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Old 12-20-2005, 03:06 AM   #1
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Default Perplexed!

I am not sure what I stumbled into here! Political ideologies seem to have influenced the opinions about "mythicism". I have noted the silent treatment, with one vitriolic comment, against Acharya S as a mythicist. I have few axes to grind, except against innate prejudices that deter one from seeking ALL opinions in the search for truth---if that what this forum is about. I have heard of some of the mythicists here, and have yet to read their viewpoints (some I am familiar with). However, to dismiss Acharya S for example, presenting a view of the Christ-myth as outside the scope of this theme involves prejudice and ignorance.
Acharya S is no slouch in representing this view in a creditable manner and with credentials, that most of us in here can hardly claim to have. Vitriolic....give me a break! There is nothing more vitriolic than a liar, deciever, name it. You all know how to get to her site....go and READ, before you make unfounded opinions. Ultimately, I hope truth is your objective, not based on some preconceived notions or fear of upsetting "sensitive' or rather cowardly sensibilities. Here are 3 links by which you can inform yourself by ACTUALLY reading, unless you intend to allow others to tell you what to read or not to read. If the latter case...than you are no more than like the proverbial dog chasing its tail.

I have read her book "Christ Conspiracy" and about to read "Suns of God". The basis of her thesis is not new to me, for I have known it for more than 25 years. The beauty of her works is that she puts it all together with innumerable sources, both ancient and modern in a context that is readable to the layman.

As for the attributions to Marx (the so-called anti-capitalist) to Engels (the scion of CAPTALISTS)--what a bizzarre pair to bring in to this discussion. Take note of what religon they belong to under the guises of politcal ideologies. Take heed of one ot these partners in criminal syndicalism of the elites in his own words (brothers in spirit that they be!):
Here is a direct quote from the correspondence of Karl Marx with another Jew, Baruch Levy, quoted in the "La Revue de Paris," June 1, 1928, page 574:

"In the new organization of mankind, the children of Israel [the Jews] will spread over the whole surface of the earth and will become everywhere, without opposition, the leading element, especially if they can impose upon workings classes the firm control of some of the them. The governments of the nations forming the Universal Republic will pass without effort into the hands of the Jews under the cover of the victory of the proletariat, private property will then be suppressed by the rulers of Jewish race, who will everywhere control public funds. Thus will be realized the Talmudic promise that, when come the times of the Messiah, Jews will possess the wealth of all peoples of the world".

Is that religon or what, and is that not also conspiracy using formulated ideologies to cover what is a racio-religous myth? Yet Marx proffessed to be an athiest! There is nothing new under the SUN (pun intended).
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:21 AM   #2
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Default Contempt for shamelessness and ignorance

Originally Posted by countjulian
They've got Freke & Gandy and Archay S. in there along with Doherty and Price. That needs to be fixed.
What is your point Julian--that Acharya and Freke & Gandy are not good enough to be counted mythicists as Doherty and Price? I cant speak for F&G because I am not familiar enough with them, but I have heard of Doherty and Price--the latter of which I hold in contempt for matters of civilised behaviour, not for the content of his work or his acclaimed credentials to be a "Christ-mythicist".
I posit you a question: How would you think about a person doing a sour review of (say) your published work, a fellow mythicist, whom has never spoken or discussed with you anything about your work, while having been given the opportunity to do so. Instead, this person takes your real name, addresse and phone number without your permission and spreads it on the internet. You have published under a pen name, because you have reasons, (a mutual friend whom you revere passed on the information about contacting you, under the trusting impression that the person would be interested in speaking with you). What does that say about the character of the person, who as a fellow author in your field with differences of opinions succumbs to "author envy" (that is as mild as I will put it here).
Well, I can tell you what I think....low life scum. Any respect I could have had for Robert Price due his to his mythicist view is now down the toilet. I dont care if he had a valid view. I wouldnt even lower myself to use his material as ass-wipe. His character and history are forfeit in my view as a "credible' mythicist. So anyone touting him as a dubious authority in this area is simply offensive to me. However, his views can thoroughly be shown to be as much doo-doo, once you have read a credible authority on this question of the origins and historicity of Christ or any other "god-man".
Now I hope I haven"t misunderstood you. I am familiar with the circumstances of this ill-treatment by having communicated with the author of whom continues to recieve this treatment online, by those who know nothing of her, except through prejudicial second hand rumor-mongering. Take the time to familiarise yourself first hand with those you are about to decry as unworthy.
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:35 AM   #3
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Default Laughing My Ass Off

Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
Notice, this is the definition of any non-atheist.

The arguments against the "Jesus Myth" in this article are rather valid and show that the radical fringe is grasping for straws.
Freethinker and orthodox Christian are oxymorons!
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:57 AM   #4
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Default Peer Review rules! lol!

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon
Skullnboner, Acharya S has been slammed by skeptics and Christ Mythers, hardly people who have an axe to grind or preconceived notions.

Isn't it possible that she is simply not as creditable as you believe? Has she published in a peer-reviewed format? need a "peer review" to tell you what to think?! You are saying that peers or skeptics dont have preconceived notions or axes to grind? What planet are you on?! I dont mean to be offensive, but my patience is waning. Since when have peer reviews in this subject been done? How many authors and "authorities" have been peer reviewed. Acharya's work stands for itself and the peers have not done any sincere point-by-point review of her thesis where they the public domain. The slamming does not deal with material points----just blanket statements tending to ward off potential readers from discovering for themselves another view point.
Acharya is not hiding. She has a site, a yahoo group (actually 2) where they can bring up their points of contention. Isnt the internet great?! Here is the link her yahoo group and her to her, if you wish and read for yourself her side of the issue:
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:39 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by skullnboner
As for the attributions to Marx (the so-called anti-capitalist) to Engels (the scion of CAPTALISTS)--what a bizzarre pair to bring in to this discussion. Take note of what religion they belong to under the guises of politcal ideologies. Take heed of one ot these partners in criminal syndicalism of the elites in his own words (brothers in spirit that they be!):
Here is a direct quote from the correspondence of Karl Marx with another Jew, Baruch Levy, quoted in the "La Revue de Paris," June 1, 1928, page 574:

"In the new organization of mankind, the children of Israel [the Jews] will spread over the whole surface of the earth and will become everywhere, without opposition, the leading element, especially if they can impose upon workings classes the firm control of some of the them. The governments of the nations forming the Universal Republic will pass without effort into the hands of the Jews under the cover of the victory of the proletariat, private property will then be suppressed by the rulers of Jewish race, who will everywhere control public funds. Thus will be realized the Talmudic promise that, when come the times of the Messiah, Jews will possess the wealth of all peoples of the world".

Is that religion or what, and is that not also conspiracy using formulated ideologies to cover what is a racio-religous myth? Yet Marx professed to be an atheist! There is nothing new under the SUN (pun intended).
This quote of skullnboner is first of all, a misquote. "La revue de Paris" was a french review, politically reactionary. This quote seems (according to skullnboner) taken from a letter sent by K. Marx to Baruch Levy. But in the Revue de Paris, the letter is sent by Baruch Levy to Karl Marx ! The author of the article from which the quote has been copied, is a certain Salluste (pseudonym, of historical taste). I have not yet found who exactly was this pseudo-Sallustius. But, at that time, anti-semitism, coupled with anti-communism, was ordinary in France. I suspect that this Baruch Levy never existed, his name is too superb... and this quote has 100 % chances to be a fabrication.

BTW, atheist instead of athiest.
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Old 12-20-2005, 07:59 AM   #6
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Default Fabrication? Perhaps.

Originally Posted by Huon
This quote of skullnboner is first of all, a misquote. "La revue de Paris" was a french review, politically reactionary. This quote seems (according to skullnboner) taken from a letter sent by K. Marx to Baruch Levy. But in the Revue de Paris, the letter is sent by Baruch Levy to Karl Marx ! The author of the article from which the quote has been copied, is a certain Salluste (pseudonym, of historical taste). I have not yet found who exactly was this pseudo-Sallustius. But, at that time, anti-semitism, coupled with anti-communism, was ordinary in France. I suspect that this Baruch Levy never existed, his name is too superb... and this quote has 100 % chances to be a fabrication.

BTW, atheist instead of athiest.
It would be interesting one way or the other to establish this quote as real or not. However, I did not imply that Marx himself said this, nor does it matter! I dont know what you mean by Baruch Levy's name being too superb!:huh: I wont disagree with you on the possible fabrication or the so-called "reactionary" nature of the French Review. I truly dont need this quote at all to show how the brains and the organisation (as well the money) behind socialism and Bolshevism came predominantly from Jews and crypto-jews. (You bet your behind, that non-jews were contributors to this ideological movement, as all the same did so with Nazism and other ISMS!)

Now I will be called an "anti-semite" or a "reactionary"?! :rolling: Wether the quote is real or not, all social-Isms (communism/Marxism--International socialism or National socialism) are ideological tools, man-made myths designed to consolidate and centralise power under a single roof. All TOTALITARIAN OR AUTHORITARIAN schemes are supported by elitests--the few who desire to dominate the many. Talmudic Nazism (or Jewish if you prefer!) predates Hitlerian "aryan" Nazism by millenia and the latter had its "Talmudic" backers. That is provable. So is the existance of Zionism, with its "anti-semitic" character! What does that have to do with the myths of religon?! Plenty!

These are my thoughts and my intent was only to show how the creation of ideological and religious myths go hand in hand to blind the mass of people into giving up their minds and personal initiatives as a free peoples. I am not a religonist, nor an atheist, but I would think an atheist would be beyond buying myths....but it too is a "belief" system.
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Old 12-20-2005, 10:12 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by skullnboner
It would be interesting one way or the other to establish this quote as real or not.
Now I will be called an "anti-semite" or a "reactionary"?! :rolling: Wether the quote is real or not, all social-Isms (communism/Marxism--International socialism or National socialism) are ideological tools, man-made myths designed to consolidate and centralise power under a single roof. All TOTALITARIAN OR AUTHORITARIAN schemes are supported by elitests--the few who desire to dominate the many. Talmudic Nazism (or Jewish if you prefer!) predates Hitlerian "aryan" Nazism by millenia and the latter had its "Talmudic" backers. That is provable. So is the existance of Zionism, with its "anti-semitic" character! What does that have to do with the myths of religon?! Plenty!

These are my thoughts and my intent was only to show how the creation of ideological and religious myths go hand in hand to blind the mass of people into giving up their minds and personal initiatives as a free peoples. I am not a religonist, nor an atheist, but I would think an atheist would be beyond buying myths....but it too is a "belief" system.
Now you will be called an "anti-semite" AND a "reactionary".
Jews are semites, and Arabs are semites. So, don't play on words.

Salluste has also written in the same review, "La revue de Paris", another article, "proving" that Lenin was an agent of the Okhrana, the secret police of the Tsar. His sources were Russian émigrés, having themselves been agents of the Okhrana.

And this reminds me that "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was another well-known forgery of the Okhrana.

There is a saying in France : "Anti-semitism is the anti-capitalism of imbeciles."

Huon, goy.
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Old 12-20-2005, 11:31 AM   #8
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Default A play on words--look who's talking!

Originally Posted by Huon
Now you will be called an "anti-semite" AND a "reactionary".
Jews are semites, and Arabs are semites. So, don't play on words.

Salluste has also written in the same review, "La revue de Paris", another article, "proving" that Lenin was an agent of the Okhrana, the secret police of the Tsar. His sources were Russian émigrés, having themselves been agents of the Okhrana.

And this reminds me that "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was another well-known forgery of the Okhrana.

There is a saying in France : "Anti-semitism is the anti-capitalism of imbeciles."

Huon, goy.

I didnt invent these phoney terminologies like "anti-semitism" or "reactionary". but certain people repeat them like they are legitimate expressions of something unspeakable (only with regard to Jews and socialists). There is and was nothing "semitic' about Eastern European Jews. Was Elizabeth Taylor or Sammy Davis "semites" because they converted to Talmudism?

I posted and you that makes you an awful "reactionary"? The play on words is a tool by con-artists to buffoon the imbeciles--the useful idiots.

Have you read the Protocols of Zion? Take the time to read it and see if it does match certain ideologies bearing in mind that its methods as claimed therein are either prophetic or a plan that is being fulfilled. The foundations of that peice of work were around long before the Okhrana were in existence! The attribution to it of Zion implicating Jews may indeed be a forgery. Now common Jews did not create Zionism, but it was formed unofficially in 1895 and declared official 10 yrs. later. It's founders and financiers were not common Jews, but elitest rich banker types.

The point you dont get is that when I say "Jews", you think I am talking about all Jews, as if all of them were in the inner circle of elitests who dont and never did care one damn bit about them---wether that be through Zionism or Kibbutz socialism (with a good dose of "Racist Fascism' as practiced in "Israel"). Then again, how was it that such a peice of forgery of this nature was brought by an escapee from communism with the fine "jewish" (yiddish) name of Rosenberg, who was then made Hitler's chief propogandist for ARYANISM?

Show me where this Salluste "proves" that Lenin was an agent of the Okhrana, because the common story from "reactionaries" and "anti-semites" is that he was an agent of the German Imperialists with the purpose of undermining Czarist Russia (believe you me, not "Germans" alone desired this!) by foisting a communist dictatorship on it. However, the fact is a communist dictatorship was indeed foisted upon Russia and eventually the whole Eastern bloc of countries we came to know.

This has gotten way off the topic this forum claims to represent. It is just clear to me that some in here who call themselves "athiests' have just given their minds over to another "fabrication", another "god", if you will of false Utopianism as spun by ELITEST manipulators of the same variety that gave us the Abramanic religons of the west. These elitests are represented in all the racio-religious categories and have their roots in the deepest past of humankind. What they expect you to believe is not what they believe or practice and the first casualty is Truth.

Skull, Goy, with Jewish relatives and a deep admiration for honest thinking Jews and goy, who have risked their lives and reputation to expose lies and deceptions.
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Old 12-20-2005, 12:11 PM   #9
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I'll give this little thread a chance to get back on topic for BCH, or it's going down to ~Elsewhere~

mod, BCH
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