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Old 07-15-2005, 04:54 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Overcomer
Your statement suggests that you have either never read the Bible or, if you did, you didn't understand it. The wisdom in it is timeless. The Gospel is all about love -- Christ's love in giving his life that we might have life and how he wants us to love each other as he has loved us. That message pertains to ALL people all over the world throughout all of time. The fact that people, including Christians, aren't able to do that perfectly doesn't mean that it's a bad lesson or that it doesn't apply to us today. It just means it's harder than it looks!
Yes, I read the Bible. I read the whole Catholic Canon. Some parts, I've even read several times, in various languages. So I don't need your condescension nor do I need your advice about how to respond to people.

The idea that the Gospels are "all" about love is probably the most ridiculous statement I've read so far (outside of E/C). Your false-Christ was intolerant, pyschologically unstable and prone to anger. He called for the extermination of his enemies (the conclusion of the Parable of the Minas) and condoned the beatings of slaves by their masters. And the Christian concept of hell is a moral abomination (though it may be argued that it's a later invention).

Assuming Jesus existed, he didn't "give his life that we may all have life". He was one of many religious wackos who started kooky syncretic cults in the 1st century Roman Empire. And according to the OT, he was a false prophet (see Ezekiel and Deut. 13) whose death was a just punishment for his crimes (Deut. 18).
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Old 07-15-2005, 05:48 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by hughmcjr
It is not bogus at all. I am not a biblical scholar, nor am I well versed. I do know that if you do the research you will find out what I have said is true.

The Apocrypha was "added" only because the jews had it in there for hundreds of years plus BC. around 100 AD they took it out..., WHY?, it has topics like purgatory, which the Jews removed because it and some other controversial topics in it fulfilled the scriptures with Christ's coming. Again the Jews were trying to squash early christians, so of course they removed them. This is why protestants at the time of the reformation were/are hypocrits for going back to that very Jewish council and supporting the very people trying to kill early christians.
Look here, I'm not trying to be outright dismissive. I'm just asking you to support your claim. What you have done here is just reassert it.

This is not the thread for it though so I thought that maybe you could start another one. I would like to see just how miraculously these apocrypha topics predict Christ? Please don't go throwing something out on the table... and when asked to back it up, tell the other person to go do their own research. It's not polite.

Yet, I still wonder, why would those [sarcasm] scheming and nefarious Jews [/sarcasm] censor only the apocrypha when according to Christian apologists the Psalms, Isiah, Zachariah, Daniel, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, also miraculously talk about Christ?
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Old 07-15-2005, 10:01 AM   #63
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Little John said:
"This is not the thread for it though so I thought that maybe you could start another one. I would like to see just how miraculously these apocrypha topics predict Christ? Please don't go throwing something out on the table... and when asked to back it up, tell the other person to go do their own research. It's not polite."

Again, I did say I am not a scholar and if I do say something on here it is just internet heresay anyway even if it is factual and documented, so it is a no win. Those are the reasons I said do your own research. Let's not get off topic about why or why I should or shouldn't back something up.
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Old 07-15-2005, 11:03 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by hughmcjr
Again, I did say I am not a scholar and if I do say something on here it is just internet heresay anyway even if it is factual and documented, so it is a no win. Those are the reasons I said do your own research. Let's not get off topic about why or why I should or shouldn't back something up.
Are you admitting that your claim is internet hearsay? If it is why would I want to look into hearsay? If it's documented and factual then how can it be mere hearsay?

Sorry, not buying it... But I'll leave it at this and not derail further on such a trivial non-point.
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