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Old 09-22-2009, 07:34 PM   #1
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Default Dear IBelieveInHymn – What if Satan reads Revelation?

Dear IBelieveInHymn,

It seems kind of wrong headed to tip God’s hand, now Satan knows exactly what is going to happen. He’s not called THE Adversary for nothing.

Suppose Satan is reading your discussion, or some other Christian End of Days discussion, right now and learns God’s on to his little plan, wouldn’t it be to his advantage to change his stealthy attack.

If he can read or watch TV then there is a good chance that he knows how it will turn out (as we do) and that it will end badly for him (and many of us) - why wouldn’t he change his plans? These prophecies are just making God’s job harder – that is if he isn’t all knowing and already knows what Satan’s new plans will be???

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Old 09-22-2009, 07:45 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by gdeering View Post
Dear IBelieveInHymn,

It seems kind of wrong headed to tip God’s hand, now Satan knows exactly what is going to happen. He’s not called THE Adversary for nothing.

Suppose Satan is reading your discussion, or some other Christian End of Days discussion, right now and learns God’s on to his little plan, wouldn’t it be to his advantage to change his stealthy attack.

If he can read or watch TV then there is a good chance that he knows how it will turn out (as we do) and that it will end badly for him (and many of us) - why wouldn’t he change his plans? These prophecies are just making God’s job harder – that is if he isn’t all knowing and already knows what Satan’s new plans will be???

Satan is phenomenally stupid didn't you know? Here is a being that was supposed to be in the actual presence of an omnimax God, yet he still decided to rebel, thinking he could actually win.

Any being that stupid probably can't read.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:06 PM   #3
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That's always been my problem with that part of the story. Satan is described as intelligent and powerful. After all, he was second only to God.

Seriously, what's his motivation? He knows he's going to lose. You can't win against omniscience. So he has more people in hell with him. So what? He's still stuck there for all eternity. Who cares about the company you keep or the number of souls with you when after 5 trillion years you still have as much time in hell as when you've begun?

Seems like God's nemesis is retarded. Or a very two dimensional character in a very bad fictional story...oh wait.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:29 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by gdeering View Post
Dear IBelieveInHymn,

It seems kind of wrong headed to tip God’s hand, now Satan knows exactly what is going to happen. He’s not called THE Adversary for nothing.
Satan knows what is going to happen without my help. He knows the hour is near. That's why we are witnessing the collapse of mankind. People are worshipping the ways of evil more than the ways of God. II Peter says In the end of days, mankind will become lovers of greed and money before they are lovers of God.

Suppose Satan is reading your discussion, or some other Christian End of Days discussion, right now and learns God’s on to his little plan, wouldn’t it be to his advantage to change his stealthy attack.
Satan knows God's plan. There is no way to stop it. Hypothetical statement, Satan is very much like Osama bin Laden, he wants to kill as many people as possible before he is caught, and then he is killed himself. Satan knows the hour is drawing near. That's why we are seeing an increase of violence and chaos in the world today.

If he can read or watch TV then there is a good chance that he knows how it will turn out (as we do) and that it will end badly for him (and many of us) - why wouldn’t he change his plans? These prophecies are just making God’s job harder – that is if he isn’t all knowing and already knows what Satan’s new plans will be???
Satan can't make any "new plans". God's plan was set in motion at the beginning of creation. Satan knows the final outcome, but he can't change it. All he can do is drag down as many innocent people as possible before God unleashes his vengeance on Satan and his band of followers.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:39 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Satan can't make any "new plans". God's plan was set in motion at the beginning of creation.
Are you saying that Satan is running on a script that can't be changed? In other words, Satan was predestined by God to do what he did? Does Satan have no free will? The fact that he rebelled seems to imply that he does have free will and can change his plans.

Satan knows the final outcome, but he can't change it. All he can do is drag down as many innocent people as possible before God unleashes his vengeance on Satan and his band of followers.
Again the question is: Why would God's number one angel rebel against an omniscient and omnipotent God? I am a measly human being, and I know that I would not be able to win in a rebellion against such an omnimax being. The whole story is silly.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:54 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
Are you saying that Satan is running on a script that can't be changed?
Satan cannot change God's plan. We are witnessing prophecies unfolding.. this is a part of God's plan on the world. Prophecies are like a guidebook leading up to the end of time.

In other words, Satan was predestined by God to do what he did? Does Satan have no free will? The fact that he rebelled seems to imply that he does have free will and can change his plans.
God's plan for the world is predestined. That is proven through fulfilled prophecy. No matter if Satan can change his plans or not, God will interfere and he will be victorious. God unleashed Satan unto the earth. That's why we are witnessing the fall of mankind. (for the second time). Many people are claiming they are non-religious or atheist, that's because Satan wants you to feel that way. It's Satan who is making atheists believe there can't be a God in the Heavens. If you research this subject.. you can clearly see atheism is on the rise in the final hours of the earth. And the bible said this would happen. In the last hours of the earth, scoffers and skeptics will increase, and they will proudly say, where is your Messiah? Some atheists don't even realize this.

Again the question is: Why would God's number one angel rebel against an omniscient and omnipotent God? I am a measly human being, and I know that I would not be able to win in a rebellion against such an omnimax being. The whole story is silly.
Ezekiel 28:15 says Lucifer was created perfect in all his ways but, evil was found within him, and the evil was not placed there by God.

Lucifer wanted to dominate Heaven because he no longer wanted to take orders from God, because He felt he was a god as well.

Satan believes he is going to de-throne God in the final battle of the world. But he is sadly mistaken.
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:02 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
Are you saying that Satan is running on a script that can't be changed?
Satan cannot change God's plan. We are witnessing prophecies unfolding.. this is a part of God's plan on the world. Prophecies are like a guidebook leading up to the end of time.
In other words, everything is predestined by God.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by God

The Fall of Man was predestined by God

It is simply not possible to rebel against an omnipotent being unless that being wants you to.
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:11 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
In other words, everything is predestined by God.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by God

The Fall of Man was predestined by God

It is simply not possible to rebel against an omnipotent being unless that being wants you to.
No, God is allowing mankind to fall because he gave us two options, and we (the human race) are not obeying God like our ancient Fathers used to in the days of the bible. We are living in a very wicked and evil world.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by Satan himself. Did my all-knowing omniscient God understand this? Of course he did, he is allowing mankind to make our choices (as promised). We are an extremely intelligent species, we know right from wrong and good from evil. But modern man still chooses to deny God.

God did not predestine atheists to be atheists. That is your choice, not God's. You can convert to God today but, you choose not to. You have made a choice. That is called "Freewill."
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
In other words, everything is predestined by God.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by God

The Fall of Man was predestined by God

It is simply not possible to rebel against an omnipotent being unless that being wants you to.
No, God is allowing mankind to fall because he gave us two options, and we (the human race) are not obeying God like our ancient Fathers used to in the days of the bible. We are living in a very wicked and evil world.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by Satan himself. Did my all-knowing omniscient God understand this? Of course he did, he is allowing mankind to make our choices (as promised). We are an extremely intelligent species, we know right from wrong and good from evil. But modern man still chooses to deny God.

God did not predestine atheists to be atheists. That is your choice, not God's. You can convert to God today but, you choose not to. You have made a choice. That is called "Freewill."
I can see that you are simply going to keep firing off pat answers learned in Sunday School instead of trying to think for yourself. I see no point in continuing this.

Ta Ta :wave:
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Old 09-23-2009, 05:34 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
No, God is allowing mankind to fall because he gave us two options, and we (the human race) are not obeying God like our ancient Fathers used to in the days of the bible. We are living in a very wicked and evil world.

Satan's rebellion was predestined by Satan himself. Did my all-knowing omniscient God understand this? Of course he did, he is allowing mankind to make our choices (as promised). We are an extremely intelligent species, we know right from wrong and good from evil. But modern man still chooses to deny God.

God did not predestine atheists to be atheists. That is your choice, not God's. You can convert to God today but, you choose not to. You have made a choice. That is called "Freewill."
I can see that you are simply going to keep firing off pat answers learned in Sunday School instead of trying to think for yourself. I see no point in continuing this.

Ta Ta :wave:
I never attended Sunday School. My family was not exactly what you would call a religious family. However, we believed there was a God, but we didn't practice it whatsoever.

I didn't realize the awesomeness of God until my early 30's.

Everything I have learned, I learned it on my own. I'm sort of a newbie to Christianity, but I think it's working rather well thus far. :notworthy:
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