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Old 04-14-2007, 08:28 PM   #1
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Default Three Ways To Date The 2nd Coming

There are three way to date the second coming in the Bible which point to the specific year the second coming occurs. These three methods thus become cross-checks to the Bible's correct chronology.

2ND COMING NOT ARMAGEDDON: First of all, since this is a primarily atheistic group, it makes it nice not to have to dismiss false teachings. I can just give the doctrinal references for the dating. But at least one point needs to be made clear and that is the second coming is not the same event as Armageddon. These are two separate events. Basically what happens is Christ arrives first as a perfect man and is killed in sacrifice. He is born of a virgin and comes through the line of David and is born of a virgin. When he arrives the second time, not needing to be in a perfect body and also having given up his right to his former perfect body as he gave it up in sacrifice, to reenter humanity it is through a surrogate, through one of his anointed followers. This occurs at the same time that Satan is kicked out of Heaven. But Satan and the worldly governments are not destroyed at this time. At the time of the second coming, Satan is cast down to the earth and begins to persecute Christ's secret followers. This continues for a "short while" until Christ seals the last holy one. Then Armageddon occurs, where the worldly powers are destroyed, Satan is abyssed and then his 1000-year reign begins. After the 1000-year reign, Satan is let lose to test post-millennial mankind who had known rule by Christ; some rebel with Satan (i.e. Gog of Magog, Nazism) and are destroyed. Then after that comes JUDGMENT DAY, where everyone who once lived comes back, both righteous and unrighteous to be judged. The righteous get eternal life and the unrighteous are thrown into the lake of fire which is the "second [and final] death." At this time, Christ and his "bride", the holy anointed ones (1,440,000 members, with 144,000 natural Jews) are transformed into angels, an event popularly called "The Rapture." Therefore, the second coming is also not the time of The Rapture either, that doesn't happen for well over a 1000 years plus after the 2nd coming. So that's the basics. So now when I speakof the 2nd coming, it is specifically for when Christ comes as "a thief in the night", seen by his own followers only for the most part. He feeds them special advanced Bible knowledge while the angels seal the rest of the saints until the number is completed (1,440,000). He arrives "in the clouds" so most of the world are not even aware when he arrives. Thus when he is publicly exposed it will be a surprise and will be as if he arrived as a thief.

Once again, when Christ first arrives as king, he has to "rule among his enemies" for a while before he takes over rule of the earth. The time when he takes over rule of the earth, which is a very public event, obviously, is a date specifically not given in the Bible. It is left to God's own jurisdiction:

Acts 1:When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” 7 He said to them: “It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction."

When Christ actually "restores the kingdom to Israel" and when he first arrives as king are two separate events. The first is dated in the Bible by chronology, the second is not. When the Bible says, though, "Nobody knows the day nor hour" of the second coming it is a literal reference. That is, the actual 24-hour DAY and the actual 60-minute HOUR. But the MONTH and the YEAR can be calculated using Bible prophecy and historical events linked to that chronology. The first time Christ arrives, it is through the royal line of king David. The second time he arrives through "spiritual Israel", that is via Christianity, with no specific Jewish lineage as a "king-priest" like Melchizedek.


There are three means for dating the second coming to within a year in the Bible, which are the "1335 days" prophecy, by the "mid-70th week Passover", and by the "7 times" prophecy.

1335 DAYS PROPHECY: This is a reference is found at Daniel 12:12

12 “Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!

The 1335 days is 45 days/years after the "end" of the 1290 days occur. The 1290 days climax with the "great tribulation" against Daniel's people, an event like never occurred before in the world. After that, the time when the Jews would return to their homeland from exile would occur and that is the "end of the system of things" mentioned in the gospels. This great tribulation prophesied was the Holocaust, and the "end" of the time of the gentiles and Jewish exile occurs shortly afterward in 1947. Thus 1947 marks the end of the 1290 days. The messiah would arrive 45 years later to fulfill the "1335 days" and thus in 1992. (1290 + 45 = 1335; 1947 + 45 = 1992). Specifically, the Partition Agreement that reinstated the Jews to their homeland was decreed by the UN on November 30, 1947. Thus the Messiah must arrive sometime between November 30, 1992 and November 30, 1993.

MID-70TH WEEK PASSOVER, "END OF GIFT AND SACRIFICE": This prophecy found in Daniel 9 is somewhat complex but basically is fulfilled twice; once at the first coming and again at the second. At the first coming it represents the symbolic end of the ritual animal sacrifices which Jesus embodies when he is killed. Jesus is killed at mid-70th week at the time of Passover. This is a well-known prophecy linking Jesus' baptism at the end of 69 weeks (483 years) from the time the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem." Since Jesus was baptized in 29 CE, that 70-week period would be from 455BCE to 36CE, with the 70th week falling from 29CE-36CE. The mid-week Passover occurs in 33CE. The second time Jesus arrives he "ends gift and sacrifice" a second time at mid-70th week Passover by ending the Lord's Supper. At the last Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper, an annual celebration his Christian followers are to keep in membrance of him until he arrives again in the flesh. Upon his arrival, he eats the passover one last time, ending that ritual. Based upon that doctrine, therefore, we can date the second coming to within a year of the mid-70th week passover occurring during the last 70 weeks of the Second Coming.

This is calculated by simply counting down 70-week periods of 490 years each from 36CE, a date we know ended the 70 weeks connected with the 1st coming. It takes four 70-week periods to get down to our day. 490 x 4 = 1960. 1960 + 36 = 1996. Thus the final 70 weeks are from 1506 to 1996, and the 70th week during which the messiah arrives would be from 1989-1996. Mid-70th-week Passover occurs on April 6, 1993. Thus per this prophecy, the messiah would arrive no earlier than Passover of 1992 but before Passover of 1993.

When we combine this dating with the "1335 days" prophecy, we can now calculate the time of the second coming by MONTH. That is, the second coming would occur not before November 30, 1992 but not after April 6, 1993, a 4-month period. Christ's faithful followers who are paying attention to chronology, would thus look for him during this interval or know he would have arrived after Passover of 1993. Even so, they still would have to be very alert because they would not know the "day nor hour" he would arrive.

Of course, it goes without saying both prophecies match up to the same year.

THE SEVEN TIMES PROPHECY: This is likely the easiest chronology prophecy as well as the most well-known, but it is hampered by incorrect chronology. This prophecy is made famous by the sect known as Jehovah's witnesses who explain that the 2nd coming would occur after "7 times" from the fall of Jerusalem and the last anointed king is removed. Since 3.5 times is 1260 days, 7 times would be 2520 days. Thus the messiah would arrive 2520 years after the fall of Jerusalem.

For this dating, since there is so much confusion in secular chronology for the precise fall of Jerusalem, we use the Bible's chronology to arrive at the correct date for the fall of Jerusalem. This is based upon 29CE as the date for Jesus' baptism marking the end of 483 years or "69 weeks." This 70-week period begins when the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem" in 455BCE. Since the Bible specifically says that Cyrus was to rebuild both the temple and the city of Jerusalem (Isa. 44:28 "the One saying of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, and all that I delight in he will completely carry out’; even in [my] saying of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘You will have your foundation laid.’”). Thus the beginning of this prophecy and the date of 455BCE is assigned to the 1st of Cyrus. This doctrine thus agrees with Martin Anstey in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" which indicates the secular chronology for this period is 82 years too long for the period between the 1st of Cyrus and the baptism of Christ.

Once we establish the correct Biblical dating for the 1st of Cyrus to 455BCE, then we can easily calculate the year of the fall of Jerusalem. That's because there is a 70-year interval from year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar, the year of the last deportation and the 1st of Cyrus. Thus year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar falls in 525BCE. The temple falls in year 19, 4 years earlier, which is thus correctly dated to 529BCE. From here, we simply calculated forward 2520 years from 529BCE to the year of the second coming, which, of course, is 1992. (2520 - 529 = 1991 +1 (0 Roman year adjust) = 1992) Obviously, the same year as the two other prophecies above.

As I said, this is pretty fundamental but you have to have the correct date for the fall of Jerusalem. There are three basic popular dates. Jehovah's witnesses use 607BCE based upon 70 years from 537BCE, thus they don't use the Bible to establish the 1st of Cyrus. They also don't follow the Bible or Josephus in dating the 70 years to the last deportation which begins the 70 years. Thus their chronology is also 4 years off in that way as well. The fall of Jerusalem is 74 years (vs only 70) from the 1st of Cyrus. The popular secular date based upon the surviving Babylonian records and Greek chronology dates the fall of Jerusalem to 587BCE. This date would date the second coming in 1934 AD. Finally, using the Bible and the VAT4956 which double-dates year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar to 511BCE, proving the 587 BCE chronology is fabricated/revised, year 19 falls in 529BCE. That is, if you use the VAT4956 reference to year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar in 511BCE as the original dating, then year 19 of Nebuchadnezzar falls in 529BCE, the same dating you get when you date the 1st of Cyrus to 455BCE. That dating, as noted above, gives you 1992 for the second coming year, the same year as the prophecy based upon 1947 and Jesus' baptism in 29 CE. Obviously, the latter date in 529BCE is the correct chronology.

By the way, the currently a new method supporting this dating is the RC14 dating for the fall of Rehov City IV which occurs at the time of Shishak's invasion. The following graph shows the results of the RC14 testing for that event. Per the Bible, Shishak's invasion would occur in 871BCE. That is, the Exodus is 19 jubilees (931 years) from the 1st of Cyrus and thus falls in 1386BCE. This is 480 years from the 4th year of Solomon which would fall in 906BCE and this his rule would be dated from 910-870BCE. Shishak's invasion ocurs near the very end of his reign in the 5th year of co-ruler son Rehoboam, thus his 38th or 39th year, or c. 872-871BCE. I've been told that I have misread the chart information regarding this, so I will not comment at all about how to read this chart, but will let others instruct you how to read it correctly. But I will note that the range of 918-823BCE are the 95.4% dates given for the fall of the city and 871BCE falls within that range; however, the current popular dating for that event dated to 925BCE falls outside that range. Here's the chart without further comment and no potentially misleading pointers.

SUMMARY: Three prophecies cross-matching the year of the second coming leave no doubt of the correct date for this event, even where there are different dates and different interpretations. Various other interpretations, of course, that don't come up with the same year for the three prophecies would be considered to be incorrect.

Of course, whether Christ arrived or not sometime between November 30, 1992 and April 6 (Passover) of 1993, would be something confirmed by Christ's secret followers who would have witnessed a special "sign of the son of man" appear in connection with that event. Thus it is not entirely left up to the Bible to determine this event, but like John who was given a heavenly sign when Jesus was baptized, a miraculous sign are given to those who witness the second coming. This was a physical sign "in the clouds" and thus could be recorded by photograph or video, etc. Whether this will show up later in connection with the actual event remains to be seen.

There's one drawback though. Once Christ sort of comes out of hiding and out of the "clouds" and his revelation to the world occurs, it will mean the end of the world. Timing is everything in connection with the second coming. Just as in Noah's day so will this time be. In that regard, Noah entered the ark a full 7 days before it actually began to rain. When it did begin to rain, of course, everybody obviously suddenly believed Noah and likely wanted to join him in the ark. But it was too late. The door was already closed by God himself. So likewise today, once Christ is actually revealed, many believing him to be the true messiah may want to join him. But they will not be judged based upon belief in some miraculous sign that convinces them he is the true messiah, but will be judged based upon what they were doing earlier before the revelation, say 7 years earlier. So there is a cutoff time for being able to repent and get saved.

This is why as the Bible says, some people will be shocked to find out they have been accepted into the kingdom and they didn't even know Christ or maybe may not have even believed the Bible. So it's a nice surprise that way. Maybe when the angel came by to observe them they were feeding the homeless or something. Likewise, though, many professing Christ and supposedly watching for his return will be rejected because at the time the angel comes to inspect them, they may be busy with material pursuits or not living up to their own Christian beliefs. These are the very ones who will clamour to get into the kingdom but will not be able to get in. "There is where the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth will be."

So it is what you are doing at the time of your judgment (maybe a few years ago?) that counts, not trying to save your neck once you have no choice and see the your world is ending and being turned over to Christ.

My best wishes that everybody who reads this is in the former group, of course.

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Old 04-14-2007, 08:36 PM   #2
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Larsguy47, if you die tonight, where will you go?
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Old 04-14-2007, 08:51 PM   #3
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I was ten. I was a Christian too! SWEET! Bypass hell!

Oh wait, he's using all the refuted shit again isn't he? Fuck. I migt not even have been born, or it might be in a bit...

Lolzors anyone?
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Old 04-14-2007, 08:57 PM   #4
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I was 6-7 years old in 92-93, that was also about the time I experimented with Sunday school (might have been a little later).

If course, I have NO FUCKING idea what the FUCK you are going on about.
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Old 04-14-2007, 09:29 PM   #5
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More blubbering rubbish in a new thread. Logorrhea which includes yet another reinterpretation of Daniel's days becoming years, centuries, or french poodles will certainly convince many here. This thread is certainly not BC&H. It's evidence that Larsguy47 needs a change of diaper.
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Old 04-14-2007, 09:31 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by EvolvedAndygal
[O]f course, I have NO FUCKING idea what the FUCK you are going on about.
You're not alone. Neither does Larsguy47 -- though we've seen troubled religionists frequently here.

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Old 04-14-2007, 10:54 PM   #7
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Is there any way we can stop him from posting this chart over and over again? It's not like there's anyone in the upper fora who hasn't already seen it a dozen times and it's wasting the interweb's irreplaceable zeroes and ones. Now, does anyone want to bet that Lars will be in the nursing home in his 90's muttering 'It wasn't supposed to be this way, I was supposed to be the Messiah'?
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Old 04-15-2007, 12:19 AM   #8
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Why would anybody waste his time and intellect on such nonsense? Imagine anyone in the year 2007 taking all this gobbledygook seriously. Oh well, to each his own, I guess. But damn...

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Old 04-15-2007, 12:41 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Matthew 24:11
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Originally Posted by Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
'nuff said.
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Old 04-15-2007, 01:16 AM   #10
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This thread lacks serious content of interest to those concerned about Biblical Criticism or History. It will be moved to ~Elsewhere~
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