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Old 01-18-2008, 12:06 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
But taking it in it's simpliest sense alone your right it is not much but added to the rest of bible - archaeological ties, evidences and agreements it's more weight in favour of the bible being an accurate account of actual history than the book of fiction skeptics would have us think it is.
Skeptics argue that it contains both history and fiction (as well as other genres).

"The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn" contains real history. It records the slavery, racism, vernacular, and the lifestyle of the times it portrays. It even mentions the Mississipi river, and Cairo Illinois, both of which are real. Does this build weight in favour of the rest of the book being historical rather than fictional? No, of course not.

It's a horribly naive approach to say "these things in the Bible have been proven historical, therefor everything probably is".
Isn't this the point though huckleberry finn uses fictional characters and events in a fairly accurate historical setting! but the bible uses real people and they are found to exist in reality from other sources, and many biblical events have also been found to have happened, for example wriitten tablets from the other warring sides viewpoint. so at what point when reading a document do we say "well we have the person, the place and the event corroborated by outside sources so it must have happenned?"
As I have said many times before in other threads, for other historical documents and suchlike we ask for a lot less evidence before believing them as fact! than we do of the bible, which people from a frantic point of view ask for more and more proof till we get to the situation we are now, enough proof for one side but never enough for the other.
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Old 01-18-2008, 12:17 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
As I have said many times before in other threads, for other historical documents and suchlike we ask for a lot less evidence before believing them as fact! than we do of the bible, which people from a frantic point of view ask for more and more proof till we get to the situation we are now, enough proof for one side but never enough for the other.
This is simply false. You have been given the following example before: Troy has been found, and Mycene, and Knosos. Do you believe therefore in Zeus and Athena, do you believe in the Minotaur? Are you asking more proof from "a frantic point of view" before believing in Zeus? Is there any indication for an Exodus, for Noah, for Adam and Eve? Why is Zeus mythological but not Noah?
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Old 01-18-2008, 12:23 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by figuer View Post
Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
As I have said many times before in other threads, for other historical documents and suchlike we ask for a lot less evidence before believing them as fact! than we do of the bible, which people from a frantic point of view ask for more and more proof till we get to the situation we are now, enough proof for one side but never enough for the other.
This is simply false. You have been given the following example before: Troy has been found, and Mycene, and Knosos. Do you believe therefore in Zeus and Athena, do you believe in the Minotaur? Are you asking more proof from "a frantic point of view" before believing in Zeus? Is there any indication for an Exodus, for Noah, for Adam and Eve? Why is Zeus mythological but not Noah?
Again you have found the place for troy but no evidence of people or the events therein described but with the bible you get place, person and event corroborated in many cases, to the point were we are now left with the further back in time ones because others have all been found and in jesus's case we have pontious pilate, jewish kings and the sanhedrin leaders of that time all confirmed by outside sources, and frantic apposers are like well you still don't have jesus or the miracles therefore.... etc etc.
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Old 01-18-2008, 12:50 PM   #64
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but with the bible you get place, person and event corroborated in many cases, to the point were we are now left with the further back in time ones because others have all been found
That's an extraordinary claim. What evidence do you have to support the assertion that the "others have all been found"?
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Old 01-18-2008, 08:00 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
Originally Posted by Darklighter View Post
Yeah, this is a great find for archaeology, but it proves nothing about the bible, other than certain people that it mentiones around the time of the exile may have actually existed. I don't think that that point was ever in doubt. It's all the people BEFORE that point that are the problem. The further back you go, the further the biblical record deviates from confirmed history. Indicating that much of the OT was written (or at least edited and stitched together from various sources in the case of the pentatuch) around the time of that seal!
Actually it doesn't deviate there is just a lack of evidence yet found, and I'm not sure the evidence would ever exist to find it, !0 plagues of egypt would definitly mean if some pharoah would ever admit to that sort of defeat which looking at their history is very doubtful especially if it concerns a slave race.

but you really need to back your claim here with some examples of patching up. without that it's just a statement from your viewpoint.
It's normal for invasions and similar major population movements to leave archaeological evidence.

There is no archaeological evidence of the movement of the Israelites into Canaan as described in Joshua and Judges. In the relevant archaeological strata there is no evidence of any interruption to continuity of habitation.
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Old 01-18-2008, 08:06 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
Originally Posted by spamandham View Post

Skeptics argue that it contains both history and fiction (as well as other genres).

"The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn" contains real history. It records the slavery, racism, vernacular, and the lifestyle of the times it portrays. It even mentions the Mississipi river, and Cairo Illinois, both of which are real. Does this build weight in favour of the rest of the book being historical rather than fictional? No, of course not.

It's a horribly naive approach to say "these things in the Bible have been proven historical, therefor everything probably is".
Isn't this the point though huckleberry finn uses fictional characters and events in a fairly accurate historical setting! but the bible uses real people and they are found to exist in reality from other sources, and many biblical events have also been found to have happened, for example wriitten tablets from the other warring sides viewpoint. so at what point when reading a document do we say "well we have the person, the place and the event corroborated by outside sources so it must have happenned?"
As I have said many times before in other threads, for other historical documents and suchlike we ask for a lot less evidence before believing them as fact! than we do of the bible, which people from a frantic point of view ask for more and more proof till we get to the situation we are now, enough proof for one side but never enough for the other.
The 'Bible' is not a single document. It's a later compilation from diverse sources. Some parts have historical corroboration and some don't. There is corroboration from archaeological sources for parts of the narrative in the later portions of the books of Kings and Chronicles. Therefore, it is reasonable to use those parts of the Bible as historical sources (although one should still be alert, as with all historical sources, for possibilities such as ideological bias on the writer's part, or just carelessness). That is no reason to treat, say, Job, or Jonah, as a historical source.
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:52 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Waning Moon Conrad View Post
This Dr Mazar claims that the hebrew word temech is inscribed under the bearded priests and altar.

What's there looks nothing like Hebrew calligraphy at all. It looks more like a bunch of carrots to me.

Does anyone know what Hebrew calligraphy at the time of the first temple looked like?
Were I an archeologist and found a set of rosary beads that had the name Goldberg engraved on the back of the crucifix even though I had only heard about Goldbergs that were Jews I would not jump to the conclusion that these Goldbergs were Jewish.

This thing is a seal to leave an official mark in wax and on clay tablets that has priests of the God Sin on it. I don’t see how we can assume the owner was a Jew at all.
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:53 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
Again you have found the place for troy but no evidence of people or the events therein described but with the bible you get place, person and event corroborated in many cases, to the point were we are now left with the further back in time ones because others have all been found and in jesus's case we have pontious pilate, jewish kings and the sanhedrin leaders of that time all confirmed by outside sources, and frantic apposers are like well you still don't have jesus or the miracles therefore.... etc etc.
Actually archaeologists have found the Palace of Ajax. From the article:

Originally Posted by The Times
ARCHAEOLOGISTS claim to have unearthed the remains of the 3,500-year-old palace of Ajax, the warrior-king who according to Homer’s Iliad was one of the most revered fighters in the Trojan War. Classicists hailed the discovery, made on a small Greek island, as evidence that the myths recounted by Homer in his epic poem were based on historical fact.
So, do you accept that the Trojan War occured as described by Homer, that it was triggered by a squabble between three godesses over a golden apple inscribed with the phrase "to the fairest", that Ajax was the brother of a man who was virtually invulnerable as a result of having been dunked in the Styx by his mother and that the war was won with the help of an enormous wooden equine?
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Old 01-19-2008, 08:18 AM   #69
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Considering the possible dating of this seal to the late 6th century BC, couldn't the seal be related to some functionary of Neo-Babylonian King Nabonidus in the region? Nabonidus was trying to create a universal religion based on the Moon god Sin.
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Old 01-19-2008, 08:31 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
Isn't this the point though huckleberry finn uses fictional characters and events in a fairly accurate historical setting! but the bible uses real people and they are found to exist in reality from other sources, and many biblical events have also been found to have happened, for example wriitten tablets from the other warring sides viewpoint.
No, the point is that simply because a few ordinary things are confirmed (which in this case has not yet adequately been established), it isn't valid to conclude that the extraordinary parts are true. Also, I think you are neglecting the point that many of the historical claims in the Bible have been effectively shown to be false, such as most of Exodus. Further, you seem to be treating the Bible as if it were one book written by a single author.

Even if it could be shown that ALL of Nehemiah were historically accurate, in no way would that imply any other book of the Bible is equally accurate.

Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
As I have said many times before in other threads, for other historical documents and suchlike we ask for a lot less evidence before believing them as fact! than we do of the bible,
That's not true. The ordinary historical claims of the Bible are treated the same as the ordinary historical claims of any other source - they add to the argument one way or another, but are not considered authoritative. Similary, the extraordinary claims of the Bible are treated the same as the extraordinary claims of other sources - they are pretty much dismissed out of hand unless a preponderanc of evidence supports them.
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