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Old 05-06-2007, 09:51 PM   #1
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Default Metadiscussion on Nazaroo's religious stance split from Text-Critical Marks in P66

Originally Posted by Nazaroo View Post
Oh yeah. We're done <edit>
Don't get so wound up Naz. Good grief. No need for calling names.

There's this saying that goes something like this: "Don't dish it out if you can't take it." You can't spit the nasty things out that you do and not expect some of it to come flying back at you.

p.s. - What does your brand of Christianity do for you or anyone else? How can I tell that you are a "good" Christian and not just some potty-mouthed atheist. What sets you apart, and why on earth would anyone want any part of it?
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Old 05-06-2007, 10:07 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Riverwind View Post
There's this saying that goes something like this: "Don't dish it out if you can't take it." You can't spit the nasty things out that you do and not expect some of it to come flying back at you.
You've got it all wrong again. I like wrestling on the front lawn in the dogshit with idiots. I particularly like choking them unconsious with a judo lock, to let them know I could have just killed them.

The problem here is that I can't dish it out at all. The mods are interfering with my message to you.

p.s. - What does your brand of Christianity do for you or anyone else? How can I tell that you are a "good" Christian and not just some potty-mouthed atheist. What sets you apart, and why on earth would anyone want any part of it?
You see, there is another whole misunderstanding, based upon your post-Christian, watered-down version of some kind of pacifist new-age crap, passed off as 'Christianity' by gay priests and ministers. That's not really my problem.

The fact is, Christianity was NEVER for everyone. It was OFFERED to everyone out of fairness. There is no requirement that everyone become Christian.

Again with the preconceptions: "potty-mouthed". You sound like a girl.

Are you wholly unaware that God told Ezekiel to eat shit?
Or that Isaiah wandered stark naked in front of all Israel for 3 years?
Or that David did a leud dance before the women of Israel and made his own wife jealous over it?

If you think I'm going to follow your White Middle Class standards of fake 'politeness' when its really just a hangover from British class systems, forget it. I'll talk how I've always talked, and just like Elijah the Prophet talked when he made jokes about the "god" BAAL being unable to answer his priests because he was busy taking a dump.

I have more in common with the prophets of ancient Israel than you do, with your limp wrists and your need to substitute plain words for euphemisms like "potty".

I guess I should have said something like "poopoo head" when addressing you instead of my usual "shitforbrains" vocabulary.
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Old 05-06-2007, 10:23 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Nazaroo View Post
You see, there is another whole misunderstanding, based upon your post-Christian, watered-down version of some kind of pacifist new-age crap, passed off as 'Christianity' by gay priests and ministers. That's not really my problem.

The fact is, Christianity was NEVER for everyone. It was OFFERED to everyone out of fairness. There is no requirement that everyone become Christian.
Well, here's my two cents. No God who promotes your brand of Christianity is worth my time. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that, from my perspective, those who follow your brand of Christianity will be the most likely to find themselves in that eternal fiery hell they so often and so coldly and uncaringly speak about. There is NOTHING that sets you apart from the people you condemn aside from "faith". However, a faith without acts is dead. Yours, to me, is a faith without acts. You might re-read the fruits of the spirit from Galatians sometime to see just how well endowed by the spirit you are. By their fruits you shall know them.... Doesn't matter how old you are, Nazaroo, you've still got a lot to (re?)learn. And that is all assuming you're not just masquerading as a Christian just to rub some of your "color" off on other Christians.
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Old 05-06-2007, 10:23 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Riverwind View Post
Come on, Nazaroo. Quit playing games with people or answer questions for goodness sake.


It's no wonder you're winding up on everyone's ignore list. Try a little harder to support your views or just leave. If you're playing games with people, then it's annoying. If you're just looney, then I guess I don't really know what to tell you....keep up the, work {secretly hitting the ignore button}.
Nazaroo has a history of making statements and not backing them up. In the post below, he asserted that all Poles and that Stalin was a Jew.

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Old 05-06-2007, 10:29 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by RED DAVE View Post
Nazaroo has a history of making statements and not backing them up. In the post below, he asserted that all Poles and that Stalin was a Jew.

You know...I was hoping for "playing games", but I'm leaning towards looney.
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Old 05-06-2007, 11:02 PM   #6
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Well, at least you are now saying something of interest.

Originally Posted by Riverwind View Post
No God who promotes your brand of Christianity is worth my time. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that, from my perspective, those who follow your brand of Christianity will be the most likely to find themselves in that eternal fiery hell they so often and so coldly and uncaringly speak about.
What's with the "my brand" crap? You don't know anything about my beliefs, so what can you know about "my brand"?

The tripe you are spouting here could apply to ANY brand of Christianity, Catholic, Protestant (100 flavours), even fringe cults. If you can't even place my religion among the many choices, why use loaded words that have no substantiation, like "MY BRAND"???

Next, you assume I believe in an "eternal fiery hell", but on what basis? I've never spoken on the doctrine of 'hellfire' or even any related Christian dogma. What bigoted, prejudicial unjustified crap.

Now, on the basis of your own imaginary dialogue with yourself about "MY BRAND" of some religion you imagine is based on something YOU are familiar with, like your bullshit Southern BAPTISTs or some other American shit, you speak of my "cold and uncaring" speech.

But its you (and again typically the atheist/agnostic) who are acting and speaking and judging like the ignorant bigot. So often we see this. Some hysterical atheist or agnostic, so panicky that there might be a bit of truth to something some Christian or Jew or other religious person says, performs some knee-jerk judgmental rant against an illusionary target.

A whole pile of misplaced hate and judgmental diahorea pours out, condemning the unknown or the innocent. Thanks for the crap. Now stoop and scoop please, its your dog-poop not mine.

There is NOTHING that sets you apart from the people you condemn aside from "faith".
Priceless. You admit you can't tell me from anyone else. Yet you are certain that I am some kind of Southern KKK Preacher who rants about hellfire and is cold and uncaring. Do you care how many homeless I have fed, or prisoners I've visited, or children I've adopted? Did you even care to ask?

However, a faith without acts is dead. Yours, to me, is a faith without acts. You might re-read the fruits of the spirit from Galatians sometime to see just how well endowed by the spirit you are.
Now of course the ICING on the CAKE: The Agnostic/Atheist self-appointed anti-fundy new-age bigot corrects me using his own lame interpretation of MY religion.

And what is the content? Some protestant crap from Galatians. A letter whose authorship has been challenged in this very forum dozens of times. Thanks for the lecture from MARTIN LUTHER the Anti SEMITE arse who invented a WORSE version of Christianity than Catholicism while trying to fix it.

Screw Martin Luther and especially screw Calvin. That all you got?

By their fruits you shall know them.... Doesn't matter how old you are, Nazaroo, you've still got a lot to (re?)learn. And that is all assuming you're not just masquerading as a Christian just to rub some of your "color" off on other Christians.
Now the finale. Agnosto-man battles Christiano by trying to use some vague platitude from the NT without the context or the authority or even the balls to back it up.

Yes that's right: the agnostic FINAL SOLUTION - accuse the Christian of being an agnostic or atheist masquerading as a Christian. That'll hit him below the belt, right in the hypocrisy-nards.

Only you missed. I'm a Christian all right, but your worst nightmare. I know more about the bible in more languages, translations, commentaries and versions of Christian dogma than you could absorb in a lifetime.

You know nothing about my beliefs and doctrines, but you have shown me everything I need to know about yours, and your shallow, judgmental bigotry.

I chew up and spit out a dozen morons with your skills per day.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Nazaroo View Post

The problem here is that I can't dish it out at all. The mods are interfering with my message to you.

... .


I frankly don't think that anyone has missed anything.

But your particular issues with masculinity are not the subject for BCH. I'm sending this to Elsewhere.

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Old 05-07-2007, 01:05 AM   #8
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But your particular issues with masculinity are not the subject for BCH.
The only issue I have with masculinity is that there aren't any men left, thanks to 40 years of the Pill in your drinking water, unless you count the neaderthals on steroids created by the army, in desperation.
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Old 05-07-2007, 05:26 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Nazaroo
.. from Galatians. A letter whose authorship has been challenged in this very forum dozens of times.
Hi Nazaroo,

Could you let us know if you accept books as scripture,
the word of God ? And if so, which ones ?


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Old 05-07-2007, 05:58 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Nazaroo View Post
What's with the "my brand" crap? You don't know anything about my beliefs, so what can you know about "my brand"?
I say "your brand" because never in my life have I met another person who calls themself a Christian (of any "flavor" as you call it) while cursing as you do, being so immodest, and most definitely not loving your enemies and others as yourself.

If you don't believe in Jesus' summation of the law, that is, (1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, (2) Love your neighbor like yourself. The second of these, I do not see you doing in the least. Jesus also said that you shall love your enemies. You most obviously do not do that. Of course there are many other things said in the bible that you obviously do not do, at least from the way you present yourself on these forums.

Next, you assume I believe in an "eternal fiery hell", but on what basis? I've never spoken on the doctrine of 'hellfire' or even any related Christian dogma.
Fine. If you don't believe in a fiery hell, then a "watered-down" separation from God or whatever thing you happen to believe in. If you don't believe in a hell at all then why do you even care what people in these forums believe enough to come here and try to share your views?

[quote]Priceless. You admit you can't tell me from anyone else. Yet you are certain that I am some kind of Southern KKK Preacher who rants about hellfire and is cold and uncaring.

Do you care how many homeless I have fed, or prisoners I've visited, or children I've adopted? Did you even care to ask?
Well, nice, but you aren't the only one, as many atheists and agnostics here have done the same things. Do you you treat the homeless, prisoners, and children as you treat people here? If your behavior here is any indication, then I feel very sorry for these people you think you help.

And what is the content? Some protestant crap from Galatians.
The fruit of the spirit is not a protestant or catholic thing, it is a bible thing. The bible states that, if you have God's spirit (do you?), then you will exhibit the "fruit" mentioned in Galatians (which you most definitely do not here in these forums).

A letter whose authorship has been challenged in this very forum dozens of times.
So, you listen to what atheist and agnostics tell you? They question the authorship of EVERY book of the bible.

Does this mean that you reject Galatians as canonical or authoritative as scripture?

Now the finale. Agnosto-man battles Christiano by trying to use some vague platitude from the NT without the context or the authority or even the balls to back it up.
It really wasn't all that vague. If you know the bible as well as you say, then you know the "platitude" that I presented. If not, and you need the actual reference, then let me know and I'll get it for you. As for backing it up...what do you back up a bible verse with? God said said spirit inspired it...what kind of "backup" are you looking for?

Yes that's right: the agnostic FINAL SOLUTION - accuse the Christian of being an agnostic or atheist masquerading as a Christian.
The reason for accusing you as such is because you exhibit in these forums NOTHING Christian as represented by Catholics, Protestants, or any others.

Do you believe anything in the bible other than the obscenity and harsh and unhumble attitude that you present? Let's see, you reject Jesus' statements about loving and being humble. In fact, you seem to reject most of his moral message and only seem to believe in him as Messiah. You also seem to reject the moral message of the rest of the New Testament. You even reject books of the bible... How on earth are you a Christian?

Again, I can't think of anyone other than hardened criminals and undercover skeptics who would call themselves Christians and act as you do on the internet.

Only you missed. I'm a Christian all right, but your worst nightmare. I know more about the bible in more languages, translations, commentaries and versions of Christian dogma than you could absorb in a lifetime.
You do, do you? Hmm...ok. Then prove it in the threads where you are totally ignoring the point of the questions being posed to you.

You know nothing about my beliefs and doctrines, but you have shown me everything I need to know about yours, and your shallow, judgmental bigotry.
All I know is the face you present to the internet, and it is an ugly one.

I chew up and spit out a dozen morons with your skills per day.
I certainly haven't seen it here. I have seen those morons chewing up and spiting out your own skills, however. And you are either pretending to be something you're not, or you're oblivious to the fact that no one thinks you're addressing the actual points.
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