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Old 12-31-2008, 11:21 AM   #681
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post

True the Major big diffrence you seam incapable to grasp is I have a choice. sure there may be negative repercusions but i have a choice. slaves do not!
Again want to answer
Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god? Considering your gods fear that others would turn away so quickly from him sounds like he was the erkel of gods in that area and nobody took him all that serious ( amongst the other gods anyways).
or are you going to keep making us repost continually those things you refuse to answer because your cognitive dissonance causes you to squirm like a worm on a hot plate?
"you have a choice" so did those who sold themselves and their family to survive.
Really so all those wives and children have a choice when they are kept in slavery by the master? Just curious does your boss get to fuck your significant other whenever he wants without your permision? See if he is your Master and you equate that working for a living is the same as slavery then you wont have any problem with your master fucking your significant other or you or you children. after all he needs no permisssion because your indentured to him....right? Or are you going to quit perposing such drivel as a argument? Its moronic and carries nothing in the way of significance. a freeman who has never known the shackels of bondage defending slavery as a kind a gental institution. You probably consider rape assault with a friendly weapon as well. keep in mind there were free men who worked for a living during that time as well, i believe one was even reported to be a carpenter or some other such nonsense.

Again how about answering anything

Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god?
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:24 AM   #682
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Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

I have already answered that stupid question.
No you haven't. You've ducked and dodged it, and tried to create a distraction by bringing up Islam. But you have never answered the question about your own claims and your own bible.

You ducked and dodged for three pages of posts and never answered it. The truth is you KNOW better than to answer it, because as soon as you do it'll be checkmate for you and your support of the Bible.

A Muslim a follower of the bloody Mohammed is not in a position to attack the God of Israel.....this is tantamount to a Satanist attacking Jesus.

ANYONE can attack your beliefs since you're the one with the claims here.

You just can't respond because you see the game ending for your argument in the next move.

Atleast we have the courage to stand against attacks while one leaves a lone defender at GRD defending your god.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:26 AM   #683
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
Already answered this question. Knowing a person's religion tells you nothing about their particular beliefs. Charging up to a christian and asking, "how can you believe such-and-such" makes no sense, since the lable "christian" doesn't tell you anything about what their beliefs are.

Christians range all the way from:

(a) socially responsible and moral people who have a modern scientific view of the world

all the way to

(b) marginally retarded bumpkins who interpret the bible literally and try to impose their narrowminded silliness on others around them.

Until you know more about the person's beliefs, you don't know whether you are dealing with (a), (b), or something in between.

Now work out the analogous parallel for yourself, sugarhitman.

Again this is

"Knowing a person's religion tells you nothing of their particular beliefs" nice how nice. In otherwords a lack of sincerity concerning your own faith....just like apostate christians. Do you believe in Mohammeds teachings? Do you believe in the Quran? Don't give me that vague non-sense. "something in between"= not sincere, false, pretender, pseudo, unsure etc.

How can a pseudo muslim attack the God of Israel?
again this is Biblical Criticism & History you seam to have reading comprehension which explains allot. There is an appropriate forum for discussion about the Q'ran i suggest you avail yourself of that forum if you wish to debate a subject you know even less about then the bible. it is General Religous discussion should help you narrow it down.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:26 AM   #684
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

"you have a choice" so did those who sold themselves and their family to survive.
Really so all those wives and children have a choice when they are kept in slavery by the master? Just curious does your boss get to fuck your significant other whenever he wants without your permision? See if he is your Master and you equate that working for a living is the same as slavery then you wont have any problem with your master fucking your significant other or you or you children. after all he needs no permisssion because your indentured to him....right? Or are you going to quit perposing such drivel as a argument? Its moronic and carries nothing in the way of significance. a freeman who has never known the shackels of bondage defending slavery as a kind a gental institution. You probably consider rape assault with a friendly weapon as well. keep in mind there were free men who worked for a living during that time as well, i believe one was even reported to be a carpenter or some other such nonsense.

Again how about answering anything

Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god?

Im in slavery now and if you think you are free (free to consume) than you are a ****!

Also what rape are you talking about?
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:27 AM   #685
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
No you haven't. You've ducked and dodged it, and tried to create a distraction by bringing up Islam. But you have never answered the question about your own claims and your own bible.

You ducked and dodged for three pages of posts and never answered it. The truth is you KNOW better than to answer it, because as soon as you do it'll be checkmate for you and your support of the Bible.


ANYONE can attack your beliefs since you're the one with the claims here.

You just can't respond because you see the game ending for your argument in the next move.

Atleast we have the courage to stand against attacks while one leaves a lone defender at GRD defending your god.
PSSSWSTTTT* (its the same god dude):huh:
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:27 AM   #686
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

Again this is

"Knowing a person's religion tells you nothing of their particular beliefs" nice how nice. In otherwords a lack of sincerity concerning your own faith....just like apostate christians. Do you believe in Mohammeds teachings? Do you believe in the Quran? Don't give me that vague non-sense. "something in between"= not sincere, false, pretender, pseudo, unsure etc.

How can a pseudo muslim attack the God of Israel?
again this is Biblical Criticism & History you seam to have reading comprehension which explains allot. There is an appropriate forum for discussion about the Q'ran i suggest you avail yourself of that forum if you wish to debate a subject you know even less about then the bible. it is General Religous discussion should help you narrow it down.

A forum matters is the person.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:33 AM   #687
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post

Really so all those wives and children have a choice when they are kept in slavery by the master? Just curious does your boss get to fuck your significant other whenever he wants without your permision? See if he is your Master and you equate that working for a living is the same as slavery then you wont have any problem with your master fucking your significant other or you or you children. after all he needs no permisssion because your indentured to him....right? Or are you going to quit perposing such drivel as a argument? Its moronic and carries nothing in the way of significance. a freeman who has never known the shackels of bondage defending slavery as a kind a gental institution. You probably consider rape assault with a friendly weapon as well. keep in mind there were free men who worked for a living during that time as well, i believe one was even reported to be a carpenter or some other such nonsense.

Again how about answering anything

Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god?

Im in slavery now and if you think you are free (free to consume) than you are a ****!

Also what rape are you talking about?
Wow you do have reading comprehension. It is making fun of your world view of how wonderful it was to be a slave.
I say prove you are in slavery now or its B.S. put your master on! How dare you speak to a freeman thus! if you are a slave a speaking to free men than you should be beat until you cannot rise for two days!

You know not answering questions many times speaks much louder than made up BS that has nothing to do with the question being asked.

Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god?

Care to answer the question or are we going to keep paddling up the shtmn river of drivel and evasiveness. you are not allowed to ask any more questions until you answer my question slave. :devil1:
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:35 AM   #688
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

Atleast we have the courage to stand against attacks while one leaves a lone defender at GRD defending your god.
PSSSWSTTTT* (its the same god dude):huh:
"its the same god?" really? wow? Now im really confused. My God doesn't say "be in between" (whatever that means). Or maybe yours is saying strap yourself with explosives and remain open to Atheism, science evolution etc. sort of an atheist leaning god who has doubts about himself perhaps?

Is this what "in between means?"
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:36 AM   #689
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post

again this is Biblical Criticism & History you seam to have reading comprehension which explains allot. There is an appropriate forum for discussion about the Q'ran i suggest you avail yourself of that forum if you wish to debate a subject you know even less about then the bible. it is General Religous discussion should help you narrow it down.

A forum matters is the person.
So all your attacks were against the person. nice to know.:banghead:
Actully the forums matter ALLOT! thats why there are different ones.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:40 AM   #690
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

Im in slavery now and if you think you are free (free to consume) than you are a ****!

Also what rape are you talking about?
Wow you do have reading comprehension. It is making fun of your world view of how wonderful it was to be a slave.
I say prove you are in slavery now or its B.S. put your master on! How dare you speak to a freeman thus! if you are a slave a speaking to free men than you should be beat until you cannot rise for two days!

You know not answering questions many times speaks much louder than made up BS that has nothing to do with the question being asked.

Since slavery was so nice and is supported by the bible then would you support it today in order to fend off hunger and destitution? After all it is rehablitation and people could get trades according to the assertions in this thread.
So is the bible the inspired word of god to be followed without critic or just a bunch of suggestions from a god that was no better than the surrounding gods who by the way never declared him to be the one true god?

Care to answer the question or are we going to keep paddling up the shtmn river of drivel and evasiveness. you are not allowed to ask any more questions until you answer my question slave. :devil1:
You are not free....stop working and you will quickly find this out. Also democracy does not exist in the work place. Talk that smack "im free to do whatever i want" and out the door you go to find another boss...i mean master.
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