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Old 07-13-2004, 11:06 AM   #411
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Originally Posted by Magus55
The word commonly used is envy, which according to strong's, isn't the same usage as the Hebrew word for Jealous (which only applies to God).

Strong's describes envy in Cor 13:4 as burning with hate or anger; zealous; covetous.

In Exodus, why is God jealous? Is He envious? No, what could God envy? He has everything He needs - He's self sustaining. God is Jealous for our sake. He knows the destructiveness that worshipping idols and false gods can do. Its in our best interest to focus solely on Him, and in that He is jealous to keep us from distancing ourselves. It has nothing to do with God desiring something of someone else; its for our sake.
The word commonly used is jealous. It is commonly used because it is the word given us by the world's best translators
There is no destructiveness to worshipping idols. The gods do not exist, therefore at worst it is only a waste of time. Or if you dropped an idol on your toe.
Destructiveness only comes in from the damage God intends to do to you because of his emotional distress...he says he's jealous but YOU won't take him at his word.
If God were emontionally stable or the least bit secure he would laugh to himself over idol worship. "What a dumb-ass," he would say," that's only a painted piece of wood." But he doesn't do that, he gets all upset which shows John 4:8 to either be completely untrue, or to be talking about one of the other gods that OT God doesn't want you to worship. Another God who is love and not jealous. Does that mean, Magus, that you've given up on that Baptist cult you belonged to and are now a Gnostic?
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Old 07-13-2004, 01:25 PM   #412
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Hello, Magus55. It's been a few days.

I am still looking for a response to this post

Can I safely assume (so I won't keep harping on) that you, in fact have no answer?
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Old 07-13-2004, 02:26 PM   #413
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Cool Not Laughing at Science

Originally Posted by Sven
I'm not sure if you are serious here, or if you just exaggerated...
I, for my part, don't laugh at Newton - I think he was a genius. And every serious scientist should share this opinion. He built his theory almost from scratch, invented new mathematics, and created something which is still (after several hundreds of years) almost (>99.999%) correct in the majority of cases, reasonably correct in the majority of the rest of the cases, and only wrong in a tiny minority of cases (QM and Relativity).

Only a fool would laugh at Newton (or Einstein in 100 years).
To add to that, Newton wasn't wrong in the least. His mathematics and physics were perfectly correct at the time, and still are to this very day.

You have to understand that science is never about absolutes. It is a process of successive approximations, of refining models, of ever improving accuracy and precision.

Newton’s physics were far more accurate and precise than anything that existed before. They continue to provide correct answers. However, Einstein’s physics allowed for even more accuracy within the extreme cases that Newton’s physics did not cover. They allow for answers to new questions, ones that could not be asked using Newton’s physics.

Science is never really wrong anymore, it is only insufficiently precise or accurate. New models are only a refinement of previous ones, they don’t mean that older models were completely wrong.

Any engineer should understand this perfectly, since accuracy and precision are a core element of the practice of engineering.
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Old 07-13-2004, 03:33 PM   #414
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Originally Posted by blt to go
Hello, Magus55. It's been a few days.

I am still looking for a response to this post

Can I safely assume (so I won't keep harping on) that you, in fact have no answer?
It was a pretty involved list. Most people on this board tend to just brush off any attempt at explaining apparent contradictions, and the whole "thats crap, I'm right you're wrong" attitude gets tiresome, so I tend to only reply to posts about contradictions I actually care about.
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Old 07-13-2004, 03:44 PM   #415
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Originally Posted by Magus55
I tend to only reply to posts about contradictions I actually care about.
Oh, sorry. I guess God working together with Satan to force someone to sin so that God could justify killing 70,000 people isn't something you care about.

I guess you care more about whether babies sin...

C'mon, Magus55. Step up to the plate and admit it. You cannot align your belief of "God can't be in the presence of sin" and the Book of Job, and you cannot explain the contradiction of David's census and maintain your theology.

I've never seen you avoid an "involved" list before.
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Old 07-13-2004, 04:12 PM   #416
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Default On topic please


Let's keep this discussion focused on civil exchanges of the OP and not each other.

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Old 07-13-2004, 05:03 PM   #417
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The biggest problem I have with the Christian apologetics here is that they are only one layer deep. It's as though they were copied from somewhere and did not come from the Christians own store of knowledge and logic.
Atheist makes observation from Bible
Christian counters with apologetic
Atheist explains why apologetic is incorrect
And then it falls apart. The Christian either remains silent or becomes angry and says something about "world views" (or at least that's been the catch phrase for the last couple of weeks.) Rarely is there a considered reply that lasts past the initial apologetic
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:29 PM   #418
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Originally Posted by blt to go
Oh, sorry. I guess God working together with Satan to force someone to sin so that God could justify killing 70,000 people isn't something you care about.

I guess you care more about whether babies sin...

C'mon, Magus55. Step up to the plate and admit it. You cannot align your belief of "God can't be in the presence of sin" and the Book of Job, and you cannot explain the contradiction of David's census and maintain your theology.

I've never seen you avoid an "involved" list before.
God and Satan both ordered the Census. God ordred it, and used Satan to carry it out. No this doesn't make God evil, it just further glorifies God and shows that He is sovereign over all creation, even Satan.

There happy? Now put on your atheist face and say what a load of crap that is, and how evil and sadistic God is for using Satan to do something...
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:41 PM   #419
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Originally Posted by Magus55
God and Satan both ordered the Census. God ordred it, and used Satan to carry it out. No this doesn't make God evil, it just further glorifies God and shows that He is sovereign over all creation, even Satan.

There happy? Now put on your atheist face and say what a load of crap that is, and how evil and sadistic God is for using Satan to do something...
(Puts on sourpuss atheist face) Now you're getting it!
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Old 07-13-2004, 07:08 PM   #420
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Originally Posted by Ape31
No you wouldn't.

I am an atheist and I can prove there is no god.

But I am not going to show you the proof.

Now prove that I don't have this proof.

Consider this a lesson in why the burden of proof is with those making a positive claim.

While proving there is no God is a logical impossibility, I do believe it can be proven that the God of the Bible is not a being anyone here would worship if he were human and behaved the way he does.

This whole idea of creating sentient life for the purpose of torturing it for eternity, using the devil, the world's greatest deceiver, against the new Adam and Eve, ordering genocide etc.

To me the toughest contradiction in the bible for a Christian is "God is love" vs. God the jealous, angry, genocidal, sadistic beast.

Perhaps it could be more theologically expressed as the notion of God's love vs. the way he chooses to excercise his sovereignty. Those expressions don't appear particularly loving.
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