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Old 02-28-2007, 10:32 PM   #11
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BC&H is for discussions about all Abrahamic religions, not just Christianity:

Textual and historical discussions of Abrahamic holy books (Bible, Talmud, Qu'ran) to challenge and illuminate the stories therein.
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Old 02-28-2007, 10:36 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Djugashvillain View Post
BC&H is for discussions about all Abrahamic religions, not just Christianity:
Okay. Thanks.
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Old 02-28-2007, 10:43 PM   #13
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Does anyone actually believe this story?

The wonder of Abrahamic religious adherents is that the volume of doctrine one must disbelieve is often larger than what must be believed.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:09 PM   #14
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Here'san Islamic web site: Answering Christianity

The Prophet, peace be upon him, did not split the moon with his index finger. This is a lie that was made up against our Prophet peace be upon him by some Islamphobes. It appears however from many witnesses that were documented in the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari, that Allah Almighty made the moon appear as it was split in half for some of the people who asked our Prophet to show them a miracle. But it is important to know that no where in the Islamic books do we see any mention of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, going up to the moon and splitting it with his index finger as some of the people mistakenly think.
But then they produce documentary PROOF with photos that there is a crack line in the moon.

But I think that maybe Science and Skepticism is a better place for this discussion.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:44 PM   #15
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Hi Folks,

Is any of this much more fanciful than the 'scientific' ideas that
the moon came to be after a collision of a celestial body with
the earth ?

What type of evidence would such an collision leave,
and what are the probabistic calcs involved,
and how sound are the analysis of the physical forces ?

Not that the islamist thing makes a lot of sense, it is in the
same ballpark as what passes for science today.

Steven Avery
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Old 03-01-2007, 12:06 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
[COLOR="Navy"]Hi Folks,

Is any of this much more fanciful than the 'scientific' ideas that
the moon came to be after a collision of a celestial body with
the earth ? ...
Yes, it is. Quite. Mohammed in theory split the moon in two and then the two parts joined back together, leaving only a seem.
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Old 03-01-2007, 12:20 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Toto
Yes, it is. Quite. Mohammed in theory split the moon in two and then the two parts joined back together, leaving only a seem.
Hi Toto,

So you are saying that you find the collision idea as sensible ?
That the moon being a collision-ejection from the earth that
settled neatly into orbit is a real model.

And would not of necessity leave radical and noticeable and
obvious 'scars' ?

(Assuming it was in the realm of a physical possibility.)

And that the physics of it must be sensible,
since it is a current scientific theory ?

eg. Would there have been dozens or hundreds (or millions)
of such collisions that did not create a perfect sized major
'lunar module' that settled into orbit ?

Or was it somewhat of a major fluke, and the logic is..

"If it didn't happen we would not be alive, and we wouldn't know..
ergo it happened."

Are there any actual skeptics on this forum ?
Or only infidels ?

Steven Avery
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Old 03-01-2007, 01:18 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by tjakey View Post
Besides, if the moon was split in two one would think the Chinese would have mentioned it somewhere. They were pretty good at looking at the sky and writting down what they saw. Hard to imagine they missed that one.
So were the Assyrians and the Indians not to mention the various American cultures.

And, yes, there would have been effects.

That's assuming one could split an object the size of the moon. Doing so would require a lot of energy and that would have been very noticable.

I would figure it the halves would have to separate at least a few hundred miles for someone to notice. In the process of which the edges would have begun to fail and crumble. It would be very unlikely the two halves could be reassembled.

Yeah, you'd most definitely see a big scar on the moon.

But hey, this is all hocus pocus anyway, so all bets on any rational issue are silly. Of course, if you are a god or working for a god, you don't have to play by the usual rules.

But the funny thing is we don't see that happening, ever, anywhere. All the big energy events we see are naturally caused and naturally explained. I guess gods have gotten shy of late and it would appear the more we learn the shyer they seem to get.
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Old 03-01-2007, 01:22 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
Hi Toto,

So you are saying that you find the collision idea as sensible ?
That the moon being a collision-ejection from the earth that
settled neatly into orbit is a real model.

And would not of necessity leave radical and noticeable and
obvious 'scars' ?
Not after 4.5 billion years. Gravity drew the spinning remains of the earth formed into a spheroid, as it does with all planets that large.
Originally Posted by praxeus View Post

eg. Would there have been dozens or hundreds (or millions)
of such collisions that did not create a perfect sized major
'lunar module' that settled into orbit ?
We know that there have been several collisions of very large meteors with the earth.
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Old 03-01-2007, 01:30 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post

So you are saying that you find the collision idea as sensible ?
That the moon being a collision-ejection from the earth that
settled neatly into orbit is a real model.

And would not of necessity leave radical and noticeable and
obvious 'scars' ?

(Assuming it was in the realm of a physical possibility.)

And that the physics of it must be sensible,
since it is a current scientific theory ?
Your understanding of the moon-formation theory is faulty. The Moon didn't emerge whole from the collision and "settle neatly into orbit." It coalesced over time from debris ejected into space by the collision. The Earth was also reformed by the collision. That is why you don't see any "radical and noticeable and obvious 'scars'."

The physics of this have been painstakingly worked out. Here is a computer animation.
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