and should you be utterly unpunished? You shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts." Jere. 25

Paganism will surely result in judgement.

A little one is one under the age 20, so certainly those males taken in war would no doubt not assimilate into the culture and would take revenge against the victors sooner or later.
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:34 AM   #753
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"God destroys evil nations for a reason and that is to put an end to tyranny" (sugarhitman).
I realise I'm being led off topic here, but when writing a sentence like that, surely the nonsense of it should cause its author to stop and think.
Nonsense because how does tyranny make a nation evil? In some cases, a nation may choose an evil tyranny, as the great preponderence of Germans did when allowing Hitler to take over the reigns of government. But what about the Russians under Stalin; how responsible were they for his tyranny? Or the Iraqis the tyranny of Saddam, or the people of Zimbabwe the tyranny of Mugabe, or the Cambodians the tyranny of Pol Pot, or the Chinese the tyranny of Mao?
Did sugarhitman's god strike down any of these nations so as to end a tyranny - or did that job have to be done by its flawed human agents - just as its flawed human agents have had to do everything on its behalf since it mysteriously withdrew from making personal interventions following the life and death of its demi-god son?
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:25 AM   #754
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Steven you need to understand that the Gawd that sht'man and his crew postulate is one -very- devious and underhanded character.
This "loving" gawd of theirs uses his foreknowledge to deliberately plot, to arrange for, and to assure that government leaders, and others, will under the workings of his devious machinations, become His tools to carry out whatever evil deeds it is that his "plan" requires, that may in turn be used to make Him look good.
That is, he wilfully sets up all these evil situations, so that he can be the "good guy" when he "saves" us from the very situations that he was the chief instigator of.

Reminds me of Doctors that would deliberately poison or injure the patients under their care, so that they can receive greater praise when they manage to "heal" and "save" them.

At the very least, an all powerful Gawd that deliberately "sets up", and provokes weak humans into the doing of His "dirty deeds", does not appear to be a very ethical or admirable Deity.

Apologists will blather on about "free will" choices, but ultimately their Gawd is still the one responsible for "pulling the strings, and running the show" and seeing to it that his victims (the "bad guys") will act in the way that he has "set them up", and with deliberate foreknowledge, intent, and an irresistable will, has predestined them to. (ie. their deeds are NOT their fault.)
Some "love", some "Physician".
This Doctor is really sick, and the only one that can save of from this insane Doctor is ourselves. We need to remove ourselves from this insane Doctors "care".
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:58 AM   #755
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

God destroys evil nations for a reason and that is to put an end to tyranny. .
Great irony. Nothing "tyrannical" about destroying an entire nation. And what get's me is the blatant blinkeredness of the phrase “evil nations” as if an entire nation is evil. Every single nation is made up of people with good traits and bad traits. Sometimes a person’s bad traits are so bad, it’s not too much of a stretch to call him/her “evil”, but it’s just childish to call an entire nation evil. Even in Nazi Germany it would be silly to say the entire nation was evil and that all citizens deserved to be destroyed.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:10 AM   #756
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Because it means that if the slave died immediately from this beating then that would show that it was intentional and death was the punishment. That law serves to protect slaves from abuse because if abuse of slaves were the accepted norm.....then why the law?
That’s just amazing sugarhitman. The passages merely states that if the slave survives the beating and doesn’t die from it, the master is not to be punished. And you manage to infer that that means the beating wasn’t intended to kill the slave so that makes it ok? Sorry, but that’s self delusion.

First of all, there’s NOTHING in that law about “intent”. The law is void of it. The master would be punished for beating the slave to death whether it was intentional or not. Second, there is NOTHING in that law to even suggest that if the slave didn’t die, but the master actually intended to kill her, that he would be punished. It’s simply not there. You’re imagining it.

Second, you still have a huge problem which is that, under this law, a master could decide that he wasn’t happy with a woman’s work and beat her severely with a rod and completely get away with it. To say that a law that allows a man to severely beat a woman with a rod is “protecting” her is just willful blindness.
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Old 01-03-2009, 09:38 AM   #757
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Don't run away sugarhitman. We need to flesh this out.
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Old 01-03-2009, 09:48 AM   #758
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Steven you need to understand that the Gawd that sht'man and his crew postulate is one -very- devious and underhanded character.
This "loving" gawd of theirs uses his foreknowledge to deliberately plot, to arrange for, and to assure that government leaders, and others, will under the workings of his devious machinations, become His tools to carry out whatever evil deeds it is that his "plan" requires, that may in turn be used to make Him look good.
That is, he wilfully sets up all these evil situations, so that he can be the "good guy" when he "saves" us from the very situations that he was the chief instigator of.

Reminds me of Doctors that would deliberately poison or injure the patients under their care, so that they can receive greater praise when they manage to "heal" and "save" them.

At the very least, an all powerful Gawd that deliberately "sets up", and provokes weak humans into the doing of His "dirty deeds", does not appear to be a very ethical or admirable Deity.

Apologists will blather on about "free will" choices, but ultimately their Gawd is still the one responsible for "pulling the strings, and running the show" and seeing to it that his victims (the "bad guys") will act in the way that he has "set them up", and with deliberate foreknowledge, intent, and an irresistable will, has predestined them to. (ie. their deeds are NOT their fault.)
Some "love", some "Physician".
This Doctor is really sick, and the only one that can save of from this insane Doctor is ourselves. We need to remove ourselves from this insane Doctors "care".
You have an interesting idea there.

All the problems in the world stem from Yahweh's Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

He poisons us for his own good! :Cheeky:
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:11 AM   #759
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Originally Posted by Stephen T-B View Post
"God destroys evil nations for a reason and that is to put an end to tyranny" (sugarhitman).
I realise I'm being led off topic here, but when writing a sentence like that, surely the nonsense of it should cause its author to stop and think.
Nonsense because how does tyranny make a nation evil? In some cases, a nation may choose an evil tyranny, as the great preponderence of Germans did when allowing Hitler to take over the reigns of government. But what about the Russians under Stalin; how responsible were they for his tyranny? Or the Iraqis the tyranny of Saddam, or the people of Zimbabwe the tyranny of Mugabe, or the Cambodians the tyranny of Pol Pot, or the Chinese the tyranny of Mao?
Did sugarhitman's god strike down any of these nations so as to end a tyranny - or did that job have to be done by its flawed human agents - just as its flawed human agents have had to do everything on its behalf since it mysteriously withdrew from making personal interventions following the life and death of its demi-god son?

note my topic. I don't know of any Nephilim existing in Germany or Russia. The Nephilim were the targets of God in Canaan. From that point on in bible history succeeding nations (I should use kingdoms instead) were politically destroyed. (you should have pick that up when i said "just as he did to Israel. This is what I meant by saying God destroying evil nations and not whole races).

The only people marked for total destruction were the Nephilim. With that said evil kingdoms, gov.s has to be checked as well.
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:15 AM   #760
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Originally Posted by Zenaphobe View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Steven you need to understand that the Gawd that sht'man and his crew postulate is one -very- devious and underhanded character.
This "loving" gawd of theirs uses his foreknowledge to deliberately plot, to arrange for, and to assure that government leaders, and others, will under the workings of his devious machinations, become His tools to carry out whatever evil deeds it is that his "plan" requires, that may in turn be used to make Him look good.
That is, he wilfully sets up all these evil situations, so that he can be the "good guy" when he "saves" us from the very situations that he was the chief instigator of.

Reminds me of Doctors that would deliberately poison or injure the patients under their care, so that they can receive greater praise when they manage to "heal" and "save" them.

At the very least, an all powerful Gawd that deliberately "sets up", and provokes weak humans into the doing of His "dirty deeds", does not appear to be a very ethical or admirable Deity.

Apologists will blather on about "free will" choices, but ultimately their Gawd is still the one responsible for "pulling the strings, and running the show" and seeing to it that his victims (the "bad guys") will act in the way that he has "set them up", and with deliberate foreknowledge, intent, and an irresistable will, has predestined them to. (ie. their deeds are NOT their fault.)
Some "love", some "Physician".
This Doctor is really sick, and the only one that can save of from this insane Doctor is ourselves. We need to remove ourselves from this insane Doctors "care".
You have an interesting idea there.

All the problems in the world stem from Yahweh's Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

He poisons us for his own good! :Cheeky:
Just because God have foreseen some events does not mean he planned for it....but he will adjust.

"God does not tempt with evil, nor is he tempted by it."
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