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Old 04-12-2012, 02:01 PM   #71
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With respect to the charge of blasphemy I have been reluctant to step in the middle of these 'mythicist' debates because I believe we become like Charlesmagne - so used to holding a sword we lose objectivity. There is no way that Jesus claiming to be the messiah is the cause of his execution. With that said there are a number of plausible scenarios for this decision that having nothing to do with him being considered god or man - i.e. "I am able to destroy the temple," calling Israelites to a new god (see the Marcionite gospel as witnessed in the Church Fathers) etc.

Indeed just claiming to be God or Son of God COULD have been the reason. I don't know. Yet I imagine that a simply thrashing would be reserved for crazy people.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:09 PM   #72
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:11 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by LegionOnomaMoi View Post
In Mark specifically, the charge of blasphemy doesn't simply follow "I am" but a reference (probably) to Daniel, and in a way similar to that for which the rabbi Akiba seems to have been castigated. However, again the term doesn't necessarily mean a technical charge of profane use of the name of god or a sacriligious reference to god, but had a much wider sense. It's possible that the wider sense is used here, or that the author of Mark intended readers to interpret the word that Jesus suggested that either he or (if not understood as a self-reference) another human was the one who was to sit upon the throne described in Daniel....
Your speculation resolves NOTHING and is really irrelevant. It is NOT what you want to happen that counts ONLY the story itself.

It is the story in gMark that is relevant.

In the gMark Myth Fable the Jesus character was found to have made a Blasphemous remark and was condemned to be guilty of death by the Sanhedrin.

There is NO statement that the gMark Jesus character did ever exist and there is NO credible reason to PRESUME the author gMark is writing an accurate or historical account.

It is appears that the author MADE SURE he wrote Blatant Fiction so that his readers would understand he was writing a story

This is the story in gMark and it did state Jesus was condemned to be guilty of death because of his Blasphemous answer.

Mark 15
Again the chief priest asked him and said to him: Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?

62 And Jesus said: I am; and you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.

63 And the chief priest rent his clothes and said: What further need have we of witnesses?

64 You have heard the blasphemy: what think you? And they all condemned him to be worthy of death.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:15 PM   #74
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But aa, the blasphemy could have been the initial charge - i.e. 'I am able to destroy the temple.' It resurfaces later when the crowd taunts him.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:18 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by stephan huller
Chrestos works better because it is already an attested divine epithet cf philo
Link to the evidence?

I doubt this claim.

On the other hand, Philo did praise Hercules, so maybe I am wrong.

Originally Posted by stephan huller
Yet I imagine that a simply thrashing would be reserved for crazy people.

This is a religion, Judaism, that MURDERS women, in cold blood, for engaging in sexual relations with someone other than the male who owns her.

Now some bloke comes along, claiming to be YHWH's son, and you think they would scold him and give him a good whipping?

These are people to this day, who will not eat pork, that's how incredibly stupid they are. Me, I don't eat it either, but not because the animal is "dirty", but because I like eggplant better. If someone gave me pork at a dinner, I would eat it, unhesitatingly. ditto for chicken or beef or fish, or whatever....This is a gutter religion. Not one that behaves rationally: oh, that dude is mentally unstable, we better give him a good hiding..."
Nope. Stoning to death. That's what would happen to him.

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Old 04-12-2012, 02:19 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
The figure in Daniel IS human.
No the figure is divine. No humans I know - not even the Jetsons - fly around on clouds.
The figure is arguably celestial (though even this is debatable since Daniel is an apocalyptic piece which is, by definition allegorical), but to be clear in my language, I'm saying he is not seen as equivalent to God himself. He's something (at best) more akin to an angel.

Even then, it's only a poetic image in Daniel, not a literal one.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:23 PM   #77
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It's in Philo 'the kind God.' Look it up in the archives. I only spend the time to appeal my message to people who have a possibility of understanding it. If you can't access it in the archives just look it up at my blog - type 'the kind god' in Greek letters.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:24 PM   #78
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I'm saying he is not seen as equivalent to God himself. He's something (at best) more akin to an angel.
No one as far as I know ever claimed that Jesus was anything other than a created being until Athanasius and Nicaea especially at Alexandria.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:25 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
Mark thought it was blasphemy because he didn't know what the Messiah was and he didn't know what constituted blasphemy.

Just for the record, saying "I am" was not blasphemy (certainly not in Greek), and even verbalizing the Tetragrammaton (which Mark does not say Jesus did), contrary to popular belief, was not, per se blasphemy.

"Son of God" was not a claim to divinity either. All kings were sons of God, and even thoufh the Messiah was sometimes referred to as the son of God, the Messiah still wasn't God, so it doesn't matter.

Son of God
Son of Man

None of those things implied divinity in normal, 1st Century Palestinian Aramaic speech, in Hebrew scripture or in Jewish tradition.
Then why, when Jesus admitted to being the "son of the Blessed One" did the HP (i.e., Mark) call it blasphemy and deserving of death? this is what I asked Jon to explain.

Earl Doherty
Earl can you clear this up for me please. Are you saying Mark thought Jesus was God or not?
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:29 PM   #80
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Yet I imagine that a simply thrashing would be reserved for crazy people.
It is difficult to imagine that Mark was developing a narrative where Jesus was acknowledged to have (a) claimed he was the Son of God and (b) was not thought to have been crazy. The idea comes up in the gospel narrative. It's like a modern person claiming to be Napoleon. It is hard to imagine a justice system that would take the claim to be the Son of God so seriously that all the remarkable things described in the narrative would have taken place - i.e. the Romans helping arrest Jesus by stealth at night, a special session of the Sanhedrin, being put in front of Pilate - all for a mashugana. I find this difficult to believe. The more likely reason for his execution is that he was found to be competent on some level and the original charge was either blaspheming the temple, turning people away from Yahweh or both.
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