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Old 01-05-2013, 07:51 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Originally Posted by Vorkosigan View Post
This historicizing theory, upheld by some mythicists, that the Pauline cosmic crucified JC has become historicized as the gospel crucified JC, cannot be supported either by the Pauline epistles or the gospel story. There are holes in this theory - as is evidenced by Doherty's own contradictory statements above.
If only there were actual contradictions between the two statements, you might even have a case. But there are not. One reference is to a cult similar to the Pauline Christ cult, the other denies that it can be shown that the Markan Jesus figure is created out of the Pauline Christ. I think Earl is wrong in the second claim, but your position that he's contradicting himself is incorrect.

Here are the two statements by Doherty:

Statement #1

Where did the crucified Jesus come from, if not from Q which had no crucifixion story? Simple. He came from scripture.......Even the death and rising dimension of the Gospel Jesus, which Mark added to the Q Jesus, cannot be firmly shown to be based on the Pauline Christ

The crucified Jesus came from scripture. Mark adding this death and rising dimension. This Markan death and rising dimension cannot be firmly shown to be based on the Pauline Christ.

Statement #2

We can regard the Gospel of Mark as essentially an allegory, a symbolic story: first of all, representing the Kingdom-preaching movement itself, with the figure of Jesus of Nazareth building on that invented Q founder and symbolizing the teaching, miracle-working, and prophesying missionaries of the sect. As in allegory generally, such a representative figure renders the thing being symbolized more understandable, it simplifies the lines of what may be a more complex subject, and better enables the author to impart his spiritual truths and lessons.

In addition to this, the author of the Gospel of Mark added another dimension, based on the Pauline type of Christ cult. He brought the latter’s heavenly Messiah to earth, identifying him with the Q preaching founder, and symbolizing his heavenly atonement sacrifice in terms of an entirely fictional crucifixion and resurrection in Jerusalem.
Mark added another dimension based on the Pauline Christ. He brought this heavenly Messiah to earth.

On one hand Doherty says that the Markan JC cannot be firmly shown to be based on the Pauline Christ. On the other hand Doherty says that Mark brought down the Pauline heavenly Messiah to earth.

So? Did Mark or did not Mark bring down the Pauline Messiah Christ to Earth - or did he not base his dying and rising gospel JC on the Pauline Christ? To uphold both of these positions is to uphold a contradiction.

my bolding
I'm with Vorkosigan's interpretation.

Kata Doherty, Mark's crucified JC came from Scripture, and Paul's crucified JC too. So it is possible that Mark got this idea from Paul, but it is not necessarily true: Mark could have got this idea from another Paul-like cult, or from himself. In any case, Mark got this heavenly crucified Paul-like (not necessarily Paul's!) JC down to Earth
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:01 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Hoffmann looks to be going after the theory, upheld by some mythicists, that the gospel crucified JC is a historicizing of a Pauline cosmic crucified JC. About time, methinks, that the JC historicists point out the holes in this theory. Perhaps then such mythicists will go back to the drawing board and attempt to uphold their ahistoricist gospel JC position with more rational arguments.

Mythtics however are fond of pointing to the “assured” result of Paul’s literary priority over the gospels. Repeatedly they return to the Christ-myth notion that a heavenly man was fleshed out as an historical figure.
But there was no historical Jesus Christ, except in the dual nature wherein Jesus was the transforming agent, also known as insurrectionist, from Joseph to Christ, with Joseph here the Jew it happened to.

Notice that in the Gospel Jesus was never called 'the christ' but Jesus was asked: are you the Messiah (meaning Christ but the word Christ was never used).

So it is already wrong to claim that the Gospels are about Jesus Christ.

The proper chain of events is: Joseph, becomes Jesus, becomes Christ, becomes Christ Jesus and than finally Jesus Christ after the Coronation of Mary under John's care, so that reason will prevail.

So the transition is "from reason to Pure Reason" wherein only the human condition must be crucified.

That is not myth, but is myth explained so that Pure Reason will remain.

So the Inquistor would say: Jesus Christ was not crucified but only Jesus was crucified to die!!!! in effort to set Christ free (under Bar-abbas), and later Jesus was raised 'to be' the omega of man who there was John (mother there is your son).

So it is nice to say I am the 'beginning and the end,' but if the woman was the beginning the crucified Jesus must be raised as the omega so he could indeed talk of the old and the new ((Mary was from Nazareth in Luke but not in Matthew where he was just a visitor to say he could be called a Nazorean).

I know that Jesus already claimed to be the beginning and the end, but that was only to foreshadow what was 'to be' when all was finished in the end.

It really is a very simple story to explain the transformation of the mind, wherein first the right brain becomes the 'living water' to walk on as intuitionist while reason must prevail, and hence the Joseph--Jesus--Christ--Christ Jesus and finally Jesus Christ in the end for whom now this prior water is solid as rock.

So in retrospect it is fair to talk about Jesus Christ, but it is wrong to call him the crucified, except to say that he is the final procuct of the event, who told us to do the same.
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:07 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Mark added another dimension based on the Pauline Christ. He brought this heavenly Messiah to earth.
The author of the short gMark added NOTHING from the Pauline letters. Up to the writing of Acts of the Apostles there was NO Pauline writings.

It was the Pauline writer who was AFTER the Jesus story was ALREADY known and composed.

The Crucifixion of Jesus for Remission of Sins is NOT in the Septuagint or Hebrew Scripture.

The Crucifixion of Jesus for Remission of Sins as stated in the Pauline writings and gJohn was a Late Invention and AFTER the short gMark.

The author of the short gMark did NOT claim anywhere that Jesus would Die for Remission of Sins.

The Pauline writer ADDED another dimension to the Resurrection that was unknown to ALL the the authors of the Gospels and Acts.

Paul is the ONLY author of the ENTIRE NT Canon who claimed to be a Personal Witness of the Resurrected Jesus--a dimension not recorded by the Markan author.
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:14 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Mark added another dimension based on the Pauline Christ. He brought this heavenly Messiah to earth.
The author of the short gMark added NOTHING from the Pauline letters. Up to the writing of Acts of the Apostles there was NO Pauline writings.

It was the Pauline writer who was AFTER the Jesus story was ALREADY known and composed.

The Crucifixion of Jesus for Remission of Sins is NOT in the Septuagint or Hebrew Scripture.

The Crucifixion of Jesus for Remission of Sins as stated in the Pauline writings and gJohn was a Late Invention and AFTER the short gMark.

The author of the short gMark did NOT claim anywhere that Jesus would Die for Remission of Sins.

The Pauline writer ADDED another dimension to the Resurrection that was unknown to ALL the the authors of the Gospels and Acts.

Paul is the ONLY author of the ENTIRE NT Canon who claimed to be a Personal Witness of the Resurrected Jesus--a dimension not recorded by the Markan author.
Yes, aa, that quote from my post is a reference to Doherty's position - not mine.....
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:37 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Vorkosigan View Post
"Mythtics" ???
A coinage from the duffer whose name is in the thread title. Just imagine for an instant that the speaker has a lisp. Profound.
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:52 AM   #16
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....I don’t know too many New Testament scholars who would argue that the gospels are good history, and some (me among them) who would say that for the most part the gospels are totally useless as history....
It boggles the mind how Hoffmann can defend an argumnent for an historical Jesus of Nazareth while simultaneously admitting his sources are for the most part useless as history.

Those who argue for HJ of Nazareth appear to be "suicidal".

They ADMIT proudly with an air of Delight that they have virtually NOTHING of the their Jesus from the very start.

They don't care about the fact that for Hundreds of years the very Jesus cult Publicly declared to the Emperors of Rome that their Jesus was Born of a Ghost and a Virgin.

117-138 CE, Aristides wrote to the Emperor Hadrian and Publicly Declared Jesus was Son of a God and a Virgin.

138-161 CE, Justin Martyr wrote to the Emperor Antoninus and Publicly declared that Jesus was the Son of God born WITHOUT Sexual union.

The writers of the Jesus cult wrote many, many books and letters and published them in the Roman Empire that clearly STATED that Jesus was the Son of God, born of a Ghost and a Virgin.

Ignatius, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and others Distributed letters and/or books in the Roman Empire that Jesus was the Son of God and the Product of a Ghost and a Virgin.

The very supposed contemporaries of Jesus in the NT Canon NEVER claimed they SAW Jesus of Nazareth.

Non-Apologetic sources wrote NOTHING of Nazareth and NOTHING of Jesus of Nazareth.

Hoffmann's HJ of Nazareth MUST be Fiction, must be made up, must be historically Useless.
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Old 01-05-2013, 08:52 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
From the author of gMark to the author of "Church History" and beyond, it was proclaimed Publicly to Emperors of Rome, like Hadrian, Antoninus, Verus and Constantine that Jesus was Born of a Ghost and a Virgin.

For hundreds of years, even today, the Jesus cult ARGUED that Jesus was actually born of a Ghost and there is NO evidence at all that any Jesus cult writer wrote that they personally SAW Jesus ALIVE.

There is NO corroborative evidence in the ENTIRE history of mankind for Jesus of Nazareth.

The historical Jesus of Nazaret is a modern fiction derived from admitted "USELESS sources".
Christ was born, not Jesus, and they called him Jesus to note that he was not the Christ but the transforming agent inside the mind of Joseph.

I.e. there was no baby (as we know babies), but there was an infancy in the new reign of God inside the mind of Joseph, where Nazareth was faith-without-end put to task and explain itself in function. So here, aa, Joseph was a pursecutor of religion who had raised the ax and said: shape up or ship out, and show your money's worth . . . and finally got reimbursed a hunderfold, here now on earth, so he could pave the streets of Nazareth with gold, but had to make them smooth like water first to a put a shine on it (except that he moved to Rome and called it home).

And so Christ was born of a ghost, but his name was Gabriel of God, first cause, to say that the first cause also ends with the first casue, and so an infancy is real. The proper question now is: who could possible nurse a child born from a ghost? except religion that generated this event and so beth-le-hem is the place to be, and there will be a manger there if and only if the Mother was from Nazareth to show that Gabriel was who he said he was. In other words: the annunciation is the real miraculous event that made Luke's Jesus a Nazorean and Matthew's Jesus not, and so the tragedy will be for him who would become a Nazorean 'by desire' only and thus the anit-christ who will get the scorpion instead (as did Mohammed already way back then).

It is an archetypal event that Plato finds at the end of his chain of division that lands us at center of the genus as man, naked now, with no eyes to see or ears to hear = is non rational and byond theology.

So beware: if someone says 'I have seen the light,' you already know that he has been given a scorpion because he should 'be' the light and so not a worshiper of Jesus for sure.
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Old 01-05-2013, 09:54 AM   #18
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But the gospels present a fortiori evidence that there was another figure, Jesus of Nazareth, who also meets the prescribed conditions, and that figure cannot be argued away through analogy.

So Jesus must have existed.

The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it.
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Old 01-05-2013, 01:05 PM   #19
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Suppose it can be said that the Heavenly Christ
is the Savior but that Jesus is needed as a kind of
physical connection for the human imagination
for to really believe in the power of Christ in Heaven?

Evidence. A lot of people pray to humans that
they trust have entered Heaven. The Saints
are supposed to be persons that really ahve lived
and that one can ask to talk to Christ for to get help.

do you see the logic of it? Christ is a spirit and
can only be experiences through spiritual means.

St. Paul refer to visions and the average believer
does not trust themselves have such talent for
to have visions that others care about.

So if there exist historical persons that have a sure
connection to God and Christ then that would assure
that one can keep the hope that God will listen
if you direct your wishes of good health and so on
to that historical person that now is in Heaven
and sit at God's side and that God care about
as his beloved son.

Sure it is not fool proof but I find it logical
and emotionally feeling like a possible
explanation why we have Jesus and Apostles
and Saints and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalen
and all the other supposed historical persons.

they are required for those that don't trust
them can master the spiritual work to get in
connection with God directly.

Is it not very likely that that explain the myth?
Why they came up with Jesus in the first place?

He is a modern version of Elia and the other prophets.

did not some of those also make miracles and
promised things? Even if not the idea of a Christ
did exist already and the religions around them
had savior gods too so ...
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Old 01-08-2013, 03:04 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by Vorkosigan View Post
"Mythtics" ???
A coinage from the duffer whose name is in the thread title. Just imagine for an instant that the speaker has a lisp. Profound.
There goes his new year's resolution.
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