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Old 09-11-2004, 10:51 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Peter Kirby
So are you going to e-mail him?

Peter Kirby

No. that would only work if he thought others wanted to see it. He has nothing to gain by debating me. If you and a couple of others pushed for it he might do it. But I doubt he would even respond to my email.
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Old 09-11-2004, 11:05 PM   #92
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So, you want to debate him, but you don't want to e-mail him?

Peter Kirby
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Old 09-12-2004, 12:34 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
But my questions goes unanswered. Is that the decision of the field, or just this one guy? Any scholar defending a thesis is going to say "orthodoxy now hangs in the balance due to my brilliant work." Of course!
Meta, it is apparent to me from this paragraph that you have no idea what you are talking about. Do you know what History and Theology I am referring to?

I can prove everything I said on that page. I can prove and i run it into your arrrogant little face. And if fact most of it is common knowledge.
By all means do so.

O yea I'm sure the whole Biblical scholarhsip world is abuzz with your brillant work and you have revamped the whole of western civlization. That's why you post on a message board. Is Derrida posting here too? Come one Jacques speak up!
Why don't you just say "oops! I wasn't aware that the consensus put Mark just before or just after 70." That would save personal attacks and nonsense like this.

diappers, that you can't re-write history just to destroy your big mean preacher man.[/b]
Whatever errors Doherty made, they have nothing to do with the numerous errors on your website, as well as your refusal to engage in a meaningful way with his writings.

NO that's bull. Of course we have to assume it. Sure, it could be transported immediatly upon being written, and Captin Kirck could have beamed it from Isreael to Egypt but why would we want to assume the atypical when it's so much more probable that it had to have time to circulate? Yea it's a rule of thrumb and in some case it could be wrong. Please show me why this is one of those cases?
LOL. Meta, you have it backward. It is you who (1) dated Rylands wrongly and then (2) claimed that it refuted a late date for the gospels. It is you who must demonstrate that John could not have been transmitted rapidly. We know, from the Pauline and other epistles, that the Christian communities in the Med basin were heavily networked and wrote each other quite a bit. There's no reason to assume a twenty-year transmission time (there's no reason to assume any particular length of time). No methodology underpins your claim, hence it is valueless.

It will take more than your arrogant bluster to make me take down a fine peice of work. There is not a single error in it. There's something you disagree with. There are some figure you can dispute. that is hardly "error." I mean errors are things Nomad exterminates. What you mean is "difference of opinon."
When you wrote: "Most Scholars vie for a date of composition for Mark around 60 A.D" you erred. The consensus date is just around 70.

When you wrote: "Doherty cannot offer a reason as to why Paul should have retold the Gospel stories, and doesn't seem to be aware even that he should." you erred. Doherty does so offer reasons. You may accept or reject them, but they exist.

Give me a reason to supposse that Jesus didn't exit! I mean one based upon historical documents of testimony,not some new age quack's wish list
This isn't about Doherty's claims or the JM thesis, but about your meaningless and incompetent rebuttal of them, which cites neither Doherty nor his critics nor any scholars. Attacking Doherty won't get you off the hook.

I've already listed about 10 points where he'sjust aboslutely totally out to lunch no question about it. NO one answered them. Things like trying to read Neo platonism into the first century.
What's to answer? Your claims about Doherty are unsupported by relevant cites and quotes.

and you try to trun the issue to me and when you can't offer any of the stuff I've asked for, like some proof that Doherty is right, you start in on my spelling. Well spelling determines rightness of cousre. No one who spells badly can be right about anything so I guess I lose. But we knew that because I'm a christians and christians are shit.
Please do not let loose your personal insecurities here. In point of fact I have known you three years and have never once made fun of your spelling. Nor have I ever said you are "shit."

it's a referendom on my worth as a scholar. Meanwhile, Doherty still can't offer a single reason to actually accept his premise.
It's not him who is under discussion here. If you want to discuss his thesis in a meaningful way, pick one claim of his and start a thread. Layman did that and we all learned a lot tussling with him. Anytime you want to write something underpinned by scholarly argument, please do so.

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Old 09-12-2004, 07:10 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
You are not listening. Try to focuss now:

(1) There were gnostics or proto gnsotic "types" in Paul's day. But they did not have either the influence nor the acceptence that Doherty tries to give them.

(3) He trires to make Paul into one of these Gnostics, when in reality Paul was clealry combatting them.

(4) In Paul's day they were small, not influential, mostly confined to Corinth and asia Minor.
Small, not influential, not accepted, yet Paul was devoting time to combatting them.

If Paul was comabatting Gnostic heresies, then surely drawing upon the fund of knowledge of the life of Jesus that Paul had, would have been an excellent way to do so.
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Old 09-12-2004, 07:52 AM   #95
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Who saw Mr. Doherty speak yesterday? Anybody?
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:29 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Peter Kirby
So, you want to debate him, but you don't want to e-mail him?

Peter Kirby

I want you to email him and say "a buch of us skeptical types want you to debate this guy." See if you can get a couple of his fans to email him and say "I'm your fan, I'm pulling for you. Please come debate this guy."
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:35 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Small, not influential, not accepted, yet Paul was devoting time to combatting them.

These are relative terms aren't they? They were "small" relative to the whole of Christian movement in that day. But in the Pauline circle they were't necessarily so small. They were influential in the chruches that Paul was dealing with in Asia Minor, that made them worth dealing with. They were probably big at Corinth, Ephesus and Collasse.

If Paul was comabatting Gnostic heresies, then surely drawing upon the fund of knowledge of the life of Jesus that Paul had, would have been an excellent way to do so.

Not if they weren't questioning Jesus existence. Those pre-gnostic groups in the Pauline circle were probably not saying the things Gnostics are famous for in the late second to fourth century, that Jesus was only an immaterial being who didn't have flesh and blood. That kind of doctrine is echoed in John, which was probably written in the 90s. But Paul was dealing with these things in the 50s. They had not yet begun to say those kinds of things. They were dealing with ideas like Marriage is wrong, sexual liscence is ok, worshiping the goddess Sophia, Eve was made before Adam, women must be spiritual men, matter is evil.But they had no yet begun to say that Jesus was an immaterial being.

But even those of the second to fourth century didn't try to say that Jesus didn't live in Nazerath. they never did hold to Doherty's idea of crucifiction in space or any of that.
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:57 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Vorkosigan
Meta, it is apparent to me from this paragraph that you have no idea what you are talking about. Do you know what History and Theology I am referring to?

you don't know.

By all means do so.

most of what I said on that page was common knowlede. You found one point, one point, one point to differe with. And you think that makes you some kind of amazing shcolar. You are just flogging one little point because that's all you've got.

Why don't you just say "oops! I wasn't aware that the consensus put Mark just before or just after 70." That would save personal attacks and nonsense like this.

I'm sitll not. Why don't you quote a source. You lambast me for not quoting one ,but why don't you quote one?

Whatever errors Doherty made, they have nothing to do with the numerous errors on your website, as well as your refusal to engage in a meaningful way with his writings.

You haven't read page 2 have you? Not engage in a meaningful way? Here he makes, not I, HE MADE THE SUMMARY! It's HIS SUMMARY OF HIS VIWES. WHY IS IT NOT COMPETE? So I answer it in my own summary so the reader can keep in mind where the debate is going to go, and you want to make a federal case out of it.

You also didn't even notice the four pages on dying rizing savior gods in which I draw upon about 20 books on mythology and about 10 more Christian scholars (that's 30 in all) to show that the basic assumption of the mythers is wrong in realtion to actual mythological stories. That in itself undermines not only Doherty but all Jesus Mythers. Yet you don't even notice that.

You want to claim that my site is full of errors but you only mention one and that's just a difference of opinion!

LOL. Meta, you have it backward. It is you who (1) dated Rylands wrongly and then (2) claimed that it refuted a late date for the gospels.

I didin't date it "wrongly." I dated it as most scholars date it, see FFBruce New Testament Documents and numerous other sources. You want to claim that it's date is changed because you have one aritcle where someone argues that, but you don't quote anything showing that this is the new consensus. You assert that it is, but you don't prove it.

Moreover, I admitted up front that I might be wrong, I might not be up to speed on that point. But it's an honest mistake because that was the "official date" for over 50 years.So why is that such a big deal to you? If you are right, I'm like five years out of date on something that's that's just a hobby and not my real field. So why is that a big deal?

From that you jump to the amazing conclusion that my site is riddeled with errors. Well come big dude let's see one?

It is you who must demonstrate that John could not have been transmitted rapidly. We know, from the Pauline and other epistles, that the Christian communities in the Med basin were heavily networked and wrote each other quite a bit. There's no reason to assume a twenty-year transmission time (there's no reason to assume any particular length of time). No methodology underpins your claim, hence it is valueless.

Well this is what makes the difference in an amature and professional. I'm not a professional Bible scholar, but Koester is, in fact he's the most respected one of the tops. He's the "grand old man" of the field. He says you have to assume the 20 year rule for everything because you can't demonstate that it didn't take time to circulate.

Look! It was written in Asia Minor, and the oldest fragment turns up in Egypt, how'd it get over there? Obviously it travled so it had to have travel time. See Koester Ancient Christan Gospels because he affirms the dating.

When you wrote: "Most Scholars vie for a date of composition for Mark around 60 A.D" you erred. The consensus date is just around 70.

I would say 70 is around 60. I meant to say 70. that's a mistake. I did say in another post that 70 is the date I go by.

When you wrote: "Doherty cannot offer a reason as to why Paul should have retold the Gospel stories, and doesn't seem to be aware even that he should." you erred. Doherty does so offer reasons. You may accept or reject them, but they exist.

Ok I'll have to look for that. But remember, that was written in 2001. why do you keep forgetting that? He didn't have that up at that time.

BTW there is one thing I'll give you. I see it is time to up date the page. which I'm going to try and get done now. I guess I have Peter and you guys in the thread to thank for that.

This isn't about Doherty's claims or the JM thesis, but about your meaningless and incompetent rebuttal of them, which cites neither Doherty nor his critics nor any scholars. Attacking Doherty won't get you off the hook.

Didn't cite him? I quote 12 major quoations which he offers as a summary for his whole theory. Don't quote his critics? So what? I wasn't writting an article for an encyclopedia or an academic journal.I was outlining my own beef with him. So what? What business is it of yours anyway? I didn't even bring up the link.

and again You keep ignoring page 2!!!! page 2 quotes Koster and a whole bunch of other sources. Why do you keep ignoring that????

[quote]What's to answer? Your claims about Doherty are unsupported by relevant cites and quotes.[/qouote]

You keep ignoring page 2!!!! page 2 quotes Koster and a whole bunch of other sources. Why do you keep ignoring that????

Please do not let loose your personal insecurities here. In point of fact I have known you three years and have never once made fun of your spelling. Nor have I ever said you are "shit."

But I am shit. I missed the dating on Rylands. That's an "error" call Nomad to exterminate me.

It's not him who is under discussion here.

Of course it is. Is this thread called "Metacrock speaks in LA?"

If you want to discuss his thesis in a meaningful way, pick one claim of his and start a thread. Layman did that and we all learned a lot tussling with him. Anytime you want to write something underpinned by scholarly argument, please do so.


I did. I said "he doesnt' have any evidence to support his view, it's all circumstantial and argument form silence, and that's not the way real history is done." To that Pete linked to my page and proceeded to knitt pick about how bad it is and never onece gave any thought to arguments on it.
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Old 09-12-2004, 10:36 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
Helmutt Koester, Ancient Christian Gospels.
I guess I wasn't clear enough in my request for the basis of the "rule" but, if Koester explains it, I may have my answer. Can you provide a specific location in his book? I own it but I don't recall this "rule" being discussed or even mentioned. I've looked through his discussion of Mark and don't see it.

The three major 20th century excavations all found that it was inhabited in the first century, and the lattest one in the 90s kicked off a project to reconstruct the villiage. If you look up Nazerath village project you will see they are reconstructing it as it was in the first century.
The dates given by the potsherds utilized in that article are quite broad. As I already mentioned, there is archeological evidence of habitation for the late 1st century. Where is the evidence of early 1st century habitation and that the location was named "Nazareth"? More relevant to your assertion, where is the "archaeological evidence indicates Jesus family in Nazerath in frist century"?

Why would the redactors give him an origin form ghost town?
It is my understanding that the location was inhabited and named Nazareth after the destruction of Jerusalem. It would not have been a ghost town when author's subsequent to Mark misinterpreted his reference to Jesus as a "Nazarene" or something similar.

Originally Posted by Metacrock
Only one version of the story rightr down to minute detials...
Originally Posted by amaleq13
If two or, possibly, three of the "versions" are actually rewrites of a single original, why is this significant? Even if the fourth version ("John") is independent, it certainly can't be said to be identical to Mark's "down to minute details". For example, the Temple Disruption has an entirely different chronological placement in the Fourth story as compared to the First.
Originally Posted by Metacrock
I don't understand what that has to do with anything.
I don't understand your confusion since I quoted the statement to which my statement directly responds. First, we have a good reason to explain why at least three versions of the story are similar and it the reason is entirely independent of the historicity of the original (ie at least two are rewrites of the first). Second, we have a version of the story where the "minute details" are not the same. In other words, your original assertion does not appear to be true.

Originally Posted by Metacrock
everything around Jesus was historical...
Originally Posted by Amaleq13
How did you determine that the healings, raising of the dead, walking on water, stilling of storms, and turning water into wine are historical?
I don't have to.
You certainly do unless "everything" was a bit of hyperbole and not a genuine claim.

Those don't have to have happened for Jesus to have been an historical figure.
True but they are story details consistent with myths.

It's a redactors impression of Pilate and his litterary liscence vs an imcomplete impression by a historian who also, like the redactor, did not know him and wasn't there. But Pilate existed. that's the point.
Are you claiming that the depiction of Pilate in Mark is a later addition?

What do you mean by "incomplete"? Both Josephus and Philo describe him as a total ass who had absolutely no regard for the Jews and frequently exhibited extraordinary cruelty toward them. The Gospel authors offer a completely different depiction. Pilate existed but the Gospel depiction of him is contrary to the extrabiblical historical evidence. In other words, the depiction of him does not appear to be historical so appealing to it in support of claims of historicity makes no sense.
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Old 09-12-2004, 11:49 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
Look, I'm just saying the criteria is taylor made for Jesus. It's not a proof of anyting because it's constructed to allow one to make the argument.
Metacrock, you are at a university. Which I'm sure has a well-stocked library. You may be able to find Lord Raglan's The Hero either there or by inter-library loan.

You can see that because the criteria are all things that pertain to a religious figure fulling prophesy and having supernatural elements pertaining to major aspects of life,and they are elements that fit Jesus.
Supernatural elements maybe, prophecy-fulfillment doubtful at best.

It's as though he said "any figure born in Naerath who has a virgin birth and is the Messiah is mythcal. Now how high does Jesus score on that scale?"
Straw profile. Lord Raglan was not that dumb.

Buddha was a real guy.
Maybe, but there's a lot of mythology in his biography, like him walking and talking just after he was born.

He's begging the question by assuming Moses is mythological.
However, he fits the profile very well.

No, you are wrong. It means "Hero." The Greeks didn't have a concept "annointing." Messiah means annointed. Do you know Greek? It was my undergraduate language.
I checked the American Heritage Dictionary, and khristos is someone anointed. Also look under "chrism" in that dictionary.

Which makes Metacrock's etymology a load of taurokopros.

that's a common thing in dyslexia to reverse the order of letters.
Good, Metacrock. You now know what to look for when you proofread your writing.

LP: Pure hairsplitting. (Jesus Christ) can very reasonably be called a hero.
no it's not hair splitting, because the assumption is all religion is false.
How so?

Of cousre if you look at real mythology they don't really fit the pattern for the most part.
Which leaves unexplained why the Lord Raglan profile works so well.

LP: Because legendary heroes have had unusual things happen to them in their infancy.
But not necessiarily virgin biths and being chased by the king and having to flee to foreign land. that is exaggerated by mythers.
If you wish to split hairs as to what counts as a virgin birth, go ahead. But the critical ingredient is divine impregnation.

Being chased by the king is a common mythological element:

Herod vs. Jesus Christ
Pharaoh vs. Moses
Amulius vs. Romulus
Hera vs. Hercules
Acrisius vs. Perseus
Laius vs. Oedipus
Kamsa vs. Krishna

And JC's parents take him to Egypt until Herod's death; he later goes out into the wilderness.

I've lost patience here; it has taken a heroic effort on my part to resist the temptation to mock Metacrock's numerous misspellings, since the mods would undoubtely disapprove of that.
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