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Old 03-31-2007, 04:00 AM   #1
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Default Gospels purposely written to confuse nonbelievers!


Jesus at Matthew 13: 11 In reply he said: “To YOU it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted. 12 For whoever has, more will be given him and he will be made to abound; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."

This is apparent where over the four gospels you have a reference to where Jesus tells Peter that he would deny him thrice before a cock crows once and in another place thrice before a cock crows twice.

Matthew 26:34 Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, On this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times.” 35 Peter said to him: “Even if I should have to die with you, I will by no means disown you.”

Mark 14:30 At that Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, You today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times.” 31 But he began to say profusely: “If I have to die with you, I will by no means disown you.”

Now the nonbelievers look at this and conclude there's an error. But if you carefully follow all the instances of denial in the four gospels you discover Peter did deny Jesus at least three times before a cock crows the first time, but then as he was leaving and passing by various groups of people with a girl chasing after him and accusing him, by the time he gets outside he ends up denying Jesus another three times at which point the second crowing is heard!

THREE MARY MAGDALENES: But certainly the strongest example of disbelievability using parallels and coincidences is that of three women named "Mary Magdalane" who visited Jesus' tomb three different times under three different circumstances. Most (even believers) are hard pressed to explain the differences in the gospels but few would believe this simply means there were three different Mary Magdalenes. "Mary" was such a common name along with others. It was just popular. Even MM comes to the tomb with two other Marys!! From what we can gather, "Mary Magdalene" might have been a title of some sort for someone working as a housekeeper since each Mary Magdalene was in the company of or part of the household of someone else.

The first incident was while still dark where the Mary Magdalene living with John and Peter (their housekeeper?) came to the tomb alone. Jesus had just been resurrected but using a gardner's body for his identity. Mary didn't recognize him at first until he identified himself. She did obeisance and went and told the others.

The second instance was when another Mary Magdalene came with "The Other Mary", likely her housekeeper and companion. They just came to view the tomb. They brought no spices. This was just as it was getting light. Jesus had left the area of the tomb by now but they encountered him on the road. They too went and told the others.

Finally after the sun rose the household and relatives of Jesus, bringing herbs and spices for the body had in their company another Mary, Jesus' mother, and the third Mary Magdalene, likely working for Mary or Mary's rich sister, Salome, who was also with them. They arrived after sunrise with spices and were told to report back to the others but were too afraid.

Three different accounts explained in detail, with three different times of the night and early morning given, and with different people, yet few would presume these are three different women sharing the same name. It becomes confusing though, because no one gospel mentions more than one incident. So people think there's a Biblical text contradiction. But there isn't. Try and tell a nonbeliever that, and he simply will accuse the apologist of being desperate at all costs! In the meantime, Jesus is just laughing:

41 ‘Behold it, YOU scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in YOUR days, a work that YOU will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to YOU in detail.’”
So you see, it's not simply a matter of God hiding out and not showing himself to the nonbelievers, he throws stumbling blocks in their way to make it even harder for them to believe than normal. It's the Biblical politics of God's plan to keep certain types out of the kingdom and certain Biblical secrets reserved for the believers only as their reward for having faith.

It seems also apparent God thinks ahead, likely making sure the Jews during the post-Exodus Period down to the time of Solomon left very little evidence of themselves for modern archaeologists to find, likely knowing that group would primarily be doubters and anti-Biblicalists. The archaeologists just can't believe the Jews picked up after themselves or completely destroyed evidence of themselves for that period, giving the nonbelievers a false sense of comfort level in not believing other pats of the Bible that are more confirmed archaeologically, like the palaces built by Solomon c. 910-870BCE as confirmed by archaeology.

You just know as God and Jesus are looking at this they are cracking up because the archaeologists are following the misleading evidence.

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Old 03-31-2007, 04:42 AM   #2
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Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:35 AM   #3
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What?! Why the heck should Christians share the Gospels with the world then? If they were written to confuse nonbelievers how can they join the Christian faith in good conscience?
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:04 AM   #4
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"The archaeologists just can't believe the Jews picked up after themselves..."

That OP is pretty darn good parody.
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:13 AM   #5
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Default You lost me at Mary Magdalane

I agree that declaring three different women were known as Mary Magdalane is a strong example of disbelievability.

And Jesus used the gardener's body to appear to her? What happened to his own body which wasn't in tomb?

Do these ideas belong to some denomination of Christianity or are you just making them up?
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:19 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
You just know as God and Jesus are looking at this they are cracking up ...

They're not the only ones who smoking crack...
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:21 AM   #7
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If the Bible was written to confuse unbelievers, it would seem that not a few believers have been caught in the net, as well.

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Old 03-31-2007, 06:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Cege View Post
And Jesus used the gardener's body to appear to her? What happened to his own body which wasn't in tomb?
Jesus was raised in his spirit body but materialized into the flesh on several occasions. Only he did not materialize in his former appearance to prophesy that at his second coming he would have a different identity than the first time and the only way to recognize him would through his words or actions, not physical appearance. His original body was given in sacrifice for the sins of mankind and thus would not be seen again.

Do these ideas belong to some denomination of Christianity or are you just making them up?

The Biblical record speaks for itself.

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Old 03-31-2007, 06:26 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ben C Smith View Post
If the Bible was written to confuse unbelievers, it would seem that not a few believers have been caught in the net, as well.

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Old 03-31-2007, 06:27 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Yosei View Post
What?! Why the heck should Christians share the Gospels with the world then? If they were written to confuse nonbelievers how can they join the Christian faith in good conscience?
They are looking for other believers. Those with open minds, not those who are running from the Bible.

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