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Old 10-01-2005, 11:07 AM   #251
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Originally Posted by cass256
Can you cite the Hebrew dictionary that has golgotha meaning skull?
Nouveau Dictionnaire Complet Hébreu Français, nouvelle édition entièrement refondue, augmentée, revue et corrigée par Abraham Elmaleh, Député a l'Assemblée Constituante d'Israel, Editions Yavneh, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1988.

See also Nb 1:2 and Jg 9:53. :wave:
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Old 10-01-2005, 11:17 AM   #252
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Cool One Substratum burger and a Coke please!

Originally Posted by judge
Can you state precisely what story this tells?
If the consensus changed following the discovery of the DSS on the language of Judea. ... Do you know of any references to investigate the work of the person or persons who refuted the old view and articulated the new view?
Judge let me help you and whoever listens here:
for many centuries after printing was invented, the "Holy language" of the English speaking Christians has been the language of the King James Version.
Hundreds of millions of copies of this version have been printed and used in churches. Yet, nobody speaks that language (thou, thine etc.). The world has not changed (see Ecclesiastes 1:10). The same thing was going on in the times of Jesus. The Jews used the Hebrew text in their synagogues and the scribes wrote the Qumran documents in the "holy language."
Anything written in the Holy Language is easier to swallow because it sounds as if the message comes from God. The Holy language is the sugar coating that enables someone to swallow the pill. Take for example Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. The Book of Mormon was written in the language of King James (the Holy Language of Christianity). Just as Joseph Smith wrote in that language, the writers of the books of the DDS wrote in the late Hebrew.

This is all common sense, but the guru (he just called me Andy!) is not interested in common sense.
He has has shut down his mind and let his ego swing wild (he is beating his chest and howling, believing he is winning debates). Unfortunatley, he has verbally intimidated some people around here and made them obeisant to him. And now anyone who opposes him has to also face the obeisant who follows him. And when he gives the signal, you are subject to attack by the mob.
Judge, stand your ground. :wave: Do not fear the guru and the mob.
Don't take the guru seriously. You are wasting your time. He read in a book that the Hebrew language was popular in the time of Jesus and he is parroting it. And with this book, now he thinks he is an expert. And he has convinced some people here to this effect. He needs to go back to flipping hamburgers. He is good with "substratum burgers."
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Old 10-01-2005, 11:20 AM   #253
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Originally Posted by Pilate
For the umpteenth time:
1 Pilatians 1:1-2 "Are they Americans? So am I. Are the Californians? So am I. Do we speak American? Nooooooo! Do we speak Californian? Nooooooo!"
Can anyone prove that this analogy does not apply?
Look out folks:
I need to hear serious answers, if you want me to respond in a serious manner.
You cannot expect serious answers when you ask a silly question and make ludicrous comparisons. Here you are only showing prejudice.

What do you know about the Jewish traditions

If you want to make a valid comparison, try to answer the following question:
Do the Swiss speak German? :wave:
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Old 10-01-2005, 11:33 AM   #254
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Default Anther Substratum, please!

Originally Posted by spin
If you cannot deal with the data, that is your problem. You have the responsibility to deal with evidence. If you cannot do that, you have nothing to say.
Why are you hiding?
You gave a grade to the "student." What makes you think you are the guru around here?
Here is your grade:
Judging from what you wrote you are skilled to serve "substratum sandwiches" at MacDonalds! :rolling:
go on, tell everyone what you know. :huh: It not shame to tell the people that you know how to flip hambrgers.
From a hamburger flipper to a guru! A hillarious story of success!
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Old 10-01-2005, 11:54 AM   #255
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Originally Posted by Pilate
Why are you hiding?
You gave a grade to the "student." What makes you think you are the guru around here?
Here is your grade:
Judging from what you wrote you are skilled to serve "substratum sandwiches" at MacDonalds! :rolling:
go on, tell everyone what you know. :huh: It not shame to tell the people that you know how to flip hambrgers.
From a hamburger flipper to a guru! A hillarious story of success!
I find this post loaded with sarcasm and insults. spin = guru :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
If you cannot understand or do not want to understand what spin wrote very clearly, it is not his fault. :banghead:

Last but not least, there is no argument.
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Old 10-01-2005, 12:34 PM   #256
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Lightbulb Greek Lesson #1: Don't mess with what you don't know.

Originally Posted by spin
Yup and displays the same declension in the accusative as golgoQan, ie a feminine ending. So, what makes you think Golgotha is masculine, if it acts like a feminine noun in its declension in Mk 15:22??
My God! You don't give up! ... and, still, sound so confident you are right!
Let's start from the beginning again:
Mark 15:22 reads "epi ton Golgothan topon" which translates "on Golgotha place."
Now, let the "rookie" teach the "guru":
If you knew Greek, you would have immediately recognized the gender of this word.
Even if the article was missing, you could have determined the gender of "Golgothan" by the words that are within the sentence.
The article "ton" is masculine accusative = just this alone should have been your clue that "Golgothan" is masculine. (notice Mark is using the n Golgothan, not Golgotha).
If you knew the word "topon" you could have determined the gender of Golgothan. It is the accusative of topos= a masculine noun.
Now that I taught you how to tell the gender of a Greek word, let me teach you something else:
If you really want to take up Christianity (prove Christianity is false) you have to know Greek. "Old son," (as you called me) in Greece they have a saying, "you have to eat a lot of bread to grow up."
The reason you need to know Greek is because the "Holy Language" of Christianity is the Koine Greek. (The powerhouse of Christianity is the New Testament- and the Bible , as a whole. This IS their power.) And if you don't know what they are really saying in their book you are a "rookie" going against pros. If you get in a debate with a Christian who knows the Greek text, you will be shot before you even reach for your pistol. You can't go to a gunfight gropping for your dictionary. You may be fooling the ignorant here at this website, but you are not equipped to fight the Christians.
My advice to you is, don't be a loose cannon, humble yourself, do not pretend to know what you don't know, and go learn Greek. Now this is constructive advice. Thank me for it.
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Old 10-01-2005, 12:50 PM   #257
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Default Don't you like the rules, now? why?

Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
I find this post loaded with sarcasm and insults. spin = guru :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
If you cannot understand or do not want to understand what spin wrote very clearly, it is not his fault. :banghead:
Last but not least, there is no argument.
Let me teach you math: (pilate=andy) =(spin=guru) Can you get it?
People here have the right to ridicule anyone's words. What is your problem? You don't like the rules now?
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Old 10-01-2005, 12:57 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
Do we have to "refute" all xian believes and lies...
I don't know.. do you?

who is "we"?

I do not care to convince a xian that his ideology is based on lies. :Cheeky:
Then don't.

Jospehus tell us that Hebrew was spoken.
Great, say Hi next time you and the rest of "we" talk to him.

Jews know very well that Hebrew was spoken until well after the fall of Jerusalem.
I never said Hebrew wasn't spoken.
Prove us that Hebrew was not spoken at that time. :wave:
What do you know about Jewish traditions
Depends on what you mean by traditions.
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Old 10-01-2005, 01:09 PM   #259
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Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
Nouveau Dictionnaire Complet Hébreu Français, nouvelle édition entièrement refondue, augmentée, revue et corrigée par Abraham Elmaleh, Député a l'Assemblée Constituante d'Israel, Editions Yavneh, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1988.

See also Nb 1:2 and Jg 9:53. :wave:
My copy still says Gulgoleth. :huh:
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Old 10-01-2005, 01:15 PM   #260
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Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
You cannot expect serious answers when you ask a silly question and make ludicrous comparisons. Here you are only showing prejudice.

What do you know about the Jewish traditions

If you want to make a valid comparison, try to answer the following question:
Do the Swiss speak German? :wave:
What do you know about Swiss traditions :huh:
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