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Old 11-18-2009, 01:02 PM   #1
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Default Is the modern Nazareth the same as the Biblical Nazareth?

Under the assumption that Nazareth was indeed a real city in the first century, is there any good reason to think it was located where the modern city of Nazareth is located? What is the archaeological evidence that links the location of the modern city of Nazareth with the location of that ancient city?

(Please let's not discuss whether or not there was a Nazareth in the 1st century in this thread. Thanks!)
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Old 11-18-2009, 01:06 PM   #2
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Isn't there archaeological evidence that the current city of Nazareth existed in some form in the 1st century? I don't know if it's possible to know if it was called "Nazareth" back then. I think at the most it should have been called Nasaret (Nun*Tsade*Resh*Tav).
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Old 11-18-2009, 02:09 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by show_no_mercy View Post
Isn't there archaeological evidence that the current city of Nazareth existed in some form in the 1st century?
I don't know, but I don't think it matters in regard to the question I'm asking.

As I understand it, Nazareth was lost for several centuries. A well without any inscriptions or other reasons to attach to Jesus was discovered during a 4th century quest to locate Nazareth, and declared to be Mary's well. Great, now Christian pilgrims could finally add Jesus' home town to their route.

But why should we in modern times accept the baseless and politically motivated assertion of Empress Helena? The probability that what she found was the real city of Nazareth seems pretty small to me, even under the assumption that Nazareth had been a real city.
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Old 11-18-2009, 06:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
But why should we in modern times accept the baseless and politically motivated assertion of Empress Helena?
The probability that what she found was the real city of Nazareth seems pretty small to me, even under the assumption that Nazareth had been a real city.
Helena, the mother of Constantine and consort of Constantius, was Empress?? And she said she found Nazareth?? Where is this assertion to be found? Who records it?

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Old 11-18-2009, 06:45 PM   #5
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The BBC seems to think Helena was an Empress
When Constantine himself became emperor in 312, Helena was named 'Augusta' or empress.

On the death of Constantius Chlorus in 308, Constantine, who succeeded him, summoned his mother to the imperial court, conferred on Helena the title of Augusta, ordered that all honor should be paid her as the mother of the sovereign, and had coins struck bearing her effigy.

. . .
Helena built the Holy Sepulchre Church in Nazareth. She is generally credited with inventing the tourist spots and relics in the Holy Land, and her choice of the location for Nazareth might have been one of those decisions guided by the Holy Spirit.


Jewish historian Josephus names 45 first century towns in Galilee, but no Nazareth. The Old Testament mentions no town of Nazareth, and neither do Paul’s letters, the Talmud, or ancient historians before the fourth century, when emperor Constantine’s mother Helena allegedly discovered the site and reported her find to court historian Eusebius (Historia Ecclesiastica, 1:7-14).
But I can't seem to verify that citation.
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Old 11-19-2009, 04:41 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
The BBC seems to think Helena was an Empress
When Constantine himself became emperor in 312, Helena was named 'Augusta' or empress.

Helena built the Holy Sepulchre Church in Nazareth. She is generally credited with inventing the tourist spots and relics in the Holy Land and her choice of the location for Nazareth might have been one of those decisions guided by the Holy Spirit.
Note that the accreditation is late and contradictory:
Her greatest fame Helena acquired by an act for which she was probably not responsible, i.e. the finding of the True Cross. Her presence in Jerusalem and the description Eusebius presented of her stay in the Holy Land led ultimately to connecting Helena with the discovery of the Cross. Remains of the Cross were already venerated in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem at the end of the 340s as is clear from sermons of Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem (Cat. 4.10, 10.19, 13.4 PG 33, 467ff, 685-687, 777). After 7 May 351, Cyril wrote the Emperor Constantius II that the Cross was discovered during the reign of Constantine I; the bishop gives no indication who discovered the relic (Ep. ad Const., 3 PG 33, 1168B). The Emperor Julian believed in the discovery of the relic; he rebukes Christians for worshipping the object (Contra Gal. 194C). The legend of Helena's discovery of the Cross originated in Jerusalem in the second half of the fourth century and rapidly spread over the whole empire. Three versions of the legend came into existence in Late Antiquity: the Helena legend, the Protonike legend and the Judas Kyriakos legend. The Helena legend, which was known in Greek and Latin, is found in: Rufinus (Hist. Eccl., 10.7-8), Socrates (Hist. Eccl. 1.17 PG 67, 117ff), Sozomen (Hist., Eccl. 2.1-2) Theodoretus (Hist. Eccl.. 1.18), Ambrose (De obitu Theod., 40-49), Paulinus of Nola (Epist., 31.4-5), and Sulpicius Severus (Chron. 2.22-34). The Protonike legend was only known in Syriac (and later on in Armenian) and was part of the Edessene Doctrina Addai but also circulated independently in the Syriac-speaking regions. In this version of the legend Helena's role is taken over by the fictitious first-century empress Protonike. The Judas Kyriakos legend originated in Greek, but became also known in Latin and Syriac and later on in many vernacular languages. This version relates how Helena discovered the Cross with the help of the Jew Judas, who later converted and received the name Kyriakos. It became the most popular version of the three, probably because of its anti-Judaism.
Jewish historian Josephus names 45 first century towns in Galilee, but no Nazareth. The Old Testament mentions no town of Nazareth, and neither do Paul’s letters, the Talmud, or ancient historians before the fourth century, when emperor Constantine’s mother Helena allegedly discovered the site and reported her find to court historian Eusebius (Historia Ecclesiastica, 1:7-14).
But I can't seem to verify that citation.
That's because it's wrong. Eusebius' reference to Helena is in Book 2, 1-2 of his EC, and it has nothing about her discovering Nazareth:
Chapter I.—The Discovery of the Life-Bringing Cross and of the Holy Nails.
When the business at Nicæa had been transacted as above related, the priests returned home. The emperor rejoiced exceedingly at the restoration of unity of opinion in the Catholic Church, and desirous of expressing in behalf of himself, his children, and the empire, the gratitude towards God which the unanimity of the bishops inspired, he directed that a house of prayer should be erected to God at Jerusalem [Eus. V. C. iii. 25–40; Soc. i. 9, Letter to Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem] near the place called Calvary. At the same time his mother Helena repaired to the city for the purpose of offering up prayer, and of visiting the sacred places. Her zeal for Christianity made her anxious to find the wood which had formed the adorable cross. But it was no easy matter to discover either this relic or the Lord’s sepulchre; for the Pagans, who in former times had persecuted the Church

[Ruf H. E. i. 7, 8; Soc. H. E. I. 17; Sulp. Sev. H. S. ii. 33, 34, another story of the identification. Soz. furnishes an additional story about the discovery, which he, however, confutes]

and who, at the first promulgation of Christianity, had had recourse to every artifice to exterminate it, had concealed that spot under much heaped up earth, and elevated what before was quite depressed, as it looks now, and the more effectually to conceal them, had enclosed the entire place of the resurrection and Mount Calvary within a wall, and had, moreover, ornamented the whole locality, and paved it with stone. They also erected a temple to Aphrodite, and set up a little image, so that those who repaired thither to worship Christ would appear to bow the knee to Aphrodite, and that thus the true cause of offering worship in that place would, in course of time, be forgotten; and that as Christians would not dare fearlessly to frequent the place or to point it out to others, the temple and statue would come to be regarded as exclusively appertaining to the Pagans. At length, however, the place was discovered, and the fraud about it so zealously maintained was detected; some say that the facts were first disclosed by a Hebrew who dwelt in the East, and who derived his information from some documents which had come to him by paternal inheritance; but it seems more accordant with truth to suppose that God revealed the fact by means of signs and dreams; for I do not think that human information is requisite when God thinks it best to make manifest the same. When by command of the emperor the place was excavated deeply, the cave whence our Lord arose from the dead was discovered; and at no great distance, three crosses were found and another separate piece of wood, on which were inscribed in white letters in Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin, the following words: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” These words, as the sacred book of the gospels relates, were placed by command of Pilate, governor of Judæa, over the head of Christ. There yet, however, remained a difficulty in distinguishing the Divine cross from the others; for the inscription had been wrenched from it and thrown aside, and the cross itself had been cast aside with the others, without any distinction, when the bodies of the crucified were taken down. For according to history, the soldiers found Jesus dead upon the cross, and they took him down, and gave him up to be buried; while, in order to accelerate the death of the two thieves, who were crucified on either hand, they broke their legs, and then took down the crosses, and flung them out of the way. It was no concern of theirs to deposit the crosses in their first order; for it was growing late, and as the men were dead, they did not think it worth while to remain to attend to the crosses. A more Divine information than could be furnished by man was therefore necessary in order to distinguish the Divine cross from the others, and this revelation was given in the following manner: There was a certain lady of rank in Jerusalem who was afflicted with a most grievous and incurable disease; Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem, accompanied by the mother of the emperor and her attendants, repaired to her bedside. After engaging in prayer, Macarius signified by signs to the spectators that the Divine cross would be the one which, on being brought in contact with the invalid, should remove the disease. He approached her in turn with each of the crosses; but when two of the crosses were laid on her, it seemed but folly and mockery to her for she was at the gates of death. When, however, the third cross was in like manner brought to her, she suddenly opened her eyes, regained her strength, and immediately sprang from her bed, well. It is said that a dead person was, in the same way, restored to life. The venerated wood having been thus identified, the greater portion of it was deposited in a silver case, in which it is still preserved in Jerusalem: but the empress sent part of it to her son Constantine, together with the nails by which the body of Christ had been fastened. Of these, it is related, the emperor had a head-piece and bit made for his horse, according to the prophecy of Zechariah, who referred to this period when he said, “that which shall be upon the bit of the horse shall be holy to the Lord Almighty.” These things, indeed, were formerly known to the sacred prophets, and predicted by them, and at length, when it seemed to God that they should be manifested, were confirmed by wonderful works. Nor does this appear so marvelous when it is remembered that, even among the Pagans, it was confessed that the Sibyl had predicted that thus it should be,—

“Oh most blessed tree, on which our Lord was hung.”

Our most zealous adversaries cannot deny the truth of this fact, and it is hence evident that a pre-manifestation was made of the wood of the cross, and of the adoration (σέβας) it received.

The above incidents we have related precisely as they were delivered to us by men of great accuracy, by whom the information was derived by succession from father to son; and others have recorded the same events in writing for the benefit of posterity.

About this period, the emperor, having determined upon erecting a temple in honor of God, charged the governors to see that the work was executed in the most magnificent and costly manner possible. His mother Helena also erected two temples, the one at Bethlehem near the cave where Christ was born, the other on ridges of the Mount of Olives, whence He was taken up to heaven. Many other acts show her piety and religiousness, among which the following is not the least remarkable: During her residence at Jerusalem, it is related that she assembled the sacred virgins at a feast, ministered to them at supper, presented them with food, poured water on their hands, and performed other similar services customary to those who wait upon guests. When she visited the cities of the East, she bestowed befitting gifts on the churches in every town, enriched those individuals who had been deprived of their possessions, supplied ungrudgingly the necessities of the poor, and restored to liberty those who had been long imprisoned, or condemned to exile or the mines. It seems to me that so many holy actions demanded a recompense; and indeed, even in this life, she was raised to the summit of magnificence and splendor; she was proclaimed Augusta; her image was stamped on golden coins, and she was invested by her son with authority over the imperial treasury to give it according to her judgment. Her death, too, was glorious; for when, at the age of eighty, she quitted this life, she left her son and her descendants (like her of the race of Cæsar), masters of the Roman world. And if there be any advantage in such fame—forgetfulness did not conceal her though she was dead—the coming age has the pledge of her perpetual memory; for two cities are named after her, the one in Bithynia, and the other in Palestine. Such is the history of Helena.
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Old 11-19-2009, 04:57 AM   #7
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What is this crusade against Piero della Francesca?

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Old 11-19-2009, 06:56 AM   #8
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Old 11-19-2009, 07:02 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Note that the accreditation is late and contradictory
If you don't think that's how it happened, you're welcome to present an alternative that fits the facts. I must say though, it seems odd to see someone who regularly embraces textual evidence in the case of the Gospels (which are also late and contradictory), take issue here.
I am taking issue with your claim that Helena spoke about finding Nazareth.

Will you please provide us with your source for this?

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Old 11-19-2009, 07:06 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
That's because it's wrong. Eusebius' reference to Helena is in Book 2, 1-2 of his EC, and it has nothing about her discovering Nazareth:[INDENT]
Does it not follow from her establishment of the Holy Sepulchre Church in Nazareth that she be credited with the discovery?
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