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Old 05-20-2004, 07:22 AM   #1
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Default The Talmud Of Jmmanuel

What do you guys know about it?
Scholarly opinion, authenticity etc?
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Old 05-20-2004, 08:16 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jacob Aliet
What do you guys know about it?
Scholarly opinion, authenticity etc?
The image of a UFO and the words "Scholars beware: the UFO-biblical connections are real" doesn't inspire confidence...

Looking at it:

Rashid, who could read most of the old Aramaic due to his Palestinian background on his father's side, soon noted that the TJ was heretical in several respects. For one, its title involved Jmmanuel (i.e., Immanuel, spelled with a "J" symbol supplying the "i" sound in place of the Aramaic/Hebrew letter "Ayin") rather than Jesus or Y'shua. For another, its writer was given as Judas Iscariot, the supposed betrayer. For a third, it mentioned that Adam's father had been Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons, who were El's or God's guardian angels, and who were "distant travelers." Thus it was apparent from the beginning that if they wished this document ever to become public, its translation would have to proceed in secret. The Old Testament God had been an extraterrestrial leader rather than a "Father" in heaven. We shall be referring to him by his title of El, as in Immanuel.

... Thus, Jmmanuel was a very special contactee of these aliens. He is reported, in the TJ, to have received much instruction from them during the forty days he was taken with them (not with the devil!) before he was returned to Galilee. Now, nearly 2000 years later, we find that Eduard Albert Meier, born in 1937, is also a contactee of aliens of this same group.
I didn't get any further than that.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jacob Aliet
What do you guys know about it?
Scholarly opinion, authenticity etc?
It's a mockery. A main proponent of the TJ used to post on XTalk many years back. There's basically nothing to it and scholars do not take it remotely seriously. Lump it in with the shroud of turin.
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Old 05-20-2004, 12:43 PM   #4
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somebody using "Talmud" and "Old Testament" simultaneously is obviously not serious.
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Old 05-25-2004, 11:03 PM   #5
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Default On Aramaic Matthew, SGMk and Aliens

So, just for preliminaries, I decided to ask him some questions before blowing him off:

Jacob :Where is the proof of intelligent alien life-forms?

Him : Well, they have left a lot of trace evidence behind. E.g., see . And when they've left the whole crashed disk behind, the military quickly sees that it's recovered, and that a cover story is made available.

Jacob : It would be best to bring your knowledge of astronomy and science to tacke this problem. Otherwise, your theory will be lumped together with other crackpot theories and you simply can't blame anyone for that

Him : Various scientists have been doing that since the 1950s. E.g., Ralph Hynek, astronomer, and James McDonald, atmospheric physicist. However, people simply believe what they want to believe, and disbelieve what they want to disbelieve, if not forced otherwise. By all appearances, the UFO aliens have gone out of their way not to force their presence upon us, especially upon negative skeptics whose belief systems would be shattered if suddenly forced to realize that "they" are here.

Jacob : Otherwise, we would have to accept the secret Gospel of Mark and all other sorts of crackpot theories, hoaxes and money-making scams will crawl out of the woodwark and demand a place among theories with known provenance.

Him : Well, if Morton Smith had been able to latch onto more definite indications of such a gospel, I'd take it more seriously myself. He didn't have anything like what's available to us regarding the Talmud of Jmmanuel -- a complete translation of the documents lengthy first portions, whch exceeds the Gospels in their coverage, the fact that the co-discoverer of the document is still alive, and that his credibility has been highly assessed by many persons who knew/know him best.

Jacob : And when you are done with that, what you are talking about (the manuscript/document) does not exist. That seriously weakens your case.

Him : Hmmm. If you were to learn of the TJ's indications of genuineness, relative to the Gospel of Matthew, plus its Aramaisms, plus learn of its devastating heresies for Judeo-Christianity, I'm fairly certain you'd be finding fault with it if its originals hadn't been destroyed due to their heresies! Not so? Don't you think that someone ought to be investigating such a document, when the only things against its genuineness are NT scholars' assumptions?

Jacob :Where, in your opinion, are these aliens when nobody is seeing them - do they hide in a hole or do they live in a planet in the solar system or
outside the solar system?

Him : Well, when they're around here, with their UFOs, they sometmes let selected persons see them. E.g., and and .But of course never leaving enough evidence behind that would be
sufficient for negative-skeptic scientists, who would then be forced to believe what they simply can't face up to, and same for some fraction of the citizenry.

Jacob : Why do they come on earth and then leave? Why don't they just come and inhabit the earth so that we can be one big happy family?

Him : From past experience, it would seem that we haven't yet been ready for open contact with them. If they showed up all over at once, it would be
viewed as an invasion with mass hysteria and military actions probably occurring. Governments could/would fall, fundamentalists would despair
or commit suicide, scientists would not be able to believe that it had occurred. OTOH, if just one UFO group shows up publicly somewhere, it
would immediately be cordoned off by the military, total censorship imposed and a cover story invented, etc., just as with crashed disks in the past. That's because black-op military agents are trained to avoid this dark side of
it all. The dire predictions of the Brookings Report of 1961 may still hold: . The problem is, the underground government has not been doing their part in gradually
preparing us for open contact.

Jacob : What, in your opinion is the single most important evidence for the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life?

Him : Well, I can't restrict it to less than three:
1.) Intelligent UFO behavior, as documented by UFO investigators who have done a lot of research accumulating and documenting pilot reports, etc.
If websites are better for you than books, I'd recommend After all, the accumulation of
thousands of reports is better than just one. Some of these sightings are of the radar-visual (both) type.

2.) The Eduard Meier UFO photos and other evidence he received. E.g., see my own website at: (and
associated links).

3.) My own five UFO sightings. Anyone who has had his own definitive, never-to-be-forgotten UFO sighting(s) really doesn't need any more
evidence than that. About one person out of 12 or 15 is the usual estimate for this.

Jacob :Do you have a probable explanation why these UFO sightings are largely restricted to Europe and America yet we have people living in Africa
and Asia?

Him : We've had lots of them in South America, so I trust you are including that under America. There've been quite a lot of them in China, too, but we
don't hear much about that. Otherwise, it might be that any sudden realization that UFOs/aliens are real and around us, vastly superior to
us in science & technology, and smarter than us, too, would be most devastating to the more developed nations of the world and to the
scientific establishment. So we need the most "softening up" through continuing, covert sightings over many decades. The underdevloped
nations would be better able to take it in stride.

Jacob : Have you read Zecharis Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken's books? If so, whats
your opinion on them regarding alien life and mankind's origins?

Him : I feel they're basically right, but wrong in lots of details.

Jacob : How did you determine that these aliens are more intelligent than us?

Him : From their actions in the way they are presenting the UFO phenomenon to us. If our scientific establishment can't catch on to their reality, and would prefer to call the subject pseudoscience rather than look around at the evidence, this means that they have been outsmarted by the aliens.

Jacob : How come these aliens have systematically managed to come to cities for viewing by many people? Is it the case that they are shy or are in
some secret mission?

Him : Your question not clear here. Although they've shown themselves to people
in cities, most of the time by far when they do, they only let themselves be seen by just a few persons at any time. There have been scads of UFO
sightings in rural areas, too, and UFO "buzzings" of automobiles here and there, and of course of aircraft. Not just cities. And a special
relative preponderance of sightings over nuclear power plants and nuclear missile
launch sites.

The seemingly obvious conclusion after 55 years of sightings is that they have a strategy of presenting themselves to us (covertly), so as not to
cause any sudden alarm/chaos, and such that their reality eventually permeates the entertainment industry and becomes just a subconscious
awareness in the minds of many.

Jacob : Do you believe that sometimes these three-feet-tall people abduct 6 feet-tall-men? If so, to what end?

Him : Yes, though they're usually more like 4 or 5 feet tall, occasionally 7 feet, etc. E.g., see .

Jacob : I haven't seen EVEN ONE physical trace in the site you linked to - is there something I am missing?

Him : Did you really look into ? Ted Peters has personally investigated all these cases, and seen the
traces of damage left behind. I guess he doesn't present nearly enough photos for you?

Jacob : Are you willing to put forth a comprehensive argument for Matthew having been written in Aramaic?

Him :Yes, that's done in my website, though I have tried to cal it Hebraic or Semitic or Hebrew/Aramaic rather than just Aramaic. It could be that
the writer of Matthew utilized Aramaic in his gospel quotes that came from his source, and in his invented discourses, and used Hebrew in his own narration (as suggested e.g. by heavy use of "tote"). With Matthew
having been written in Hebrew/Aramaic, and Mark based upon Matthew, that also explains the Aramaisms found in Mark. I give references to Aramaisms in
Matthew in .

Jacob : What in your opinion, is the major weakness for a Markan primacy as a solution to the synoptic tradition?

Him :The accumulation of reasons why Matthew primacy explains the data better.
After all, many reasons are better than just one, since no single reason may be absolutely certain. I've given my own collection of those at:

In addition, the certainty in the genuineness of the TJ and in Matthew's dependence upon it also means that Mark came after Matthew, since Mark
in no way bears any direct relationship to the TJ.

Jacob : In your opinion, was there a historical Jesus?

Him : It depends on semantics. If the man, Immanuel, was renamed "Jesus" by Paul, around 38-40 CE, then this "Jesus" never existed. Otherwise, yes, as Immanuel/Jmmanuel. Irenaeus does twice refer to "Jesus" as "Him who was
born Immanuel of the Virgin."

Jacob : Do you believe in God? (one God?) If so, where do you believe he dwells? What does he do during his free time?

Him : I don't believe It is a He! But you've left your UFO focus behind.

Anyone familiar with this stuff? Where is spin and Yuri?

You got questions you think I should ask him? (I have noted he didnt answer some of mine, but dont worry - I will pursue them with him)
What do I ask him next?
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Old 05-26-2004, 03:56 AM   #6
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What do you make of these:
First, check the photos in this page - the story of the recipient if the Talmud as it were: - check their enlargements.
Then the analysis of the photos:

I don't know what to make of it.
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Old 05-27-2004, 11:25 PM   #7
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My conversations with Jim Deardoff continue. For the full detail, regarding UFOs and Skeptics, check the link below:

The portion below is relevant for this forum.

Jacob :What happened to the original TJ?

Jim : You need to read my website, because it's in there and otherwise I waste too much time.

Jacob : You have indicated that you are not a scholar of Aramaic - are you proficient in Greek/Hebrew/Latin? I have someone I am sure would falsify the idea of Matthew having been written in Aramaic but from what I have seen, one needs to have a good grasp of the four languages to pick out latinisms, Aramaicisms and do Greek translations and identify words borrowed from Hebrew etc.

Jim : I forced myself to take a school year of NT Greek, but don't know Latin or Hebrew or Aramaic. There are several Aramaic scholars of whom I've asked lots of quesitons.

Jacob : You say Matthean primacy was favoured over Markan primacy by Irenaeus, Origen and Augustine and implied by bishop Papias, do you care to cite the relevant passages?

Jim : Jacob, that's basic Gospel-Origins 101. E.g., read The Quest of Jesus, A Guidebook by W. Barnes Tatum.

Jacob : Whats your opinion on other Jesus in India books? - like the one by Paul C. Pappas, the one by Maury Lee, by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad, by Holger Kersten etc etc? What are your points of conflict?

Jim : You're asking too much here. Basically, they don't know about the TJ, and have their own belief systems that would probably preclude any desire to learn truth from it. They all go wrong in various ways, while being right in other ways. Papas thought that the Essenes were a violent group, which doesn't fit what I've learned. He didn't think that Nazareth ever existed; he thought that John the Baptist was an Essene, that Christianity evolved from Nazoreans, that Mark came before Matthew, that Judas Iscariot was a Zealot, that "Barjona" means outlaw, that John's version of the woman who anointed J is the right one...

Jacob : When you got banned in XTalk - what justification did they offer?

Jim : I don't recall now, too many lists too long ago.
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