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Old 07-07-2005, 07:15 AM   #1
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Question Why Do Xians Disagree About the Bible?

(Not sure if this belongs here, or in General religious discussions. Feel free to move it.)

I have some questions for you Xians out there, who expect me to believe everything you (or your bible) preaches. Feel free to deal with any, or all of my queries. (Or just duck them altogether as I'm sure many of you will.)

(I apologize in advance if I dredge up subjects already covered in other posts.)

-- Why do the churchES of Christ disagree on what the bible says?

-- If the bible is the “rule book� for living, inspired by God himself, WHY do so many Xians find it impossible to agree on its meaning and content?

-- If god’s Holy Spirit is dwelling within EACH believer, then WHY do you all disagree about his revealed word? Why so many conflicting “interpretations�?

-- If god's word is "unchanging" and infallible, then why do Xians find it necessary and even possible to create newer and "better" versions/translations of "god's word"?

(IS god the author of confusion? Or are Xians simply liars?)

-- Do Xians have the ability (free will) to nullify the Holy Spirit’s leading, and thus disagree with what god has written?

-- If that is so, then what is the point in being a “new creature� made in the image of Christ, (who was obedient even to the point of death)?

-- If the bible is inspired by god, and delivered in such a simple fashion that ANY CHILD can read it and understand it, then WHY does the church require men to be educated in seminaries and bible colleges? Why do you need theologians to explain the Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic to you? Why must the text be exegeted and harmonized? Why must bible scholars be able to use hermenuetics? Why so much mental gymnastics IF the bible is SO “easy� to read?

(What CHILD is so “gifted�?)

-- If being “a house divided� is SO wrong, then WHY is the church divided on everything from baptism to women preachers to gifts of the spirit? (Even though the bible speaks “clearly� concerning these important issues.)

-- Why don’t the thousands of Xian denominations set aside their differences (as proposed by the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Treaty) and become ONE body of believers? Why are so many non-signers of this treaty so hostile to any proposed unity and oneness?

-- If Xians can’t agree with themselves, then why do they expect the watching world of non-believers to believe anything they have to say?

I say you so-called “followers of Christ� should just go away, and leave the rest of the world alone, until you can clean up your own house, and get your affairs in order.

Until you can agree on what “god� has spoken, then don’t waste your time (and mine) preaching “his word� to the rest of us. I, for one, don’t need such “clarification�.

Thank you. I await all of your efforts to set me straight on this perplexing issue.
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Old 07-07-2005, 07:32 AM   #2
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"The Lord works in mysterious ways..."

"He has a plan, you just are to simple a being to fully understand it...have faith..."

"There are no contradictions amongst believers, if they are truly belivers..."

Just thought I get those bullshit answers out of the way for ya.
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Old 07-07-2005, 08:26 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by NearNihil Experience
"The Lord works in mysterious ways..."

"He has a plan, you just are to simple a being to fully understand it...have faith..."

"There are no contradictions amongst believers, if they are truly belivers..."

Just thought I get those bullshit answers out of the way for ya.
Because everyone has free will to interpret as they wish.
One thing they agree on is God is.
After that its downhill.
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Old 07-07-2005, 08:35 AM   #4
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Haven't you heard? <Christian Type B> who interprets the Bible differently from <Christian Type A> isn't considered a True Christian (TM) by <Chrisitian Type A>. And vice versa.
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Old 07-07-2005, 08:36 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Lord Umbra
I say you so-called “followers of Christ� should just go away, and leave the rest of the world alone, .

That wouldn't leave too many people to talk with unless you move to some 3rd world tinpot dictatorship rathole like iran.
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:37 AM   #6
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No Xian responses yet? Ah,well. The day's still young. I'll check back later.
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Lord Umbra
-- If the bible is inspired by god, and delivered in such a simple fashion that ANY CHILD can read it and understand it, then WHY does the church require men to be educated in seminaries and bible colleges? Why do you need theologians to explain the Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic to you? Why must the text be exegeted and harmonized? Why must bible scholars be able to use hermenuetics? Why so much mental gymnastics IF the bible is SO “easy� to read?

(What CHILD is so “gifted�?)
IMO most Christians would say that a child can understand the Bible sufficiently to grasp the core fundamentals of the faith, but that study and learning are important helps towards a fuller and deeper understanding of the Bible.

Andrew Criddle
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Old 07-07-2005, 10:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by jonesg
That wouldn't leave too many people to talk with unless you move to some 3rd world tinpot dictatorship rathole like iran.
Umm, check your numbers. There's an awful lot of people who don't 'follow christ', something on the order of two-thirds the population of the planet.
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Old 07-07-2005, 10:32 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by andrewcriddle
IMO most Christians would say that a child can understand the Bible sufficiently to grasp the core fundamentals of the faith, but that study and learning are important helps towards a fuller and deeper understanding of the Bible.

Andrew Criddle
I've actually heard this explanation given, and it doesn't hold water.

IF one has ye olde "Holy Ghost" dwelling inside, then what need should one have for collegiate study and learning, et al? After all, what can MAN teach you, that "god" can't supernaturally endow you with?

Are not the things of "god" discerned by his Holy Spirit? :Cheeky:
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Old 07-07-2005, 10:32 AM   #10
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IMO most Christians would say that a child can understand the Bible sufficiently to grasp the core fundamentals of the faith, but that study and learning are important helps towards a fuller and deeper understanding of the Bible.
Then wouldn't only credulous people become Christians? How can discerning people accept the "core fundamentals" of a philosophy which is supposed to govern every aspect of one's life without understanding what they believe?
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