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Old 01-10-2005, 02:45 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Queen of Swords
Then you should try providing some yourself.

I was, when I took catechism classes.

The only people boo-hooing about persecution complexes here are theists such as yourself. Perhaps it's your claims which are weak. Pray to your munchin god to strengthen them, if the munchin god exists, that is. Perhaps he's like your "friend" that way.

On this thread? Yes, you were, which makes your claims of ill-treatment hypocritical, to say the least.
again with the obscure posts,taken out of context. hey maybe its the way you have with dealing with know to sort of close your eyes and pretend they aren't there..And i will never understand the hate athiest have for christians. especially when they ask a question that might make you question your life and where it is going.( Now i know i know, you will "claim " i didn't, but you and i know better. but thats another argument.)You act in such a spiteful way towards me, because you like to look down on christian. but what do you do with a christians who comes along and is clearly your intellectual better in both the feilds of theology, and social commentary..? you have no idea. so you act in a agressive and delusional manner. Really stop being a sheep for once in your life , stop believing in all those bad fairy tales about christians. with out doubt your life will improve.
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:55 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Queen of Swords
What is it with you and insults?

But that doesn't stop you speculating (quite wrongly, too) about it? Well, perhaps you felt we needed further convincing that you were not an honest or courteous person.

Hundreds of times. Every day. You see, we beat each other up with barbed wire on a daily basis. I think we were all auditioning for The Passion of the Christ.

LOL, if it doesn't worry you, why bring it up again and again? Denial.

"Defend"? I see no attacking here.

Your posts bore yourself too?

That self-commentary was most accurate.

But you have spent time online arguing your beliefs and insulting people who disagree with you. So according to your reasoning, that makes you pathetic.

Who is "y"? Another "friend" of yours? Seriously, though, have the guts to actually type out the word "you". And a christian ending up like me would not be such a bad thing. It would be substantially better than the christian ending up like you.

You used the word "pathetic".

Why do you feel the need to engage in deception and obfuscation?

Oh yes they do.

Yes, they are.

Short-term memory loss?

It's "were", actually. By the way, why do you feel the need to insult people?

There are, actually. Another lie on your part.

Wait a minute. You read?

What about how people like you have gone on, on this thread, for instance? Try taking the plank out of your eye.

Why do you feel the need to insult people? Especially considering that you've been pretty rabid yourself.

No, they don't. Another lie.

Considering how much irony there is in your posts, I'm not surprised.

Yes, I can tell you are.
again. taken out of context.. continue to show your inablity to point out a valid rebuttle to anything that is said to you. never mind its ok to feel inadequate. you have my deepest sympathy.
here i shall cry for you
heres some tears for you..

wait they're coming .
here it issss...
ugh nope looks like no tears for you.. :boohoo:
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:57 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
again with the obscure posts,taken out of context.
What context would that be?

hey maybe its the way you have with dealing with know to sort of close your eyes and pretend they aren't there..
No, I don't know. But is the way you handle the boogeyman in the closet and the bullies who take your lunch money at school?

And i will never understand the hate athiest have for christians.
Considering that you've displayed a lot of hate for atheists here, you're hardly one to talk.

especially when they ask a question that might make you question your life and where it is going.
So far, you have asked no suich questions and I doubt you're capable of putting such a question together.

( Now i know i know, you will "claim " i didn't, but you and i know better. but thats another argument.)
Now I know, you will "claim" you did, but you and I know better, because we both know that you are not serious about anything you say.

You act in such a spiteful way towards me,
Wait, do you hear those dulcet tones? It's the smallest violin the world, playing a special little melody just for you.

Seriously, if it was true that I acted in "such a spiteful way towards you", then that makes you a masochist, because you keep coming back for more. So you must be enjoying this on some level.

because you like to look down on christian.
There's a christian on this thread?

but what do you do with a christians who comes along and is clearly your intellectual better in both the feilds of theology, and social commentary..?
Who would this imaginary christian be?

you have no idea. so you act in a agressive and delusional manner.
The only aggression and delusions I've seen so far are from you. But that's quite understandable, since everyone here is "your intellectual better in both the feilds of theology, and social commentary".

Really stop being a sheep for once in your life ,
Really, stop insulting people for once in your life. I know, I know, that may be very difficult for you, but just remember, "with God, all things are possible". Try praying, or confessing your sins, or just walking outside in the sunshine. Soon all your bitter, negative thoughts will drain away.

stop believing in all those bad fairy tales about christians.
What bad fairy tales would those be? Are you thinking about the one that begins, "Once upon a time, a christian came to an atheist forum in order to tell a transparent story about an imaginary 'friend', but when the christian didn't get immediate wuv, hugs and repentance, the christian tried very hard to insult people. Curiously enough, that didn't make anyone wuv the poor li'l christian, much less convert to christianity".

with out doubt your life will improve.
Can't get much better than it is already. Perhaps you should try to stop believing in all those bad fairy tales about atheists. Then your life will improve too.
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Old 01-10-2005, 03:01 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
again. taken out of context..
Again, what is this context of which you speak?

continue to show your inablity to point out a valid rebuttle...
It's "rebuttal", actually. And when did you say anything valid? Your first post here was a long and silly fiction.

never mind its ok to feel inadequate.
You mean to feel as you do? I've never felt that way, but if it makes you less sad, you can continue to think so. You have my express permission to wallow in self-delusion.
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Old 01-10-2005, 05:38 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
well i didn't claim that he/they existed. but a claim is a claim. doesn't matter if it's a claim for or against.
Atheists, by definition, make no claims. The word "atheist" literally means "without a god-belief". Nothing more. Now show what claims we are making, and please stop your rather impotent attempts at obfuscation- we all know damned well what you were talking about in your OP.

take it easy dude it was a suggestion not a order..gesh
Just replying in kind. If you have no rebuttal, try ignoring it- it seems to work for many Christians who come by to try and start a flamewar.

well the person whom i was talking to didn't come from pakistan,iran or yemen. did they, and besides they aren't christian countries. so who gives a rat arse....
Your comments were directed towards me. That much is documented within this thread.

And of course you don't give a rat's arse about anyone but your own kind- we can see that much.

and when,where,who and how as anyone, and i mean anyone ever suffered for not being a christian in australia?.kids don't pray in schools here.courts don't back strange fundies trying to make weird laws or any laws..Where..please tell me where as any australian has had their life effected in a bad way, by not believing in god? i want details.names...dates..etc
I missed out on two days worth of work because of some stupid fucking religious holiday the week before last, and I need the money. Beyond that, I'm going to give you as many details as you've given me...

Well hell might seem a scary place for you, and i don't see how it can frighten anyone into believing, since if they didn't believe in god, how could they believe in hell?
It's the concept that is scary, and the fact that so many people believe in such an imaginary place. Just because you can't see how something could happen, doesn't mean it's impossible, either.

that point you tried to make just doesn't make all.
I apologise- I don't know how to put it any simpler for you.

And i don't know wha tchurch you was sent too, but kids in catholic sunday schools aren't taught about the devil
Who said anything about the devil? I said "Hell". But either way, of course kids in Catholic Sunday school aren't taught about that stuff anymore, because the Catholic Church has decided to ignore the Hell and Satan stuff, in an attempt to sanitise Christianity to increase popularity, despite what the Holey Buybull says.

thats just another myth put out by atheist to try and add weight to their already weak claims.
What weak claims? Please quote some. And stop assuming that the Catholic Church is the only organisation to claiming to be Christian. There are plenty of versions of the mythology, and most still uphold the "lake of fire" routine.

But hey, maybe they should ban a lot of things for kids , like the wiggles and teletubbies. not to mention things like pokemon, for teaching kids that its ok to enslave animals and make them fight to the almost death..? mmm what a boring world it would be if athiest got their way.
Well, my six year old son's not allowed to watch Pokemon for just that reason. Perhaps you're suggesting such concepts are ok? I mean, slavery is advocated in the buybull...

whom did i insult. and if idid insult was i the first to do so?
I will leave this question to the other mod in this forum.

was i talking to you? no i wasn't
Errr, I got that from using the quote function on your reply to me. Your obviously simplistic obfuscation is not working here- yes, you "was" talking to me. Go back and re-read this thread- you only have 14 posts to go through, so it should be easy.

and you never insult theirs do you? of course you don't :huh:
Yes, I do- sometimes. Attacking ideas is perfectly acceptable on these boards. Attacking other users is not. There is a difference.

If some people wish to come to this board and try to pretend they are morally superior, they will most likely get there opinions insulted. I do not go to Christian boards for any reason other than in a moderator's capacity checking links posted here, and never to insult those people minding their own business on their own boards.

However, personal insults are against the rules here, and will be dealt with accordingly.

i didn't say that stating your opinion was being a drama queen. follow what is written please, and to whom it is written to.
It was written in reply to a comment of mine- this much you cannot deny since it is within this thread.

Well yes. i had a good lesson on it this afternoon.
Heh, maybe you can learn something here after all.
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Old 01-10-2005, 06:05 AM   #36
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as a result of the sheer proliferation of insults, I can only see this thread going to bad places. I am closing the thread pwnding further consideration on the part of the staff. If anyone wishes to complain, please feel free to do so in the bugs and complaints forum, that's what it's there for.

Jet Black Mod@Large
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