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Old 01-20-2006, 03:24 PM   #1
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Default Atheist Atrocities

Bede just left an interesting post up on his website...

Is it co-incidence that the world's worse mass murderers just happened to be atheists? Probably not.

Communism demanded that anyone who got in the way was liquidated. Now we should say, "Hang on a moment, just going around liquidating people is wrong and evil." But because communism was the highest authority, this objection didn't carry much force. A Christian, on the other hand, should be bound by a higher moral code that would strongly object to mass murder. Thus, although Stalin and Mao didn't kill because they were atheists, the fact they were atheists meant that they lacked the Christian moral compass that should have prevented them from taking the path they did.

Now anti-Christians will be jumping up and down and saying "I'm moral! I'm moral!" I'm sure you are. But your morality is secular humanism which is little more that Christianity without God and with more sex. If we replaced your democratic liberalism (which says be nice) with communism (which doesn't) what's going to stop you becoming mass murderers? Nothing except your residual post-Christian humanism. History fully bears out my contentions. When we look at the history of European socialism we see that the major split was between atheistic communism and Christian socialism. The later gave birth to the UK Labour Party, German Social Democrats and various other democratic socialist and social democrat parties. All have done enormous good in Western Europe. On the other hand, we know where the communists ended up. Of course there are plenty of atheist democratic socialists but their morals tend to be exactly the secular humanism they inherited from Christianity. That's why they rejected communism too.

What about all the atrocities committed by Christians? They were terrible, too. They were also committed by true Christians much of the time, but look what happens when you take away Christianity. Modern estimates suggest the Spanish Inquisition executed about 10,000 in three centuries. The anti-Christian Jacobins managed to execute three times that number in a mere three years of French revolutionary terror. And the inqusition still form the basis of European jurisprudence. I can't say the same for Jacobin show trials.

I think the main example that people have in mind of Christian crimes are the Eastern crusades. They get the impression that these were large scale wars. In fact they weren't and there were relatively few major engagements. We can't say that without the crusades no one would have been fighting anyone. Europeans might have been fighting each other. Religion determined who the enemy were rather than whether a war happened somewhere. 'Atrocities' during the crusades involved the three days of pillage allowed after a city had fallen by assault. This was the rule of war at the time and meant to encourage cities to surrender if they knew no relief was on the way. About 10,000 died in the fall of Jerusalem when it fell to the crusaders in 1099. In 1187, Christian Jerusalem surrendered in turn to Saladin and that is why he let many people go free on payment of a ransom. Many others were enslaved. Had Saladin taken the city by storm, he would have certainly been much less generous.

On some anti-Christian websites you'll see figures of millions of deaths given for the crusades, witch trials and inquisition. These are exaggerations by a factor of a hundred. The reason they peddle these lies is because they know that the actual figures for Christian crimes can't compare with atheist ones. Hence, they have to bump the figures up.
Astounding. He manages, of course, to leave out the persecution of paganism after the Christians took over, the missionary wars against the Germanic barbarians (think the pagan Saxons who heroically refused baptism),the Northern Crusades, the Albigensian Crusade, the 30 Year's war and all of the other merry holy wars carried out between Protestants and Catholics, the Christianization of the Americas, the Balkan atrocities against Muslims by the Catholic and Orthodox Christians, the fact that the Holocaust's anti-semetism was thouroughly grounded in Christian blood libel and anti-semetism, and while we're on the subject Francisco Franco's reign of terror in Spain after taking control with the help of the Catholic church. Don't forget the numerous damage caused by the church's stand on birth control, the NLFT's campaign in Triprura, the Rwandan massacres, and the other numerous conflicts being rage in Africa between Christians and Muslims.

Not only that, but he manages to imply that all apistoi in the West would be debased off all morality were it not for Christianity, and thus implying that all people who have never been Christian are thus amoral. That's pretty funny in and of itself, because the Christians got all of their more profound moral insights from Greek philosophy, mainly the Stoics and Cynics. There's a reason the EU recognized classical culture, not Christianity, as Europe's main cultural heritage.
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Old 01-20-2006, 03:43 PM   #2
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Bede should know better, since he is such a huge critic of the numbers branded about on how many people the Catholic Church killed.

The numbers you often here about how many people Mao and Stalin supposedly killed are based on incredibly bankrupt scholarship. For instance, the Christian fascist supporter of Franco, Solzhenitsyn, never once used any sort of demographic analysis to arrive at his numbers. His numbers, which go to such absurdities as 50 million, come straight from his ass.
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Revisionist
Bede should know better, since he is such a huge critic of the numbers branded about on how many people the Catholic Church killed.

The numbers you often here about how many people Mao and Stalin supposedly killed are based on incredibly bankrupt scholarship. For instance, the Christian fascist supporter of Franco, Solzhenitsyn, never once used any sort of demographic analysis to arrive at his numbers. His numbers, which go to such absurdities as 50 million, come straight from his ass.
That's right. I still hear the ridiculous 40-50 million deaths from the 1928-33 collectivisation drive and from the 1936-38 Yezhovschina. The actual numbers are more like 4-5 million killed, through starvation or oppression by local Soviet officials, and about 700 000 during the Yezhovschina, and as for those who died in the GULags (kulaks, apparent fascists, saboteurs, anti-communists) I cannot recall what the current estimate is, but it is in the hundreds of thousands. So fifty million? Hardly. The total amount of murder commited during Stalin's 1929 (effective)-53 reign is significantly less by a number of millions than the Holocaust, an event that was in large part made possible by hundreds of years of anti-Jewish Christian bigotry.

And I challenge whether or not these killings were done in the name of atheism, or whether atheism just happened to be the alignment of those doing the killing. And since atheism has no doctrine that demands the killing of non-atheists--indeed it has no doctrine at all, being by definition a complete lack of doctrine--, and there is no evidence that there were any killings made in the name of atheism, I fail to see the direct connection between atheism and murder, other than atheists are capable and sometimes commit murder. The crusades, however, were undertaken for blatantly religious reasons--a good example is the Albigensian crusade, the Cathars being persecuted for their fundamentalist Benedictine practises.

On some anti-Christian websites you'll see figures of millions of deaths given for the crusades, witch trials and inquisition. These are exaggerations by a factor of a hundred. The reason they peddle these lies is because they know that the actual figures for Christian crimes can't compare with atheist ones. Hence, they have to bump the figures up.
This is misleading. A more accurate measure of the scale of mass murder is to calculate the proportion of those killed against the population prior to attack. 7 million (a generous estimate) killed in the Soviet Union in a population of some 180 million? A little under five percent of the population. 10 000 killed in Jerusalem? I somehow doubt that Jerusalem's population was anywhere in the vicinity of 200 000, which would put it on equal footing with the Soviet Union. What must be understood is that as population increases so does the scale of dictatorial oppression; this does not mean that those who had less people to kill were any less potentially dangerous or murderous than their modern counterparts, and saying that, 'Well, Christians killed ten thousand in the twelfth and thirteenth century, therefore they are more moral people than those atheists who killed millions in the twentieth century', while it may seem to be a reasonable position is actually, as I said, misleading: as population increases so does the scale of state oppression, and unless you want to demonstrate that there was an atheist conspiracy to increase the world's population in order to more effectively murder it, it is a position that is to be abandoned.
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:47 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by bede
... They were also committed by true Christians much of the time...
That's refreshing to hear, at least.
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:51 PM   #5
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If being a Christian is the only thing keeping him from becoming a mass murder, we should not attempt to disabuse him of his faith.
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:54 PM   #6
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Basically, falling for ideologies is bad news. Religion is a subset of ideologies.

David B
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by David B
Basically, falling for ideologies is bad news. Religion is a subset of ideologies.

David B
And one of the ironic things about the Soviet Union is that communism did start to become the state religion. Stalin tried to prevent this early on by discouraging his personality cult, but he soon gave way due to its political usefulness. Kruschchev, even, when he succeeded Stalin in 1956, though at first discouraging personality cults, allowed a small one of his own to flourish. And instead of the icons common in the peasants homes of Mary or Jesus or St. Paul, they replaced then with images of Stalin and/or Lenin. Was this in praise of atheism? No. It was the once religious population turning their faith towards the only state sanctioned doctrine: communism.
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Old 01-20-2006, 08:31 PM   #8
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Bede sickens me:
'Atrocities' during the crusades involved the three days of pillage allowed after a city had fallen by assault. This was the rule of war at the time and meant to encourage cities to surrender if they knew no relief was on the way.
I think it's a reasonable assumption that willingness to rationalize away murders committed by one's own side is a bigger contributor to mass murder than any brand-name of ideology.
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Old 01-20-2006, 08:49 PM   #9
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I can't imagine someone being moral just because they're scared of being sent to Hell. Does he have any reasons for "being moral" besides the fact that he's scared of his god? Maybe... reasoning?

I also don't understand what point Bede is trying to make. Trying to make a connection between atheism and mass-murderers? Just because they happen to lack a belief in God doesn't mean they're going to go around killing people. To my knowledge most atheists are moral and this is because they find reasoning in doing so, not because they're scared that they'll be punished, like some, many, or most (I have no idea) Christians.
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Old 01-21-2006, 07:41 AM   #10
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No news that Bede is in full, Catholic defense spin mode.

But can anyone really assert that without a belief in a deity (and maybe only Yahweh) that you're a hair's breath away from mass murder? It's a comment so frequently thrown out by Xians that it's a meme without any basis in individualized belief.
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