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Old 01-09-2005, 11:35 PM   #21
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That's OK, I'm sure you'll find something to beat.~
No its ok.. i have no need for violence to get my point across. unlike you it seems.

I think you've missed out a verb there, making your sentence quite unclear. Have you considered a good grammar check program?~
yeah i missed out on stop..but i'll tell you now i'm a terrible speller and i'm even more useless when it comes to typing. I know it, and everyone iknow knows it. really it doesn't bother me, so go play miss spell checker with someone who might care.

Man. Such inaccuracy in just two words.~
It was a play on words.. sorry for underestimating just how anal some athiest can get.

You mean you just assume what your friend thinks, and why he thinks it, and what's going to happen to him? But isn't your friend a fictitious representative of a "whole group of people"? So you are assuming what a whole group of people think.~

So you're saying it's pathetic to have a belief in a god? Well, if you say so.~
No, as i was talking about the amount of time they spend on the subject. but i did say as pathetic. as ithink anyone who spends too much time online is.

Of course they do. And not in "china" or "saudi arabia" either. ~

no they don't.

Yes, they do. And judging from your posts, one could argue that such time could be better spent in English class.~
1) children aren't forced to pray. 2) again with the "attempt" at a insult.

If courts are passing pro-religious laws, that means religion rules them. Claim unvoided. Please try again.
which pro religious law has been passed?

If I did, that would make me a fundamentalist. ~
one doesn't have to be a christian to be a fundamentalist.

Isn't that lovely? And tomorrow in Magic Marshmallow World, candy will rain from the sky.~

name one person who has been hurt in the u.s for being athiest. or if you're not in the u.s from what ever country you come from.

And then he will hear voices in his head. And then he might believe in a god. Or a munchin. Or a munchin god. And then the two of you will be bestest buddies again. So what's the problem?~
LOL ya. and this coming from someone who lives in constant fear of the "god squad" coming to get him/her inthe middle of the the hypocrisy.

What is "excisting"? ~

lol i typed "excisted" LOL the irony is so thick here i could cut it with a :rolling:

What claim would this be?~

I'm sure you'd like that, but unfortunately for you, the burden of proof is still on the people claiming that god -- oops, what's that silly word,munchins - exist.~
incorrect one claim is as good as you claimed first, so sorry. it falls on you.

You mean he'd be an even worse person if he was a believer? The mind boggles.~
No im just saying he would be more free thinking and less of a drone. and most likely more secure in his life
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:44 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Queen of Swords
Could you also encourage me to breathe?

When you do.

The projection isn't too bad either.

I rather like the misuse of prepositions here, actually. It sounds as though the anger's on your side, which is more than likely, and we're just replying to it.

Which thread would that be? Because yours didn't make me question anything but your motives in posting here.

Next up, wufongtan will provide a detailed analysis of our sex drives and how they relate to repressed versions of the Oedipus complex, resulting in prolonged oral fixation. Stay tuned.

Oh, my word, I think you're right. The "god squad" has already gotten to your smilies!
so whats with the posting out of context here? the insecure atheist beast rasing its head again i see. And no i don't care about yours or anyone elses sex drives. boy.. you started out strong with your "attempts " at insults. but now they're just repetitive..
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Old 01-10-2005, 12:45 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
so whats with the posting out of context here?
What conext would that be? The context where you attempt to psychoanalyze anyone who disagrees with you (thereby making them possible "friends" for future reference)?

the insecure atheist beast rasing its head again i see.
Is that a euphemism for something? Sounds like a phrase from a bad romance novel : "the mighty beast rears its head".

And no i don't care about yours or anyone elses sex drives.
Denial is a sad thing indeed.

boy.. you started out strong with your "attempts " at insults.
Why, thank you. Let me know if you need any tips at starting out strong, since you don't seem capable of it.

but now they're just repetitive..
Sometimes, you have to repeat something very often before it sinks in. Rather like training a dog; after you tell it not to poop in the house about ten times, it gets the message.
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Old 01-10-2005, 12:51 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
I was wondering if anyone here would be able to answer my question.
I have this friend who claims he doesn't believe in ummmm..........munchins.
He says he doesn't believe in them, but hours on end are spent online, arguing with those poor innocent munchin believers. and Munchin knows how long he spends on google researching this subject.. :huh: What is this mans problem? is he a munchinphobe, he attacks the thing that deep down he knows he is? who knows :Cheeky: .Not as if these um..munchin believers hurt him. I mean surely he can't be that paranoid?. or maybe he isn't paranoid, just pissed off his life has no excitement so he is making a enemy out of these people so as to bring some purpose to his life? maybe he is just insecure in what he believes in. who knows..there seems to be a lot of groups like that going around these days..who knows maybe one day he will move on and just start living life again..because as long as he cannot even produce even the smallest bit of evidence that the grand munchin doesn't excist he is only :banghead: really. and what with more and more people turning to munchinisim in one form or another. i can only see his problem getting worse. and he'll end spending all his time in his mothers basement, instead of just his weekends..
weird :Cheeky:
well, ill bite i suppose, although its early in the morning and im less enthused about getting cheeky just yet. so nothing tongue-in-cheek for now, just a serious reply.

taking post at face value: no i dont think there's anything wrong with your friend. i spend a lot of time researching a lot of things, and in-depth too, that i take no part in. id imagine you do too, as well as many others.

reading a bit more in: since you're here battling atheists, and you've found quite an extensive forum that we hang out in, would this be "battling what you deep down know you are?" personally id think you were just a christian with a bone to pick. which is fine. i do it too sometimes to theists. but if i were you, and you were your friend, id think you were in denial...
Also, what's with the "and Munchin knows how long?" So munchin really is just a word you've substituted in for your god. Have you come out and said you were just trying to bait some people, or are you still holding that you're asking a legitimate question, even if hypothetical?

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Old 01-10-2005, 01:01 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
No its ok.. i have no need for violence to get my point across. unlike you it seems.
You mean that you prefer to bludegon people with incomprehensibility and insults? Well, to each his own.

yeah i missed out on stop..but i'll tell you now i'm a terrible speller and i'm even more useless when it comes to typing.
Oh, you didn't need to tell me. I got it from your posts. Isn't that amazing, that people are able to deduce things without needing them to be spelled out?

I know it, and everyone iknow knows it. really it doesn't bother me
It makes your posts look sloppy, however, as if you didn't care about what you were saying. Then again, considering what your posts are like, one can hardly blame you.

so go play miss spell checker with someone who might care.
The people who care about their presentation generally don't need to be reminded about their spelling.

It was a play on words..
Well, then go play miss or mr play on words with someone who is entertained by dullness.

sorry for underestimating just how anal some athiest can get.
That's "atheists", by the way. If you like, send your posts in a PM to me, and I'll look them over and edit them for mistakes in spelling, grammar, reasoning and just plain nastiness.

Of course you're assuming what a whole group of people thinks. Why deny it?

No, as i was talking about the amount of time they spend on the subject.
So it's pathetic to spend too much time arguing for a god-belief. By the way, how much time have you spent on this subject?

but i did say as pathetic. as ithink anyone who spends too much time online is.
Why do you despise people who spend time online?

no they don't.
Of course they do.

1) children aren't forced to pray.
Yes, they are.

2) again with the "attempt" at a insult.
I know, I may never be as good as insulting people as you are. But then again, that's hardly a standard to which one should aspire.

which pro religious law has been passed?
Anti-abortion laws, for instance.

one doesn't have to be a christian to be a fundamentalist.
Did a voice in your head tell you that one did?

name one person who has been hurt in the u.s for being athiest.
That's "atheist", by the way. And the Secular Lifestyle forum has dozens of stories about people being hurt for being non-believers. I am one of them.

this coming from someone who lives in constant fear of the "god squad" coming to get him/her inthe middle of the night..
And you claim that you don't care about my sex drive? Here you are talking about some friends of yours coming for me in the night. Really, the subtext of your posts is so revealing.

lol the hypocrisy.
In your posts? I quite agree.

the irony is so thick here i could cut it with a knife..
The lack of originality in your expressions is quite something too.

incorrect one claim is as good as another..
No, it's not.

so you claimed first, so sorry. it falls on you.
I claimed nothing. So sorry, but the burden of proof falls on you. I know you want desperately to shift it, but that's not going to happen. So, so sorry.

No im just saying he would be more free thinking and less of a drone. and most likely more secure in his life
If he was an atheist? I quite agree.
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Old 01-10-2005, 01:26 AM   #26
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Firstly, I need to state clearly that I am recusing myself from moderating in this thread. I do not wish for claims of bias against me, because of my participation here.

Originally Posted by wufongtan
How do you know that they don't excist.
I don't. And nobody knows that they do exist, either. Until somebody shows me some credible evidence to support their fanciful claims, I'm not going to be gullible enough to believe them, and will continue to think they're just another fairy tale.

When someone comes to me with an extraordinary claim(munchkins/leprechauns/god/etc. exist), the burden of proof is on them, not me, to show that their extraodinary claims have some credibility. Otherwise, I'll just continue to disbelieve, and see these people as believing anything they want, as if believing will somehow make it real.

and yes if the majority believe that they should live by those rules, then thats the way it has to be. And what allows them to do this isn't god.. but a little thing called democracy. don't like it move to china, they have a nice atheist goverment there.
I don't want to leave my home country. And I certainly won't leave just because some people who believe in fairy tales(until shown otherwise) tells me that I should also believe or leave. Besides, there's a little thing called the constitution(see section 116), which prohibits state-established religions and the imposition of religious observance.

who in your or my countries has ever been forced to church..? or who in your or in my country has ever been tortured for not going to church or for not believing in god...? Last i heard noone has been dragged away from their house in the middle of the night in your or my country. because they weren't a believer.
You have absolutely no idea what country I am from. That much is blindingly obvious. For all you know, I could be in Pakistan, Iran or Yemen, where such things can happen. The fact is, I'm also Australian, and luckily for me those things don't happen here. That does not mean that religion doesn't impose itself on the lives of those who don't believe in Australia, too. It does, just less so than some other countries.

I don't think you got the rather simple point I was making, though. I was talking about Hell. Looking at your profile, I see you're a Catholic, so you may or may not believe in Hell, despite it cleary being described in the bible. The threat of an eternity in Hell is commonly used to frighten people into becoming Christians, and can have a damaging psychological effect on children, too.

really you need to either seek psychiatric help or stop being a drama queen.
Clearly you have no wish to be taken seriously here. If you did, you would refrain from throwing insults around. Did you come here for anything other than to incite a flamewar? If that is your intention, I must warn you(just as another user, not as a mod) that such things are shut down quite quickly here at IIDB.

refer to my above statement as to whom needs to stop living in a fantasy world.
Please demonstrate how I am living in a fantasy world.

and again stop being a drama queen, noone stops you from doing or saying as you wish.
That's right. Nobody stops me from doing or saying as I wish, yet. Although plenty of people like to come here and insult those of us who do not share their dilusions.

How is stating my opinion "being a drama queen"?

what is this reverse psychology 101?
You'd know all about that.
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:02 AM   #27
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When someone comes to me with an extraordinary claim(munchkins/leprechauns/god/etc. exist), the burden of proof is on them, not me, to show that their extraodinary claims have some credibility. Otherwise, I'll just continue to disbelieve, and see these people as believing anything they want, as if believing will somehow make it real.~
well i didn't claim that he/they existed. but a claim is a claim. doesn't matter if it's a claim for or against.

I don't want to leave my home country. And I certainly won't leave just because some people who believe in fairy tales(until shown otherwise) tells me that I should also believe or leave. Besides, there's a little thing called the constitution(see section 116), which prohibits state-established religions and the imposition of religious observance.~
take it easy dude it was a suggestion not a order..gesh

You have absolutely no idea what country I am from. That much is blindingly obvious. For all you know, I could be in Pakistan, Iran or Yemen, where such things can happen. The fact is, I'm also Australian, and luckily for me those things don't happen here. That does not mean that religion doesn't impose itself on the lives of those who don't believe in Australia, too. It does, just less so than some other countries.~
well the person whom i was talking to didn't come from pakistan,iran or yemen. did they, and besides they aren't christian countries. so who gives a rat arse....and when,where,who and how as anyone, and i mean anyone ever suffered for not being a christian in australia?.kids don't pray in schools here.courts don't back strange fundies trying to make weird laws or any laws..Where..please tell me where as any australian has had their life effected in a bad way, by not believing in god? i want details.names...dates..etc

I don't think you got the rather simple point I was making, though. I was talking about Hell. Looking at your profile, I see you're a Catholic, so you may or may not believe in Hell, despite it cleary being described in the bible. The threat of an eternity in Hell is commonly used to frighten people into becoming Christians, and can have a damaging psychological effect on children, too.~
Well hell might seem a scary place for you, and i don't see how it can frighten anyone into believing, since if they didn't believe in god, how could they believe in hell? that point you tried to make just doesn't make all.And i don't know wha tchurch you was sent too, but kids in catholic sunday schools aren't taught about the devil, thats just another myth put out by atheist to try and add weight to their already weak claims.
But hey, maybe they should ban a lot of things for kids , like the wiggles and teletubbies. not to mention things like pokemon, for teaching kids that its ok to enslave animals and make them fight to the almost death..? mmm what a boring world it would be if athiest got their way.

Clearly you have no wish to be taken seriously here. If you did, you would refrain from throwing insults around. Did you come here for anything other than to incite a flamewar? If that is your intention, I must warn you(just as another user, not as a mod) that such things are shut down quite quickly here at IIDB.~ whom did i insult. and if idid insult was i the first to do so?

Please demonstrate how I am living in a fantasy world.
was i talking to you? no i wasn't

That's right. Nobody stops me from doing or saying as I wish, yet. Although plenty of people like to come here and insult those of us who do not share their dilusions.~
and you never insult theirs do you? of course you don't :huh:

How is stating my opinion "being a drama queen"?~
i didn't say that stating your opinion was being a drama queen. follow what is written please, and to whom it is written to.

You'd know all about that.~
Well yes. i had a good lesson on it this afternoon.
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:13 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
i want details.names...dates..etc
Then you should try providing some yourself.

...but kids in catholic sunday schools aren't taught about the devil,
I was, when I took catechism classes.

thats just another myth put out by atheist to try and add weight to their already weak claims.
The only people boo-hooing about persecution complexes here are theists such as yourself. Perhaps it's your claims which are weak. Pray to your munchin god to strengthen them, if the munchin god exists, that is. Perhaps he's like your "friend" that way.

and if idid insult was i the first to do so?
On this thread? Yes, you were, which makes your claims of ill-treatment hypocritical, to say the least.
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:25 AM   #29
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[QUOTE]You mean that you prefer to bludegon people with incomprehensibility and insults? Well, to each his own.~
What is it with you and violence? I don't know wha tsort of up bringing you had. but im guessing the welfare was called out to your place more than once.

Oh, you didn't need to tell me. I got it from your posts. Isn't that amazing, that people are able to deduce things without needing them to be spelled out?
It makes your posts look sloppy, however, as if you didn't care about what you were saying. Then again, considering what your posts are like, one can hardly blame you.
The people who care about their presentation generally don't need to be reminded about their spelling. ~
yeah, talk about it, even after i told you it doesn't worry me.. but if thats all you have to defend yourself with go ahead.

That's "atheists", by the way. If you like, send your posts in a PM to me, and I'll look them over and edit them for mistakes in spelling, grammar, reasoning and just plain nastiness.~
yawn. weak, witless and pointless. much like y..... well nm.

Of course you're assuming what a whole group of people thinks. Why deny it?

So it's pathetic to spend too much time arguing for a god-belief. By the way, how much time have you spent on this subject?~
Not much.. and yes it is. if a christian spends too much time online arguing over beliefs, they end...well they end up like y....... well nm.

Why do you despise people who spend time online?~
i never said i despise anyone for spendng time online...
why do you feel the need to lie?

Of course they do.
No they don't

Yes, they are.
No they aren't

I know, I may never be as good as insulting people as you are. But then again, that's hardly a standard to which one should aspire.~
sorry..but i don't recall insulting you..if i did im sorry i didn't know you was so sensitive.

Anti-abortion laws, for instance.
theres no such thing. another lie.

Did a voice in your head tell you that one did?
no reading how people like you go on and how rabid and paranoid people like you are.

That's "atheist", by the way. And the Secular Lifestyle forum has dozens of stories about people being hurt for being non-believers. I am one of them.~
yeah and those stories normaly start with "a friend of a friend of mine" or one time at band camp"

And you claim that you don't care about my sex drive? Here you are talking about some friends of yours coming for me in the night. Really, the subtext of your posts is so revealing.~
umm...ooook :huh:....

In your posts? I quite agree.

The lack of originality in your expressions is quite something too.~
now im choking on the irony

No, it's not.~
afraid so...<waits>

I claimed nothing. So sorry, but the burden of proof falls on you. I know you want desperately to shift it, but that's not going to happen. So, so sorry.~
* feel free to produce even the smallest bit of evidence that your "grand munchin" does exist; the burden of proof is on you. By the way, was that the only name that came to mind? Next time you need to write an elaborate yet transparent little hypothetical scenario, you let me know and I'll make up a better name for your imaginary god.
uh h uh you did.

If he was an atheist? I quite agree.
of course you agree..hope. what ever.
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:44 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by wufongtan
What is it with you and violence?
What is it with you and insults?

I don't know wha tsort of up bringing you had.
But that doesn't stop you speculating (quite wrongly, too) about it? Well, perhaps you felt we needed further convincing that you were not an honest or courteous person.

but im guessing the welfare was called out to your place more than once.
Hundreds of times. Every day. You see, we beat each other up with barbed wire on a daily basis. I think we were all auditioning for The Passion of the Christ.

yeah, talk about it, even after i told you it doesn't worry me..
LOL, if it doesn't worry you, why bring it up again and again? Denial.

but if thats all you have to defend yourself with go ahead.
"Defend"? I see no attacking here.

Your posts bore yourself too?

weak, witless and pointless.
That self-commentary was most accurate.

Not much..
But you have spent time online arguing your beliefs and insulting people who disagree with you. So according to your reasoning, that makes you pathetic.

and yes it is. if a christian spends too much time online arguing over beliefs, they end...well they end up like y....... well nm.
Who is "y"? Another "friend" of yours? Seriously, though, have the guts to actually type out the word "you". And a christian ending up like me would not be such a bad thing. It would be substantially better than the christian ending up like you.

i never said i despise anyone for spendng time online...
You used the word "pathetic".

why do you feel the need to lie?
Why do you feel the need to engage in deception and obfuscation?

No they don't
Oh yes they do.

No they aren't
Yes, they are.

sorry..but i don't recall insulting you..
Short-term memory loss?

if i did im sorry i didn't know you was so sensitive.
It's "were", actually. By the way, why do you feel the need to insult people?

theres no such thing. another lie.
There are, actually. Another lie on your part.

no reading
Wait a minute. You read?

how people like you go on
What about how people like you have gone on, on this thread, for instance? Try taking the plank out of your eye.

and how rabid and paranoid people like you are.
Why do you feel the need to insult people? Especially considering that you've been pretty rabid yourself.

yeah and those stories normaly start with "a friend of a friend of mine" or one time at band camp"
No, they don't. Another lie.

now im choking on the irony
Considering how much irony there is in your posts, I'm not surprised.

Yes, I can tell you are.
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