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Old 09-28-2009, 06:02 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Choice does not have anything to do with it since God even attacked devout Christians with Hurricane Katrina, not to mention innocent animals.
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
New Orleans was a cesspool of evil and filth.
But many people who lived in New Orleans were devout, faithful Christians. Why did God punish them too?
But He left the French Quarter alone, so the dens of sin and iniquity are still going strong. I guess God wanted his most faithful subjects, the poor and those unable to leave or live on higher ground (where the wealthy built their homes), to be taken to Him. Just another sign of the Rapture, dontcha' know.
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:17 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
IBIH...just curious...

You believe you are living in the "end of days".

Do you believe Christ will return within your lifetime?
Yes, I believe we are the generation that will witness the return of Christ. I have been paying close attention to the Middle East chaos, and the development of Iran's nuclear bomb. The U.S just discovered that Iran has been building a nuclear bomb for several years now. This nuclear plant was underground, and the world didn't know about.

Iran's president said yesterday, "If Iran is attacked, it will be Israel's last breath."

If you read the bible, and you take it literally, then you will know God will protect Israel in the last days just like he did in ancient days.

Israel is on their last breath;

Iran is test firing missiles;

Iran says advanced missiles can target any threat to the Islamic Republic;

Barack Obama orders Iran to come clean;

Can't you see we are heading into World War III?

The Iranian president has already admitted that he wants to usher the Islamic Messiah to the World before he dies. And meanwhile, he is building several nuclear bombs. :constern01:

America's next battle will be Iran.
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:20 AM   #113
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Message to IBelieveInHymn: Please reply to my posts #106 and #107.
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:31 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Choice does not have anything to do with it since God even attacked devout Christians with Hurricane Katrina, not to mention innocent animals.
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
New Orleans was a cesspool of evil and filth.
But many people who lived in New Orleans were devout, faithful Christians. Why did God punish them too?
I don't know why God would punish the righteous and the evil simultaneously. There is a plan to everything. God is the mastermind. Maybe these questions will be answered when you are standing in front of Christ on Judgement Day?
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:39 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
No, thousands of years ago, God was already injuring and killing humans by the millions.
Yes, I agree, He was showing his wrath thousands of years ago. But we are the generation that is going to witness the end of the world. I believe God has had enough, and it's time for him to step in and take charge.

Is it your position that every bad thing that happens to humans is because they make God angry, and that every good thing that happens to humans is a reward from God?
No, because I know life can be pretty bad at times. Even for the righteous people. If bad things happen, all we can do is ask God to help and be our guiding light. If we don't find the help we are searching for.. that is no reason to become an atheist. Tons of atheists say they feel much better without God in their life. Well, if that's true, then why do they feel the need to discuss him on a regular basis? I think some atheists really want to find hope in God, but they are too afraid of what their fellow atheists will think about them.

I used to hang out with a crowd of people who listened to Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Venom, Slayer.. you know? All of that satanic garbage. My old high school friends on facebook thought I've lost my mind because I believe in God now, and I'm not worshipping Satan by playing his evil music.

They were calling me "Holy ruler" and "Jesus freak"

I have abandoned all of my old friends to gain a relationship with God. I deleted my facebook account because I do not want to be affiliated with evil any longer..
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:42 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
.......I believe we are the generation that will witness the return of Christ.
If that does not happen, would that be sufficient grounds for Christians to give up Christianity? If not, then the issue of when Jesus will return is not very important after all.

Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
America's next battle will be with Iran.
Not likely. Russia insisted that Israel promise not to attack Iran, and the Russian President said that if Israel attacked Iran, it would be the worst possible thing. As a result, Israel promised not to attack Iran. If Russia would be upset if Israel attacked Iran, it would be even more upset if the U.S. attacked Iran.

You are obviously not aware that the U.S. does not have the money or the manpower to continue trying to be the world's policeman. Consider the following:

Originally Posted by

The Three Trillion Dollar War

We talk with Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, authors of the new book "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict." Stiglitz is a professor at Columbia University and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics for 2001. Bilmes is a lecturer in public policy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.
By some estimates, the Iraq war has cost close to 5 trillion dollars, which, if I am correct, is more than most or all of the U.S. government bailout.

And what about North Korea? Unlike Iran, North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and missiles to carry them. Are you suggesting that the U.S. invade North Korea, right under China's nose?

You are obviously not aware that the U.S. could not win a conventional war against Russia in the Middle East, or a war against China and the North Koreans in North Korea. Since the U.S. has to send men and equipment across oceans, it has to spend a lot more money than its opponents do who are closer to the action.

Since the U.S. cannot bring stability to Iraq, which has a lot of desert land, how in the world can it bring stability in mountainous regions in other countries?

Please be advised the Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea are well aware the the U.S. is not in any position to start more wars. My word, do you have any idea how much money needs to be spent on infrastucture in the U.S., including repairing roads and bridges, education, and a lot of other needs?
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:53 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Choice does not have anything to do with it since God even attacked devout Christians with Hurricane Katrina, not to mention innocent animals.
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
New Orleans was a cesspool of evil and filth.
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
But many people who lived in New Orleans were devout, faithful Christians. Why did God punish them too?
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
I don't know why God would punish the righteous and the evil simultaneously.
If God punishes righteous people no matter "how" they live their lives, then that also means that he punishes righteous people no matter "where" they live their lives, which means that your claim that God sent Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans because "New Orleans was a cesspool of evil and filth" does not make any sense since you have now admitted that God punishes both good and bad people. In other words, if only righteous people lived in New Orleans, God would still have sent Hurricane Katrina there.

Do you know of any city or region in the world where God does not injure and kill humans and animals?
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Old 09-29-2009, 05:54 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
IBIH...just curious...

You believe you are living in the "end of days".

Do you believe Christ will return within your lifetime?
Yes, I believe we are the generation that will witness the return of Christ. I have been paying close attention to the Middle East chaos, and the development of Iran's nuclear bomb. The U.S just discovered that Iran has been building a nuclear bomb for several years now. This nuclear plant was underground, and the world didn't know about.

Iran's president said yesterday, "If Iran is attacked, it will be Israel's last breath."

If you read the bible, and you take it literally, then you will know God will protect Israel in the last days just like he did in ancient days.

Israel is on their last breath;

Iran is test firing missiles;

Iran says advanced missiles can target any threat to the Islamic Republic;

Barack Obama orders Iran to come clean;

Can't you see we are heading into World War III?

The Iranian president has already admitted that he wants to usher the Islamic Messiah to the World before he dies. And meanwhile, he is building several nuclear bombs. :constern01:

America's next battle will be Iran.
IBIH, you still have yet to distinguish yourself from your fellow Christians of antiquity regarding your belief that you are living in the last days. There have been countless generations that believe as you do, that Christ would return before they died.

What happens when you are 80, 90 or 100 and Christ still hasn't returned? What will you think then?

I have a problem with this part of your post...

If you read the bible, and you take it literally, then you will know God will protect Israel in the last days just like he did in ancient days.
I think you've proven that you don't take the words in the Bible literally...not when they don't fit what you want them to. You are quick to use whatever translation fits your needs best. How do you decide what to take literally and what to consider allegory? This has been asked of you countless times and you have failed to address this question head on.
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:10 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
If that does not happen, would that be sufficient grounds for Christians to give up Christianity? If not, then the issue of when Jesus will return is not very important after all.
We don't know when it will happen. I don't think it's safe to give up hope.

Not likely. Russia insisted that Israel promise not to attack Iran, and the Russian President said that if Israel attacked Iran, it would be the worst possible thing. As a result, Israel promised not to attack Iran. If Russia would be upset if Israel attacked Iran, it would be even more upset if the U.S. attacked Iran.
Of course Russia doesn't want Israel to attack Iran. Russia is in bed with Iran. Who do you think is supplying Iran with weapons?

You are obviously not aware that the U.S. does not have the money or the manpower to continue trying to be the world's policeman. Consider the following:
America has the funds and manpower to completely take over the Middle East if they wanted.

By some estimates, the Iraq war has cost close to 5 trillion dollars, which, if I am correct, is more than most or all of the U.S. government bailout.
The U.S has the funds to start another war in Iran. The U.S will not allow Iran to build a nuclear bomb. We will be at war with Iran before long.

And what about North Korea? Unlike Iran, North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and missiles to carry them. Are you suggesting that the U.S. invade North Korea, right under China's nose?
North Korea is not threatening to wipe Israel off the map in the name of Islam.

You are obviously not aware that the U.S. could not win a conventional war against Russia in the Middle East, or a war against China and the North Koreans in North Korea. Since the U.S. has to send men and equipment across oceans, it has to spend a lot more money than its opponents do who are closer to the action.
This is why all Nations shall gather and prepare battle in the earth's final hours. America will seek help from it's allies.

Since the U.S. cannot bring stability to Iraq, which has a lot of desert land, how in the world can it bring stability in mountainous regions in other countries?
The main goal in Iran is to blow their nuclear facility off the earth. I don't think U.S intentions in Iran are the same as Iraq.

Please be advised the Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea are well aware the the U.S. is not in any position to start more wars. My word, do you have any idea how much money needs to be spent on infrastucture in the U.S., including repairing roads and bridges, education, and a lot of other needs?
President Barack Obama has already said If Iran doesn't come clean, they will suffer great consequences. There is a major war brewing, and this will be the final battle. We are dealing with a madman with a nuclear bomb in his possession.
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:16 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
IBIH, you still have yet to distinguish yourself from your fellow Christians of antiquity regarding your belief that you are living in the last days. There have been countless generations that believe as you do, that Christ would return before they died.
Because there were prophecies that were unfulfilled during their lifetime. Israel being reborn as a nation is a sign of Christ's Kingdom is coming near.

What happens when you are 80, 90 or 100 and Christ still hasn't returned? What will you think then?
I don't know.

I think you've proven that you don't take the words in the Bible literally...not when they don't fit what you want them to. You are quick to use whatever translation fits your needs best. How do you decide what to take literally and what to consider allegory? This has been asked of you countless times and you have failed to address this question head on.
Taking the bible literally, and trying to decipher the words Jesus used are totally different. Of course there will be some head scratching when you're trying to compare an ancient language to modern 21st century english. Any book you read, if you don't understand it, you must research the answers. I never said the bible is an easy book to understand. but we have the technology to research the answers. It's easy for an atheist to find the errors online, but it's difficult to search for the answers? :constern01:
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