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Old 01-27-2008, 09:32 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
FYI, Tyre is in the sea and on the mainland. Hawaii is part of the United States even though it's noted connected to the American Continent.
Bad example. There is no part of Hawaii that is on the mainland.
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Old 01-27-2008, 09:34 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post

If all that you are trying to reasonably prove is that the God of the Bible can predict the future, I will concede that he can predict the future for the sake of argument, but I am still not willing to become a Christian because God is immoral.

Are you now aware that God's charcter is the most important issue, not his power?
Agustine refuted amoral theory a long time ago.
Your quote does nothing to refute amoral theory. It talks about "just war", and merely because Augustine developed a theology for it does not mean that he has refuted counterarguments.

You apparently can't tell the difference between an opinion and a refutation.
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:29 AM   #353
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
And we have also proved independently that Ezekiel was a false prophet anyhow. You know this: that's why you can't answer the failure of the "Egypt prophecy". So who do you think you're kidding? Not us.
*Actually this prophecy is accurate...coming soon*
Your ongoing inability to address this issue is again noted.

...Or do you mean "soon" in the Biblical sense (i.e. Jesus will return soon: 2000 years and counting)?
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
And you cannot ride through a city that had walls with no land outside of them unless there was a causeway. There was none during Nebby's siege.
Over and over again, you keep forgetting that Nebby FAILED to actually take Tyre.

Why do you keep trying to provide "reasons why Nebby would fail" when in fact he DID fail?

How do you imagine this would support your argument? (whatever that is: it seems to be dissolving in confusion).
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
History does not say that Hiram built the walls, because if he did then those nations who had subjugated Tyre would have had to do what Alex did or somethig similier. Were the walls built during the Medo-Persian Empire?
More utter confusion! EZEKIEL admits that Tyre had walls! You are becoming so utterly lost that it's becoming increasingly hard to follow your "reasoning" anymore. Do you deny that Nebby beseiged the island for 13 years (even if you still don't understand that the island was Tyre itself)? How could they have held him off for 13 years without walls? Are you now saying that the walls were built after this event, "during the Medo-Persian Empire", and then magically transported back in time so that they could be used to defend the island???
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
All this proves is that the island and USHU (Palae-Tyrus) was the same kingdom.
Yet more confusion! What does it matter whether or not Tyre ruled over Ushu at the time?

It doesn't!
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
The king of Tyre was also king of this mainland city and the two are one with the mainland city being more important and more ancient.
Your own sources have told you that the PALACE was on the ISLAND (along with temples etc).

The KING would have lived in the PALACE, yes?

Yet apparently you're still trying to weave some sort of bizarre fantasy about the king MOVING to his palace, apparently from Ushu, despite a total lack of any evidence that he was based there...
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
If the mainland was a seperate kingdom from the island, how can a weak island like pre-Hiram island Tyre conquer the mainland city?
How did Washington DC (a single city) conquer the United States of America?

You are still making no sense.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
"Besides the city itself, well protected by its location on an island, the kingdom of Tyre included a strip of mainland, whose center was the town of Ushu" (Katzenstein, H.J. The History of Tyre)
Why are you unable to READ your own sources?

What part of "the city itself, well protected by its location on an island" do you not understand?

Yes, Tyre was on the island.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
"A wall at Karnak lists the cities Sethos I (or Seti I, Ramesses's II father) conquered, among them Tyre and Ushu. Ushu appears as if it were part of the Tyrian kingdom." (Badre Leila 'Canaanite Tyre)----WIKIPEDIA
Again, it doesn't matter if Ushu was "part of the Tyrian kingdom": what matters is that Tyre and Ushu were separate settlements, as this source confirms.

The Bible itself is quite clear on this, and (as has already been pointed out) it never describes Ushu as "Paleotyrus" or anything of the sort (a name invented LATER by the GREEKS).

Perhaps you ought to explain exactly how the current version of your (entirely un-historical) fantasy unfolds. Where (in sugarhitmanworld) did the Tyrians manage to hold off Nebby for 13 years: on the mainland or on the island? How did they do so? Did they have big defensive walls? When did they build those walls? Did Nebby breach them or not? Where are the remains of those walls now?

And do you actually have any evidence for any of this?
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Old 01-28-2008, 07:25 AM   #354
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

*Actually this prophecy is accurate...coming soon*
Your ongoing inability to address this issue is again noted.

...Or do you mean "soon" in the Biblical sense (i.e. Jesus will return soon: 2000 years and counting)?

Over and over again, you keep forgetting that Nebby FAILED to actually take Tyre.

Why do you keep trying to provide "reasons why Nebby would fail" when in fact he DID fail?

How do you imagine this would support your argument? (whatever that is: it seems to be dissolving in confusion).

More utter confusion! EZEKIEL admits that Tyre had walls! You are becoming so utterly lost that it's becoming increasingly hard to follow your "reasoning" anymore. Do you deny that Nebby beseiged the island for 13 years (even if you still don't understand that the island was Tyre itself)? How could they have held him off for 13 years without walls? Are you now saying that the walls were built after this event, "during the Medo-Persian Empire", and then magically transported back in time so that they could be used to defend the island???

Yet more confusion! What does it matter whether or not Tyre ruled over Ushu at the time?

It doesn't!

Your own sources have told you that the PALACE was on the ISLAND (along with temples etc).

The KING would have lived in the PALACE, yes?

Yet apparently you're still trying to weave some sort of bizarre fantasy about the king MOVING to his palace, apparently from Ushu, despite a total lack of any evidence that he was based there...

How did Washington DC (a single city) conquer the United States of America?

You are still making no sense.

Why are you unable to READ your own sources?

What part of "the city itself, well protected by its location on an island" do you not understand?

Yes, Tyre was on the island.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
"A wall at Karnak lists the cities Sethos I (or Seti I, Ramesses's II father) conquered, among them Tyre and Ushu. Ushu appears as if it were part of the Tyrian kingdom." (Badre Leila 'Canaanite Tyre)----WIKIPEDIA
Again, it doesn't matter if Ushu was "part of the Tyrian kingdom": what matters is that Tyre and Ushu were separate settlements, as this source confirms.

The Bible itself is quite clear on this, and (as has already been pointed out) it never describes Ushu as "Paleotyrus" or anything of the sort (a name invented LATER by the GREEKS).

Perhaps you ought to explain exactly how the current version of your (entirely un-historical) fantasy unfolds. Where (in sugarhitmanworld) did the Tyrians manage to hold off Nebby for 13 years: on the mainland or on the island? How did they do so? Did they have big defensive walls? When did they build those walls? Did Nebby breach them or not? Where are the remains of those walls now?

And do you actually have any evidence for any of this?
If Ushu was seperate from Tyre name me one king of USHU then maybe I'll consider your arguement. Was not the King of Tyre also King of Ushu? Then they are one kingdom. Was not the inhabitants who dwelt on both the island and the mainland the same people? Then they are of the same kingdom. According to these sources which you have accused me of not reading, they say that Ushu and Tyre are the same kingdom peopled by the same people. And as Joshua clearly shows the city on the mainland was also fortified. Yes it had walls. Ezekiel lived during these times and he does not seperate Ushu (Old Tyre) from Tyre. Why would he have a land based Army attacking a island with walls surrounded by water with no land outside? Simple, the mainland also had walls. Now read Ezekiel closely one judgement is the destruction by the nations and another by God Himself when He says this city will be buried under the sea. The mainland was destroyed by the nations the island will be destroyed by a Tsnami. And the evidence you are looking for will never be found, because the site of the original mainland city was scraped bare and transformed into the causeway. If you want to find the walls maybe there is where you should look...have fun. :wave:
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Old 01-28-2008, 07:54 AM   #355
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman
If Ushu was seperate from Tyre name me one king of USHU then maybe I'll consider your arguement. Was not the King of Tyre also King of Ushu? Then they are one kingdom. Was not the inhabitants who dwelt on both the island and the mainland the same people? Then they are of the same kingdom. According to these sources which you have accused me of not reading, they say that Ushu and Tyre are the same kingdom peopled by the same people.
And I have already pointed out that all this is completely irrelevant. Tyre was the city on the island. At various times, it had varying degrees of control over the mainland settlements (which were vulnerable to foreign attack or domination).
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
And as Joshua clearly shows the city on the mainland was also fortified. Yes it had walls.
He says nothing of the sort.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
Ezekiel lived during these times and he does not seperate Ushu (Old Tyre) from Tyre.
Again: completely false. Ezekiel clearly separates the "daughters in the field" (Ushu and the other mainland settlements) from Tyre itself (the island).
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
Now read Ezekiel closely one judgement is the destruction by the nations and another by God Himself when He says this city will be buried under the sea. The mainland was destroyed by the nations...
...The multinational army under Nebby, "King of kings" (overlord of many nations). Except that this never happened...
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
...the island will be destroyed by a Tsnami.
...Or similar cataclysm, after Nebby had finished with it. This didn't happen either.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
And the evidence you are looking for will never be found, because the site of the original mainland city was scraped bare and transformed into the causeway. If you want to find the walls maybe there is where you should look...have fun.
The walls were on the island, and the foundations are still there. If you're saying that the mainland ALSO had walls (despite a total lack of any shred of evidence whatsoever): maybe you should do some digging in the material that Alexander used for the causeway. But you should still be able to see the foundations around the mainland settlement (you do know that foundations for massive structures are dug out of the ground, right? Where are the remains of the trenches, sugarhitman? Even if they've been filled in with dirt, archaeologists should be able to spot them pretty easily).

I note that you have STILL not been able to explain the details of your fantasy. You haven't said where the Tyrians held off Nebby for 13 years. Are you actually suggesting that they could have held off Nebby's vast army on the mainland for 13 years? Do you even know how stupid that sounds?

Nor have you addressed the fact that Ushu was rebuilt after both Nebby AND Alexander. Hence the Roman ruins.

And you're still dodging the failure of the "Egypt prophecy" too.

You've lost! :wave:
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:22 AM   #356
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
And you're still dodging the failure of the "Egypt prophecy" too.

You've lost! :wave:
The Egypt prophecy is historical fact.

For thus says the Lord GOD, “At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered. 14 “I will turn the fortunes of Egypt and make them return to the land of Pathros, to the land of their origin, and there they will be a lowly kingdom. 15 “It will be the lowest of the kingdoms, and it will never again lift itself up above the nations. And I will make them so small that they will not rule over the nations. 16 “And it will never again be the confidence of the house of Israel, bringing to mind the iniquity of their having turned to Egypt. Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD Ezekiel 29:15.
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:29 AM   #357
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
If Ushu was seperate from Tyre name me one king of USHU then maybe I'll consider your arguement. Was not the King of Tyre also King of Ushu? Then they are one kingdom. Was not the inhabitants who dwelt on both the island and the mainland the same people? Then they are of the same kingdom. According to these sources which you have accused me of not reading, they say that Ushu and Tyre are the same kingdom peopled by the same people.
And I have already pointed out that all this is completely irrelevant. Tyre was the city on the island. At various times, it had varying degrees of control over the mainland settlements (which were vulnerable to foreign attack or domination).

He says nothing of the sort.

Again: completely false. Ezekiel clearly separates the "daughters in the field" (Ushu and the other mainland settlements) from Tyre itself (the island).

...The multinational army under Nebby, "King of kings" (overlord of many nations). Except that this never happened...

...Or similar cataclysm, after Nebby had finished with it. This didn't happen either.
Originally Posted by sugarhitman
And the evidence you are looking for will never be found, because the site of the original mainland city was scraped bare and transformed into the causeway. If you want to find the walls maybe there is where you should look...have fun.
The walls were on the island, and the foundations are still there. If you're saying that the mainland ALSO had walls (despite a total lack of any shred of evidence whatsoever): maybe you should do some digging in the material that Alexander used for the causeway. But you should still be able to see the foundations around the mainland settlement (you do know that foundations for massive structures are dug out of the ground, right? Where are the remains of the trenches, sugarhitman? Even if they've been filled in with dirt, archaeologists should be able to spot them pretty easily).

I note that you have STILL not been able to explain the details of your fantasy. You haven't said where the Tyrians held off Nebby for 13 years. Are you actually suggesting that they could have held off Nebby's vast army on the mainland for 13 years? Do you even know how stupid that sounds?

Nor have you addressed the fact that Ushu was rebuilt after both Nebby AND Alexander. Hence the Roman ruins.

And you're still dodging the failure of the "Egypt prophecy" too.

You've lost! :wave:
Ah "Many nations will come against you" So Jack tell us how was the mainland city finally destroyed? Was it not by a nation? And since history is silent about how Nebby did what he did and what the Tyrians did to resist him can you tell us? Let us hear your fantasy of what went on in that ancient and mysterious war. And the Egypt prophecy.....:wave:
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:31 AM   #358
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
And you're still dodging the failure of the "Egypt prophecy" too.

You've lost! :wave:
The Egypt prophecy is historical fact.

For thus says the Lord GOD, “At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered. 14 “I will turn the fortunes of Egypt and make them return to the land of Pathros, to the land of their origin, and there they will be a lowly kingdom. 15 “It will be the lowest of the kingdoms, and it will never again lift itself up above the nations. And I will make them so small that they will not rule over the nations. 16 “And it will never again be the confidence of the house of Israel, bringing to mind the iniquity of their having turned to Egypt. Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD Ezekiel 29:15.
No, it isn't. It failed in every detail. Nebby never plundered Egypt, and it certainly wasn't "uninhabited for 40 years": instead, it enjoyed a period of prosperity. It even gained additional lands (specifically, Cyprus) in this period. Of course, much later, it would expand again and rule over other lands as the nucleus of the Mameluke Empire.
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:41 AM   #359
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The Egypt prophecy is historical fact.
No, it isn't. It failed in every detail. Nebby never plundered Egypt, and it certainly wasn't "uninhabited for 40 years": instead, it enjoyed a period of prosperity. It even gained additional lands (specifically, Cyprus) in this period. Of course, much later, it would expand again and rule over other lands as the nucleus of the Mameluke Empire.
Sorry, the Jews put Jeremiah in jail because he prophesied Nebby would take Jerusalem. Instead the Jews sought help from Egypt. After Nebby destroyed Jerusalem, Egypt was never again, the confidence of the House of Israel.Or do you have evidence that Egypt prevented Nebby from destroying Jerusalem?
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:46 AM   #360
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
No, it isn't. It failed in every detail. Nebby never plundered Egypt, and it certainly wasn't "uninhabited for 40 years": instead, it enjoyed a period of prosperity. It even gained additional lands (specifically, Cyprus) in this period. Of course, much later, it would expand again and rule over other lands as the nucleus of the Mameluke Empire.
Sorry, the Jews put Jeremiah in jail because he prophesied Nebby would take Jerusalem. Instead the Jews sought help from Egypt. After Nebby destroyed Jerusalem, Egypt was never again, the confidence of the House of Israel.Or do you have evidence that Egypt prevented Nebby from destroying Jerusalem?
You have your chronology mixed up. Nebby had defeated an earlier Pharaoh at the Battle of Charchemish, taking Egypt's territory in Palestine. But that was before the misadventure at Tyre, which was in turn before Nebby's misadventure against Pharaoh Amasis II.

And what about "Egypt uninhabited for 40 years"?
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