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Old 05-21-2007, 08:44 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Mr. Logic View Post
Yep, you sure do sound like an Atheist alright! One of those, "There are no absoultes, but there is absolutley no God" types, alright!
Bullshit! You are just upset because your "logic" is full of it! You are reading into things way too much, and trying to fit things into what limited logic you have to satisfy your fantasies. You read me wrong just as much, if not more than you've read the Bible.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic View Post
Yes, I can see that my problem is that I haven't TRUSTED YOU as you said.
I am an ex Agnostic, and I know the logic of scritpure, and the diff. btw Paul and those who treaten with hell. You say that Hell is used to gain Converts, which is true, and yet you lump Paul in with them who doesn't. You never say why he wouldn't!
Yes I do. Read post #16. Not only do you have problems spelling, maybe a little read comprehension as well? In that post I give reasons why Paul did not preach that much about hell to gain converts and why others preach more about hell. Read the post this time but remove your hat, Mr.*

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic View Post
Sorry, you sound like someone with a very closed mind, and arguementative nature! Your posts shows a very biased view![
Yes. When it comes to someone like you who claims to use logic I'm sure I do sound that way. Learn to read and spell, the logic will just happen, maybe.

You sound like someone who is upset with the RCC, which is somewhat understandable, but like I say in post #16 they use the threat of hell to keep "bad" little Mr.*'s in line. If this was the case in your circumstance I can see why, not that I condone it, though.
Old 05-21-2007, 09:26 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Mr. Logic View Post
PAUL NEVER, BUT NEVER USED THE WORD HELL! That's right, not even once!
And, it cannot be verified what Paul actually wrote. It is now believed that the person who wrote the Patoral Epistles did not write the other Epistles. There is no known verifiable sample of Paul's style of writing, so it cannot be ascertained whether any of the Epistles were written by Paul.

And, from an extra-biblical context, Paul is really unknown. There isn't even an anecdote or rumor of Paul outside the Bible.
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Old 05-22-2007, 05:39 AM   #23
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Just look at the title of your thread "Your going to hell". Now that would work like this:

Good News. Your you're going to hell theory??? Bullocks!!!

In D.A. Yep, that was a bad title I guess, but not all that bad because it did get your attention and you did then post, correct? <s>
I thank you for the Spell check comment. That was right on! I am just a bit new to this system, and was in a hurry.
Yes, I am sure that there are a lot of highly educated People on here but what does that mean? They got spoon fed a lot more than others?

Just because a computer can take in tons of data per second doesn't mean that said data is correct now does it?
The arguments against Christianity are pretty silly, because scripture never says to believe in Christians! Gandhi stated that he would have been a Follower of Christ had it not been for Christians.
It's a good thing that he didn't have a problem with People breathing air. <s>

The People on this Forum may be well educated but I can guarantee that they know very little about the Scriptures. I don't use the term "Bible"! Most don't know that the term Bible isn't in the Scriptures. That's lesson one!

Have you ever had a time when you couldn't get up and go to the bathroom on your own or feed yourself?
We all have. That is the way that we came into this world. Now, some of us think that we have it all figured out, but that is an illusion.
How can one "decide" that there is no God? A theory is just that and theories are proven wrong all the time. Did Darwin ever see a Plane fly? Did he ever made a Trans Atlantic Phone Call? With all that advance, they still haven't proven evolution. Don't you think that odd? Yet, they say that Atheism isn't a religion?

I talk to Religionists all the time and they give the exact same kind of circle reasoning, and will say whatever it takes to try and make their views fly!
No Truth without objectivity! Only those who truly want the truth can be objective.
By the way, the "Brain man" has the greatest memory for recall in the World, and he claims that he isn't using memory at all. Will Scientists be objective enough to accept this claim? Why would the guy lie?
Anyway those that want to prove the scriptures and God wrong, need to deal with what they say, not what others say about them. For unknown to most John the Baptist didn't baptize one single Christian. He baptized Jews before the church began. The Church began on Pentecost and had nothing to do with water baptism except by those who were still being weaned out of their religious lifestyle. Paul learned the hard way in 1 Cor. 1. and Peter had the words of Jesus recalled to his mind in Acts 11:16 after commanding water bapt. in Acts 10.
Just some food for thought!
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Old 05-22-2007, 06:00 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
And, it cannot be verified what Paul actually wrote. It is now believed that the person who wrote the Patoral Epistles did not write the other Epistles. There is no known verifiable sample of Paul's style of writing, so it cannot be ascertained whether any of the Epistles were written by Paul.

And, from an extra-biblical context, Paul is really unknown. There isn't even an anecdote or rumor of Paul outside the Bible.
I did not realize that! thanks! In some ways that doesn't surprise me, because Paul is talking psychology almost 2,000 years before it became a science.
Most People, 50 years ago thought that psychiatry was voodoo!

We look on the outward, and that is why so many believe that what we do is what is needed, but we can do the right thing for the wrong reasons. God knows our hearts, and can't be fooled.
As stated before, the RCC based their views on the book of James. James talks of works, and more works and People are carnal and rely on what they see, not understanding that their actions are governed by their thoughts.

One of my Best Buddies is a Psychiatrist, and every political view that I have ever heard him utter (and he utters a lot) is left wing liberal. He doesn't seem to have a balance, or look at things objectively for the good of all. He always has the pomp pomp's out, to root for his team! You would think that someone who studies how the mind thinks would know better. Paul was raised to be a Religious Fanatic. So much that he persecuted those who differed with him. Yet something amazing happened to this man, and he ended teaching very logical doctrine, and non violence!
How odd is it that James who taught "Be a workaholic" never established a single church and yet Paul who down played Human Works, established one after another, and was beaten again and again while trying to help those that persecuted him. What goes around does come back around!

Why didn't Paul need a pep talk to do works? He had so much faith and love for others that no one had to. Love for others drove him. It isn't what he HAD to do but what he wanted to do because of the grace that he received. He wanted to share that same grace with others.
Thanks for that fact on Paul. Very interesting! that's the kind of stuff I like to know about. Blessings
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Old 05-22-2007, 05:43 PM   #25
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A question, Mr. Logic. If God wants us to know the truth, what do we need the Bible for? Why not just beam the information directly to our brains, thereby bypassing the problems involved with translation and interpretation? After all, God is omnipotent, so he could do that. (Perhaps he enjoys watching us waste thousands of hours arguing and fighting over what the Bible 'really' says).

As for your impressions of Paul, have you read what he had to say about women? Are you going to defend his statements?

And how about responding to my questions in my last post?
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Old 05-22-2007, 06:30 PM   #26
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Boy, you suuuuuuuure sound like someone I used to know on here..........hmmmmmm......what was that guys name?????

Maybe it will come to me in a cloud form.......
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Old 05-22-2007, 10:27 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Mr. Logic

In D.A.
Can someone help me out here?

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic

Yep, that was a bad title I guess, but not all that bad because it did get your attention and you did then post, correct?
Sort of. I thought you were another IIDB member, who hasn't posited in awhile.

You might be, who knows :huh:? I see someone else has the same suspicion, except by his clue he thinks you are a different IIDB member. I think you guys are stamped out of an assembly line like blank license plates ...

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
I thank you for the Spell check comment. That was right on! I am just a bit new to this system, and was in a hurry.
No problemo. I do my best to help others, you do believe I'm here to help you I hope.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Yes, I am sure that there are a lot of highly educated People on here but what does that mean?
You know, come to think of it, I'm not that sure, but I meant on both sides and not just atheists or theists. Theres all sorts of people on this board. Like I said you sounded or rather your post looked like someone else's.
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
They got spoon fed a lot more than others?
Silverspoon fed, probably in some cases. College educations do not come cheap. OTOH some have done it on their own.
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Just because a computer can take in tons of data per second doesn't mean that said data is correct now does it?
It doesn't matter to the computer.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
The arguments against Christianity are pretty silly, because scripture never says to believe in Christians! Gandhi stated that he would have been a Follower of Christ had it not been for Christians.
Agreed, but try that on some of the Christians on this board!

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
It's a good thing that he didn't have a problem with People breathing air.
I think he did, I don't think he does now.
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
The People on this Forum may be well educated but I can guarantee that they know very little about the Scriptures.
Well I'd like to see you show 'em!

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
I don't use the term "Bible"! Most don't know that the term Bible isn't in the Scriptures.
No kidding? I guess it must be like reality isn't in the Bible or, Scriptures as you call it, except the amplified ones.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
That's lesson one!
Well sorry, but I already knew that, but hey stick around. A wise man once told me that no matter who it is, you can learn something from them...
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Have you ever had a time when you couldn't get up and go to the bathroom on your own or feed yourself?
We all have. That is the way that we came into this world.
I hope this isn't lesson two, I already knew that as well! But even that I have to take someone's word on it as I truly don't remember and if I did remember I'd like to forget about it! There are a lot of myths and legends about me, when and how I came to be, and things done supposedly by Lil' DISSIDENT.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Now, some of us think that we have it all figured out, but that is an illusion.
Well yeah, but, I don't remember anyone here stating they have everything figured out. If they have more than likely it was in jest or it's obvious that the person is suffering through some mental condition... If you stick around long enough you'll see people actually change their minds about certain things.

You can go all the way back to 2000, I think, in the archives you'll see what I mean. I'd like to point out two guys in particular, but I'm not sure that's proper, without their permission.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
How can one "decide" that there is no God? A theory is just that and theories are proven wrong all the time.
I don't think people wake up one morning and decide, h-m-m-m, decisions, decisions let's see... I know! Atheist!

But sometimes it does seem that way, H-m-m-m..I know! I'll claim to be the resurrection of Jerry Falwell!

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Did Darwin ever see a Plane fly?
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Did he ever made a Trans Atlantic Phone Call?
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
With all that advance, they still haven't proven evolution.
Um, maybe you are looking at the wrong evolution.

Airplanes and telephones are not what Darwin's Theory of Evolution is about.
All those advances are machines, I'm no expert on Evolution but that pretty much is concerned with living critters and were they come from.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Don't you think that odd?
No. To me it'd be odd if I, personally, devoted any of my valuable time trying to go back in time to give the present meaning or to explain where did we come from, but those who do are not odd or lacking in anyway, it's what interests them.

You could take your questions on evolution to, well, never mind, they probably hate me over there as it is, no sense adding fuel to the fire!

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Yet, they say that Atheism isn't a religion?
It's not and not just because some atheists don't "believe" in evolution.
Atheism has little to do with Evolution, if anything, theism has more to do with evolution.
Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
I talk to Religionists all the time and they give the exact same kind of circle reasoning, and will say whatever it takes to try and make their views fly!
No Truth without objectivity! Only those who truly want the truth can be objective.
Sorry. I don't really believe any of my post about Paul, it's more or less mockery of why Paul might have not preached about hell. In reality I don't have any veiws about Paul or hell.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
By the way, the "Brain man" has the greatest memory for recall in the World, and he claims that he isn't using memory at all.
Then why do they say he has the greatest memory for recall in the world if he claims not to even use it?

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Will Scientists be objective enough to accept this claim?
Not if testing "Brain man" means they're being biased.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Why would the guy lie?
About what? Having the greatest memory for recall or claiming he doesn't use memory for recall?

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
Anyway those that want to prove the scriptures and God wrong, need to deal with what they say, not what others say about them.
Well I don't think people can prove the scriptures or God either way right or wrong. It's like a dog chasing it's tail, fun, maybe challenging, but it doesn't get it anywhere. The dog usually ends up tired and having others laugh at him.

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
For unknown to most John the Baptist didn't baptize one single Christian. He baptized Jews before the church began.
And neither would anyone be baptizing a Christian if I should go and ask to be baptized at church tomorrow they'd be baptizing an atheist, but I think I understand. You don't find it in scriptures that to be Christian you have to be baptizied, right?

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
The Church began on Pentecost and had nothing to do with water baptism except by those who were still being weaned out of their religious lifestyle. Paul learned the hard way in 1 Cor. 1. and Peter had the words of Jesus recalled to his mind in Acts 11:16 after commanding water bapt. in Acts 10.
Just some food for thought!
Thanks, but a rubberbone probably won't get noticed by even the starving dogs.
Old 05-23-2007, 06:38 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Joan of Bark View Post
A question, Mr. Logic. If God wants us to know the truth, what do we need the Bible for? Why not just beam the information directly to our brains, thereby bypassing the problems involved with translation and interpretation? After all, God is omnipotent, so he could do that. (Perhaps he enjoys watching us waste thousands of hours arguing and fighting over what the Bible 'really' says).

As for your impressions of Paul, have you read what he had to say about women? Are you going to defend his statements?

And how about responding to my questions in my last post?
First of all, Joan, I don't teach that anyone needs "a Bible"! Great question though! No Writer in the N.T. said "Take this letter and put it in the Bible"!
The completed Canon dogma is RCC. How ironic that Baptists that hate Catholic doctrines, believe in "The Bible"! <s> A Catholic invention.

"Directly to our brains"? Great Question! Answer: He does! Or use to! Then Man said "We will do it our way"! Man started eating from Knowledge.
Brain man can memorize numbers from hours according to many, but that is not his claim. He sees images in his head. I believe that we could all do that at one time. God give revelations to those that are his, not those who rebel against him. Does a Rich Man give his inheritance to "everyone"?

You use History books to gain understanding of history right? Well there should be no prob. with understanding that we can learn from past events, and that is what the "Scriptures" are for. They are true history, if they are truly given by those moved by God's Spirit (direct to the brain/mind revelations). Without that direct revelation to understand them, many interp. can be gleaned, and are. That is the prob. with "The Bible IS the Word of God" dogma. If so then "Christians" should worship the Bible! See my point? It's an over statement, and an error in understanding what is written. Example: Paul gives his opinion at times. Not often, but he does. Is Paul's opinion "The Word of God"? I have talked to Fundamentalists that gave me a resounding "Yes"! How sad! They reject that he said it wasn't from God but his view, and put all of their faith in "The Bible is the Word of God" when not one writer of the N.T. ever mentioned a completed canon!

Paul wasn't chosen to give his opinion, and I think that he later regretted that he did. What Paul mostly taught was contrary to his fanatical upbringing.
He water bapt. a FEW in 1 Cor. 1, then saw that it caused divisions, and THANKED GOD that he had only bapt. that FEW, then stated that Christ didn't send him to do it! v.17. Why, that's growth! The Apostles were weaned out of their old programmed ways.
Will get to the Women's issues later, but want to point out that after years of having much faith in Paul's revelations, (not theology) I caught him in an error. The error concerned Women being subject to Men because of "seniority" type of thing. This didn't match the O.T.
This was a bit of his old Religious upbringing coming though. Men and Women were created equal, and that is why women claim to want that today. Our spirits all want to get back to the Garden, ad C, S, N and Young said in the Song about Wood Stock! What other Garden would they be talking about?
The anti fur thing (no animal was killed in the Garden before the fall) and many other issues that People rebel against pertain to the perfection that we once had on Earth. I am sure this sounds crazy, but they didn't eat meat, and look at how many Hippy types are vegetarians.
Our problem is that we are not in harmony with God, and so paradise can't be ours yet! Make sense? I would like to talk to you about History also, and why the Experts called Native Americans, Indians all these years even knowing that this wasn't a new route to India! Proof that "everybody says" means little! Facts speak for themselves! All research done without objectivity is a waste of time!
Thanks for your time!
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:08 AM   #29
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>>Well sorry, but I already knew that, but hey stick around. A wise man once told me that no matter who it is, you can learn something from them...

Hey D.A. Great Post! Guess we both had each other wrong!
Great attitude! Luther I found out once said that he would believe a Heretic telling the truth than a Saint that was lying! Truth is what it is all about, not who side someone claims to be on! Maybe we can both learn from each other! Blessings
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Old 05-23-2007, 10:47 PM   #30
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Sorry to break it to you, Mr. Logic, but the Bible is not historically accurate, and never was. It is a collection of myths, poetry and propaganda cobbled together to give weight to the religious beliefs of those who wanted to convert others. The Torah and Joshua are utter rubbish historically, and the rest is at best half-truths and contradictions, as further reading in this forum will show.

As for your condescending attitude toward the posters in this forum, I can assure you we do know the Bible. Unlike Christians, we have actually read it, and seen what nonsense so much of it is.

As for men and women created equal, that depends on which version of the creation myth you take seriously. Either way, God said: "Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you." So God, regardless of how he made us, decided that the sexes are NOT equal.

And if the Garden of Eden was so perfect, what was the serpent doing there?

(BTW, Baptists only use part of the RCC Bible; they reject the apocrypha).
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