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Old 01-03-2009, 01:20 PM   #771
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Originally Posted by sschlichter
What is at issue is whether God exists and concerns himself with the affairs of lost men. If that is true then none of these things would be particularly difficult to beleive.
What things? I find the claim that a global flood occured difficult to believe? Do you? I find the claim that the Ten Plagues occured in Egypt difficult to believe. Do you? I find the claim that the earth is young difficult to believe. Do you? I find the claim that the Bible is inerrant difficult to believe. Do you?

What, if anything about Old Testament slavery suggests to you that the God of the Bible exists?
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Old 01-03-2009, 01:29 PM   #772
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Originally Posted by sweetpea7 View Post

Yes, but irrelevant. My point is that science and medicine have provided more tangilble benefits than the bible or god, especially regarding life and the quality thereof.
Science is great. However, it has not provided any such thing. Science has given us the ability to wage wars without leaving our living room and kill entire cities with a bomb in a suticase. Man is the problem, science can be used for good or evil just like a baseball bat can.

This is a red herring. I don't have to define abuse in a way that is universal for all cultures. There are very few things that are defined the same way in all cultures.
yet, you can judge what is abuse in other cultures?

The same thing as physical abuse? That is a laughable example of equivocation. Try calling and explaining that to Children's Services in your area. They will reply with disbelief, scorn, and then hang up the phone.

Also, could you please answer my previous question:

Should I stone my 12 year old son for back talking me as the OT god recommends?
I would not if I were you. However, I would study the law. You may find the underlying principle in it and be able to apply that.
You should also consider the difference between a profligate and a son that backtalks. If your son is out driving drunk every night and running a meth lab and will not stop and their is no prison, no other form of rehabilitation, and he is going to kill someone I would consider selling him into slavery where he will learn how to stay dry and work for a living. If he learns his lesson, he can buy himself out of slavery and thank you for loving him enough to deal with his problem severely.

If that does not work, then look into stoning.
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Old 01-03-2009, 01:33 PM   #773
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter
What is at issue is whether God exists and concerns himself with the affairs of lost men. If that is true then none of these things would be particularly difficult to beleive.
What things? I find the claim that a global flood occured difficult to believe? Do you? I find the claim that the Ten Plagues occured in Egypt difficult to believe. Do you? I find the claim that the earth is young difficult to believe. Do you? I find the claim that the Bible is inerrant difficult to believe. Do you?

What, if anything about Old Testament slavery suggests to you that the God of the Bible exists?
yes, no, yes, no

The difference in the slave laws between Mosaic law and the surrounding cultures. Slaves in other cultures were property. Slaves in Mosiac law were still property but the author of the law understood that they have souls as well.
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Old 01-03-2009, 01:44 PM   #774
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Originally Posted by sschlichter
Science is great. However, it has not provided any such thing
This is obviously false. Science has provided all kinds of medical treatments as well as things like sanitation for just a couple of examples. Can the bible say the same?

Originally Posted by sschlichter
Science has given us the ability to wage wars without leaving our living room and kill entire cities with a bomb in a suticase.
Irrelevant. My point is that science has provided more tangible benefits than god or the bible. This does not address that point in any way.
Originally Posted by sschlichter
science can be used for good or evil just like a baseball bat can.
And just like religion can.

Originally Posted by sschlichter
yet, you can judge what is abuse in other cultures?
Yep, sure can.

Originally Posted by sschlichter
I would not if I were you. However, I would study the law. You may find the underlying principle in it and be able to apply that.
I'm confused. Why wouldn't you want to exactly follow the prescription laid down by a holy, compassionate, and unchanging god? Why would I have to study it or apply an underlying principle? Why not just do as god says? Can god not state his wishes clearly?
Originally Posted by sschlichter
no other form of rehabilitation
Come now...surely an all powerful, loving, unchanging god would have forms of rehabilitation other than slavery or even prison. Humans have developed therapy and AA. Can't god do better?

Originally Posted by sschlichter
If he learns his lesson, he can buy himself out of slavery and thank you for loving him enough to deal with his problem severely.

If that does not work, then look into stoning.
Great example of abhorrent OT morality and why in reality it is repugnant.
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:06 PM   #775
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Originally Posted by sweetpea7 View Post
This is obviously false. Science has provided all kinds of medical treatments as well as things like sanitation for just a couple of examples. Can the bible say the same?
you are comparing apples and oranges. they are not antithesis. Rakes are a good thing but you can also gouge an eye out with them. What makes you think God is an antithesis of science?

The Bible, as the historical account of Gods plan of redemption for man, can of course claim to be of more use than science. Science can only make your heart beat longer. It cannot change your heart and reconcile you with God.

Irrelevant. My point is that science has provided more tangible benefits than god or the bible. This does not address that point in any way.
every weapon developed is the fruit of science. Science is a tool. It only provides answers to how to, it is silent on whether to, should we, etc.

And just like religion can.
yes, even worse.

I'm confused. Why wouldn't you want to exactly follow the prescription laid down by a holy, compassionate, and unchanging god? Why would I have to study it or apply an underlying principle? Why not just do as god says? Can god not state his wishes clearly?
because the verdict is in. The law is holy and just and we are not. I have already broken every law. I will not and cannot fulfill it. that is it's purpose - to reveal sin. to shine a light on the hearts of men. It is through the law that sin sprang to life. Christ fulfilled the law. Now I am released from the law and free to live in the Spirit of God and not under written code. The law was a nanny until Christ arrived.

Come now...surely an all powerful, loving, unchanging god would have forms of rehabilitation other than slavery or even prison. Humans have developed therapy and AA. Can't god do better?
AA? You mean where you acknowledge God as the source of your strength and say the Lords prayer, serenity prayer, etc. you haven't been to a meeting lately have you?

Originally Posted by sschlichter
If he learns his lesson, he can buy himself out of slavery and thank you for loving him enough to deal with his problem severely.

If that does not work, then look into stoning.
ah, great example of man's morality. Letting your son run a meth lab, drive drunk all over town, destroying the lives of others without repercussions. The underlying principle of the law applies even today. It is universal. This type of son should be dealt with harshly before he kills someone else and destroys many lives.

(for others viewing the post) this is only a rhetorical situation - not true of sweetpeas actual son.
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:09 PM   #776
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
What is at issue is whether God exists and concerns himself with the affairs of lost men.
But also at issue is the fact you want me to worship an omni-God who seems to lack the foresight that people like myself would doubt his message because he chose to embed it in what appears to be a work of superstitious Bronze age minds.

As far as his concern with the affairs of "lost men", do you believe it is necessary for salvation in all times and places to accept Jesus as he is described in the writings of the New Testament? If Yahweh is so concerned with saving men, why use imperfect human means to accomplish it?

Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
If that is true then none of these things would be particularly difficult to beleive. Without God, they are of course nonsense. Without God, our existence is nonsense. Try explaining the origin of life (the very beginings of life) without finding yourself very quickly needing fairy dust and faith. Miracles even greater than mine - yet, no miracle maker.
Or, why not remain agnostic about what we don't know? Why invoke God to fill the gaps? And why invoke Yahweh in particular? A deists explanation does not compound the issue with the need for miraculous answers for issue after issue.

Can you honestly say that you can think of no better way Yahweh could have let humanity know his plan to save them than the one you are expecting me to accept?

I could lay out several ways that use miracles in a much more economic way than that described in the Bible. Couldn't you?
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:28 PM   #777
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Originally Posted by Zenaphobe View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
I think you have already removed yourself. Interestingly enough, you use the same argument that was used against Eve in the Garden. I.e. casting off God and claiming for yourself that which belongs to God - the knowledge of good and evil.

A foolish notion it is, that you can know what advances life and what hinders it apart from God.
Would I need to believe in a literal talking snake to be a real Christian in your estimation?

I mean, the whole going to heaven and whatnot sounds just great, but when I try to believe all these stories like men in fish bellies for 3 days, men who have hair that lets them slay thousands of foes with ass's jawbones, the sun standing still, waters turning to blood, big boats with all possible species of animals on board while the world is submerged to the mountain tops, graves opening up and dead people walking the streets, demons cast into swine, and bread and fish being multiplied, I just can't seem to make myself believe them.

I might just as well try and believe the moon is made of ice and is home to an invisible civilization of vacuum dwelling warm blooded reptile folk.

Is there any hope for me? How can I make myself believe what common sense says is not possible? :huh:

or how about an explosion that creates, that some how put everything in nice neat order? And then fishes turn into frogs, frogs into rats, rats into monkeys and presto! man! The biggest miracle of all time.

Nice shirt, but stay away from rock music.....that stuff can dull you intellectually (and morally as well)
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:35 PM   #778
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Originally Posted by sschlichter
What makes you think God is an antithesis of science?
I never said this or implied it.

The Bible, as the historical account of Gods plan of redemption for man, can of course claim to be of more use than science. Science can only make your heart beat longer. It cannot change your heart and reconcile you with God.
This is your belief based only upon faith.

Science is a tool. It only provides answers to how to, it is silent on whether to, should we, etc.
Yes, and I never claimed otherwise. It is still true that science has provided more tangible benefits to humanity than the bible.

because the verdict is in. The law is holy and just and we are not.
Who was the judge or jury who delivered this verdict? I want to file an appeal!

The law was a nanny until Christ arrived.
Great plan! People should have only stoned their sons for backtalking their parents until Jesus died on the cross. OK, but I thought that god's law is unchanging?

AA? You mean where you acknowledge God as the source of your strength and say the Lords prayer, serenity prayer, etc. you haven't been to a meeting lately have you?
Actually, I have worked as a Sign Language Interpreter for numerous NA/AA meetings. They are always very careful to refer only to a "higher power as each individual understands that concept". AA attendees could be praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

great example of man's morality
You mean like the idea of human rights?

Letting your son run a meth lab, drive drunk all over town, destroying the lives of others without repercussions.
When did I ever say without repercussions?

This type of son should be dealt with harshly before he kills someone else and destroys many lives.
Why should he have to be dealt with harshly and what do you mean by that? Selling him into slavery or stoning him? Sick. Even our set of human laws, at least in my area, would attempt to stop this dangerous behavior while also attempting to help the person performing it. For example, the person may receive probation with many restrictions on their behavior and be court ordered into drug treatment. Also, there is a limit as to how harsh a punishment for a crime can be (e.g. the 8th amendment). Wouldn't god do a better job than us lowly humans?
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:36 PM   #779
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

If I was drafted it would be immoral?
You are the one equating slavery to your military experience, but yes forcing people into the military is immoral, because it is involuntary.

Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
so, pain is what makes it immoral?
Yes, partly. Why do you hit people?
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
What about the pain caused by a doctor or dentist? or the emotional pain caused by the psychiatrist?
Not the same. You really need to stop and think about it.

Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
is that your answer? touching someone in any form of correction is immoral?
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
Do you have kids?
Why? Is this another of your pathetic attempts at trying to put something down you obviously don't understand, like you tried with asking about my father?
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:56 PM   #780
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
or how about an explosion that creates, that some how put everything in nice neat order? And then fishes turn into frogs, frogs into rats, rats into monkeys and presto! man! The biggest miracle of all time.
Except the only people who say that about the big bang and evolution are people like you sugarhitman, people who don't know what they are squaking about.

You seem to think everybody is equally as uneducated as you are, Lol.

You are a slave to some stupid job, but that's because you are a slave to ignorance. This posts shows that.

Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Nice shirt, but stay away from rock music.....that stuff can dull you intellectually (and morally as well)
Another clueless observation by mister no hit wonder himself, lol.
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