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Old 01-08-2005, 11:34 PM   #1
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Default unhealthy obession

I was wondering if anyone here would be able to answer my question.
I have this friend who claims he doesn't believe in ummmm..........munchins.
He says he doesn't believe in them, but hours on end are spent online, arguing with those poor innocent munchin believers. and Munchin knows how long he spends on google researching this subject.. :huh: What is this mans problem? is he a munchinphobe, he attacks the thing that deep down he knows he is? who knows :Cheeky: .Not as if these um..munchin believers hurt him. I mean surely he can't be that paranoid?. or maybe he isn't paranoid, just pissed off his life has no excitement so he is making a enemy out of these people so as to bring some purpose to his life? maybe he is just insecure in what he believes in. who knows..there seems to be a lot of groups like that going around these days..who knows maybe one day he will move on and just start living life again..because as long as he cannot even produce even the smallest bit of evidence that the grand munchin doesn't excist he is only :banghead: really. and what with more and more people turning to munchinisim in one form or another. i can only see his problem getting worse. and he'll end spending all his time in his mothers basement, instead of just his weekends..
weird :Cheeky:
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Old 01-09-2005, 12:09 AM   #2
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Whatever your question, this is not the forum to ask it.

Off to Elsewhere
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Old 01-09-2005, 12:18 AM   #3
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That has to be the lamest most thinly veiled word-replacing-to-make-a-point I have ever seen, next to the Story of Bob.
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Old 01-09-2005, 02:25 AM   #4
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hey ju'iblex, whats your problem? I just asked a question. do you always act in a such hostile obviously insecure way when you are unable to answer a question...or is it because of another reason?
And Toto. do you know of a open minded forum where people are free to ask questions about beliefs? because I think you're right. This place doesn't seem the place where free thinkers are free to think and ponder some things that they might find interesting. :Cheeky: But then again I shouldn't judge a whole site on just two people's apprehensive answers... :huh:
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Old 01-09-2005, 02:40 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
hey ju'iblex, whats your problem? I just asked a question. do you always act in a such hostile obviously insecure way when you are unable to answer a question...or is it because of another reason?
From my join date you might be able to figure out that i've been here quite some time and seen a lot of things over and over again. This one, about why atheists feel the need to debate Christians even though they aren't harmed by them and they can't disprove god's existence is just probably the most common tripe i've read. This doesn't annoy me though.

It's the thinly veiled pretense that you're describing two sets of completely uninvolved people in an attempt to make atheists realise that "oh my god, we really are wasting our time and are just insecure and you know maybe we should stop thinking logically!". And after this guise is seen right through <Because let's face it, it's pathetically obvious>, and you are presented with a response which isn't favourable, you attribute it to "insecurity" to try and piece it in to your original bullshit theory. But it's not just this either. It's the arrogance that you are somehow presenting some sort of revelation to us that has not yet been considered.

On another note, you might consider using paragraphs to seperate your ideas.
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Old 01-09-2005, 03:00 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
I just asked a question.
I'll have a go at answering your questions, but I can't pretend to know what "this mans problem" is. You'd have to ask "him", if you really want insight into "his" mind*.

My guess is that he he sees people all around him, on a daily basis, claiming that some obviously(to those with a reasonable ability to think critically) fictitious creatures exist and have some kind of role to play in the world. Not to mention that he should submit his life to these fictional creatures, or suffer unimaginably for not doing so. Perhaps he'd like to be able to pull them(or even just one or two) out of fantasy-land, and into reality. Perhaps he justs wants a chance to have an equal expression of his opinion, such as that given to the "munchkin-believers". Or perhaps its the "munchkin-believers" who are the insecure ones, and cannot bear having their unsubstantiated beliefs questioned.

More to the point here, though, would be why would a "munchkin-believer" go to "munchinphobe" website, where the "munchinphobes" gather to mind their own business with like-minded folks?

*IOW, try asking us your questions straight out, in a respectful manner, and you could be very surprised at the level of respect you get in return.
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Old 01-09-2005, 03:03 AM   #7
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The only "unhealthy obession" I see here is smiley addiction.

Originally Posted by wufongtan
I was wondering if anyone here would be able to answer my question.
Only if you'll answer mine : have you stopped beating your children yet?

I have this friend who claims he doesn't believe in ummmm..........munchins.
What are munchins?

He says he doesn't believe in them, but hours on end are spent online, arguing with those poor innocent munchin believers.
You mean that people who believe in these imaginary things spend hours on end online, arguing with poor innocent non-munchin believers?

Seems to me it's the believers who have a problem.

and Munchin knows how long he spends on google researching this subject..
Well, god forbid anyone should research a subject in which they have no personal belief.

What is this mans problem?
He doesn't think the way you do. Clearly a hanging offense.

is he a munchinphobe,
No, I think the people who spend hours online arguing with him are amunchinphobes.

he attacks the thing that deep down he knows he is?
He knows he is a what deep down inside? A peanut? A self-sealing stembolt salesman? An Ewok?

Not as if these um..munchin believers hurt him.
Depends. Did they try to get their belief into classrooms, courtrooms and the public square? If so, they hurt not only him but people everywhere who don't share their belief and who live in a free country.

I mean surely he can't be that paranoid?
If he was your friend, paranoia seems justified.

or maybe he isn't paranoid, just pissed off his life has no excitement
Such friendship. Such loyalty. Such decency in speaking about a person behind his back and attributing the worst possible motives to his behavior.

Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish here besides trying to set a new standard for "Lowest, Silliest, Drive-By Proselytizer Argument Ever"?

so he is making a enemy out of these people so as to bring some purpose to his life?
Maybe you should have your, er, "friend" come here and answer those questions himself. If this "friend" exists, which I doubt.

maybe he is just insecure in what he believes in. who knows..
I see insecurity all right. Just not in your hypothetical "friend".

there seems to be a lot of groups like that going around these days..who knows maybe one day he will move on and just start living life again..
Quoth the person who wrote strawman summaries of what he thinks atheists think.

because as long as he cannot even produce even the smallest bit of evidence that the grand munchin doesn't excist he is only
Feel free to produce even the smallest bit of evidence that your "grand munchin" does exist; the burden of proof is on you. By the way, was that the only name that came to mind? Next time you need to write an elaborate yet transparent little hypothetical scenario, you let me know and I'll make up a better name for your imaginary god.

really. and what with more and more people turning to munchinisim in one form or another.
Yes, yes, if only your "friend" was a lemming and just followed the herd into the sea.

i can only see his problem getting worse.
Can you really? What foresight. Truly, thou shalt winneth many lotteries.

and he'll end spending all his time in his mothers basement, instead of just his weekends..
Perhaps you would like him to come out more often and join you in riding tricycles down the street before you play in the sandbox?
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Old 01-09-2005, 03:25 AM   #8
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I was wondering if anyone here would be able to answer my question.
I have this friend who claims he doesn't believe in ummmm..........munchins.
He says he doesn't believe in them, but hours on end are spent online, arguing with those poor innocent munchin believers. and Munchin knows how long he spends on google researching this subject.. What is this mans problem? is he a munchinphobe, he attacks the thing that deep down he knows he is? who knows .Not as if these um..munchin believers hurt him. I mean surely he can't be that paranoid?. or maybe he isn't paranoid, just pissed off his life has no excitement so he is making a enemy out of these people so as to bring some purpose to his life? maybe he is just insecure in what he believes in. who knows..there seems to be a lot of groups like that going around these days..who knows maybe one day he will move on and just start living life again..because as long as he cannot even produce even the smallest bit of evidence that the grand munchin doesn't excist he is only really. and what with more and more people turning to munchinisim in one form or another. i can only see his problem getting worse. and he'll end spending all his time in his mothers basement, instead of just his weekends..
Why didn't you just ask what you wanted to know? Instead you come in here insulting people, when you get sacrastic replies you think you "struck a nerve". Perhaps it allows you to indulge yourself in a persecution complex.

Since your god, (the source of all morality) cannot teach you the fundamental basics of how to treat people with dignity and respect, I shall give you an example. I'll make it really simple for ya...

I have this friend that believes in um....god. He gets all riled up when other people don't believe in his god, so he goes online and tries to bait them with thinly veiled insults. Only god knows how long he researches the subject, using a book sheepherders made in the bronze age to know more about this god.

He really hates people that don't believe in god. What is his problem? Is he an athiest-phobe? It's not as if these non believers, these atheists, hurt him. I mean surely he can't be that paranoid? Or maybe he isn't paranoid. Maybe he doesn't have any excitement in his life so he has to believe in ridiculous things like "heaven" and "miracles" because he is unable to appreciate what real life has to offer. Maybe he's just insecure about what he believes in? Maybe deep down inside he knows that this whole god idea is ridiculous to the extreme. Perhaps he has to try to convince himself to believe it because he is too weak to handle life's hard questions without it. After all his religion thinks for him.

Maybe one day he'll move on with his life and leave these ludicrous beliefs behind. Perhaps one day he'll admit that he doesn't have one single shred of evidence for his beliefs, and it will dawn on him that he really has no idea what actually constitutes as evidence in the first place. Maybe one day he'll realize that a whole lot of people that believe a very stupid thing doesn't mean that it still isn't a very stupid thing.

I can only see his problem getting worse. And he'll spend all this time in the "church" and he'll give them all his money and his time, instead of watching football and sleeping in on Sunday's. He'll ignore his fears, and try to convince himself he has the answers. Most of all, he'll use what he believes is a superior position to mock other people that don't share his silly belief. The kicker is, he simutaneously claims that his beliefs make him a better behaved person! Isn't that just irony?

Weird. :Cheeky:
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Old 01-09-2005, 08:30 AM   #9
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Welcome to the forums but I agree that your OP is lame .. most especially your claim that people can't prove that God doesn't exist. Erm, I might be stated the obvious here, but can you prove that fairies don't exist? Can you prove that Elves don't exist? what about orcs? No, I would imagine not. So presumably, you believe that fairies, elves and orcs are wandering freely over the earth. Sheesh. Sorry but you really make a lame argument. Can you prove that God DOES exist? Think carefully before you answer because if you can, you have just proven something that has daunted mankind since we first became sentient. Hey, you could make a lot of money out of that!

Just out of interest, if you don't like atheists arguing with theists, why are you arguing with atheists?
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Old 01-09-2005, 08:34 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
hey ju'iblex, whats your problem? I just asked a question. do you always act in a such hostile obviously insecure way when you are unable to answer a question...or is it because of another reason?
And Toto. do you know of a open minded forum where people are free to ask questions about beliefs? because I think you're right. This place doesn't seem the place where free thinkers are free to think and ponder some things that they might find interesting. :Cheeky: But then again I shouldn't judge a whole site on just two people's apprehensive answers... :huh:
There are people of all types of belief system here, from theist through hardline atheist. If you treat people respectfully, you will get respect .. whatever it is that you believe. If you treat us like kindergarten students, expect to be answered in the same manner.

BTW implying that someone is insecure because they scoff at your OP really is asking for trouble. Maybe they just thought you were being patronising?

Look, stick around, you might get an interesting debate somewhere. But try to be a little less disingenuous when you're looking for one.
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