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Old 09-22-2012, 12:42 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

You have worked your particular beliefs into the question. You think that a human Jesus behind the gospels is plausible, and a mythical Jesus is not.

This is where most of the world disagrees with you. There is nothing inherently implausible about a first century cult based around a spiritual savior figure.
Toto, I know you are with me, and that's great. I would like to know if MrMacSon is with us.
I am not with you. The gospels are not evidence of anything except the story telling imagination of second century Christian writers. Stop trying to get anyone to say that they could be evidence of a historical Jesus.
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Old 09-22-2012, 12:57 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

The idea that an astronomer would have any difficulty with debunking astronomy, for one.
Do you mean, "debunking astrology"? It was a surprise to me to learn that astrology is more than just frivolous paragraphs in newspapers. That kind of astrology is looked down upon by those who take it very seriously. The very serious astrology fills large volumes, and astronomers would have difficulty even making sense of it, because it is diverse, complex and has little to do with modern astronomy. Do you disagree with any part of what I am saying?
Yes, I meant debunking astrology.

The newspaper astrology is so obviously hokum that astrologers who want to charge money for their "advice" have to disavow it. But that does not mean that adding computer programs and complex star charts to an invalid idea can save it.

Look up the Mars_effect - based on selection bias and statistical pareidolia. This was the most comprehensive attempt to find a scientific basis for astrology, and it ended in nothing.

Besides, do any of these more sophisticated astrologers agree with each other? Do they actually have a method, or a model that can connect the heavens with events on earth?
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Old 09-22-2012, 03:35 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by PJLazy View Post
AA, I answered your questions with specificity, I'm not going to engage with you until you answer mine...that way we can actual have a legitimate debate on the issue.
I know I"m not adding anything here, but will confirm that aa answered your four questions way too generally, so as to be virtually meaningless. AA, are you willing to answer them specifically or have you decided you will continue to be evasive and slippery?
My answers are based DIRECTLY on the evidence available RIGHT NOW.

I have ZERO intention of inventing history from imagination.

Apologetic sources ADMITTED:

1. The JEWS had NO knowledge of Jesus called Christ up to the 2nd century.

2. The Jews REJECTED the Jesus story.

And, most devastating, No Apologetic source used Josephus or Tacitus for hundreds of years and they also ADMITTED their Jesus was the Son of a Ghost.
Methinks you place far too much trust in the claims and testimony of these Apologetic sources.
You gobble down their written horse shit without even so much as a sprinkling of skepticism.

If a Christian Apologetic someone tells you that 'Justin' wrote this or that thing, you never even so much as think to question it.

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Old 09-22-2012, 04:00 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

You have worked your particular beliefs into the question. You think that a human Jesus behind the gospels is plausible, and a mythical Jesus is not.

This is where most of the world disagrees with you. There is nothing inherently implausible about a first century cult based around a spiritual savior figure.
Toto, I know you are with me, and that's great. I would like to know if MrMacSon is with us.
I think the Jesus stories are all or, at least, >90% myth.
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:02 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
If a Christian Apologetic someone tells you that 'Justin' wrote this or that thing, you never even so much as think to question it.
The significant issue is what Justin wrote, not what some Apologist says they wrote or some Apologist,s interpretation of it ...
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:16 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by PJLazy View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Let us see if you can tell us:

1. When your Jesus began to preach.

2. Where your Jesus preached.

3. Who were Decieved by your Jesus.

4. The earliest Credible sources for your Jesus.


Tell me about your HJ. Your HJ survived his execution?????
1. 25-30 AD
2. Judea/Galilee
3. Jews
4. Josephus, Polemny, Tacitas (off the top of my head)
Josephus is problematic b/c the first passage - 18 -is widely considered to be added to, and the second passage - 20 -refers to some ill-defined brother, and another Jesus - son of Damneus!!

Pliny & Tacitus are considered to be merely repeating stories about Christians, and repeating what Christians were saying about themselves and their beliefs.
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:21 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by PJLazy View Post
AA, I answered your questions with specificity, I'm not going to engage with you until you answer mine...that way we can actual have a legitimate debate on the issue.
I know I"m not adding anything here, but will confirm that aa answered your four questions way too generally, so as to be virtually meaningless. AA, are you willing to answer them specifically or have you decided you will continue to be evasive and slippery?
My answers are based DIRECTLY on the evidence available RIGHT NOW.

I have ZERO intention of inventing history from imagination.

Apologetic sources ADMITTED:

1. The JEWS had NO knowledge of Jesus called Christ up to the 2nd century.

2. The Jews REJECTED the Jesus story.

And, most devastating, No Apologetic source used Josephus or Tacitus for hundreds of years and they also ADMITTED their Jesus was the Son of a Ghost.
Methinks you place far too much trust in the claims and testimony of these Apologetic sources.
You gobble down their written horse shit without even so much as a sprinkling of skepticism.

If a Christian Apologetic someone tells you that 'Justin' wrote this or that thing, you never even so much as think to question it.

You are back with your NO Source--No Evidence--Everything is Horsehit argument.

Please, if you have no sources or evidence from antiquity then I am afraid you won't be able to contribute to the thread.

We have hundreds of written statements from antiquity about Jesus and they can be used as evidence.

What do you want us to use Your Imagination??

Now, there are basically two authors or at least two authors in the Canon that claim to be Contemporaries of 1st century figures of history.

1. The author of Acts.

2. The Pauline writer.

The author of Acts gave the clear indication that he knew Paul and travelled with him "all over" the Roman Empire at least during the time of Felix and Festus or up to c 59-62 CE.

Again, the author of Acts did NOT ever claim he personally SAW and interacted with Jesus when he Jesus was alive before he died.

The author of Acts wrote about the Post Resurrection visit by Jesus and that he Ascended in a cloud.

Acts of the Apostles is worthless for the Quest for HJ.

Acts of the Apostles is very good evidence for Myth Jesus.

Now, the Pauline writer claimed he was in a basket during the time of King Aretas.

The Pauline writer has implied that he was in Damascus c 37-41.

Well, he was supposed to be a contemporary of the supposed Jesus, the Lord, Savior, Son of God and Messiah.

But what does Paul say.

His Jesus was NOT a human being--See Galatians 1.1.

The Pauline writer is worthless for the QUEST for HJ.

The Pauline writings are extremely good evidence for Myth Jesus.

Well, that is it.

The two sources that imply that there were contemporaries of Jesus did NOT know of any actual man called Jesus Christ.

The Jesus of Acts was resurrected being and the Pauline Jesus was NOT a man.
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:59 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by MrMacSon View Post
Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
You have the same bar as a criminal court. What about just going with the explanation that explains the evidence best, be the evidence reliable or unreliable? I take it as obvious that the gospels are unreliable, but that is not the key question. One way or the other, the gospels correspond to what ancient Christians BELIEVED. So, how do we best explain those beliefs? With a human Jesus or a merely-mythical Jesus? One of those options has plausibility and the othe other does not. Are you with me so far?
Appealing to what ancient Christians believed *when*? during 80-100AD/CE? During the 2nd century (101-200AD/CE?) 250-300AD/CE?

One thing that explains those beliefs is that they lived in the Messianic Age ...

At least you admit 'the gospels are unreliable'!!

A merely-mythical Jesus is more plausible as the basis for the NT stories, even if there were preachers or messiahs called Jesus in those times.
Great points, MrMacSon. I think the gospels were written in the late first century, but that doesn't matter. Do you count the gospels as evidence of what Christians believed at the time whenever you think the gospels were written? I know there is only one sensible answer to this question, but I am trying to probe just how deeply the disagreements are rooted.
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Old 09-22-2012, 06:37 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by PJLazy View Post
AA, I answered your questions with specificity, I'm not going to engage with you until you answer mine...that way we can actual have a legitimate debate on the issue.
I know I"m not adding anything here, but will confirm that aa answered your four questions way too generally, so as to be virtually meaningless. AA, are you willing to answer them specifically or have you decided you will continue to be evasive and slippery?
My answers are based DIRECTLY on the evidence available RIGHT NOW.

I have ZERO intention of inventing history from imagination.

Apologetic sources ADMITTED:

1. The JEWS had NO knowledge of Jesus called Christ up to the 2nd century.

2. The Jews REJECTED the Jesus story.

And, most devastating, No Apologetic source used Josephus or Tacitus for hundreds of years and they also ADMITTED their Jesus was the Son of a Ghost.
Methinks you place far too much trust in the claims and testimony of these Apologetic sources.
You gobble down their written horse shit without even so much as a sprinkling of skepticism.

If a Christian Apologetic someone tells you that 'Justin' wrote this or that thing, you never even so much as think to question it.
You are back with your NO Source--No Evidence--Everything is Horsehit argument.

Please, if you have no sources or evidence from antiquity then I am afraid you won't be able to contribute to the thread.

We have hundreds of written statements from antiquity about Jesus and they can be used as evidence.

Pssst. The only thing that these writings 'evidence' is that their writers were nucking futz and very dishonest, or duped and delusional.

Originally Posted by aa58
What do you want us to use Your Imagination??
Nope. your brains.
But I guess that is expecting entirely too much.

Originally Posted by aa5874
Now, there are basically two authors or at least two authors in the Canon that claim to be Contemporaries of 1st century figures of history.

1. The author of Acts.

2. The Pauline writer.

The author of Acts gave the clear indication that he knew Paul and travelled with him "all over" the Roman Empire at least during the time of Felix and Festus or up to c 59-62 CE.

Again, the author of Acts did NOT ever claim he personally SAW and interacted with Jesus when he Jesus was alive before he died.

The author of Acts wrote about the Post Resurrection visit by Jesus and that he Ascended in a cloud.

Acts of the Apostles is worthless for the Quest for HJ.

Acts of the Apostles is very good evidence for Myth Jesus.

Now, the Pauline writer claimed he was in a basket during the time of King Aretas.

The Pauline writer has implied that he was in Damascus c 37-41.

Well, he was supposed to be a contemporary of the supposed Jesus, the Lord, Savior, Son of God and Messiah.

But what does Paul say.

His Jesus was NOT a human being--See Galatians 1.1.

The Pauline writer is worthless for the QUEST for HJ.

The Pauline writings are extremely good evidence for Myth Jesus.

Well, that is it.

The two sources that imply that there were contemporaries of Jesus did NOT know of any actual man called Jesus Christ.

The Jesus of Acts was resurrected being and the Pauline Jesus was NOT a man.
"two authors or at least two authors in the Canon that claim to be Contemporaries of 1st century figures of history."
Really not very good evidence of anything regarding any 1st century Jesus if these 'two authors' actually were NOT contemporary, -but nothing more than the unsane liars for a latter cult.

THIS IS THE IMPORTANT QUESTION; Do you believe that 'Paul' the epistle writer was an actual contemporary of bible Jesus?

If he was not, Why then are you basing your arguments and ideas about Jesus on the insane religious ravings and writings of an unknown apologist of an unknown date, that was not contemporary, and had never even met any 1st century Jesus???
Do you likewise allow Joseph Smith or Charles Mason, likewise not contemporary to that one, be your sources for determining the manner of life, death, and teachings of your Jesus?

'Paul' and the author of Acts are no more credible witnesses to any 1st century Jesus' life or teachings than are the ravings of any fundamentalist religious lunatic that has ever came after.

What they wrote cannot prove any real Jesus, and likewise whatever they wrote in their lunatic and non-contemporary writings cannot be used to prove that there was no Jesus in the 1st century, or that he was a myth.

The claims, visions, and ravings of these non-contemporary religionists cannot be used to either prove nor disprove anything about a time, place, or situation that they were never present to observe.

Their claim and their stories were fabricated, and tell us absolutely nothing about any Jesus of the 1st century.
One might as well consult the writings and sermons of Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn, or an Ouija Board as being one's credible source for the life and works of Jesus.

Christian religious writings are not worth a shit for 'establishing' anything at all about the 1st century. Why do you buy them?

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Old 09-22-2012, 07:19 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by MrMacSon View Post
Originally Posted by PJLazy View Post

1. 25-30 AD
2. Judea/Galilee
3. Jews
4. Josephus, Polemny, Tacitas (off the top of my head)
Josephus is problematic b/c the first passage - 18 -is widely considered to be added to, and the second passage - 20 -refers to some ill-defined brother, and another Jesus - son of Damneus!!

Pliny & Tacitus are considered to be merely repeating stories about Christians, and repeating what Christians were saying about themselves and their beliefs.
I agree that Josephus is hugely problematic, but it is problematic to both sides. It is obviously not 100% genuine, but it probably mentioned Jesus to one extent or another. Like I said earlier, if you dismiss all the references as fraud, then it makes you wonder why Jewish elders didn't ask why Jesus wasn't mentioned by Josephus and others. If you accept any reference as genuine, then the Jesus myth would have had to be created before 100.

Thanks for correcting me--I meant Pliny all along. Most scholars believe these references to be mostly, if not completely, authentic. It shows that a group of Christians existed by 106-111. I've yet to hear a good explanation as to who these Christians were if not traditional Christians. Especially because it coincides with traditional Christian tales that the term was applied before 60.
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