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Old 04-16-2006, 01:54 AM   #2621
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Proof of Mageth using a Strawman argument and then claiming I am the one using a Strawman argument.
He totally disregards my first post, (1) (topic page 103) and moves on to my second one (2) (page 103) and then he selectively chooses the parts of my posts and refutes them (3) you can do a word count on the posts and clearly see what is going on. Anyway we move on to my 3rd post on page 103 and I answer the posts directed at me (4) now we move on to page 104 and Mageth, responds to my previous post (5) again if you do a word count on the posts you’ll see what is going on. There are also other posts where this has happened, however I would like to move on from this and get back to the topic at hand.

First, it was an observation, not an argument
Let’s not play semantics you know what I mean.

Second, go to the E&C forum for plenty of concrete, scientific evidence in support of Evolution. Go to the S&S forum for plenty of concrete, scientific evidence in support of "Big Bang" theory.
When did I deny evolution? In actuality in a pervious post I said am an evolutionist. I also happed to agree on the BIG BANG theory on the origin of the universe. However my argument is god CREATED the big bang. It was a process.

Third, your response is vacuous. "God appears to be no more than a philosophical construct" was my observation. Your response? "Other things are too!"
Which is true, even some philosophical constructs are scientific theories. Yet they are not proven. Take for instance “0” in mathematics. You believe in that right? Yet can you prove the concept for zero?

Did you answer?
Yes I did answer you chose to ignore it. I said, for me to explain how this is would be beyond the scope of this topic. And QM’s would suggest different laws apply in different universes.

First, find me an astrophysicist that would claim to KNOW that "outside of our own universe different laws apply." Good luck.
Am sure there’s one out there. Just because we don’t know there is one out there doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

You don't have to be an astrophysicist to know that we DON'T KNOW what "laws" do and do not apply outside our universe.
Relatively safely we can say they are not going to be the same as our universes. As the planets and stars will be in different orbits. And of different mass, which would have effect on time, (Time Dilation) and also gravity these are just two things I can think of from the top of my head there are also many more.

Second, I have "read up on quantum mechanics". But I fail to see what QM has to do with your assertion that "outside of our own universe different laws apply." For one, QM applies within our universe, and our knowledge of QM was gained from observations within this universe. Does QM apply outside this universe? Good question. My guess is yes, but I do not claim to KNOW for sure.
It does have an application such as Quantum Fluctuations which has been applied to explain universes outside of our owns. If you think it does and am telling you it does then I don’t see the problem here I don’t even see why you mentioned this.

Again, what laws are you speaking of that are different outside our universe? And how can you claim to KNOW something positive about conditions ("laws") OUTSIDE OUR UNIVERSE? Again, no astrophysicist I know of would claim to know something about conditions ("laws") outside our universe
It’s like I am repeating myself I don’t know how more clear I can make this to you. I’ve said laws such as time, gravity, space, matter ect, ect. We all know philosophy and science pretty much go hand in hand. How would have we have even came to the realization there are likely to be other universes outside of our own.

Umm, you just claimed to know something about conditions outside our universe
I know something, not everything. Some people are good at knowing things am not so good at.

That's patently absurd for several reasons.

For one, we'll never know everything about the universe.

For another, not knowing everything hardly precludes us from "debating" about anything, God included.

For yet another, one can "rule out" things without knowing everything.

For still yet another, who on this thread has suggested that they are attempting to "rule out God"? Maybe someone has, but I certainly haven't. You appear to be building a strawman.
So you say yourself that we can’t know everything about the universe so you agree that you can dismiss something without knowing it fully? This is my argument, we can’t have a limited understanding of something and rule out another thing in this case God (am not suggesting you’re but many Atheists do) without knowing the full facts. In that part which we do not have an understanding might provide irrefutable evidence for god.

It seems like you get an urge now and then to say am using or “straw man” or am “constructing” one.

Certainly. I do that quite often. Why waste my time finishing a book that starts out sucking? Your point?
So you have a prejudice mentality great! My point being even if you don’t like something you can’t deny that infact you might learn something from it.

Above, you correctly stated that "Humans have a limited intelligence." So how do you propose that any human would ever be able to really understand god?
Yes to understand everything – you do know what “everything” is right? You also convienitly over looked to quote me on that too.
Here is what I actually said:
Humans have a limited intelligence. One cannot expect to know everything.
I don’t see how “God” constitutes as everything!

How the heck can anyone "try to think like god"? No one has any notion as to how god might think, so what exactly would they be trying to think like?
I see your point.

I'm not sure what "everything we stand for" is supposed to be. In any case, as far as I can tell, what we "stand for" is up to us. We're on our own. We came from (emerged from) conditions in this universe, and where we go and what we do in this universe is, again, up to us. Some people need more than that, I guess, so as to not feel "inconsequential". I don't, really. I'm satisfied with who I am; I'm satisfied with being human.
Which would make everything pointless; make you genetic garbage something that exists in a dustbin where pizza crusts and other such junk exists. What good would be anything, anything you ever did would mean jack-all. So the end would make everything you ever stood for inconsequential, you might aswell through your life away sniffing coke. A human that has no soul and is made from genetic garbage, and when he dies everything he stood for would die with human.

OK. I haven't denied the existence of god. I lack belief in the existence of god. Why? Because god is based on conjecture
Yet you believe in other things that are based on conjecture.

If this is addressed directly at me, where did I insist I was right?
I was making a point.

First, the a posteriori probability of our universe being as it is is 1.0, as the universe is as it is, despite the fact that the a priori probability of the universe being as it is may be extremely high. However improbable the universe is, it is. Both Penrose and you ignore this.
Please Penrose is one of the greatest scientists around, you should check out the work he has done on general relativity.

Second, ALL events in this universe are extremely improbable. Your particular existence is WAY more improable than Penrose's calculations. You were the result of one particular sperm among 100 million or so fertilizing a particular one of your mother's several hundred ova; the same is true for your mother and father; and for their mothers and fathers; and so on, back thousands of generations. By the logic you are trying to apply with Penrose's calculations, you are probabalistically impossible. Yet you are. Go figure.

Similar a priori probability calculations can be applied to any event or outcome in the universe.

These "what are the odds of that???" calculations do amaze and dazzle some people, because the numbers are so large. Me? Meh. If you understand probability a bit, you'll understand that's just the way things come out when you do the calculations. According to probability, nothing should happen. Everything's highly improbable.
so in all that you managed to overlook “This is, by the way, more than the total number of atoms 1078 believed to exist in the whole universe” now taking that into consideration we know what the heck Penrose is talking about.

And he's not alone, is he? It never ceases to amaze me how many theists think that just because we don't believe their sky fairy poofed the universe into being by magic, we automatically think the universe popped into existance out of "nothing"

Where do they get this notion from? That's what I want to know
Well could you explain then, saying something like “I don’t know” is not even an argument so if someone suggests god created it then, that is a sound theory until you can disprove it or give detail to a better one.


Now have the guts to address Mageth's post in it's entirety
I was asking him not you.

What? Your snide one liners at Mageth's post wasn't ad-hominems?
It was a truthful comment.

Street Scholar

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Old 04-16-2006, 05:30 AM   #2622
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Originally Posted by Street_Scholar
Well could you explain then, saying something like “I don’t know” is not even an argument so if someone suggests god created it then, that is a sound theory until you can disprove it or give detail to a better one.
"I don't know" is sometimes the only honest thing to say. And I can say it with the full knowledge that you don't know either.


I was asking him not you.

It was a truthful comment.
In you view :huh:
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Old 04-16-2006, 06:32 AM   #2623
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Originally Posted by OrbitV2
"I don't know" is sometimes the only honest thing to say. And I can say it with the full knowledge that you don't know either.
I was speaking to him, seemed somewhat rude that you posted that when I asked him a question.

In you view :huh:
I provided evidence. Truth is not measured in mass appeal so I don't care if non of you agree with me.
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Old 04-16-2006, 06:55 AM   #2624
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Originally Posted by Street_Scholar
I was speaking to him, seemed somewhat rude that you posted that when I asked him a question.
This is a debate forum open to everyone (everyone = public). If you wish one-on-one debate you may enquire the opponent through the PM function to discuss what mediums are proper.
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Old 04-16-2006, 07:51 AM   #2625
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Originally Posted by Street_Scholar
I was speaking to him, seemed somewhat rude that you posted that when I asked him a question.

As Gawen says, it's not your place to dictate who may and may not comment or reply to posts made by others. It's an open forum here.

I provided evidence. Truth is not measured in mass appeal so I don't care if non of you agree with me.
What "Truth" would that be? It hasn't been established yet that your claims bare any "Truth" value at all.
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Old 04-16-2006, 08:03 AM   #2626
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Originally Posted by Gawen
This is a debate forum open to everyone (everyone = public). If you wish one-on-one debate you may enquire the opponent through the PM function to discuss what mediums are proper.
Yes, sure. Next time I'll keep that in mind.
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Old 04-16-2006, 08:05 AM   #2627
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Originally Posted by OrbitV2
What "Truth" would that be? It hasn't been established yet that your claims bare any "Truth" value at all.
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Old 04-17-2006, 03:56 AM   #2628
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Pascal devised it to show the hypocrisy of those who did not seek to escape that which they could not prove not to exist.

A task at which Pascal failed miserably, and at which you have equally failed. Which is understandable, because there is no rational reason for one to "seek to escape that which they cannot prove not to exist." That, rhutchin, is simply absurd, as has been shown to you over and over again.
On the contrary. No one ever objects to the Wager by arguing that it is rational for a person to choose eternal torment. Pascal succeeded in exposing the hypocrites for what they are - hypocrites. Until you take up the challenge and argue that eternal torment is a real choice, you accomplish nothing.

Again, "eternal torment" remains a superstition. And, despite your protestations, "eternal torment" is imagined. It is, thus, imaginary. It cannot be shown to be concrete; it cannot be shown to be real; it is thus only possible to imagine it. It thus is, and remains, in the realm of imagination. Neither you nor anyone else can demonstrate that it is anything more than the product of human imagination. It can't be done, and so it is perfectly and completely rational to classify it as imaginary.
Maybe you only imagine it to be imaginary. The non-hypocrite would say that he just doesn't know what happens after death.

Again, if you really think it is the case that you should "seek to escape that which you cannot prove not to exist", there are countless things that you should be doing that I am certain that you are not, as there are countless superstitions, gods, devils, etc. that you cannot prove not to exist. Superstitions to be heeded, other gods to be appeased, vampires to be feared, etc etc etc.

If you are not doing all those things, if you are not heeding every superstition you cannot disprove and appeasing every god that you cannot disprove, then it is you, rhutchin, that is being hypocritical.
A person can take action against X by embracing Y. A person can say that anything is possible, even the vampires, and then take one action, embracing the Biblical god, to respond to all. One might even embrace Allah or Buddha. In the end, the person admits to that which he doesn't know and embraces that which he does know with the realization that he can embrace error ar easily as truth.
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Old 04-17-2006, 04:02 AM   #2629
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What do we gain by doing that?

I don't think that I would have any problem doing so.

Mainly we are able to address the actual argumentation of the wager rather than sniping each other's posts. Additionally, it strikes me that the interesting part of this debate is not the existence of God or superstition, but rather whether the mechanism of the Wager accurately models uncertainty. A one-on-one discussion in the debate forum would allow more extensive referencing of the Pensees by both of us, so that we can better address the structure of the Wager and would make it more worthwhile to diagram the argument that Pascal makes such that his premises and conclusions can be better dissected and addressed.

If you're interested, I'll post a debate proposal in the proposals forum.
I think that would be fun for both of us. Make it so (as Picard would say and because I don't have a clue how to do it).
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Old 04-17-2006, 04:25 AM   #2630
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Originally Posted by DMW
Well... I guess it's time for one of my ever-famous numbered lists...

#1 Unless you can show that "eternal torment" is a REAL possibility, it is you who suffers from irrationality,

#2 By your standard, failure to believe in any number of gods (all of which you arbitrarily dismiss) is irrational (since dismissing them may entail a cost),

#3 I'm guessing that you haven't died and come back... hence, you have the same problem as you claim I have.

Rhutchin, the burden of proof is on the person with the positive claim... always... it's logic 101.
I have no problem with this. The difficulty here is defining the truth claim. I can make the claim, "This is a true statement - Eternal torment is real," and offer as evidence that which the Bible says. Does that then require that I prove the Bible to be true (as many people want to force the argument in that direction) or does it mean that the opposing side provide its own evidence to the effect that there is no eternal torment? If I must prove that the Bible is true, then is the argument, ""This is a true statement - Jesus Christ said that He was God." Or is it "Jesus Christ is God."

My claim is that eternal torment is real. My evidence is that information recorded in the documents collected in the Bible. Is that a valid claim with valid evidence to which you (debating from the other side) can now respond with additional evidence?

I notice that there is a thread on "Burden of Proof" that I have not read. Does that thread address the issue here? If you want to get into the Burden of Proof issue with respect to the claim, "Eternal torment is real," then let's do it in a separate thread. It would be nice if you could describe the problem and how the debate would proceed (i.e., specifically on the validity of entering the Bible as evidence and how that evidence is treated).
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