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Old 09-26-2009, 10:54 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
If you are right that God created evil what went wrong?

Do you think that Satan will ever make your God get control of the world? As soon as your God makes something, Satan just take control of them.
It doesn't matter "who is in control." God gave us two choices. To choose Good from Evil. God is allowing Satan to reign on earth, and then God will defeat Him and his band of Demons in the end of days.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 tells us that Satan has become the "god of this world". And Revelation 20:10 tells us that he will be eternally punished for it.
But, 2 Corinthians was written over 1500 years ago. Satan is still in control of the world as we speak based on your own statement.

But, did not your God or his Son claim that there was no-one that was good.

Mark 10:18 -
And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
We have no choice, everyone is NO GOOD and your God knew it. Satan is in control of the world.

You know that your are not good.

Your God has no history of being capable of defeating Satan, Your God has a history of genocide. Satan must have made your God do it
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Old 09-26-2009, 01:57 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
But, 2 Corinthians was written over 1500 years ago. Satan is still in control of the world as we speak based on your own statement.
Are we living in a different world than the people did 1,500 years ago? :huh:

But, did not your God or his Son claim that there was no-one that was good.
Jesus said No one is Good but thy Father. Meaning praise God over all.

We have no choice, everyone is NO GOOD and your God knew it. Satan is in control of the world.
Only God is good. If you obey God and respect his laws, you will be rewareded, but if you follow evil, you shall be eternally punished.

You know that your are not good.
Yes, I'm a sinner, I admit it everyday of my life.

Your God has no history of being capable of defeating Satan, Your God has a history of genocide. Satan must have made your God do it
God has defeated Satan many times. If you want to discuss the wrath of God upon wicked and evil nations, just let me know..I will supply the verses where God destroyed Cities into dust because they follow the ways of evil.
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Old 09-26-2009, 03:59 PM   #83
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IBIH, why is the idea that you're wrong on any of this impossible?

If you aren't willing to keep an open mind to the mere possibility that you could be wrong, why should any of us?

I don't understand why you went out of your way to say that you're the kind of guy that can admit when he's wrong, but then say that there isn't any chance that you're wrong.

How is it that you've achieved far more knowledge than a host of scholars?

Personally, I have no problem being confronted with evidence, truth and reason as to the existence of a god...I just have yet to see any.
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Old 09-26-2009, 04:28 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
IBIH, why is the idea that you're wrong on any of this impossible?
I could be wrong. I'm not omniscient.

If you aren't willing to keep an open mind to the mere possibility that you could be wrong, why should any of us?
I'm willing to keep an open mind while I discuss with you guys. But your views on the God of the Bible is frightening. You paint him as a vicious and evil killer. If you read most of these posts, people in here are giving praise to Satan, and saying YHWH is evil. Do you know that is an unforgivable sin?

I don't understand why you went out of your way to say that you're the kind of guy that can admit when he's wrong, but then say that there isn't any chance that you're wrong.
Whenever I'm wrong I will admit it. So far, I have people trying to tell me Jesus was supposed to arrive in the first century generation, that is false.

How is it that you've achieved far more knowledge than a host of scholars?
I don't know.

Personally, I have no problem being confronted with evidence, truth and reason as to the existence of a god...I just have yet to see any.
I was confronted with evidence of God just by listening to a radio station. I've felt his presence within me ever since.
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Old 09-26-2009, 05:27 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post

I'm willing to keep an open mind while I discuss with you guys. But your views on the God of the Bible is frightening. You paint him as a vicious and evil killer. If you read most of these posts, people in here are giving praise to Satan, and saying YHWH is evil. Do you know that is an unforgivable sin?
I really do not paint your God as vicious and evil, I simply repeat what is found in the Bible.

Please, look at Genesis 6.7
I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of this earth, both man and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowl of the air...
You will notice that your God did not even name Satan as part of his list of things to be destroyed.

A little baby born deaf and blind and a puppy were on the list to be destroyed by your God. And in the Bible, all the babies and all the little puppies, virtually every thing created, drowned

Now, if Satan is far worse than your God, please show me a passage in the Bible where Satan threatened to destroy God's creation and carried out his threats.

Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
I was confronted with evidence of God just by listening to a radio station. I've felt his presence within me ever since.
Now, tell me, in which country were you listening to that radio station?

In Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, China, Japan, Africa or the USA?

God's presence may FEEL DIFFERENT in certain geographic locations. And further, your God's presence may be limited by certain jurisdictions.

And what about that other guy who was listening to another radio station somewhere who felt the presence of another God ever since?
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Old 09-26-2009, 05:29 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
IBIH, why is the idea that you're wrong on any of this impossible?
I could be wrong. I'm not omniscient.
Ah, so then you're just plain ole stubborn?

You DID say that no one here was going to change your mind. So while it's entirely possible that you COULD be wrong, you plan on just being stubborn.

Is that it?

I'm willing to keep an open mind while I discuss with you guys. But your views on the God of the Bible is frightening. You paint him as a vicious and evil killer. If you read most of these posts, people in here are giving praise to Satan, and saying YHWH is evil. Do you know that is an unforgivable sin?
Saying you're going to keep an open mind and actually doing it are two very different things. Again, you're not looking at this objectively. Didn't God wipe out the entire planet except for a small few? That's not vicious or violent? What about the plagues in Egypt? What about the countless men, women AND children God personally ordered killed? Can't you see how that could be viewed as vicious and violent? ESPECIALLY coming from a supposedly omnibenevolent being?

Whenever I'm wrong I will admit it. So far, I have people trying to tell me Jesus was supposed to arrive in the first century generation, that is false.
You say it's false, we say it's true. How can we both reach these differing conclusions from the same text? The text that's supposed to be a perfect body of work.

I don't know.
I notice you didn't deny it.

That's humble :P

I was confronted with evidence of God just by listening to a radio station. I've felt his presence within me ever since.
First of all, that's the furthest thing from PROOF I've heard of, but I'll let you have that. Because in doing so, you will have to accept that we have NEVER felt his presence within us. Even those of us, like me, who were Christians for many years.
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Old 09-26-2009, 06:07 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
I could be wrong. I'm not omniscient.
Ah, so then you're just plain ole stubborn?

You DID say that no one here was going to change your mind. So while it's entirely possible that you COULD be wrong, you plan on just being stubborn.

Is that it?

Saying you're going to keep an open mind and actually doing it are two very different things. Again, you're not looking at this objectively. Didn't God wipe out the entire planet except for a small few? That's not vicious or violent? What about the plagues in Egypt? What about the countless men, women AND children God personally ordered killed? Can't you see how that could be viewed as vicious and violent? ESPECIALLY coming from a supposedly omnibenevolent being?

You say it's false, we say it's true. How can we both reach these differing conclusions from the same text? The text that's supposed to be a perfect body of work.

I notice you didn't deny it.

That's humble :P

I was confronted with evidence of God just by listening to a radio station. I've felt his presence within me ever since.
First of all, that's the furthest thing from PROOF I've heard of, but I'll let you have that. Because in doing so, you will have to accept that we have NEVER felt his presence within us. Even those of us, like me, who were Christians for many years.

i asked a mormon guy, missionary, why do you believe such a ridiculous story? He said well he was raised mormon, but had his doubts, so he prayed hard for about a week. then god spoke to him and said its all true.

i really dont think he was lying, tho he was not telling the truth either. xtians say the devil is who spoke to him; they are not lying, but they arent telling the truth.
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Old 09-27-2009, 06:25 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by Dark Virtue View Post
ah, so then you're just plain ole stubborn?
That's what my wife says, too.

You DID say that no one here was going to change your mind. So while it's entirely possible that you COULD be wrong, you plan on just being stubborn.
Yes, That's right. You have the same chance at changing my mind the same way you have the chance at converting Ahmoud Ahmadinejad to Hinduism.

Saying you're going to keep an open mind and actually doing it are two very different things. Again, you're not looking at this objectively. Didn't God wipe out the entire planet except for a small few?
Yes he did, God showed his wrath and vengeance on those people who were doing wicked and evil deeds.

That's not vicious or violent?
Not really. Not after they were warned over and over, but they still followed the ways of evil.

What about the plagues in Egypt?
What about them? God said you shall not worship other gods over me. That was a command, not a suggestion.

What about the countless men, women AND children God personally ordered killed? Can't you see how that could be viewed as vicious and violent? ESPECIALLY coming from a supposedly omnibenevolent being?
God commanded his people to over power evil pagan nations. God said wipe them out! These people were vicious and evil. They were burning their own children on the stake in praise of the pagan idols. YHWH knew the pagans were praising false gods, and they were taking their innocent children with them.

You say it's false, we say it's true. How can we both reach these differing conclusions from the same text? The text that's supposed to be a perfect body of work.
I'm trying to show you what the bible literally translates into. You are calling me a liar. I have absolutely nothing to benefit by lying to you.

First of all, that's the furthest thing from PROOF I've heard of, but I'll let you have that. Because in doing so, you will have to accept that we have NEVER felt his presence within us. Even those of us, like me, who were Christians for many years.
Before I heard this Christian song on the radio, I didn't even know christian music existed. But the second I heard it, I was convinced this was a sign from God to convert. I'm having a hard time believing you were a Christian. A true follower of Jesus will not walk away from his Shepherd. Somewhere along the way you walked off course, and you lost focus of the Savior.

You could melt the skin from my bones, and it would be less painful than walking away from Christ.

It's awesome that a song on the radio has my soul on fire for Christ!!

Before that fateful day, I was a rebellious and ignorant fool.

People would discuss religion, and I would say don't discuss that garbage in front of me..

But something stepped in and took control of my life..

I can't explain it into words.
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Old 09-27-2009, 06:37 AM   #89
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As you enjoy babbling on about YHWH's vengeance and wrath I'll ask you this again.
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and YHWH hath not worked it? " Amos 3:6
When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it? Do you know the meaning of these verse?
God is talking about his vengeance and wrath he can send upon those who are disobedient to him.
Let's consider disasters in the cities. In recent years thousands of innocent children under the age of three have been crushed to death in cities devastated by earthquakes, drowned in tsunamis and floods, died in the city streets from famine, starvation, disease and war.

Who caused these earthquakes, floods, and famines?

Is it your claim that this is your loving god taking out his vengeance and his wrath upon these thousands of innocent little children who have not even so much as known their left hand from their right and in who's mouths was no guile ?
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Old 09-27-2009, 07:31 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Let's consider disasters in the cities. In recent years thousands of innocent children under the age of three have been crushed to death in cities devastated by earthquakes, drowned in tsunamis and floods, died in the city streets from famine, starvation, disease and war.
Yes, I'm glad you see that Natural disasters are a major problem in our lifetime. Jesus said Natural disasters will increase in the final hours of the earth. Not to mention famine, starvation, diseases, and war..

Is it your claim that this is your loving god taking out his vengeance and his wrath upon these thousands of innocent little children who have not even so much as known their left hand from their right and in who's mouths was no guile ?
God takes a child away from his earthly life, and he is entered into a new life with Christ. That's why I don't consider God's wrath to be as vicious and evil as you claim. Once God takes away a child, what's left? I tell you.. the evil parents who disobeyed God are left to suffer on this earth without their children. I don't tempt the hand of God. He can either make you happy or miserable, that is your choice.
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