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Old 07-02-2006, 06:35 PM   #21
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Mind telling where those are from, where they are located, and how long after Jesus and the legalism of his time that those were created?
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Old 07-02-2006, 06:54 PM   #22
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BTW there are other words for fish in Semitic languages. There's Nun (like Joshua's father) and there's the Aramaic word, not sure about its pronounciation, but its root is smk. The latter may have been the one Clive's source had in mind when claiming similarity to Mashiah. Not even the same consonants (kaf vs het) and different order.
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:40 AM   #23
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TS Eliot called this short poem of Robert Graves's "real poetry, the real thing." Its meaning is that the symbolism of the fish has changed from the pagan lusty & playful phallis to, in Christianity, a creature "proverbial for his sexual indifference" which "the Mother Superior [only] permits... as a convent pet because he cannot possibly awake any lascivious thoughts in her charges"; and that some nuns, at least, privately regretted the change.

Circling the circlings of their fish,
Nuns walk in white and pray;
For he is as chaste as they
Who was dark-faced and hot in Silvia's day,
And in his pool drowns each unspoken wish.
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Old 07-03-2006, 05:56 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Haran
Are you guys for real, or are you just goofing around?? This is about the most absurd thing I've ever heard of....

Fish and fishing were a common theme nearly everywhere there was a large lake or body of water, especially along the mediterranean.

What I'd like to know is how on earth you can dismiss the fact that Jesus, with his apostles, spent most of his ministry around and on the Sea of Galilee, its fish, and its fishing market?? How on earth can you, with any seriousness on your face at all, really believe that Jews would have adopted symbols they knew were pagan when they preached against pagans??

How can you deny that fish, fishing, and anchors could at the very least be independently developed symbols, yet more likely reasonable symbols developed from the knowledge of where Jesus spent so much of his ministry??

....just blows me away...some will just try anything to deny any reason or independant thinking to Christianity... Please... :huh:
Completely serious!

Xianity grew in a world of gods and goddesses and sniffing volcanic fumes, of myth. It is accepted that these ideas have influenced xianity, but within an idea that xianity is new, is different. When the similarities were pointed out, the response was that satan was copying the things of god. Now the apologist response seems to be fish is a geographical historical fact of palestine - denying they are and always have been mythological symbols - I had forgotten the male rude bits!

It co-evolved with the pagan world, is not separate from it but is an integral part of it.

If we start looking seriously at myth and symbol in this religion, it is fascinating how the alleged historicity dissapears like a morning mist with the warmth of the day!
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Old 07-03-2006, 06:34 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Clivedurdle
Completely serious!
Then I must say that I find the allegations "bonkers"...

Xianity grew in a world of gods and goddesses and sniffing volcanic fumes, of myth.
Yes, it did. And if one reads the biblical texts, one realizes how offensive they found these other gods and goddesses. However, many seem to judge texts that they have never fully read or understood.

Now the apologist response seems to be fish is a geographical historical fact of palestine - denying they are and always have been mythological symbols - I had forgotten the male rude bits!
There has been no change in "response". First, you would have to prove to me that such a pagan symbol truly existed and meant what you say it means. So far you have not done such a thing. Second, you would have to explain why the fish symbol (common in antiquity for many different uses) could not have developed independantly, based on the obvious foundation of Jesus living and ministering around the Sea of Galilee, selecting fishermen as disciples, and telling them that they would be fishers of men. The evidence in this direction is too strong to believe any of the supposed pagan borrowing stupidity.

If we start looking seriously at myth and symbol in this religion, it is fascinating how the alleged historicity dissapears like a morning mist with the warmth of the day!
I have been looking seriously at myth and symbology of this religion likely far longer than you, and I have come to no such conclusions. In fact, my faith is strengthening day by day, especially since recently visiting Israel and seeing these places with my own eyes.
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Old 07-03-2006, 08:09 AM   #26
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First, you would have to prove to me that such a pagan symbol truly existed and meant what you say it means. So far you have not done such a thing. Second, you would have to explain why the fish symbol (common in antiquity for many different uses) could not have developed independantly, based on the obvious foundation of Jesus living and ministering around the Sea of Galilee, selecting fishermen as disciples, and telling them that they would be fishers of men.
i have now seen this "first" "second" "prove" mantra in several threads by different posters. Is it a new apologist tactic, as what it does is diverts discussion of evidence onto strange logical grounds that I cannot see the basis of!

I actually see some very interesting political issues arising.

The Roman Empire was very eclectic in terms of its religions, but needed to develop central means of control. Why not slowly develop a new religion to unify everyone politically? Pope Gregory said this - a mountain is climbed a step at a time, you cannot wipe away all heresy immediately.

You start with the existing gods and myths and tweak them slightly, slowly evolving the idea.

Are we looking at four hundred plus years of social engineering? Are the gospels actually the classic myths in this new religions clothing?
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Old 07-03-2006, 08:16 AM   #27
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Go to the Jerusalem Post article. Why a picture of fish in a church? Why the religious number seven in the stories in the gospels about fish?

Haran, did you actually read the Biblical passages above about fish and water?

Have you ever read any Greek and Roman mythology? We are in mythical worlds here, like that of Aslan and Fodor, possibly with a political twist!
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Old 07-03-2006, 08:41 AM   #28
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This is the html version of the file

In which Pope Gregory in a letter of A.D. 601 instructs Abbot Mellitus on
shaping, as reported by the Venerable Bede.
. .
Therefore, when by God's help you reach our most reverend brother, Bishop Augustine, we wish you to inform him that we have been giving careful
thought to the affairs of the English, and have come to the conclusion that the temples of the idols among that people should on no account be destroyed. The idols are to be destroyed, but the temples themselves are to be aspersed with holy water, altars set up in them, and relics deposited there. For if these temples are well-built, they must be purified from the worship of demons and dedicated to the service of the true God. In this way, we hope that the people, seeing that their temples are not destroyed, may abandon their error and, flocking more readily to their accustomed resorts, may come to know and adore the true God.
And since they have a custom of sacrificing many oxen to demons, let some other solemnity be substituted in its place, such as a day of Dedication or the Festivals of the holy martyrs whose relics are enshrined there. On such occasions they might well construct shelters of boughs for themselves around the churches that were once temples, and celebrate the solemnity with devout feasting. They are no longer to sacrifice beasts to the Devil, but they may kill them for food to the praise of God, and give thanks to the giver of all gifts for the plenty they enjoy.
If the people are allowed some worldly pleasures in this way, they will more readily come to desire the joys of the spirit. For it is certainly impossible to eradicate all errors from obstinate minds at one stroke, and whoever wishes to climb to a mountain top climbs gradually step by step, and not in one leap. It was in this way that the Lord revealed Himself to the Israelite people in Egypt, permitting the sacrifices formerly offered to the Devil to be offered thenceforward to Himself instead. So He bade them sacrifice beasts to Him, so that, once they became en- lightened, they might abandon one element of sacrifice and retain another. For,
while they were to offer the same beasts as before, they were to offer them to God instead of to idols, so that they would no longer be offering the same sacrifices."
Bede. A History of the English Church and People. N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1976. Selected from
pp. 86 and 87.
Contributed by M.
Cliffe, Psychology Department, Chatterton House, Goodwins Road, King's
Lynn, Norfork, England.
Why would Constantine set up the Council of Nicea? He was not that interested in xianity, but he was interested in politics, and a central religion with everyone singing off the same hymn sheet is a classic way of obtaining control. Maybe the social engineering was more than four hundred years, but the political reasons have got lost over the years!
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