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Old 10-18-2007, 10:20 AM   #1
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Who wrote Hebrews?
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:44 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Clivedurdle
Who wrote Hebrews?
Haven't a clue. And no one else does either.

The odd suggestion, such as Apollos, is fanciful, since there is nothing in the epistle to suggest anything in common with what we know of that figure, especially one who was a travelling apostle. The author of Hebrews is resident of a specific community that didn't seem to get out much.

It is quite likely that it was written by someone who is recorded nowhere else, and that we don't have a hope of uncovering. (It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition.)

Earl Doherty
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:05 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Clivedurdle View Post
Who wrote Hebrews?
Not sure, but you can read through some of the ancient guesses on my Hebrews page.

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Old 10-20-2007, 10:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
(It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition.)
Is it later? How much later? Is it by the same author written later, or an interpolation, according to the mainstream, of course, and not your opinion.

And is it really in fact the mainstream opinion that these are a later addition? Who are these mainstream scholars? Who espoused these views? Lane? Koester? Moffat? Attridge? Bruce? Westcott? Manson? Wilson? Michel? Ellingworth? Montifeiorre? Hughes? Lindars? Jewett? Weiss? Spicq? C. Koester? LT Johnson?

What about those who have written on integrity of the epistle, or analyzed it's structure? What about Dussat, Cranfield, Tasker, Uberlacker, Crowy, Guthrie, Backhaus?

Or how about those who specifically discussed these very last few sentences in the epistle? H. Koester, Dibelius, Wikenhauser, Schmid, Kummel, Schnelle, Brown, Martin, H. Koester?

Please, Earl, who are these "mainstream" scholars?
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Old 10-20-2007, 10:08 PM   #5
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You're pulling a Gibson, Chris. If you think I've said something that you don't agree with, then YOU offer names and statements that disagree with me, as you see it. Don't expect me to do all the work.

Earl Doherty
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Old 10-21-2007, 12:50 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
You're pulling a Gibson, Chris. If you think I've said something that you don't agree with, then YOU offer names and statements that disagree with me, as you see it. Don't expect me to do all the work.

Earl Doherty
Oh this is great. You make a claim, and refuse to back it up. Bullshit, Earl.
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Old 10-21-2007, 03:17 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
You make a claim, and refuse to back it up. Bullshit, Earl.
You never asked him to back up his claims. You waxed smartass and paraded a list of scholars and asked him to choose from the list.
If you had a clue what you were doing, instead of showing us how many names you know, you would have quickly listed a list of mainstream scholars who disagree with him and conclude that his claims are incorrect.

As it is, one person who has done no known work on the subject climbs on the stage in the middle of a discussion and loudly demands to be educated. You refuse to educate him and he shouts "bullshit." So that is your method Chris: you ask for something, nay, demand for it, then if its not forthcoming, you petulantly say "bullshit" like a little child. Any ignoramus can do that.
As you are aware, this is not a very effective approach towards acquisition of knowledge. Earl's familiarity with the subject affords him the confidence to make the assertions he makes. He does not have to expend his time answering little questions from pesky students in the net, who would do well to spend their time researching rather than than posturing pretentiously.

If I were Earl, I wouldnt bother with you and your tiny little insults.
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Old 10-21-2007, 05:45 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
Don't expect me to do all the work.
But presumably you already did the work, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have made the claim, "It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition." You could easily rattle off the names of several mainstream scholars who prove your point, since you already either know who they are, so why don't you?
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Old 10-21-2007, 11:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
You make a claim, and refuse to back it up. Bullshit, Earl.
You never asked him to back up his claims. You waxed smartass and paraded a list of scholars and asked him to choose from the list.
If you had a clue what you were doing, instead of showing us how many names you know, you would have quickly listed a list of mainstream scholars who disagree with him and conclude that his claims are incorrect.

As it is, one person who has done no known work on the subject climbs on the stage in the middle of a discussion and loudly demands to be educated. You refuse to educate him and he shouts "bullshit." So that is your method Chris: you ask for something, nay, demand for it, then if its not forthcoming, you petulantly say "bullshit" like a little child. Any ignoramus can do that.
As you are aware, this is not a very effective approach towards acquisition of knowledge. Earl's familiarity with the subject affords him the confidence to make the assertions he makes. He does not have to expend his time answering little questions from pesky students in the net, who would do well to spend their time researching rather than than posturing pretentiously.

If I were Earl, I wouldnt bother with you and your tiny little insults.
Ah, yes, the argument from authority and the ad hominem. Very well done, Hoffman! You've shown yourself a true example of scholarship.
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Old 10-21-2007, 01:10 PM   #10
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From Gibson himself:


Earl Wrote:

It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition.
Interesting claim. The problem with it, however, is that it not only betrays very little of what it claims to be grounded in and what you apparently want us to accept that you possess -- i.e., actual familiarity with, and widespread work in, "mainstream scholarship" on Hebrews 13:20-25; it also stands as good evidence for Hoffmann's charge that your "scholarship" is wanting and not to be taken seriously.

I say this for two reasons.

First, your claim that "It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 (sic) verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition" is a **wholesale misrepresentation** of what one finds in "mainstream scholarship" vis a vis Heb. 13:20-21 when one surveys

(1) the critical commentaries published on Hebrews from the 1890s through the present (i.e., those of B.F. Westcott (1892), von Soden (1892), F. Rendall [1888], B. Weiss [1906], Riggenbach [1922], Moffatt [1924], A. Nairne [1923], H. Windisch [1931], O. Michel [1936], C. Spicq [1947], Hering [1954], Strathmann [1963], Buchannan [1972], A. Strobel [1991], D. Hagner [1990], Hegermann [1988], Attridge [1989], Bruce [1990], Lane [1991], Strobel (1991), H.-F. Weis [1991], P Ellingworth [1993], E. Grasser (1990-97), C. Koester [2001], L.T. Johnson [2006],

(2) the more "popular" commentaries produced by Huges, Montifiorre, Wilson, Craddock, G. H. Guthrie, D. Guthrie, Long, etc., as well as

(3) the periodical literature and monographs published on Heb. 13:20-25 during this period [i.e, . the articles and monographs by G.A. Simcox [1898-99], von Harnack [1900], W. Wrede [1906], C.R. Williams [1911], C.C. Torrey [1911]; R.G.V. Trasker [1935-36], E.D. Jones [1934-35], F.C. Synge [1959]; F. Filson [1967], J.P. Legg [1968] L. Dussat [1981], C.E.B. Cranfield [1967], R. Jewett [1969], A. Vanhoye [1974], W.G. Uberlacker [1989], K. Backhaus [1993], A.M. Wedderburn [2004].

In notable contrast to what you say, what such a survey shows is this:

a. that the view, put forward originally by Simcox and Weiss that Heb. 13:20-25 is "inauthentic" and "added" not only never held much sway amongst Hebrews scholars; it was pretty much out of any vogue it had by the 1970s;

b. that the view was opposed, thought nonsense, and argued against, by the vast majority of "mainstream" commentators on, and exegetes, of Hebrews who wrote between the 1890s and the 1970s;

c.. that with the exceptions of Grasser and Wedderburn, there is, so far as I know, not a single Hebrews scholar writing in the last 30 years – including all of those who have written commentaries for such "mainstream" commentarial series as Word, NIGNT, Hermenia, Anchor, NICNT, etc. -- who thinks that the Simcox/Wrede view is correct.

In other words, Earl, that actual mainstream position vis a vis Heb. 13:20-25 is and always has been just the opposite of what you claim it is. Not only is there NO such "agreement" among the majority of current "mainstream" scholars of Hebrews that Heb. 13:20- 25 is inauthentictic and "added", as you claim; there never has been such agreement. The position you claim as being the present consensus is and has always been a minority one.

Second, you show no awareness of the fact that among such scholars who DO think that Heb. 13:20-25 is not from the hand that penned Heb. 1:1-13:19, most -- including Simcox! -- not only state that the text that they believe was "added"

(a) comes from Paul,

(b) and was added to Hebrew by the author of Hebrews himself and not by a another hand, but

(c) that the author of Hebrews added the "postscript" ***at the time he wrote the rest of the Epistle**.

For documentation of this fact, see the discussion of the "postscriptum" in pp. 37-47 of the forthcoming book _Persona Grata: the History and Significance of the Pauline Attribution of Hebrews_ by Clare Rothschild (a mainstream scholar [and pupil of Hans Deiter Betz] who also, BTW, regards Heb. 13:20-25 as authentic).

Funny that you don't mention these things if you are as on top of "mainstream" scholarship on Hebrews as you claim you are.

So in the light of these facts, I'd be very curious to know not only what it was that led you the conclusion that "It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 (sic) verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition, " but what it is that makes you so confident in this claim's truth. Just what have you read on Heb. 13:20-25 that makes you think that "It's pretty well agreed in mainstream scholarship that the final 4 (sic) verses, in which "Timothy" is mentioned are a later addition"?

To state this another way: You are making a specific claim about what **the current consensus among mainstream scholars of Hebrews is** vis a vis the question of the authenticity of Heb. 13:20-25. What do you think supports your claim?

Jeffrey Gibson
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