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Old 04-07-2007, 12:43 AM   #1
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Default Astronomy: Greek Link To Bible Chronology

The 431BCE eclipse is not astronomically correct; the 402BCE eclipse
is a perfect match!

As many know, the eclipse now dating the Peloponnesian War is not sufficiently strong to match the historical description, which requires a total eclipse over Athens with some seeing the very edge of the eclipse. This eclipse was relocated to 402BCE, correcting that dating. After linking this improtant event to the correct eclipse we have an opportunity to coordinate this adjustment to the Bible timeline. We do this through Darius' death at Marathon.

Here is the Herodotus reference we use for this:

There fell in this battle of Marathon, on the side of the barbarians, about six thousand and four hundred men; on that of the Athenians, one hundred and ninety-two. Such was the number of the slain on the one side and the other. A strange prodigy likewise happened at this fight. Epizelus, the son of Cuphagoras, an Athenian, was in the thick of the fray, and behaving himself as a brave man should, when suddenly he was stricken with blindness, without blow of sword or dart; and this blindness continued thenceforth during the whole of his after life. The following is the account which he himself, as I have heard, gave of the matter: he said that a gigantic warrior, with a huge beard, which shaded all his shield, stood over against him, but the ghostly semblance passed him by, and slew the man at his side. Such, as I understand, was the tale which Epizelus told.
The reference here to this quite unusual account is considered a cryptic reference to king Darius, placing him at the battle of Marathon. This is significant because of what we know about the revisionism. That is, 30 years were added to the reign of Darius so that his 6-year rule became 36 years. An attempt was made to help make this adjustment by taking some years from the Babylonian kings: 2 years from Nebuchadnezzar, 16 years from Evil-Merodach, 2 years from Nabonidus and the entire 6-year rule of Darius, the Mede. But this only amounted to 26 years. Thus when the timeline was laid out the 36-year rule of Darius extended past his death at the Battle of Marathon. Thus this cryptic reference to a soldier with a huge beard is considered to be a reference indicating that Darius died at Marathon.

The Persian kings alone were specifically known for their extremely large beards. Here is Darius:

Darius, the Great

Of course, here is the Biblical reference that limits the rule of Darius I to just six years. This scripture give us the accession year of Artaxerxes who was the last Persian king to work on the temple at Jerusalem. But the temple was completed in the sixth year of Darius, the very last month. This means that Darius I died this year.

EZRA 6:14 And the older men of the Jews were building and making progress under the prophesying of Hag´gai the prophet and Zech·a·ri´ah the grandson of Id´do, and they built and finished [it] due to the order of the God of Israel and due to the order of Cyrus and Da·ri´us and Ar·ta·xerx´es the king of Persia. 15 And they completed this house by the third day of the lunar month A´dar, that is, in the sixth year of the reign of Da·ri´us the king.

So, we have a challenge here. The Bible indicates that Darius died in his 6th year and we have some historical suggestion that Darius died at Marathon. Question is, does the Biblical dating for the 6th year of Darius match the corrected Greek dating for the Battle of Marathon? The answer is YES!

As noted, when we redate to the original eclipse of 402BCE, the first year of the Peloponnesian War begins that previous summer in 403BCE. This matches the right year of the Olympic Cycle. We have removed an extra 30 years from between the two wars so that it is no longer 50 but 30, and also moved the dating of the PPW down from 431 to 403BCE. This removes 58 years of fake Greek historical years, only it's only 56 years because when the revision was made it caused the Battle of Salamis to fall in a non-Olympic year. But this was adjusted to 480BCE. Thus there are not fifty but only 48 years between the two wars (432+48=480BCE).

Getting back to the chronology, our link to Persian history is via year 10 of the PPW during which time a 30-year peace agreement ends. This 30-year peace agreement was the original agreement installed at the time of Xerxes' invasion. Thus the date for Xerxes' invasion and the Battle of Salamis would be 30 years earlier than year 10 of the war, which falls in 394BCE. This would ate that event in 424BCE. 424BCE is an Olympic year and an eclipse did occur in the early spring of that year as indicated also by Herodotus. Note that no eclipse occurs in the spring for the revised date of 480BCE!

When they had built the bridges, the work around Athos, and the dikes around the mouths of the canals, these built because of the sea breaking on the shore which would silt up the mouths of the canals, and these canals being reported as completely finished, the army then and there prepared to winter and, when spring came, was ready and set forth to Abydos from Sardis. When they had started to set forth, the sun eclipsed itself and was not to be seen in its place in the heavens, even though the sky was unclouded and as clear as can be, so that the day turned to night. When Xerxes perceived this he became anxious, and he asked the Magians to clarify what this omen meant. These said that the god, Pythian Apollo, was foreshowing to the Greeks the eclipse of their city, for the sun was a prophet to the Greeks, as the moon was to them. Hearing that, Xerxes' mood became exceedingly sunny and he continued the march.
Again, there was no eclipse in the spring of 480 BCE but there was one on the very first day of spring, March 21, 424BCE which matches this reference and adds a confirmation as the correct, original year.

Having noted this match, we now simply go back in time ten years to the battle of Marathon. Currently those two events are dated to 480BCE and 490BCE. Based upon the Battle of Salamis occurring in 424BCE, the Battle of Marathon and the year of Darius death would fall in 434BCE per the redated PPW eclipse.

If the Bible is correct and this is the correct chronology, then the year of the Battle of Marathon should be the sixth year of Darius per Bible chronology. Is it? Well not exactly but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we have faith!!

GOTCHA!!!:devil1: :devil1:

Of course it's the same year!!! The sixth year of Darius is the year the temple was completed in the last month of the 6th year of Darius, the month of Adar. This would have fallen the next year, in 433BCE. The temple took 22 years to complete. That means it was begun 22 years earlier in 455BCE, which is the Biblical dating for the 1st of Cyrus.

So not only have we corrected the Greek chronology timeline, but we have linked it effectively to the Biblical timeline, thanks to Herodotus! This means we can use the excellent redating for the PPW eclipse, which is quite rare, to establish the true Biblical timeline as well.

Of course, all the "loose ends" for this correction are in place, such as:

1. Socrates would only be 8 years older than Plato, being born in 435BCE instead of 41 years older (469BCE; Plato was born in 428BCE). This is significant because Socrates knew Plato when he was a boy through his older brothers, presumably only several years older than Plato and while they were still at the age to have been at home. Otherwise, both brothers would have been still at home in their fifties when Plato was about ten years old!

2. Of course, "The Delian Problem" indicates that Plato was consulted regarding the Peloponnesian War in 431BCE. He wasn't born until 428BCE. So it's a Delian "Problem" in more ways than one!

Doubling the Cube

Doubling the Cube, the most famous of the collection, is often referred to as the Delian problem due to a legend that the Delians had consulted Plato on the subject. In another form, the story asserts that the Athenians in 430 B.C. consulted the oracle at Delos in the hope to stop the plague ravaging their country. They were advised by Apollo to double his altar that had the form of a cube. As a result of several failed attempts to satisfy the god, the pestilence only worsened and at the end they turned to Plato for advice.

Doubling The Cube
3. Of course, there are those nasty, unfounded rumors about "Phaedo" and "Aristotle" being the same person and thus that Socrates and Aristotles were actually lovers. Phaedo and Aristotle were both adoptees. Aristotle would have been 19 when Socrates died at 70. Phaedo was said to be around 18 when Socrates died. So the ages match well and so does the general history. Of note, Aristotle mentions Socrates over 80 times in his writings; quite a bit for someone who was allegedly dead 16 years before Aristotle was born.

And much more, of course.

What we have to consider is how is it that the redated year for the battle of Marathon falls in the year the Bible dates as the 6th year of Darius!

Also of practical note is that that battle was in the fall. Thus Xerxes had six months to get involved with completing the temple.

Further the Bible prophesied that it would not be early in the reign of Artaxerxes that he would attack Greece but after he had gained much riches. This fulfills the 10-year delay between when he became king and when he attacked Greece:

Daniel 11:2 And now what is truth I shall tell to you:

“Look! There will yet be three kings standing up for Persia, and the fourth one will amass greater riches than all [others]. And as soon as he has become strong in his riches, he will rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece.
Artaxerxes was famous for his wealth, but Xerxes is the king who historically makes a major attack on Greece! Thus this invasion with a massive land and sea army was prophesied by Daniel many years before this. This prophecy about Artaxerxes is likely part of the reason that Nehemiah was so fixated on Artaxerxes. Please note, however, that the 4th king after Cyrus is the successor to Darius I:

Bardiya/Smerdis ("Artaxerxes" Ezra 4:8-11)
Darius I

Of course, as the bas-reliefs from Persepolis shows, Nehemiah was already the cupbearer to Xerxes and Darius when Persepolis began to be built in the 4th year of Darius I. However, because of his untimely death in his sixth year, the only building he was barely able to complete was his own palace. The other buildings started there had to be finished by "Xerxes" though Xerxes did finish the Throne Hall under his new title/name of "Artaxerxes".

As you can see, Nehemiah with Artaxerxes is the same person with Xerxes and Darius. Nehemiah is holding a cuptowel immediately behind the throne of Artaxerxes.

Notice the same person behind Xerxes here. But also notice the Mede, in the rounded cap, immediately behind Nehemiah is the same person behind him with Artaxerxes. Thus the staff of Artaxerxes was the same as that of Darius. This supports that Darius had just died and the same officers were still in place when Xerxes finished the Throne Hall as "Artaxerxes."

Darius also talked about what he did during the first two years of his reign carved in three languages at Behistun. But nothing after that, not a single major event worth mentioning in his 36-year rule? Thus Behistun, likewise, only confirms the very early part of the rule of Darius.


Thanks for your comments!

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Old 04-07-2007, 04:46 AM   #2
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Kids in daycare center can refute this by now.

You need a new hobby, Larsguy47. I suggest standup comedy.

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Old 04-07-2007, 08:57 AM   #3
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