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Old 01-11-2008, 10:56 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by sonofone
John I have claimed to be both Christian an a non inerrantist.I know you take exception to this and perhaps it is a oxymoron.Or you may just think of me as a moron

In any case, I can not in good conscience say that the bible I hold in my hand has no scriptures at all that are free from error or possible contradiction.Considering our Old testament is derived from the Masorectic Text,as opposed to the Septuagint causes problems to begin with.

Consider the problem with Hebrew 10 vs 5 in comparison to Psalms 40 vs 6 and C I Scofields explanation for the discrepancy.Wherefore when he cometh into the world,he saith,sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not,but a body hast thou pepared me;Psa 40 6:Sacrifice and offering thou didst notdesire;mine ears hast thou opened;burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.

Scofields explanation: This quotation from Ps.40:6 Follows the LXX,with a minor variation,instead of the Hebrew,as do many of the several hundred quotations of the O.T.Found in the N.T.quotations are used in various ways1) Invariably the authors attribute unqualified divine authority the O.T.,in some instances basing their argument on one word Mt 2:15;22:43-45;Jhn 10:34;19:36-37;Rom4:3 etc...(2) The Septuagint is usually employed,as it is here in Hebrews in the same way as an english translation may be quoted today(Mt 1:23cp.Isa 7:14 in LXX)(3)Variations in quotations may originate in the desire to translate the the original Hebrew more accurately than the LXX(1 Cor 14:21:cpIsa 28:11-12 in LXX and Hebrew).(4)Many quotations were not intended to be verbatim,but are paraphrases designed to bring out the meaning or particular application(Gal 4.30:cp.Gen 21.10).(5)Some quotations are a summary of O.T. truth taken from several passages,giving the sense if not the exact words of the original(Rom11.26-27:cp.Isa.59.20-21and Isa27.9).(6)In some cases the quotation is only an allusion and is not intended to be an exact quotation(Rom 9.27:cp.Isa10.22-23).And(7) the Holy Spirit who inspired the O.T. was free to reword a quotation just as a human author may restate his own writings in other words without impugning the accuracy of the original statement(mt 2.6:cp.Mic5.2)The doctrine of plenary inspiration requires only that revelation be expressed without error.

Perhaps this does not represent an example of errancy;however it does show how verses can say different things and yet not be problematic or considered error.

Also a leading atheist Frank Zidler said this (although being sarcastic) The problem for the true believers is this:The Greek version (Septuagint) reflects a Hebrew text more than a thousand years older than the Hebrew text used as the standard for thekjv.Shouldn't we follow the Greek even if it is a translation instead of the Hebrew?It should be noted that the authors of the N.T. when citing the O.T. cited it in Greek resembling the LXX far more often than the Masorectic Textus Receptus.If the LXX was good enough for Jesus,shouldn't it be good enough for the Presbyterians?

Whose says atheist have nothing of value to say.

Lets look at some key differences between the LXX and the MT Where the LXX seems to be superior: Age of Levitical service,MT: Num 4.3,23,30,35,39 the age of the Levitical priest qualified to minister in the Temple was between 30 to 50.MT Num 8.24 the ages between 25 to 50

In the LXX both chps say between 25-50 each time no discrepancy.How many years of famine? 2 Sam 24.13 7 years,1Chr 21.12 3 years.LXX Reads 3 years in both.Notice Luke 3.36 that Cainan is within the lineage of Christ,yet not found in Gen 11.12The LXX does include Cainan agrees with Luke,and many more.

Louis Cappel,Hebrew Scholar says the various readings in the O.T. text and the differences between the ancient versions and the MT convinced him that the integrity of the Hebrew text as held by Protestants,was UNTENABLE.This amounted to an attack upon the verbal inspiration of scripture,bitter however as was the opposition,it was not long before his results were accepted by Scholars.

There is even support for the idea that the Talmudic Masorectic Jews intentionally corrupted the MT.

Justin Martyr in his dialogue with Trypho declares:They have altogether taken away many scriptures from the translations effected by those sevnty elders was with Ptolemy and by which this very man who was crucified is proved to be have been set forth expressly a God and man.

So yes I have no problem saying my bible has issues,and no I don't have to stick my head in the sand and say it does not in order to remain a Christian.
But the main issue it truth, not inerrancy. Copies of the York Times are inerrant, but some of the claims in the New York Times are false. If the story of Adam and Eve is false, it does not make any difference whether or not the original story has been changed.
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:43 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Does that Scriptural evidence indicate that all Christians must be inerrantists or not?

What do you mean by "which of course is to say nothing at all"?

Originally Posted by hatsoff
Why, what do you think?
Based upon what I posted previously, it appears to me that the Bible says in a number places that humans had nothing to do with the writing of the Bible of their own accord, and did exactly what God told them to do, and by implication that God has preserved the originals with the exceptions of scribal and copyist errors.

In my opinion, a loving, rational God would not use copies of copies of ancient texts as a primary means of communicating with humans.
Totally agree. IMO, it makes no sense to say that you are a Christian and yet accept that the Bible has 'errors' in light of scriptures like 2 Tim 3:16. If a person DOES make such a claim, that makes him a 'Buffet Christian'. By the Bibles own admission, you must believe it ALL, or none of it. There is no in-between.

Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
But the main issue it truth, not inerrancy. Copies of the York Times are inerrant, but some of the claims in the New York Times are false. If the story of Adam and Eve is false, it does not make any difference whether or not the original story has been changed.
That's a REALLY good point.
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:11 PM   #13
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So has the question now changed or been made broader to is the bible false? I never admitted to such if this is the case.
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:46 PM   #14
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Inerrancy speaks to error.Here we are not talking about simple misspelling but a change from what was originally spoken which in turn changes what was originally meant or said.This in turn is largely responsible for contradictions.

This is why I am no Inerrantist.Yet as I said in your original post it does not change for me the truth of the overall message,as evidenced by me personally.It is true for me,and to me.
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:51 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by sonofone View Post
Inerrancy speaks to error.Here we are not talking about simple misspelling but a change from what was originally spoken which in turn changes what was originally meant or said.This in turn is largely responsible for contradictions.

This is why I am no Inerrantist.Yet as I said in your original post it does not change for me the truth of the overall message,as evidenced by me personally.It is true for me,and to me.
Are you saying that the holy ghost had the ability to direct the minds of the biblical authors (John, Ezra, Mark, and etc.). But the Holy Ghost can't direct the minds of the typesetters or the transcribers?
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JohnnySkeptic
But the main issue it truth, not inerrancy. Copies of the York Times are inerrant, but some of the claims in the New York Times are false. If the story of Adam and Eve is false, it does not make any difference whether or not the original story has been changed.
Originally Posted by Darklighter
That's a REALLY good point.
Originally Posted by sonofone
So has the question now changed or been made broader to is the Bible false? I never admitted to such if this is the case.
I got off topic. As far as this thread is concerned, in my opinion, inerrantists have some good arguments that all Christians must believe that God inspired and preserved all of the Bible except, as many inerrantists claim, in cases of copyist and scribal errors.

Regarding my off topic comments, no matter what the worldview, the main issue is whether or not is reasonable to accept it. In my opinion, there are not any good reasons why anyone should become a Christian. If you believe that you have some good reasons why Christianity is a reasonable worldview, please start a new thread and discuss your reasons. If faith is the only evidence that you have, why are you making posts in any thread? If your only intent is to build your own faith, then I must thank you for helping build my faith. If your only intent is to build your faith, why should skeptics help you build your faith by having discussions with you?

Since you have said that you do not have any choice except to remain a Christian, I would like to tell you that I do not have any chioce except to remain a skeptic. Now what is the next step?
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:56 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by sonofone
This is why I am no Inerrantist. Yet as I said in your original post it does not change for me the truth of the overall message, as evidenced by me personally. It is true for me, and to me.
And the overall message is not true for me, and to me. Now what is the next step?
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Old 01-11-2008, 01:15 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Originally Posted by JohnnySkeptic
But the main issue it truth, not inerrancy. Copies of the York Times are inerrant, but some of the claims in the New York Times are false. If the story of Adam and Eve is false, it does not make any difference whether or not the original story has been changed.

Originally Posted by sonofone
So has the question now changed or been made broader to is the Bible false? I never admitted to such if this is the case.
I got off topic. As far as this thread is concerned, in my opinion, inerrantists have some good arguments that all Christians must believe that God inspired and preserved all of the Bible except, as many inerrantists claim, in cases of copyist and scribal errors.

Regarding my off topic comments, no matter what the worldview, the main issue is whether or not is reasonable to accept it. In my opinion, there are not any good reasons why anyone should become a Christian. If you believe that you have some good reasons why Christianity is a reasonable worldview, please start a new thread and discuss your reasons. If faith is the only evidence that you have, why are you making posts in any thread? If your only intent is to build your own faith, then I must thank you for helping build my faith. If your only intent is to build your faith, why should skeptics help you build your faith by having discussions with you?

Since you have said that you do not have any choice except to remain a Christian, I would like to tell you that I do not have any chioce except to remain a skeptic. Now what is the next step?
I'm glad you took it there for it just goes to show that every post you start goes to this exact same place.Lesson learned for me I'm out:wave:
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Old 01-11-2008, 01:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by JohnnySkeptic
Since you have said that you do not have any choice except to remain a Christian, I would like to tell you that I do not have any chioce except to remain a skeptic. Now what is the next step?
Originally Posted by sonofone
I'm glad you took it there.......
Do you mean that, or are you kidding?

Originally Posted by sonofone
.......for it just goes to show that every post you start goes to this exact same place. Lesson learned for me I'm out.
Well, the reason that every post that I start goes to this exact same place is because you have said on many occasions that your only evidence is faith. Such being the case, it is actually your posts that eventually have to go back to the exact same place, which is a faith only argument.

When you said that you do not have any choice except to remain a Christian, you obviously did not realize that anyone who has any worldview can use your own argument against you and say that they do not have any choice except to keep their worldview.

How did you originally expect skeptics to reply to your faith only argument?

What did you originally expect would be the eventual outcome when you left this thread? I assume that you expected that no one would change their mind, and you would not change your mind, in which case I still do not understand why you made posts. If your intention was to strengthen your faith, my intention is to strengthen my faith, and debating you has strengthened my faith.
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:18 PM   #20
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Johnny, I apologize if I'm taking this thread further off topic (Maybe my question deserves it own thread, but based on the content of your OP it kinda does fit in.)

If the bigger issue is whether or not we should accept the Bible as inerrant, I believe there are some OT scriptures worth considering at this point....

Deuteronomy 17:18 - When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites. (NIV)
This vs. shows that as soon as it was written down, copies of the law would have likely been made. In particular, a KING is to copy for himself, his own book of the law (even though at this point Israel had no king, was not supposed to have a king, and would have no king for a looooong time. Moses was apparently 'fortelling' that there would eventually be a king). There are other verses that indicate that the people were to have copies as well. Point is... copies were made.

Now consider what happened when the original 'book of the law' was found after apparently being lost for some time....

2 Kings 22:8-13: 8 Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, "I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the LORD." He gave it to Shaphan, who read it. 9 Then Shaphan the secretary went to the king and reported to him: "Your officials have paid out the money that was in the temple of the LORD and have entrusted it to the workers and supervisors at the temple." 10 Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king, "Hilkiah the priest has given me a book." And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.

11 When the king [Josiah] heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes. 12 He gave these orders to Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam son of Shaphan, Acbor son of Micaiah, Shaphan the secretary and Asaiah the king's attendant: 13 "Go and inquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the LORD's anger that burns against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us." (NIV)
Inerrentists usually promote the idea that God guided the translation of the Bible down to our day. So, these verses raise the question: Why did he not do so back then? Keep in mind there was no need to translate in this case, they only had to copy the texts. Yet apparently they screwed that up... BAD. As Josiah's reaction shows, it wasn't a case of 'only a few minor details wrong, while overall thought preserved'.
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