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Old 01-09-2005, 12:23 PM   #11
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QoS: :notworthy

wufongtan: :down: Must try harder!
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:04 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ju'iblex
From my join date you might be able to figure out that i've been here quite some time and seen a lot of things over and over again. This one, about why atheists feel the need to debate Christians even though they aren't harmed by them and they can't disprove god's existence is just probably the most common tripe i've read. This doesn't annoy me though.

It's the thinly veiled pretense that you're describing two sets of completely uninvolved people in an attempt to make atheists realise that "oh my god, we really are wasting our time and are just insecure and you know maybe we should stop thinking logically!". And after this guise is seen right through <Because let's face it, it's pathetically obvious>, and you are presented with a response which isn't favourable, you attribute it to "insecurity" to try and piece it in to your original bullshit theory. But it's not just this either. It's the arrogance that you are somehow presenting some sort of revelation to us that has not yet been considered.

On another note, you might consider using paragraphs to seperate your ideas.
I don't want you to start thinking that you're wasting your time. even though i don't know what you would be wasting your time doing. (maybe you should stop worrying about my paragrphaps and make sure your own mini"novels" are coherent.) :huh: And yes i think you are insecure. just as homophobe is or a xenophobe, that fact is quiet clear.
I don't know if any educated free thinking person would call what you responded with a "reply". More like a spoiled child having a tantrum..
and no. i don't think what i presented was original. just as anything that you people post isn't. :thumbs:
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by mongrel
I'll have a go at answering your questions, but I can't pretend to know what "this mans problem" is. You'd have to ask "him", if you really want insight into "his" mind*.

My guess is that he he sees people all around him, on a daily basis, claiming that some obviously(to those with a reasonable ability to think critically) fictitious creatures exist and have some kind of role to play in the world. "Perhaps he'd like to be able to pull them(or even just one or two) out of fantasy-land, and into reality. Perhaps he justs wants a chance to have an equal expression of his opinion, such as that given to the "munchkin-believers". Or perhaps its the "munchkin-believers" who are the insecure ones, and cannot bear having their unsubstantiated beliefs questioned.

More to the point here, though, would be why would a "munchkin-believer" go to "munchinphobe" website, where the "munchinphobes" gather to mind their own business with like-minded folks?

*IOW, try asking us your questions straight out, in a respectful manner, and you could be very surprised at the level of respect you get in return.
"fictitious creatures exist and have some kind of role to play in the world. "
How do you know that they don't excist. and yes if the majority believe that they should live by those rules, then thats the way it has to be. And what allows them to do this isn't god.. but a little thing called democracy. don't like it move to china, they have a nice atheist goverment there.

"Not to mention that he should submit his life to these fictional creatures, or suffer unimaginably for not doing so."
who in your or my countries has ever been forced to church..? or who in your or in my country has ever been tortured for not going to church or for not believing in god...? Last i heard noone has been dragged away from their house in the middle of the night in your or my country. because they weren't a believer.
really you need to either seek psychiatric help or stop being a drama queen.

""Perhaps he'd like to be able to pull them(or even just one or two) out of fantasy-land, and into reality" Perhaps he justs wants a chance to have an equal expression of his opinion, such as that given to the "munchkin-believers".
refer to my above statement as to whom needs to stop living in a fantasy world. and again stop being a drama queen, noone stops you from doing or saying as you wish.
"Or perhaps its the "munchkin-believers" who are the insecure ones, and cannot bear having their unsubstantiated beliefs questioned.

More to the point here, though, would be why would a "munchkin-believer" go to "munchinphobe" website, where the "munchinphobes" gather to mind their own business with like-minded folks?

what is this reverse psychology 101?
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:35 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
(maybe you should stop worrying about my paragrphaps and make sure your own mini"novels" are coherent.)
But you seem so much more at home with incoherence and ludicrous claims.

And yes i think you are insecure.
Coming from someone who went to a non-believer forum to tell a transparent story about some non-existent "friend", that's pretty hypocritical. But then again, what can one expect from proselytizers?

just as homophobe is or a xenophobe,
Or an atheophobe, someone who seems to resent and fear those who lack a belief in god.

that fact is quiet clear.
Only to you. But I'm sure that's not the first time you've been in a minority of one.

I don't know if any educated free thinking person
I don't know if you know any educated free thinking person, so how can you guess how they might react?

would call what you responded with a "reply". More like a spoiled child having a tantrum..
Somewhere, on another freethought board, there has just appeared a new thread. "I was wondering if anyone here would be able to anser my question. <insert smiley> i have a.. um.. friend who doesn't like it when I go to his houes and tell him what I think he thinks.. and why he's a baby to think so. <insert smiley> um.. i mean whats wrong with babies. <insert smiley> all i did was call him a spoiled child.. <insert smiley> and yet he wont admit how smart my agument was. oh well. um.. my agrument is still the prettiest one out there. <insert smiley>.. my friend is wierd. <insert smiley>"

and no. i don't think what i presented was original. just as anything that you people post isn't.
Ooh, what a potent smackdown. I see you have mastered the art of kindergarten rhetoric.
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Queen of Swords
The only "unhealthy obession" I see here is smiley addiction.

Only if you'll answer mine : have you stopped beating your children yet?

What are munchins?

Seems to me it's the believers who have a problem.

Well, god forbid anyone should research a subject in which they have no personal belief.

He doesn't think the way you do. Clearly a hanging offense.

No, I think the people who spend hours online arguing with him are amunchinphobes.

He knows he is a what deep down inside? A peanut? A self-sealing stembolt salesman? An Ewok?

Depends. Did they try to get their belief into classrooms, courtrooms and the public square? If so, they hurt not only him but people everywhere who don't share their belief and who live in a free country.

If he was your friend, paranoia seems justified.

Such friendship. Such loyalty. Such decency in speaking about a person behind his back and attributing the worst possible motives to his behavior.

Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish here besides trying to set a new standard for "Lowest, Silliest, Drive-By Proselytizer Argument Ever"?

Maybe you should have your, er, "friend" come here and answer those questions himself. If this "friend" exists, which I doubt.

I see insecurity all right. Just not in your hypothetical "friend".

Quoth the person who wrote strawman summaries of what he thinks atheists think.

Yes, yes, if only your "friend" was a lemming and just followed the herd into the sea.

Can you really? What foresight. Truly, thou shalt winneth many lotteries.

Perhaps you would like him to come out more often and join you in riding tricycles down the street before you play in the sandbox?
"Only if you'll answer mine : have you stopped beating your children yet?"
well i haven't any kids to beat.. sorry i couldn't answer that one. even though i have no idea as to why you was asking..[i](Probably trying to get some idea as to when she should abusing hers me thinks) [i].

"You mean that people who believe in these imaginary things spend hours on end online, arguing with poor innocent non-munchin believers?"
1) I wouldn't know im not as ignorant as some to assume what a whole group of people think..2) I wouldn't know about that either. but if they did, it still wouldn't be as pathetic as they actually believe in the subject matter at hand.
"Depends. Did they try to get their belief into classrooms, courtrooms and the public square? If so, they hurt not only him but people everywhere who don't share their belief and who live in a free country."
Where do live ......china..or perhaps saudi arabia perhaps. Noone forces anyone to do anything like that.
School children don't have to pray, courts have passed that law, so that voids your statement that religion rules the courts or the schools. and as far as a public square goes. thats what they are there for aren't they? for people to say what they believe in, or do you only want people talking about what you believe in?...and you know noone is hurt by anybody for their beliefs.
"If he was your friend, paranoia seems justified."
no it doesn't. But i will recomend he doesn't come to this site as it will develop into full blown schizophrenia.
"Feel free to produce even the smallest bit of evidence that your "grand munchin" does exist; the burden of proof is on you. By the way, was that the only name that came to mind? Next time you need to write an elaborate yet transparent little hypothetical scenario, you let me know and I'll make up a better name for your imaginary god."
who claimed he excisted. as far as i see it, you're the one who made the claim first so the prove of burden falls on your shoulders.
"Yes, yes, if only your "friend" was a lemming and just followed the herd into the sea."
No No, i said he ISN"T a believer, thats one of the reason as to whats wrong him..
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:52 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by MollyMac
QoS: :notworthy

wufongtan: :down: Must try harder!
sit on it posty.. :thumbs:
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:59 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Queen of Swords
But you seem so much more at home with incoherence and ludicrous claims.

Coming from someone who went to a non-believer forum to tell a transparent story about some non-existent "friend", that's pretty hypocritical. But then again, what can one expect from proselytizers?

Or an atheophobe, someone who seems to resent and fear those who lack a belief in god.

Only to you. But I'm sure that's not the first time you've been in a minority of one.

I don't know if you know any educated free thinking person, so how can you guess how they might react?

Somewhere, on another freethought board, there has just appeared a new thread. "I was wondering if anyone here would be able to anser my question. <insert smiley> i have a.. um.. friend who doesn't like it when I go to his houes and tell him what I think he thinks.. and why he's a baby to think so. <insert smiley> um.. i mean whats wrong with babies. <insert smiley> all i did was call him a spoiled child.. <insert smiley> and yet he wont admit how smart my agument was. oh well. um.. my agrument is still the prettiest one out there. <insert smiley>.. my friend is wierd. <insert smiley>"

Ooh, what a potent smackdown. I see you have mastered the art of kindergarten rhetoric.
please feel free to answer my post , but please try and make sence.
Again the paranoia here is just amazing, the anger at which you people reply to a thread that makes you question anything but god, indicates the insecurities you people have. From what i have gathed here, this place is full of people who live in constant fear of being dragged away in the middle of the night by some roaming "god squad".
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:02 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
well i haven't any kids to beat..
That's OK, I'm sure you'll find something to beat.

sorry i couldn't answer that one. even though i have no idea as to why you was asking..
No idea at all? Perhaps you should pray for illumination.

(Probably trying to get some idea as to when she should abusing hers
I think you've missed out a verb there, making your sentence quite unclear. Have you considered a good grammar check program?

me thinks).
Man. Such inaccuracy in just two words.

1) I wouldn't know im not as ignorant as some to assume what a whole group of people think..
You mean you just assume what your friend thinks, and why he thinks it, and what's going to happen to him? But isn't your friend a fictitious representative of a "whole group of people"? So you are assuming what a whole group of people think.

2) I wouldn't know about that either. but if they did, it still wouldn't be as pathetic as they actually believe in the subject matter at hand.
So you're saying it's pathetic to have a belief in a god? Well, if you say so.

Where do live......china..or perhaps saudi arabia perhaps. Noone forces anyone to do anything like that.
Of course they do. And not in "china" or "saudi arabia" either.

School children don't have to pray,
Yes, they do. And judging from your posts, one could argue that such time could be better spent in English class.

courts have passed that law, so that voids your statement that religion rules the courts or the schools.
If courts are passing pro-religious laws, that means religion rules them. Claim unvoided. Please try again.

and as far as a public square goes. thats what they are there for aren't they? for people to say what they believe in, or do you only want people talking about what you believe in?
If I did, that would make me a fundamentalist.

...and you know noone is hurt by anybody for their beliefs.
Isn't that lovely? And tomorrow in Magic Marshmallow World, candy will rain from the sky.

no it doesn't. But i will recomend he doesn't come to this site as it will develop into full blown schizophrenia.
And then he will hear voices in his head. And then he might believe in a god. Or a munchin. Or a munchin god. And then the two of you will be bestest buddies again. So what's the problem?

who claimed he excisted.
What is "excisting"?

as far as i see it, you're the one who made the claim first
What claim would this be?

so the prove of burden falls on your shoulders.
I'm sure you'd like that, but unfortunately for you, the burden of proof is still on the people claiming that god -- oops, what's that silly word, munchins - exist.

No No, i said he ISN"T a believer, thats one of the reason as to whats wrong him..
You mean he'd be an even worse person if he was a believer? The mind boggles.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:03 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
please feel free to answer my post , but please try and make sence.
I love irony, my favourite form of humour.

Again the paranoia here is just amazing, the anger at which you people reply to a thread that makes you question anything but god, indicates the insecurities you people have. From what i have gathed here, this place is full of people who live in constant fear of being dragged away in the middle of the night by some roaming "god squad".
Good thing nobody asked for your opinion then, although it sounds tremendously like you'd formed it before you even knew this place existed.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:10 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
please feel free to answer my post ,
Could you also encourage me to breathe?

but please try and make sence.
When you do.

Again the paranoia here is just amazing,
The projection isn't too bad either.

the anger at which you people reply
I rather like the misuse of prepositions here, actually. It sounds as though the anger's on your side, which is more than likely, and we're just replying to it.

to a thread that makes you question anything but god,
Which thread would that be? Because yours didn't make me question anything but your motives in posting here.

indicates the insecurities you people have.
Next up, wufongtan will provide a detailed analysis of our sex drives and how they relate to repressed versions of the Oedipus complex, resulting in prolonged oral fixation. Stay tuned.

From what i have gathed here, this place is full of people who live in constant fear of being dragged away in the middle of the night by some roaming "god squad".
Oh, my word, I think you're right. The "god squad" has already gotten to your smilies!
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