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Old 12-22-2004, 07:54 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Chili
No, then he was a Catholic because Jesus is the one who took his own ancestry right back to Adam to God with Mohammed just being another hell bound protestant if the gates of hell did not prevail. See the lineage of Jesus in Luke on this.
I hope you are no offended by this Muan but in the Gospel of John we also have an allusion that the Word was God and was with God since the beginning of time, etc. Luke defines this in his lineage and these very same Gospels insists that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. So my deduction is substantiated and no more.
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Old 12-23-2004, 12:19 AM   #12
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or unto Us a Child is born
Isaiah 9: 6 For unto Us a Child is born, unto Us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
(and Handel's Messiah!)
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Old 12-23-2004, 12:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by smithy
. . .
We know now that the 25th December is date that is off the mark since theology from the day it start always using lunar calendar,
Well, we know it is off the mark anyway. It was just the result of Christians taking over the celebration of the birth of Sol Invictus.

Originally Posted by smithy
. . .
Maryam is the reason.
. . .
We are exist in this world because the existance of male and female, it is through sex intercourse the human existance can be maintained, without it we won't be here. But here is the message, God just showing it to us that this is false belief. Mary without sex intercourse was pregnant, is not that very strong message?
So what is the message? That we should develop human cloning??

Originally Posted by smithy
. . .

Prophet Muhammad made this a bit clear:
There are three things that maintain the connection after the death of persons (anyone):
1. Good children.
2. Our knowledge that beneficial to others.
3. Our good deeds

Jesus did not have wife therefore he had no children, this is the message. His mother as a woman can continue her existance by having children even without man, yet her son was not married, but he said there is no death even without having biological generation. Is not that message?
That might be a very misleading message. Somebody had to have sex and have children for society to continue.

Originally Posted by smithy
. . .
It is a day for mothers, without them we won't be here. Without Mary as mother, Jesus would not be around telling the Kingdom of God, hell and heaven. In Islam the position of mother is next to God before anything else, we hurt our mother here even if she is a crook than kiss the heaven goodbye for good regardless. That is the strong reason that we forget.. . .
What does this all have to do with Biblical Criticism or History, other than quoting some verses from the Bible?
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Old 12-23-2004, 10:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Muan
Jesus(pbuh) was Jew by birth muslim by faith thats probably the right way to put it. Jesus(pbuh) is seen as a prophet of God not God.

No. Jesus was an Israelite, an ancient ethnic group now essentially extinct. He spoke a semitic language but was not a Jew in the sense of what one thinks of today(after the diaspora) and probably looked like a modern palestinian, who before conversion were Israelites.

Jesus about 5 AD-30 AD

Islam in Israel 638 AD
Omar ibn al-Khattaab enters Jerusalem and ends the Byzantine rule.

Thats quite a gap in time to bridge, even for the immortal Son of God.
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Old 12-24-2004, 12:09 AM   #15
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That linguistic argument is pure rubbish; it's grasping at extremely thin straws.

"Allah" is from a generic word for "god" shared by several Semitic languages (Akkadian ilu, Canaanite el/elah/eloah, Arabic ilah, etc.).

This relationship is something like

Latin deus, Italian dio, Spanish dios, French dieu
English god, German Gott, Swedish gud
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Old 12-25-2004, 03:54 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by lpetrich
That linguistic argument is pure rubbish; it's grasping at extremely thin straws.

"Allah" is from a generic word for "god" shared by several Semitic languages (Akkadian ilu, Canaanite el/elah/eloah, Arabic ilah, etc.).

This relationship is something like

Latin deus, Italian dio, Spanish dios, French dieu
English god, German Gott, Swedish gud
Exactly. And as has been pointed out, Allah is the form prefixed by the definite article. "Lâ ilâha illâ 'llâhu ..."; "There is no God (generic, no article) except The God (or Allâh, with the article)". This very old Semitic name for God will of course be found in several Semitic languages, like Ipetrich showed. Jesus' Eloi is Aramaic.

That the name Allah is used in the Sikh holy book Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) proves no more than that the authors (the Sikh gurus, poets like Kabir etc.) were acquainted with Islam and knew that their audience was as well. The most common Sikh names for God are Shabd (the Word), Nâm (the Name). Many other names of Gods are used in SGGS; Kabir uses Ram conspicuously often, but I interpret this as "Ram" being his generic name for God. I haven't bothered to search the book for the name Allah, but I am never the less convinced that it is never used as the "real" name of God.

one of the attributes given to God Almighty in Book no 2 Hymn no I verse II, is ‘Ila’ which if pronounced properly is the same as Allah
The reference should be verse 11. (I will be writing the underdots necessary for correct transcription before the letters in question.) In v. 11, the not uncommon epithet for Agni i.lâ occurs. The letter .l, clearly distinct from the ordinary "l" or the emphatic l in 'Allah', becomes .d in later language. I.lâ is a personification of the libation in worship, and thus has no connection whatsoever to anything outside the Vedic religion.

You should have mentioned that you got your information from the web site (or one of its clones), which is to blame for the II/11 misunderstanding, and is where you found the statement that "Islam existed since time immemorial".

The name ‘Allo’ Upanishad is new to me. Could you please explain which of the ca. 200 Upanishads you (and Dr. Zakir Naik, from the site quoted above, and who seems to be the only one on the Internet to use that name) mean by that, so that I can explain to you why this is a misunderstanding (to use a kind word for it)? On I find a list of 108 Upanishads. No "allo" among them. I have in fact found no word "allo" in Sanskrit. The closest I get is allâ, 'O Mother!' (and Pali alla 'moist, wet').
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