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Old 09-27-2009, 12:55 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post

I consider myself a thinker. I look at a verse, and I research every possible angle. I see Jesus saying "I will return before the Jews perish." You see it as Jesus saying he will return before the first century expires. That is sheer ignorance.
No. This is you creatively interpreting the text to suit your own made up theology.

It is plain, heck I understand it. What's your excuse? I admit some verses are hard to understand, but you got to search for the answers.
Every Christian sect interprets the bible differently; and everyone thinks that there particular exegesis is the correct one.

Who's confused? It doesn't matter if there are 400,000 denominations, everyone agrees that Eternal salvation is through Christ. That's the bottom line
Some say salvation is thru faith; some say it require works; some say you have to be a member of a specific church; some say you have to be baptized, while others say you don't. Point being: Christians are not unified. How are we supposed to submit to God's will when 'his' followers can't decide amongst themselves what 'his' will is?

Yes, the verse when Jesus said some of you standing here shall not taste death until you see the coming of the Son in his Glory. That could possibly mean his Ressurection. He was promising he would arise.
the coming of the son of man in glory refers to the Parousia. You are just making excuses because you cannot accept that the text does not fit your presuppositions.
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Old 09-27-2009, 01:38 PM   #72
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What do you mean if he said anything at all? Of course Jesus spoke. That's common knowledge. The historical Jesus is no longer in question, because even most atheists agree that Jesus Christ was an actual person, but did have Divine powers is in question.
I am not arguing that a man name Jesus never actually existed. What I am arguing is that we have no reason to believe that the man named Jesus spoke any of the words written in the Bible. Therefore, we do not know if Jesus said anything at all even if you believe he was a real person in history.

I will post them later. Most of them are Jewish scholars from Israel.
I await your post.

consider myself a thinker. I look at a verse, and I research every possible angle. I see Jesus saying "I will return before the Jews perish." You see it as Jesus saying he will return before the first century expires. That is sheer ignorance.
No. What your researching for is rationalizations to what you believe. What's more interesting is that the verse you interpret as Jesus talking about his Resurrection is interpreted by others as the second coming. Are they believing in "sheer ignorance" as well? How is it that you hold the truth while others are in disillusion?

It is plain, heck I understand it. What's your excuse? I admit some verses are hard to understand, but you got to search for the answers.
Once again, you search for rationalizations, nothing more. You are trying to bend the text to mean what you want it to mean and not what it actually means.

Yes, the verse when Jesus said some of you standing here shall not taste death until you see the coming of the Son in his Glory. That could possibly mean his Resurrection. He was promising he would arise.
It could possibly mean anything you want it to mean. But, it doesn't. It means just what it says in context. Nothing more and nothing less.
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:46 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
The words Jesus spoke were true and accurate.
So why do we have several different versions of the Lord's Prayer?

Supposedly Jesus taught the directly to his followers.
Surely they would remember his words accurately?

But in fact -
we have TWO different versions of it in the Gospels, and several other versions in other manuscripts.

The Lord's Prayer is one of the most VARIANT parts of the entire NT - how true and accurate are those words?

Which of the 1/2 dozen versions of the Lord's Prayer is the "true and accurate" version, IBelieveInHymn?

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Old 09-27-2009, 04:40 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Yes, I said God permits evil for a greater good. That makes perfect sense.
But that isn't what the text says so my point stands. Stop pretending you care what actual words are used. You clearly don't.
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Old 09-30-2009, 10:00 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post

I think you're doing more ignoring of those errors and inconsistencies than anything else.
How do you figure that? Every error someone has posted, I have shown the answer. Everytime someone shows the answer, atheists throw the red flag because they believe the error can't be answered and they won't accept the fact.
Your answer was wrong. Just because you have an answer does not mean it is valid or worthwhile.

The bible clearly contradicts itself in Greek or in English in the verses I presented. the link you provided failed to explain the contradiction.

There was no fact to accept.
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Old 09-30-2009, 10:18 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post

No, you don't. You make things up and then ignore posts that point it out.

You claimed that Isaiah 45:7 says God "permits" evil but you offered nothing to support this apparently unique interpretation.

Your conclusions simply cannot withstand an honest consideration of the texts.
Yes, I said God permits evil for a greater good. That makes perfect sense.
No, it does NOT make perfect sense.

We're talking about an omnimax being here.

If I, with a finite intelligence and limited compassion can see problems with the way things are, an omnimax being could have made this all happen without one ounce of pain because of that perfect love and compassion.
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Old 10-01-2009, 05:38 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Yes, I said God permits evil for a greater good. That makes perfect sense.
No, it does NOT make perfect sense.

We're talking about an omnimax being here.

If I, with a finite intelligence and limited compassion can see problems with the way things are, an omnimax being could have made this all happen without one ounce of pain because of that perfect love and compassion.
I understand what you're saying, but I think God wants to teach us a lesson. And I don't have a problem with God showing his wrath on us. We brought it on ourselves. Whether you believe that is cruel or not shouldn't matter, because in your head, God doesn't exist, and these stories are just mythical.

I don't see why atheists always enjoy pointing out God's wrath on evil people, but they always avoid the Psalm verses. Goodness and love will always follow me. The LORD hates his angels, but loves mankind. This verse is telling us that God loves us, and he will protect us.

He offers us eternal peace and harmony, by nothing more than just believing he exists. That's all he wants.

Believe in me and I shall grant you a crown of life.

Allah wants us to spill the blood of the infidels to get into Heaven and receive 72 virgin for all eternity.

Yahweh sounds like a good guy compared to this allah character.
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Old 10-01-2009, 06:15 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post

No, it does NOT make perfect sense.

We're talking about an omnimax being here.

If I, with a finite intelligence and limited compassion can see problems with the way things are, an omnimax being could have made this all happen without one ounce of pain because of that perfect love and compassion.
I understand what you're saying, but I think God wants to teach us a lesson. And I don't have a problem with God showing his wrath on us. We brought it on ourselves. Whether you believe that is cruel or not shouldn't matter, because in your head, God doesn't exist, and these stories are just mythical.

I don't see why atheists always enjoy pointing out God's wrath on evil people, but they always avoid the Psalm verses. Goodness and love will always follow me. The LORD hates his angels, but loves mankind. This verse is telling us that God loves us, and he will protect us.

He offers us eternal peace and harmony, by nothing more than just believing he exists. That's all he wants.

Believe in me and I shall grant you a crown of life.

Allah wants us to spill the blood of the infidels to get into Heaven and receive 72 virgin for all eternity.

Yahweh sounds like a good guy compared to this allah character.

Damning with faint praise, that's called.

i had this idea that if there were many gods, and many earths... and you could communicate with those other people, you might ask hey what god did you guys get? sorta like 6th graders asking who you got for English.

You say, un, Yahweh..or allah... and they say, oh shit you poor guys! That guys a total psycho!
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Old 10-01-2009, 07:09 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post

No, it does NOT make perfect sense.

We're talking about an omnimax being here.

If I, with a finite intelligence and limited compassion can see problems with the way things are, an omnimax being could have made this all happen without one ounce of pain because of that perfect love and compassion.
I understand what you're saying, but I think God wants to teach us a lesson. And I don't have a problem with God showing his wrath on us. We brought it on ourselves. Whether you believe that is cruel or not shouldn't matter, because in your head, God doesn't exist, and these stories are just mythical.

I don't see why atheists always enjoy pointing out God's wrath on evil people, but they always avoid the Psalm verses. Goodness and love will always follow me. The LORD hates his angels, but loves mankind. This verse is telling us that God loves us, and he will protect us.

He offers us eternal peace and harmony, by nothing more than just believing he exists. That's all he wants.

Believe in me and I shall grant you a crown of life.

Allah wants us to spill the blood of the infidels to get into Heaven and receive 72 virgin for all eternity.

Yahweh sounds like a good guy compared to this allah character.
We brought it upon ourselves?

No, we were placed in a situation where we were GUARANTEED to fail.

How is that loving and compassionate?

Would you put your child in a room full of poisoned candy with a cute little teddy bear telling them to try just one piece and expect them not eat?

Give me a break.
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Old 10-01-2009, 07:15 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
We brought it upon ourselves?
Yes, you bring it on yourself. If you reject God, you will be punished. That's the bottom line.

No, we were placed in a situation where we were GUARANTEED to fail.
You are only guaranteed to fail if you disobey God.

How is that loving and compassionate?
God offers you a chance at eternal salvation, but you choose to disobey Him, then you will complain about the consequences. You can blame no one but yourself.

Would you put your child in a room full of poisoned candy with a cute little teddy bear telling them to try just one piece and expect them not eat?

Give me a break.
This doesn't compare to disobeying God. God wants to be worshipped and praised, if you do not do so, you will die. That's that.
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