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Old 02-06-2012, 06:54 PM   #1
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Default Short-Ending gMark Compatible with Philo and Josephus but NOT Paul.

The Short-Ending gMark, the Earliest Jesus story, found in the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus Codices, considered the earliest Codices, are compatible with the writings of Jews who wrote in the 1st century.

1. Neither Philo nor Josephus mentioned any character called Jesus of Nazareth who was called the Christ by Jews.

2. Neither Philo nor Josephus mentioned any character called Jesus of Nazareth that was or believed to be resurrected.

According to the Short-Ending gMark at the time his story was written:

1. Jesus was UNKNOWN by the Jews as Christ. Mark 8.29-30.

2. Jesus was UNKNOWN as a Savior by the Jews. Mark 4.12

3. It was UNKNOWN by the Jews that Jesus predicted an Apocalypse. Mark 13.

4. It was UNKNOWN to the Jews that Jesus resurrected. Mark 16.8

So we can clearly see that the authors of the Short-Ending gMark is Compatible with the Jewish writers Philo and Josephus and NOT with Paul the Jew and Pharisee.

Now, even if it is assumed that the Short-Ending gMark was written as early as 65 CE then it would STILL NOT be compatible with the Jewish writer called Paul since the Jesus of gMark was UNKNOWN as a Resurrected Savior, and Messiah.

All the writings in NT Canon, including the Pauline writings, are most likely AFTER the Short-Ending gMark story regardless of when gMark was written.

gMark's Jesus was UNKNOWN to the Jews as a Resurrected Savior and Messiah.
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Old 02-06-2012, 07:09 PM   #2
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Meaning that the short ended Mark preceded Acts and the epistles?
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Old 02-07-2012, 11:41 AM   #3
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Based on the contents of the Short-Ending gMark it can be easily deduced that the author did NOT attend a Pauline Church and did NOT know about the Pauline Resurrected Jesus Christthat was being preached ALL over the Roman Empire.

Examine the words of Paul.

Romans 1:16 KJV
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth ; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
1 Corinthians 15:17 KJV
And if Christ be not raised , your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
If it is assumed the Pauline writings were composed Before gMark then the author of that Gospel should have known that Paul was ALL over the Roman Empire telling people that Jesus was Christ who was raised from the dead and that without the resurrection Jews and Gentiles would remain in Sin.

However by the time gMark was written the author claimed Jesus told his very disciples NOT to tell any man he was Christ, that he did NOT want the Jews to be converted and that the visitors to the tomb told NO-ONE of the resurrection of Jesus.

Remarkably, the Short Ending gMark, CONTRADICTS Pauline claims about Jesus.

But, even more Devastating, is that gMark CONTRADICTS the implication that there were Christian Churches up to the time gMark was written.

When gMark was written NO-ONE was told Jesus was the Christ and that he was Raised from the dead and even Peter had denied knowing or associated with Jesus.

The author of gMark did not appear to have been a contemporary of Paul, did NOT attend a Pauline Church, and showed NO emulation of Pauline teachings.

The Short-Ending gMark was BEFORE the Pauline writings.

Mark 8
29 And he asked them: But you, who say you that I am? Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.

30 And he charged them to tell no one concerning him.
In gMark, NO-ONE, [except the disciples] was be told that Jesus was Christ.

Philo and Josephus did NOT write about any character called Jesus Christ of Nazareth that was believed to be Christ and was Raised from the dead on the THIRD day for the Sins of Mankind.
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Old 02-08-2012, 06:24 AM   #4
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The Extant Codices actually have FIVE, not FOUR, Gospels, that is, there are FIVE Distinct authors of the Canonised Gospels

1. The First author of Short-Ending gMark.

2. The Second author of the Long-Ending gMark.

3. The author of gMatthew.

4. The author of gLuke.

5. The author of gJohn.

The Extant Codices SHOW that the Jesus story in gMark was the FIRST story which was then MANIPULATED.

The earliest gMark had NOTHING whatsoever to do with Universal Salvation by Sacrifice Resurrection or that Jesus started a New cult under the name of Christ.

In the Short-Ending gMark Jesus did NOT want the Jews to be converted, did NOT want the Jews to call him Christ, and No-one was told that Jesus was resurrected. See Mark. 4--Mark 8--Mark 16.

The Short-Ending gMark presented a character that was UNKNOWN as Christ as a Universal SAVIOR by SACRIFICE to the Jews that came to fulfill prophecy.

The author of the Short-Ending gMark was the MOST SIGNIFICANT and MOST INFLUENTIAL writer of the Extant Codices.

1. The ENTIRE Short-Ending gMark was COPIED by a LATER author and Manipulated by adding 12 verses to Mark 16, thereby creating the Long-Ending gMark found in Extant Codices.

2. Another author of gMatthew used virtually ALL of gMark and simply added more fictitious and implausible details similar to the author of the Long-Ending gMark but far more excessive.

3. Another author of gLuke used the same sources that COPIED gMark Word-for-Word.

4. The author of gJohn ATTEMPTED to remove problematic details in the Synoptics and fundamentally changed the Jesus story into a Full-blown Universal Salvation story through Sacrifice and made his Jesus into God, the Creator.

We KNOW or can logically deduce that the gMark Jesus story was the STORY that was MOST known and Circulated in antiquity and gMark's Jesus story that was Manipulated by Multiple authors.

But, there is a MASSIVE problem.

No Gospel writer was INFLUENCED by the Pauline so-called Revelations from the Resurrected Jesus.

NOT one of the FIVE authors of the Jesus stories USED a word-for-word verse from the Revelation of the Resurrected Jesus found in the Pauline writings.

The author of the Long-Ending gMark COPIED WORD-FOR-WORD the ENTIRE Short-Ending gMark.

The gMark story of the UNKNOWN Christ is compatible with Philo and Josephus since NONE of those Jewish writers mentioned any character called Jesus Christ that was believed to be a Universal Savior as a Human Sacrifice.

The Pauline writings do NOT reflect the history in Philo and Josephus and are NOT compatible with the FIVE authors of the Jesus stories.

The Pauline revelations from the Resurrected Jesus were completely UNKNOWN to the FIVE authors of the Gospels and NOT one verse was ever USED.

The Pauline writings are historically and chronologically BOGUS.

The Short-Ending gMark is Compatible with Philo, Josephus, Suetonius, Tacitus and Pliny the younger--Jesus called Christ as a Universal Savior by Sacrifice was UNKNOWN to the Jews and all mankind in the 1st century.
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:44 AM   #5
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So the question still stands about the relationship between the Paulines and Acts, because if the Paulines knew about the Book of Acts, and it is argued that Acts was linked with GLuke, then by necessity the author of Paulines had to have known about GLuke. And one would have to assume that the author of GLuke had to have known something about the Pauline religion at the time he wrote GLuke.

And even if the author of Acts didn't know about the epistles, Mr. Paul still had to have been in the picture somehow for someone to write a whole book in which many chapters are dedicated to him.

However, if the author of Acts was not the author of GLuke, then it makes sense that Acts doesn't even mention a single aphorism or event recorded in GLuke, and the linking of the two was done after the two books were written. The mere statement of one sentence in Acts is not enough to be convincing that the author GLuke was also the author of Acts.

Now, the question is of interest as to the path that GMark traveled in its transformation into the other gospels. Where was GMark written and when, and how did the authors of the other gospels obtain it, and why did GMatthew change it, followed by a GLuke writer and the GJohn writer? And when did all this occur in relation to the emergence of Acts and the epistles?
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Old 02-08-2012, 10:35 AM   #6
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Let me recap.

The Extant Codices contain FIVE Jesus stories.

The First author wrote the Short-Ending gMark.

The Second author wrote the Long-Ending gMark and used ALL of the short-Ending gMark.

The Third author [gMatthew's author] used virtually all of the Long-Ending gMark.

The Fourth author [gLuke's author] used gMatthew and the Long-Ending gMark.

The Fifth author [gJohn's author] attempted to alter the Synoptic Jesus and made him God the Creator, a Universal Savior and Christ by Sacrifice and removed virtually all the Failed prophecies of the Synoptic Jesus.

NONE of the Gospel authors used a single Pauline Revealed Teachings of the Resurrected Christ.

ALL the Canonised Gospel authors COPIED and/or Manipulated the Short-Ending gMark.

But, let us go to Acts of the Apostles.

The author of Acts should have known of the Jesus stories in the Gospels and he should have also known of the Pauline letters with the Revealed Teachings of the Resurrected Jesus.

After all, the author of Acts wrote about the character called Saul/Paul and claimed he traveled and Prayed with Paul all over the Roman Empire.

Amazingly, just like the Gospels, the author of Acts did NOT mention one verse of the Pauline Revealed Teachings of the resurrected Jesus found in any Pauline letter.

How is it possible that the author of Acts who traveled and prayed with Paul all over the Roman Empire did NOT ever state that Paul had written Letters to the Churches with the REVEALED Teachings of the Resurrected Jesus????

The answer is rather simple.

The Pauline letters with the Revealed Teachings of the Resurrected Jesus were NOT known to the author of Acts.

Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel authors WROTE about the supposed TEACHINGS of Jesus Before he Ascended and did NOT ever included a single Revealed Teaching of the Resurrected Jesus found in the Pauline writings.

The Pauline writings are DEAD LAST in the Canon.

The Short-Ending gMark is the VERY FIRST Jesus and was COPIED Word-for-Word and then Manipulated by MULTIPLE authors.
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Old 02-09-2012, 06:31 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
The Extant Codices actually have FIVE, not FOUR, Gospels, that is, there are FIVE Distinct authors of the Canonised Gospels

1. The First author of Short-Ending gMark.

2. The Second author of the Long-Ending gMark.

3. The author of gMatthew.

4. The author of gLuke.

5. The author of gJohn.
6. The author of gJohn chapter 21.
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Old 02-09-2012, 12:57 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bingo the Clown-O View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
The Extant Codices actually have FIVE, not FOUR, Gospels, that is, there are FIVE Distinct authors of the Canonised Gospels

1. The First author of Short-Ending gMark.

2. The Second author of the Long-Ending gMark.

3. The author of gMatthew.

4. The author of gLuke.

5. The author of gJohn.
6. The author of gJohn chapter 21.

I am NOT aware of an Extant Codex WITHOUT gJohn 21.
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Old 02-10-2012, 12:23 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Bingo the Clown-O View Post

6. The author of gJohn chapter 21.

I am NOT aware of an Extant Codex WITHOUT gJohn 21.
Do you remember claiming that there are FIVE distinct authors of the canonized Gospels?

Have you ever said that Tertullian claimed that the Gospel of John ended at John 20.31?

Do you remember presenting Against Praxeas chapter 25 to support that opinion?
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Old 02-10-2012, 03:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bingo the Clown-O View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Bingo the Clown-O View Post

6. The author of gJohn chapter 21.

I am NOT aware of an Extant Codex WITHOUT gJohn 21.
Do you remember claiming that there are FIVE distinct authors of the canonized Gospels?

Have you ever said that Tertullian claimed that the Gospel of John ended at John 20.31?

Do you remember presenting Against Praxeas chapter 25 to support that opinion?
I certainly remember that it is implied that gJohn ends at the 20th chapter in "Against Praxeas" but I am referring to the Extant Codices.

I am not aware of any Extant Codices that contains gJohn without the 21st chapter.
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