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Old 07-09-2004, 10:09 AM   #361
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Converted you have gone from how the Bible contradicts it self to how Christians, you included, contradict the Bible
The Old Testament is about God creating man,
You have already said this was only a parable. A magic pile of dirt, a magic spare rib? We can know for sure that isn't a fact.
giving him free will,
That isn't in the Bible. The Bible story says that God forbid man to have free will and that man, with the help of snake, stole free will from God.
attempting to have a loving relationship with man,
With man on the level of a pet
man rebeling and worshipping idols,
Another Bible contradiction. The Jews worship a golden calf while Moses is off visiting Yahweh. The golden calf represents the God El. Yahweh punishes them for 40 years. BUT!!! Later in the Bible we are told that El is just another name of Yahweh.
not following Gods law, etc...
In other words "thinking for themselves" or as you called it "free will."
God had good relationships with those who followed him (e.g. Abraham, Noah, Moses, David,...) throughout the Old Testament
The one thing these guys all had in common…they gave up their free wills and lowered themselves to be servants of the God.
and got angry with those that did not follow his laws and attempt to have a relationship with God.
In other words…those who valued their freedom, who exercised their free will.
God got angry, so get over it.
Well of course God didn't get angry, God doesn't exist.
You are likely thinking "if you were God you would do this different or that different".
No I'm thinking that if God is the god you say He is then it would be impossible for Him to act in the manner that you say He acts. I'm saying that your God story is obviously a bunch of baloney.
That is the definition of original sin.
Free Will is original sin.
You likely can barely live your own life successfully let alone create a whole universe, so what gives you the right to judge God's actions in the Old Testament?
Your religion breeds contempt for humanity, which you are now showing.
I live my life VERY well, and I'll thank you not to assume otherwise. The God of your OT is a monster.
You cannot admit It's creating the universe is a parable in one blurb and then claim it actually did it in the next. The only thing we have that indicates that it was God who created the universe is Genesis. But the author of Genesis was completely ignorant of what the universe is and makes one up out of his imagination. It has a lid on it, the firmament, for Pete's sake. This is proof positive that the creation story is a work of fiction.
The Old Testament indicates God wanted a loving relationship with people,
No, it just says that God wanted a gardener. There's nothing about love.
but the constant sin / rebellion of people screwed everything up.
More of that contempt that religion breeds for humankind.
From God's perspective, how would you like to create man and have them commit murder, worship other Gods, commit adultery, steal, etc...?
That's easy. You seem to remake your God as a player on the field of reality and forget that you claim He is reality's author.
From God's perspective I would do it the same way he keeps you from xxxfting. The reason you cannot do some as terrible as xxxft is because it doesn't exist, God didn't create it. He didn't include it in the reality He made.
Obviusly God did not want to create robots.
Obviously that is exactly what God wants. That is the very reason man had to steal the knowledge of good and evil. That is why God's good little robots all say "not my will, but Thy will be done." Robots follow their programming and obey all their commands
God wanted to create beings with some level of intelligence that have free will.
Here you go contradicting the Bible again.
If you were God and and noone followed you you likely would get a bit hacked off at times and go back to the drawing board...
If I were perfect and omnipresent and omniscient and omnipotent the only way that things could get out of control is by Me allowing them to.
If I allowed things to happen that I didn't like and then punished these lowly humans for doing what I allow them to do that would mean that I was mentally ill and one sick puppy.

The New Testament is all about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Love, and God's desire for a new beginning with personal, loving relationships with eveyone. God / Jesus / Holy Spirit are not full of wrath in the New Testament.
There you go contradicting the Bible again. Jesus in the NT introduces the new idea of the Pit of Hell. He declares that most people…billions and billions of them…will burn for eternity. That's far worse than anything the OT had to offer. In the OT God just killed you and you were gone. In the NT Jesus has ETERNAL torment in store for you.
"Personal loving relationships" my arse
The only place where wrath comes into question is likely in Revelations when Judgement Day is discussed. Athiests likely won't do well on that day...
You mean with the dragon, and that monster with all the heads and the stars falling and Jesus with a sword coming out of his yap? And all the good little Christians who have surrendered their free will to Jesus floating up into the clouds? That's not a parable? Do you know how big a star is? Is God really the psychotic bastard the Book of Revelations makes Him out to be?
And this is the "only" place with wrath? It doesn't sound like you have actually read the NT. You miss quite a bit when you only skim.
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Old 07-09-2004, 10:43 AM   #362
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Originally Posted by Biff the unclean
They have a great deal less meaning as parables.
Many many Christians understand that the Bible is a bunch of baloney but for some reason lack the intestenial fortitude needed to discard the book all together.
I do believe there are some meaningful stories in the Bible detailing the relationship between God and Man, from Man's point of view. I don't believe it is the inerrant Word of God. It's certainly a window into understanding how our ancestors viewed their world, God and faith.

To say that God's communication with Man is limited to one old book is to deny that He continually speaks to us through people who bear witness to Him. People throughout history like Origen, St. Francis, Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as contemporary writers like Karen Armstrong and Shelby Spong.

The fall of man being a parable means Jesus was superfluous…there was no need to be saved.
Man did not "Fall". There is no "original sin". That doesn't mean Jesus is superfluous. We may not need to be "saved", but we need to have a relationship with our Creator.

Many first century Jews believed Jesus was the One through whom they could experience and know God. For them, Jesus reflected God's holiness. Through Him, God's Word was spoken and His Will lived out.

Jesus broke social and religious boundaries and called for us to surrender our hate and prejudice and to love wholly. For His vision, He was persecuted and killed. But through His teachings we can still know God today.

They are self-contradictory nonsense, filled with magic and contempt for humanity. They are baloney. If they are parables then that means that the Bible is myth and fiction along the lines of the Iliad. Then why be a Christian, what's the point?
Not to show contempt for humanity or to denigrate it as inherently evil, but to act as Jesus did. To reflect God, to encourage universal love and to decry hate and prejudice.
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Old 07-09-2004, 10:49 AM   #363
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Originally Posted by Yahzi
And you'll be ever so happy to be vindicated. With full Christian spirit, you'll watch people who dared - dared! - to question be sent to eternal flames. You'll rejoice in their screams of pain and fear. You'll sing God's hymns as he casts human beings into the clutches of monsters he created. And you'll do it all out of love.
No. Not by a long shot.
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Old 07-09-2004, 12:59 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by jdlongmire
Well, careful exegesis may make some qualifications...
With really careful exegesis, you can make a whole new book.

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Old 07-09-2004, 01:08 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by Faith
No. Not by a long shot.
"Aquinas wrote that next to contemplating God, the greatest pleasure for the blessed ones in heaven would be watching the tortures of the eternally damned."

I dunno, but I'm gonna go with St. Augustine on what constitutes true Christian spirit here.

But then, you're not what I would call a Christian, Faith: you are simply too decent of a human being to earn that appellation from me.

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Old 07-09-2004, 02:32 PM   #366
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Originally Posted by Yahzi
"Aquinas wrote that next to contemplating God, the greatest pleasure for the blessed ones in heaven would be watching the tortures of the eternally damned."

I dunno, but I'm gonna go with St. Augustine on what constitutes true Christian spirit here.

But then, you're not what I would call a Christian, Faith: you are simply too decent of a human being to earn that appellation from me.

And by this post, we can safely conclude that the true atheist spirit is just as hateful.
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Old 07-09-2004, 02:49 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by Magus55
And by this post, we can safely conclude that the true atheist spirit is just as hateful.
So you take one comment from one atheist intended as a compliment directed at one particular poster, a comment that appears to me to be intended more or less in jest (see the smiley), and extrapolate from that that the "true atheist spirit" (whatever that is) is "hateful"?

Sheesh. Talking about stretches, about way-broad over-generalizations.
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Old 07-09-2004, 05:43 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by Faith
I do believe there are some meaningful stories in the Bible detailing the relationship between God and Man, from Man's point of view. I don't believe it is the inerrant Word of God. It's certainly a window into understanding how our ancestors viewed their world, God and faith.
Actually you learn about how a bunch of fanatics in the Middle Eastern desert viewed their world. Judging from the present crop over there it's a view not worth our time.
My ancestors believed in the Tuatha De Dannaan, Lugh, Nuada, the Dagda and all that lot. It's a completely different world view, one that loved this world.

To say that God's communication with Man is limited to one old book is to deny that He continually speaks to us through people who bear witness to Him. People throughout history like Origen, St. Francis, Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as contemporary writers like Karen Armstrong and Shelby Spong.
Since none of these people ever met God they are "bearing witness" only of themselves. So give credit where credit is due. And it might help if you read about the life of St Francis, the guy was nutty as a fruit cake

Many first century Jews believed Jesus was the One through whom they could experience and know God. For them, Jesus reflected God's holiness. Through Him, God's Word was spoken and His Will lived out.
So what? Most of the early Christians were Gnostic and other unorthodox flavors of Christianity. IIRC there were more than 30 gospels at the time and the Jesus that these folks believed in was nothing like the one you think of when you hear the name.

Jesus broke social and religious boundaries and called for us to surrender our hate and prejudice and to love wholly.
In other words he wanted exactly what the Romans wanted instead of what the Jews needed.
For His vision, He was persecuted and killed.
He cause a riot in the Temple on the high holy days by beating the crap out of honest merchants with a three strand whip. Or did you forget that part.
But through His teachings we can still know God today.
How do you know? You have no way to check if his teachings have the slightest thing to do with God, you just assume they do. And which teachings? Not those of most of the early Christians, the Romans banned those. You only have the ones the Emperor Constantine liked…and he wasn't even a Christian.

Not to show contempt for humanity or to denigrate it as inherently evil, but to act as Jesus did. To reflect God, to encourage universal love and to decry hate and prejudice.
Very pretty but nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus invented the concept of Hell. It's not in the Jewish religion you know. Neither is the need for salvation. They could (can) spiritually save themselves without any outside help because they aren't fallen nor are they born in sin, as Jesus claims.
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Old 07-09-2004, 05:43 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by Mageth
So you take one comment from one atheist intended as a compliment directed at one particular poster, a comment that appears to me to be intended more or less in jest (see the smiley), and extrapolate from that that the "true atheist spirit" (whatever that is) is "hateful"?

Sheesh. Talking about stretches, about way-broad over-generalizations.
I took the simely as being a friendly gesture at Faith for not fitting Yahzi's "way-broad over-generalization". I don't think how he regards Christians to be that much of a stretch.
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Old 07-09-2004, 06:01 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by Faith
To reflect God, to encourage universal love and to decry hate and prejudice.
Faith take a look at American History. The area of the country that once was the slave states is the same area that has fostered prejudice and hatred ever since. That area is the Bible Belt.
Now look at European history. There was an era when Christianity reigned supreme, when everyone was a Christian with Christian values. That era was called "The Dark Ages."

Faith these virtues that you love so much are not Christian, they are Humanist. They are secular not religious. In fact that school of thought came about in revolution against Christianity and it's values (or lack there of)
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