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Old 11-28-2003, 11:10 AM   #31
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Bede: you are not welcome to reply to this thread. It is clearly and distinctly not the thread for you.

If I started a thread with 'Earl Doherty is a liar because his presentation of Hebrews is rubbish' (which, incidently it is) I would be required to do more than show he was wrong.
My O/P was not analogous to this at all. My O/P was analogous to saying "If someone believes that Father Christmas lives at the North Pole and has flying reindeer that help him deliver presents every year on Dec 24th I automatically write him/her off as a whacko. Are there any authors who write on the subject of Christmas who are honest enough to not promulgate the Clausian myth and instead focus on the relevant and salient facts surrounding Christmas?"

If then, some Santa Clausianists commented saying "PROVE THAT SANTA CLAUS ISN'T REAL" they would clearly be inviting themselves into a conversation in which they have no business.

You were clearly not invited to comment on this matter. Your viewpoint automatically and necessarily precluded you fronm commenting. Who's the prat?

I do know about Thallus, by the way. I have read 4 books which discuss Thallus in great detail, the first 3 of these 4 books were Christian apologists who believe that Thallus was a witness to the events in the NT. I was not at all compelled to follow them down that road. Their arguments, frankly, sucked ass.

Bede, we have a mutual friend. I am sorry to see that his assessment of you was wrong. He said that you are a skilled debater and that you know your shit. I beg to differ. You seem to me to be belligerent, hysterical and overly fastidious.

Bede, you said that you are going to ignore Steven Carr's posts from now on. Please extend that offer to me as well.
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:11 AM   #32
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Steven Carr
Google, click,click, cut, paste

'Numerous contemporaneous non-biblical and secular writers, living within 150 years of Jesus’ life, some of whom are outright hostile, mention Jesus’ existence, including Roman writers Tacitus, Seutonius, Thallus, and Pliny, and the Jewish writings of Josephus and the Talmud.'
The part that I highlighted was space, Steven. I even missed the title when I read it the first time.

Steven Carr
Can the moderators not do something about Haran's continous use of innuendo, insults and distortions? What are the moderators there for, for goodness sake?
I'd like to ask the same of them about you since they continually allow you to post comments and insults such as you do. Acting innocent does not absolve you of your own verbal assaults. (By the way, you stated that I couldn't provide quotes, so I provided them...if you don't want the reaction, then don't challenge.)
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:14 AM   #33
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Originally posted by Haran

Make sure you qualify it as a "lapse of memory" now. You wouldn't want us thinking that you were just "lying for atheism".

I had said it was Elijah who spoke in 1 Kings 17:18, when it was the woman , hardly 'lying for atheism'. What ulterior motive could I have had for that?

If Haran really wants to compare forgetting if it was the woman or Elijah who spoke in 1 Kings 17:18, with claiming that there are 25,000 NT documents within 25 years of its completion, then he is clearly getting desperate for mud to sling. Is that really the best he could do?

One is a tiny slip that anybody could make. The other is a Goebbels-style 'big lie'.

Haran was doing far, far better when he harangued me for saying that the Septuagint was not used by Christian denominations, a 'factoid' I had copied unknowingly from a Christian who had assured me that it was true.

Boy, did Haran get me on that! I was skewered pretty good by him on that, and corrected my web page accordingly.
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:17 AM   #34
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Originally posted by Haran
The part that I highlighted was space, Steven. I even missed the title when I read it the first time.
Wonderful! Haran says I put too many blank lines in my post.

Boy, these atheists really are deceitful , aren't we?

And as for me calling the poster about the Transcendental Argument 'arrogant', did Haran deign to mention that the poster couldn't even be bothered to check what my real name is? He called me 'David'.

My full comment was 'I think the transcendental proof is very silly and put forward by arrogant ignorant people. By the way, my name is Steven and not David.'

Was the poster not ignorant of my real name? If he is ignorant, why not say so?
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:22 AM   #35
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Originally posted by Steven Carr
Wonderful! Haran says I put too many blank lines in my post.

Boy, these atheists really are deceitful , aren't we?
Yes, the blank lines can cause problems.

No, you atheists are no more deceitful than we Christians. That's the point I'm trying to help you understand so that you'll stop constantly posting such offensive gibberish.
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:24 AM   #36
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Bede, you said that you are going to ignore Steven Carr's posts from now on. Please extend that offer to me as well.
Consider it done.
Old 11-28-2003, 11:30 AM   #37
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Originally posted by Haran
Yes, the blank lines can cause problems.

No, you atheists are no more deceitful than we Christians. That's the point I'm trying to help you understand so that you'll stop constantly posting such offensive gibberish.
I shall remind atheists on this list not to have too many (ie 3 or 4) blank lines in a posting , as Haran might be confused by all that space and forget to read what is written. 2 blank lines is enough, but 3 blank lines causes him problems.

Is that better for you? Some nice advice for posters on this list, specially designed to make life easier for you. What could be more helpful of me?
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:33 AM   #38
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Originally posted by Steven Carr
Is that better for you? Some nice advice for posters on this list, specially designed to make life easier for you. What could be more helpful of me?
Gee... Thanks.

I'm glad you picked up on the true topic...

Oh yeah...and...

Steven Carr
...a 'factoid' I had copied unknowingly from a Christian who had assured me that it was true.
And of course the Christian was lying and led you astray. You didn't just forget like he probably did to check your source and your information? You shouldn't blame him for what you also did. You also really shouldn't act like you only make mistakes but Christians lie...
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:34 AM   #39
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Thumbs down Oh dear...

Is there any reason at all for this to continue? What do you all hope to achieve?
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Old 11-28-2003, 11:52 AM   #40
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Hugo, this is what I hoped would happen was in reponse to my O/P: someone would (Toto did actually) would say "Oh try such-and-such book by Dr. so-and-so. He is an intelligent and respected Christian apologist, who writes on the subject of JC historicity, and is honest enough not to cite Thallus, in fact, he even shows why Thallus citations (ancient and modern) are suspect."

That is what I was hoping for. Instead I got attacked.

The only alternative, is for me to start posting in a non-theists only board, but that doesn't appeal to me at all as I have learned a great deal (negative and positive) about Christianity from Christians on this board. Some of them are, frankly, brilliant. I do not wish to deny myself the opportunity to engage them.

But then, I am just a prat.
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