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Old 07-07-2004, 03:26 PM   #291
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Originally Posted by Kosh
Is Sin a quantifiable substance? What is it's molecular makeup? Can it be measured? Can it be detected as a physical substance? Do you have any proof that it exists as "something" that can't go "somewhere"?

When "Satan" led the revolt in Heaven, was that a sin? Was he in Heaven when it happened? Wouldn't that have made Sin present in Heaven?

Is Sin stuck to some physical part of us that does with the sould to heaven?

Don't repeat eschatology, just answer the questions and justify your statements.
Good line of questioning. I've asked similar questions to Magnus and no answer. {Although you have to give the guy credit - he does take a lot of fire} If Sin were a quantifiable substance, maybe we could rid our future selves of it? Maybe, if I could clone it, my cloned son could escape the pain of hell?
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Old 07-07-2004, 03:44 PM   #292
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Originally Posted by Magus55
All humans deserve hell, because all have sinned. You should know this by now.
well god knew we would sin and yet still forced us to live, so really the responsibility for sin entering the world rests with god deserves hell also.

im not even counting the fact that he torturously murdered his own son

Originally Posted by blt to go
And Now for the Essay portion of our quiz. In your apologetic, discuss the theological implications of God getting so angry He desires to kill 70,000 people, but His nature of Justice mandates someone has to sin first. Also discuss the punishment of David’s sin being 70,000 OTHER people have to die. Also discuss Satan’s limitation of “tempting� others unless God allows it. Or (in the alternative) discuss the ramifications of Satan and God working together to allow God to kill 70,000 people for David’s sin.

Great post. [removed]

Oh and I was dying of laughter about the jebusite lol...nice post.
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Old 07-07-2004, 04:49 PM   #293
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Originally Posted by myndreach
well god knew we would sin and yet still forced us to live, so really the responsibility for sin entering the world rests with god deserves hell also.
Parents know that their children will not always listen to them, and often do stupid things. Are you claiming that its the parents fault if the child does stupid things? Should parents not have kids because they know there is a very strong likelyhood of the child doing something wrong?

im not even counting the fact that he torturously murdered his own son
Actually, the Romans did. God only allowed it.
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Old 07-07-2004, 04:56 PM   #294
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Parents know that their children will not always listen to them, and often do stupid things. Are you claiming that its the parents fault if the child does stupid things? Should parents not have kids because they know there is a very strong likelyhood of the child doing something wrong?

Actually, the Romans did. God only allowed it.
Let me ask you something Magus; if you knew that your child would go to hell before conception, but went ahead and conceived him anyway knowing the outcome, are you not in some way responsible for the fate of that child?
Old 07-07-2004, 05:02 PM   #295
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Originally Posted by Stinger
Do babies go to hell when they die?
No, because contrary to Tradition, actually babies do know all about Jesus. If you have one near you [gotta be pretty new or not actually forming words yet] just look at it! They gotta know. If looking at the adorable infant don't convince you, ask the baby about Jesus see what the baby's reaction is. The baby may not answer intelligible to you, but if you could actually understand the baby's speech, now if you ask about Jesus and the baby starts screaming at the top of it's lungs, be careful!
Some mothers find this out when they have a baby that won't stop crying, they try everything to confort their infant. A sreaming baby is usually just pissed off that noone will listen!

This also applys to puppies, kittens, ect.,and, yes, even hermit crabs!

Originally Posted by Stinger
Do people go to hell who have never heard of Jesus?
Oh for crying out loud! Name one person who hasn't heard about Jesus, or is this a trick question?

What the Blind Man Saw

One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
He came and killed those two dead boys
One bright day in the middle of the night
As I was walkin' up the stair
I saw a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh how I wish he'd go away

Jaybird sittin' on a hickory limb
He winked at me and I winked at him
His eyes were red and his teeth were green
Sat there pickin' on a tambourine

(chorus) One bright day in the middle of the night

A monkey and a flea and three blind mice
Sat on a curbstone shootin' dice
The monkey did a flip and fell on the flea
The flea said, "Whoops, there's a monkey on me"

A Twinkie and a Tastykake knockin' at the door
They just come from the mini-mart store
The lady went upstairs to get her gun
Should-a seen the Twinkie and the Tastykake run

(chorus) One bright day in the middle of the night

As I was walkin' down the street
Who do ya think I chanced to meet?
It was Godzilla and old King Kong
Stompin' on buildings and singin' a song

Red and blue and delicate green
The King can't catch it 'n' neither can the Queen
Bring it in the house through the 'lectric socket
Catch a rainbow and put it in your pocket

(chorus) One bright day in the middle of the night

If you don't believe these lies are true
Ask the blind man, he saw it too
Old 07-07-2004, 05:15 PM   #296
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Originally Posted by doubtingthomas
Let me ask you something Magus; if you knew that your child would go to hell before conception, but went ahead and conceived him anyway knowing the outcome, are you not in some way responsible for the fate of that child?
Not if the reason he's going to end up in hell is because of his own choice.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:22 PM   #297
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Not if the reason he's going to end up in hell is because of his own choice.
So would you have the child even if it was fully his choice to go to hell? If not, then why?
Old 07-07-2004, 05:27 PM   #298
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Not if the reason he's going to end up in hell is because of his own choice.
The very least parent should do is give the kid sufficient information to make the damned choice! (punn intended).

And no, we're not talking about the ramblings of a bunch of Ignorant Bronze Aged Goat Herders (tm).
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Old 07-07-2004, 06:15 PM   #299
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Again, according to whom? Unless you existed back then, how would you know whether the processes were the same?
First, it isn't necessary to be present to determine whether the laws of physics were broken. That's just another lame creationist argument. The reality is that events happen all the time that aren't witnessed by people. Yet we are still able to make scientific statements about those events, based upon the forensic evidence they left.

Second, because a change in processes would leave evidence. We know that there used to be more days in the year than now, because there is evidence. But there is no such evidence for any change of process like you desperately want to postulate, Magus55.

Thrid, you don't just assume a change in processes, because that would make your nifty little argument work out cleanly. If you don't have evidence for any such change of process, then all you're doing is ad hoc'ing to save your crippled argument.
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Old 07-07-2004, 06:17 PM   #300
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Animals were considered unclean under Mosaic law because they were dangerous to people's health. Pork and shellfish were very unsanitary, so they were banned. 2000 years later - its not an issue. No need to require adherence to a law that has no point any longer. The Pharisee's were becoming too obsessed with tradition.

Utter backpedaling nonsense.

1. In the first place, there is no evidence that they were banned because of being dangerous - the instructions in Leviticus don't focus on danger, they focus on the shape of the foot and whether the animal chews the cud, or not;

2. In the second place, if they were dangerous to eat earlier, then they're dangerous during the time of Christ - which is when the prohibitions were lifted.
Just bumping this for Magus55.

Before we get too far afield, I want to make sure that everyone realizes that he made the claims in bold above, and we still don't have an answer from him yet on rebuttal points 1 and 2.
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