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Old 07-11-2005, 06:33 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by gee
Good points all; do differences in opinion of the interpretation of the text negate the orginal text's meaning?
But you see, that’s the problem. First, we do not have the original texts. Secondly, what we do have is open to a great deal of interpretation. The bible is not clear and is even contradictory on some of its most basic concepts. Take Salvation for instance and the question “What must I do to be saved.�
Believe on the lord Jesus Christ alone?
Believe and be baptized?
Believe, be baptized, and take sacraments?
Believe, be baptized, forsake the sin nature?
Believe, be baptized, give all to the poor?
Then come all the other things that are implied by various denominations.

So, what happens after salvation?
Can I loose it?
If I can then how?
If I have lost it can I get it back?
If I can then how?
If I can’t loose it then what of righteous conduct?
If I commit a sin does this demonstrate that I was never called and elected?

This is only a sample of the variety of opinions and the questions they raise.
I had studied these and frustrated over them for 17 years. I have heard just about every argument from either side and guess what… They all make a good solid case. This is because the bible is not clear.

So saying interpretation does not negate the meaning of the original only begs the question. Who’s interpretation is concomitant with the bible’s true meaning?

Originally Posted by gee
"The volumes that were left out"

Remember, "canon" only means "standard." Getting back to our original thread, Christians debate/argue/and fuss and fume about what is generally considered scripture.

I know we're not going to agree with the inspiration of the Bible.
Yes that is what Canon means… Do you know who was the first church Father to devise a cannon? It was Marcion, you know, the Heretic. His cannon was much different than yours. The other Fathers favored different cannons as well. It was all finally “decided� in the fourth century or there about.

Originally Posted by gee
"Christianity was at odds with itself"
You bet. Paul said so to the Corinthians as his writings to their inconsistent practices over time became accepted into the canon. Again; getting back to our original thread, thinking folks have differing opinions. My goal is to sort out the truth from the chaff - not just dismiss them because folks have different opinions.
Yes and Paul was at odds with those he called the “super apostles� and those sent from James. This issue is spot on the topic… I think that you are the one just dismissing here. The issue is that differing opinion is a FACT the Christian faith so any more chaff sifting that results in the TRUTH™ is just another opinion.
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Old 07-11-2005, 10:08 AM   #32
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"Kind of a contradiction isnt it, relying on the very people who were trying to snuff out the origins of your religon."

Kinda' cool I think. What motive would the opposition have to advance Christianity? What reason would they have to lie about Christianity (except to degrade it)? If anything they'd play it down and try to erase it.

Many extra-biblical accounts of Jesus are not positive.

Little John;

I don't disagree with many of the facts as you've presented them.

Here's a few points where we differ;

"But you see, that’s the problem. First, we do not have the original texts."

Granted, but as far as ancient texts go it fares pretty well against others of the period. Even given the argument that they are not inspired. (OT and NT)

"It was all finally “decided� in the fourth century"

There's nothing stopping me from looking at any of the extra-biblical writings (including the apochrypha) that you have mentioned. If I don't feel comfortable or have questions there are plenty of scholars (on both sides) that I can look to.

"This is because the bible is not clear"
In some areas? yes. In my view, in key areas the scriptures are very clear.

"Who’s interpretation is concomitant with the bible’s true meaning?"
I have my opinions on this; depending on which issue.

"The issue is that differing opinion is a FACT the Christian faith"
If you're saying that 'differing opinion (among Christians) is a FACT, then we both agree.

"....TRUTHâ„¢ is just another opinion."
I believe in an ultimate truth. The search for truth is an honorable pursuit. One in which good people disagree. The truth doesn't change just because we differ on some details.

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Old 07-11-2005, 11:34 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by gee
Many extra-biblical accounts of Jesus are not positive.
There are extra-biblical accounts of a historical Jesus? Where?
In some areas? yes. In my view, in key areas the scriptures are very clear.
Just so we're clear, what do you see as the key areas?
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Old 07-11-2005, 02:50 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by jonesg
That wouldn't leave too many people to talk with unless you move to some 3rd world tinpot dictatorship rathole like iran.
Yeah, Japan's a real "rathole". So's Western Europe. Yeah, screw them. And from what I read in here, the UK & Australia/nz must be real "hellholes", too, seeing as there are so many atheists.

Yeah, I'd never want to live in any of THOSE places.

---Ivan James
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Old 07-11-2005, 06:11 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by IvanJames
Yeah, Japan's a real "rathole". So's Western Europe. Yeah, screw them. And from what I read in here, the UK & Australia/nz must be real "hellholes", too, seeing as there are so many atheists.

Yeah, I'd never want to live in any of THOSE places.

---Ivan James
Yes somehow for 5000+ years people have lived in other places than the USA...and have survived and thrived. What arrogance to think we have the market on the best place to live. My cousins in Australia heard it was so good here....spent 6 months visiting and were grateful to go back home...they have a god quality of life do many places in the world.
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Old 07-13-2005, 08:11 AM   #36
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"There are extra-biblical accounts of a historical Jesus? Where?"

Several ancient historians positively and negatively refer to Jesus. Their easy to find. Search the internet. The Qu'aran (sp?) refers to Christians, and Jesus.

"Just so we're clear, what do you see as the key areas?"
I don't want to open a can of worms here but let's just use one. The first sentence in the Old Testament for example.

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Old 07-13-2005, 08:16 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by gee

"There are extra-biblical accounts of a historical Jesus? Where?"

Several ancient historians positively and negatively refer to Jesus. Their easy to find.
You do know that these sources are all very late (at least 2nd century) and thus are most likely based on the gospels/Christian claims, not on actually independent sources?

And it wasn't hughmcjr who posted this - it was Weltall. How about using the quote-function to prevent misattributions like this?
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Old 07-13-2005, 08:32 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Joan of Bark
Most interpreters of the Bible believe that their interpretation is obviously the correct one, and if you can't see that, you clearly haven't read it.

A minority of liberal Christians will concede that the Bible is actually only the work of fallible human beings, and can be interpreted in many ways, but like andrewcriddle points out, the basics are the same ... (a point of view I would still disagree with).

I wouldn't call Jerry Falwell a liberal christian , on PBS's "Bible Mysteries " he said 'its the word of God but THROUGH the hand of man'.

An honest search for the Truth usually ends up at God, the perfect trick is finding your life or current state of being in the bible and asking what the solution is posed by the bible.
A lot of atheists would chime in something about being condemned to hell by a wrathfull God or the current misery in the world , if so, that neatly describes where they're presently at.
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Old 07-13-2005, 09:15 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by gee
Several ancient historians positively and negatively refer to Jesus.
None are contemporary, none are even secondhand. The clearest example Christians have is almost certainly a later insertion by a Liar for Jesus.
The Qu'aran (sp?) refers to Christians, and Jesus.
Proof of nothing. Christianity had been around for centuries when the Qur'an was written. Lord of the Rings refers to Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits. Does that constitute proof that they are real?
I don't want to open a can of worms here but let's just use one. The first sentence in the Old Testament for example.
Nuts, I was hoping you'd have something about moral teachings I could have fun with. Instead you give us this... Ok, I'll grant you that it's pretty clear the first line refers to your invisible friend creating the universe, so what? I'll let the fact that it's an unsupported assertion pass, why don't you give us something more substantial. Feel free to start a new thread if you like.
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Old 07-13-2005, 10:05 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by jonesg
An honest search for the Truth usually ends up at God,
Hmm, no.

the perfect trick is finding your life or current state of being in the bible and asking what the solution is posed by the bible.
I don't think I really need the advice of Iron Age goat-herders to help me live my life in the 21st century.
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