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Old 02-06-2008, 05:03 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by reniaa View Post
Originally Posted by makerowner View Post

Matt. 27:3-8 "When Judas, his betrayer, saw that he was condemned, he repented and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood." They said, "What is that to us? See to it yourself." And throwing down the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed; and he went and hanged himself. But the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since they are blood money." So they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day."
Acts 1:16-8 "Brethren, the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David, concerning Judas who was guide to those who arrested Jesus. For he was numbered among us, and was allotted his share in this ministry. (Now this man bought a field with the reward of his wickedness; and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out."

Did he hang himself, or did he fall headlong? Did he give the money back to the priests, or did he buy the field?
aha an apparent contradiction I guess it depends how effective his hanging was, did the tree hold his weight or did it break leaving him falling to ground splitting apart his insides... we may never know but falling from a hanging is not unknown specially if your doing it from trees there must be some jumping involved if your doing it alone.

You're hopeless! How does it feel to have to babble the most ridiculous tripe just so you can hold on to your irrational beliefs?
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:16 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by WishboneDawn View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Besides My Jewish friends constantly remind me "The Christians stole our god and have not forgiven us for it."
The first Christians were Jews.
Take a look at that statement and what is possibly wrong with it? Being Jewish is a belief. Being a Christian is a belief. The Proper sentence would have been the first Christians were people who Left the Jewish religion. You cant be both. Your either a Christian or a Jew no matter how you want to try and say "well they thought of races different back then" its not a race. It determines a tribe mentality only. they left their tribe to join another. As soon as you believe in the messiah Jesus your no longer Jewish. Being Jewish is an accident of birth same ans any other religion and because you can convert your simply a member of a religious community. It is really that simple and thank you for proving my point. Jews who no longer wish to worship their religion took the Jewish god and added a fake Messiah. They took another religions car put new paint on it changed the emblems from Honda to Chevy but left the Honda engine claimed it as their own thereby taking another's property.
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:31 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Jane H View Post
Paul wasn’t redefining anything as regards gentiles- it had always been anticipated that gentiles would take their lead from the new Jewish kingdom of God (Gen 22:18, Psalm 22:27, Isaiah 11:10 etc). I re-emphasise that the entire thrust of Jesus teaching in the NT was directed towards the redefinition of the C1 Jewish nationalistic idea, with the OP parable being a classic example. The Jewish story wasn’t ignored or rewritten; it had an unexpected ending.
Sure did it didn't fulfill one prophecy but hey why let that stop you when your making up a new god to create a empire. Surprise

Thus, when the early Jewish Christians concluded that the Kingdom of God had begun, it was natural to think in terms of the gentiles. Further interventions by the Holy Spirit (Acts 10) convinced the early church this was the right road to take, against immensely entrenched Jewish separatism. It is hard to underestimate the political, nationalistic and religious forces that had to be overcome for a Jewish movement to even think about involving the gentiles..
I love that Jewish Christians like I can be a Caucasian Mongoloid. or an Up Down.

Where did this come from? What drove a group of Jews to radically interpret the story of their nation in this unexpected way? Some shocking, yet compelling event, which drove them to declare that a major turning point in the history of the Jewish nation, and the world, had occurred.
Well one thing is that early religions not everyone got a free ticket to the kingdom of god. In most it was based on valor or deeds you did, some it was by sacrifice animal and human. When Paul instituted the religion we now know as Christianity he was quite clever. he endowed his new religion so that everyone can get into the pearly gates all they have to do is believe in his fake messiah and give a tithing to the church and one in a while partake in cannibalistic and vampire tendencies. But Everyone got in. this was a unique concept for the time.
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Old 02-06-2008, 02:33 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post

I love that Jewish Christians like I can be a Caucasian Mongoloid. or an Up Down.

Caucasian Mongoloid?
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:03 PM   #95
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It’s taken us some way from the OP. However…

Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Do any of those passages indicate that these gentiles would not be required to follow the purity codes (eg circumcision, food rules)? No. Paul clearly was introducing a new definition for gentiles.
My comment was in response to the suggestion in post 84 that Paul had “attempted to redefine believing gentiles as qualifying for the promises given to the chosen people of God.” The idea that Gentiles were to benefit from the Jews was, as I indicated, always part of the OT message. As to whether it was Paul or Jesus who introduced the change in purity codes…well that is a substantial debate.

I didn't steal it, it just ended up in an unexpected location.

Jesus didn't fulfill the traditional Jewish messianic expectations and gentiles were supposed to completely convert to obtain the benefits of being one of the "chosen".

This is far more than simply an "unexpected ending". It is a complete rewrite.
Both the messianic expectations, and the nature of the way the gentiles would benefit from the Jews, were certainly vague enough to include what actually happened. So vague that, for example, the Scrolls believe there would be two Messiahs. How it all happened certainly wasn’t how C1 Jews thought it would happen (which is one of my key points!), but that was a matter of interpretation rather than contradiction. Remember this is Jewish ‘apocalyptic’ language, which is a genre of its own, and any discussion of interpretation of prophecy needs to reflect that. Throw in the use of representation, and it all turns into “That’s what it turned out to mean” rather than “That was wrong”.

Paul's motivation appears to have been obtaining gentile converts. Go figure.
Converts to what? A fake religion that betrayed his heritage, his race and his God? Motivation? To get beaten up in the most horrendous ways and ultimately killed for this fake religion? Even if you can get past that, you’ve still got the disciples who could, and would, have stopped Paul from all this gentile loving betrayal nonsense.

Yes, Jews weren't buying it. How shocking.
A number did- even if you see Acts as spin there must have been a thriving C1 Jewish Christian community for some of the things Paul wrote about to make sense. As for the rest- they had a perfectly good religion of their own, and weren’t about to follow a dead man they had barely, or never, known. The shock was that any of the gentile communities bought into a Jewish based religion based around the (to them) dirtily obscene idea of a resurrection.

Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by Jane H View Post
.... Some shocking, yet compelling event, which drove them to declare that a major turning point in the history of the Jewish nation, and the world, had occurred.
Such as the destruction of the Temple?
No, because they were making that declaration decades before it was destroyed.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:14 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Take a look at that statement and what is possibly wrong with it? Being Jewish is a belief. Being a Christian is a belief.
Can you tell me what the Christian belief, as you imagine it, was for those earliest Christian Jews?

The Proper sentence would have been the first Christians were people who Left the Jewish religion.
Do you imagine there was some fully formed Christian religion they abandoned Judaism for?

You cant be both.
Of course you can, that's why they're reffered to as Christian jews.

Your either a Christian or a Jew no matter how you want to try and say "well they thought of races different back then" its not a race.
Race? WTF?

It determines a tribe mentality only. they left their tribe to join another.As soon as you believe in the messiah Jesus your no longer Jewish.
Yes, NOW. Because we've had 2000 years to determine what being Christian and Jewish mean in relation to each other. See, the first ones didn't have that advantage. They just knew they were Jews and here was this guy who seemed to be the messiah they were waiting for.

Being Jewish is an accident of birth same ans any other religion and because you can convert your simply a member of a religious community. It is really that simple and thank you for proving my point. Jews who no longer wish to worship their religion took the Jewish god and added a fake Messiah.
They took another religions car put new paint on it changed the emblems from Honda to Chevy but left the Honda engine claimed it as their own thereby taking another's property.
Look, this is ridiculous. Historians use the term Christian Jews because it's a truer description than Christians, because those people were practicing their Jewish faith. Can you point to any sources (other then some Jewish friends. I know some Christian folk who claim demonic possessions are a verified fact but just because they say it don't mean it's so) that I can read that might support your case or make a better argument for this POV?
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Old 02-06-2008, 09:36 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Besides My Jewish friends constantly remind me "The Christians stole our god and have not forgiven us for it."
Originally Posted by WishboneDawn
The first Christians were Jews.
In which cenrury? There is no credible evidence that Jews , up to 92 CE, ever heard about Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour, son of God who was crucified. Neither Philo nor Josephus wrote about such a figure and there are no non-apologetic extant records of Jews who were followers of Jesus the Christ in the first century by those authors. And in addition the information in the NT appears to be incredible .
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Old 02-06-2008, 10:17 PM   #98
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Sorry to interject without adding anything useful, but I have to say after reading many posts from the first few pages here:

If I was a serious theist, I would REALLY be studying Latin or Hebrew so I KNEW EXACTLY what the bible was saying without interpretive confusion. People argue over the tiniest of possible metaphoric nuances.

If you honestly believed in eternal salvation, wouldn't it be wise to dedicate this blink-of-an-eye of a life to getting it right so your not standing there on judgment day saying " well I THOUGHT you meant..."

I's eternity....that's a long time

I'm 100% serious. I wouldn't waste a minute of time on an english bible.

carry on...
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Old 02-06-2008, 10:26 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Jane H View Post
As to whether it was Paul or Jesus who introduced the change in purity codes…well that is a substantial debate.
Not really. There is little support from the Gospels for the notion that Jesus preached any such thing to gentiles but Paul claimed he obtained it from the risen Christ.

Both the messianic expectations, and the nature of the way the gentiles would benefit from the Jews, were certainly vague enough to include what actually happened.
Nonsense. There is nothing "vague" about the clear failure of Jesus to fulfill the very specific messianic expectations nor is there any room for a crucifixion victim. Gentiles were expected to fully convert in order to fully benefit.

So vague that, for example, the Scrolls believe there would be two Messiahs.
Who, together, fulfilled the traditional expectations.

How it all happened certainly wasn’t how C1 Jews thought it would happen (which is one of my key points!), but that was a matter of interpretation rather than contradiction.
Yes, one can reword one's description of the theft to make it seem less like robbery.

Converts to what?
Paul's gospel.
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Old 02-06-2008, 11:30 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by JohnG View Post
Sorry to interject without adding anything useful, but I have to say after reading many posts from the first few pages here:

If I was a serious theist, I would REALLY be studying Latin or Hebrew so I KNEW EXACTLY what the bible was saying without interpretive confusion. People argue over the tiniest of possible metaphoric nuances.

If you honestly believed in eternal salvation, wouldn't it be wise to dedicate this blink-of-an-eye of a life to getting it right so your not standing there on judgment day saying " well I THOUGHT you meant..."

I's eternity....that's a long time

I'm 100% serious. I wouldn't waste a minute of time on an english bible.

carry on...
Way back in my youth, I was also 100% serious, so much so that I devoted many years to the study of Hebrew. Got to where I can read it well enough.
Problem is, a hokey, fantastic, and contradictory tale, whether it is read in Hebrew, or in Greek, or in the English, still comes out being a hokey, fantastic, and contradictory tale. :huh:
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