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Old 04-11-2008, 12:51 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Who controled this empire? The Greeks.

You are spouting the same debunked arguments over and over again despite a library's worth of contradictory information.

There will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. —Daniel 2:40

Rome never conquered Persia. Rome never conquered any capitals of "Medo-Persia," as you would call it. Rome barely managed to control Babylon for less than a year.

Rome never "conquered" Greece. If anything, Hellenic culture came to dominate/was the source of culture for the Roman empire (see here)-- let alone the fact that many eastern regions of the former Greek/Macedonian empire were untouched by the Romans. Many foreign historians of the time considered Italian peoples to be an extention of Hellenic culture.

I'm not sure why I'm even bothering with this -- you continue to shift the goalposts and apply vague generalizations to historical concepts.
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Old 04-11-2008, 12:58 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Sitamun View Post
Originally Posted by Sitamun View Post
Questions Sugarhitman still needs to answer:

What is your definition of a Roman?

What is your definition of an Empire?

Who were those 10 kings of the 4th Empire? (Amaleg13 asked at least 3 times)

If Bible prophesy is not as vague as you suggest then why does it always necessitate long and involved illustrations to prove specific interpretations of what they mean? (Newfie)

If these prophesies were as clear as you seem to believe then why do we need your, or anyone else’s, expertise simply to understand it? (Newfie)

So you will not support any of your claims? (Shesonq)

What makes you think -- assuming for your argument's sake that the third beast is Greece -- that either the four wings or the four heads represent the fleeting period of the diadochi? (spin)

Now sugar, I expect full detailed answers to these questions. Spelling will be taken into account (I'm funny). If I've missed questions please by all means add to the list. I think we should not move forward until these are answered.

1. Roman- Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean-Europeans
2.Empire- Those empires Daniel are concerned with....who rules over the nation of Israel
3. Ten kings-POSSIBLY Franks, Burgandians,Visogoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Alemanni, Suevi, Heruli, Anglo-Saxons, Lombards

Daniels four kingdom prophecy is not vague, he names three of them and gives a good hint as to who is the 4th. Daniel says clearly that Greece would defeat the Medes and Persians...which makes it the 3rd kingdom. Persia nor Median susceeded Babylon and ruled over Israel as single kingdoms. Only when they united did this happen. Medo-Persia is the second kingdom of Daniel. He told Nebby another KINGDOM (not kingdoms) of two arms and silver would rise after him. Later in ch. 5 Babylon is divided between the "Medes and Persians" a clear as day joint rule. Critics seperates the Medes from the Persians to destort the prophecy...but the fact is in relevence to his own vision he does not seperate the Medes from the Persians as two kingdoms...there are numerous sources both secular and apologetics say the same thing. Greece conquered the combined armies of Media and Persia which makes it the third kingdom which agrees with the symbols of the Four horned goat and four headed leopard, because Greece split into four kingdoms.

Spin also said That the son of man coming with the clouds in Daniel is Michael. But this person is to be given dominion and a eternal kingdom....there is only one person who is to be given an eternal kingdom...that is the Davidic Messiah. I suspect the reason spin say this is to deny that the Book of Daniel is Messiahnic which would destroy his interpretation that the Anoited Messiah is Onias III. The book of Daniel has the same meaning as Revelation......The return of the "Son of David."
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:11 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Sitamun View Post


1. Roman- Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean-Europeans
The only thing you left out was Slavic and Celtic. So everyone in Europe is Roman except the Slavs and the Celts?

3. Ten kings-POSSIBLY Franks, Burgandians,Visogoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Alemanni, Suevi, Heruli, Anglo-Saxons, Lombards
What about the Jutes? What about the Picts? The Angles and Saxons were two different tribes; why did you lump them togther? What about the Rugii, the Sciri, the Suiones, the Daner?

The bald fact is that you copied your list from here - which is just some fundibot pulling Germanic tribe names out of Gibbons seminal work on Rome. After which he tries to shoe-horn them into fulfilling some prophecy.

Unfortunately , copy/pasting from someone else's site isn't going to work. You'll need to explain why each tribe was included - and why you left out many Germanic tribes from the list.

2.Empire- Those empires Daniel are concerned with....who rules over the nation of Israel
That was not the question. You were asked to define what an empire was. You were asked to do this, because you have been caught red handed several times in changing the definition and goalposts on this. So provide us a definition of "empire" that you are willing to be held accountable for.

Daniels four kingdom prophecy is not vague,
Of course it is. That's why you're having such a godawful time trying to nail it down in a believable manner.

Later in ch. 5 Babylon is divided between the "Medes and Persians" a clear as day joint rule. Critics seperates the Medes from the Persians to destort the prophecy..
No, that is what the actual history says. If actual history distorts your prophecy - tough luck. It was not a joint rule at the time of the invasion of Babylon - end of story. The Medes had been subjugated decades earlier, and the Persians ruled by themselves.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:12 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

This is weak and very untrue lets see what Daneil actually says about the Median and Persians:

Daniel told the last king of Babylon "Your kingdom is DIVIDED (a kingdom cannot be divided by a single kingdom) and given to the MEDES AND PERSIANS." The Medes AND Persians. The medes are one arm of the image the Persians the other arm.

Gabriel: " The ram which you saw having TWO HORNS are the kings of MEDIA AND PERSIA." Daniel ch.8 is about the Medes and Persians going to war aganst the Greeks.

Cyrus defeated his Grandfather the king of Media and unified the medes and persians....Medo-Persia. Daniel does not seperate the Medes from the Persians. In fact in the book of Daniel the kings of Medo-Persia were either Medes or Persians.

Critics try (unsucessfully) to seperate the Medes and Persians to place one of them as the third kingdom and Greece the Fourth. Because if Rome is the fourth (it clearly is) then the lies about Daniel becomes unraveled.....Rome rose to power after the supposed 2nd century writting and divided much later as well as destroyed Israel which Gabriel predicted they would. The accuracy of these predictions causes a BIGGG problem to them....because it would prove that God exist....and indeed they do.
Holy crap you give no credence to bible scholars yet believe an angle?
Your hilarious sugar! i laugh so hard at your posts. you always make my day. so you hold more credence in a make believe entity in your holy book that was not right until it was copied and removed from the original texts. I would like just one day for you to post one thing that doesn't come from circular reasoning. one day of you posting evidence that does not come from our bible. at least then we could know you have more than one book in your house. I would even accept anything from the DC universe.
To overlap another kingdom is not to susceed it. Did the Medians as a single kingdom conquer Babylon? No. Did the Medes as a single empire rule Israel (Daniel is only concerned with those kingdoms dominating Israel, this is where critics fall off track with their many empires arguement)? No. Then the Medes are not the second kingdom of Daniel's vision by itself. Cheers
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:14 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
To overlap another kingdom is not to susceed it. Did the Medians as a single kingdom conquer Babylon?
Obviously an impossible question, since the Median empire was subjugated by Persia decades before the capture of Babylon.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:26 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman
Daniel is only concerned with those kingdoms dominating Israel, this is where critics fall off track with their many empires arguement

Daniel is (suppsedly) in BABYLON. Interpreting the dreams of the king of BABYLON.

And you've already admitted that the Medes never ruled over ISRAEL.

You lose! (...again)
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:32 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
1. Roman- Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean-Europeans
2.Empire- Those empires Daniel are concerned with....who rules over the nation of Israel
3. Ten kings-POSSIBLY Franks, Burgandians,Visogoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Alemanni, Suevi, Heruli, Anglo-Saxons, Lombards

It's not very often that this can apply to one person, but I think we can all agree that in this thread you managed to earn it, sugar!
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:34 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

1. Roman- Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean-Europeans
The only thing you left out was Slavic and Celtic. So everyone in Europe is Roman except the Slavs and the Celts?

What about the Jutes? What about the Picts? The Angles and Saxons were two different tribes; why did you lump them togther? What about the Rugii, the Sciri, the Suiones, the Daner?

The bald fact is that you copied your list from here - which is just some fundibot pulling Germanic tribe names out of Gibbons seminal work on Rome. After which he tries to shoe-horn them into fulfilling some prophecy.

Unfortunately , copy/pasting from someone else's site isn't going to work. You'll need to explain why each tribe was included - and why you left out many Germanic tribes from the list.

That was not the question. You were asked to define what an empire was. You were asked to do this, because you have been caught red handed several times in changing the definition and goalposts on this. So provide us a definition of "empire" that you are willing to be held accountable for.

Of course it is. That's why you're having such a godawful time trying to nail it down in a believable manner.

Later in ch. 5 Babylon is divided between the "Medes and Persians" a clear as day joint rule. Critics seperates the Medes from the Persians to destort the prophecy..
No, that is what the actual history says. If actual history distorts your prophecy - tough luck. It was not a joint rule at the time of the invasion of Babylon - end of story. The Medes had been subjugated decades earlier, and the Persians ruled by themselves.

Celts are a branch of a Germanic group which makes them Nordic. Slavs are considered to be in the Alpine class.

He ask me what was my definition of empire. The empires that interest me are those that rule over well as to Daniel and his vision. Any other empire is irrevelent to this prophecy.....because all the others after Rome did not rule over Israel.

And you have yet to qoute a source that seperates the Medes and Persians...can you find one?

Also note that I said that my list of kings is possibly those tribes which I named....but that is uncertain. Christians will not know for a fact who these kings are until Globalization is complete. But they will be European...and likely from the dominant Germanic peoples.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:42 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Celts are a branch of a Germanic group which makes them Nordic.
Says who?

Slavs are considered to be in the Alpine class.
Again, says who?

He ask me what was my definition of empire.
You know damn well what he was asking you, and why he wanted it - if for no other reason because he complained about you moving the goalposts on this definition.

The empires that interest me are those that rule over well as to Daniel and his vision.
That is off topic. We're talking about getting you to give a definition of empire - ANY empire - and sticking with that definition for longer than, say, 20 minutes.

Any other empire is irrevelent to this prophecy.....because all the others after Rome did not rule over Israel.
Nice try. But we aren't talking about other empires. We're talking about your shifting, changing definition of empire and trying to nail you down to a definition.

And you have yet to qoute a source that seperates the Medes and Persians...can you find one?
I've already given it. Get off your lazy ass and search the thread.

Also note that I said that my list of kings is possibly those tribes which I named....but that is uncertain.
In point of fact, you don't have a clue who these "ten kings" are. You simply don't.
And when forced to answer the question, you googled a fundibot website and just cut/pasted a list.

Thanks; I suspected as much.
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Old 04-11-2008, 01:55 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by Lógos Sokratikós View Post
I said before today that Daniel was vague, but going through I found this piece which is certainly not vague:

26 “After this period of sixty-two sets of seven,[f] the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end.
... and certainly not a TOTAL miss. Nevertheless, there was no flood. That would make it equal in precision to one of those modern day clairvoyants whose predictions are impressive but not 100% "there". What would the Xpian interpretation of the flood mentioned be, Sugarhitman? There was none, and an omniscient God wouldn't have the record of a mere medium, wouldn't you think?

The end that comes with a flood means that Israel would be destroyed suddenly after the destruction of the temple and city. From then on unto the end of the war (Armegeddon) the world will experiance wars and desolations.
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