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Old 08-28-2007, 02:51 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Bible John
3. In its translation
Oh really? And just which translation would that be? Perhaps you could explain exactly which Bible you're talking about: the Catholic one, the Torah, or one of the many Protestant varieties. They don't all share the same books, nor the same number of them. Many people like to use the KJV, but I don't see why his version is any more special than any others. In fact, I just found this:
The King James or Authorized Version of the Bible is an English translation of the Christian Bible by the Church of England begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus (Received Text) edition of the Greek texts, so called because most extant texts of the time were in agreement with it. The Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, while the Apocrypha was translated from the Greek Septuagint (LXX).

(Modern English Bibles such as the New American Standard Bible and the English Standard Version decline to use the Textus Receptus, opting instead for what many modern scholars feel are more reliable[1] critical editions.[2])
(emphasis added & quoted from here)

Inerrant? If theologians can't even decide on which version to use, I have a hard time swallowing claims to inerrancy, and I've not even mentioned the many glaring inconsistencies and contradictions found within its pages. So, do let us know when you can answer these challenges.
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Old 08-28-2007, 03:01 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Bible John View Post
Johnny Skeptic has challenged me a number of times on this topic and so I will start to defend it.

Forgive me for my late start Johnny.

Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that demands a verdict, pp.4-18

Reasons why the Bible is a unique book

1. In its Continuity
2. In its circulation
3. In its translation
4. In its survival
5. In its Teachings
6. In its influence on civilization
What do ANY of these things have to do with its reliability?

The Bible has survived throughout time, long before computers and the printing press. The Bible has been copied many times, and even after all these times the Bible still is the Word of God that is infallible and inerrant.
Same question, ignoring the dogmatic, unsupported assertion in the last sentence.

If Johnny Skeptic would do some research he would discover that OTHER ancient writings of the same time period do not have as much manuscript evidence to support them than the Bible does.
And only a few languages, like English and Chinese and Spanish have millions of speakers all over the world. Does that make those languages superior to other languages? (I'm assuming when you say "as much manuscript evidence" you mean simply quantity of manuscripts. Well, duh! The manuscripts that get preserved are the ones that are popular. Are you claiming popularity is a guide to truth?)

Also if Johnny would do some research on Biblical scholar John Lea and read this book called The Greatest Book in the World he would see far more support for the scriptures than that of Shakespeare's works.
Same comment as above. The number of printed copies of a text proves NOTHING about the truthfulness of the text itself.

Also if Johnny would read history he would see that MANY MANY attempts have been made to destroy the Bible, but God allowed his holy word to survive.
Those attempts were very local. God also allowed the Quran, the Zendavesta, and the Upanishads to survive. Is that an argument for their truth?

The devil and his servants have not given up on their attempts to destroy the word of God, and even after so many attempts to destroy it failed, today the devil is using his own Al-Qaeda whom have invaded the church to destroy the word of God. Many of these Al-Qaeda do not teach the Bible, and so the flock in these churches, cannot discern, since they do not read the word.

The devil will once again fail.

I look forward to your reply Johnny.

What is there in this farrago of unsupported and/or irrelevant assertions that requires a reply? You haven't made any case for biblical inerrancy here.
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Old 08-28-2007, 03:03 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Bible John View Post
Originally Posted by BigJim View Post
Bible John and Johnny Skeptic, this thread is an excellent example of why you should take a debate to the formal debates arena. Keeps us riff raff out of it.
In the future perhaps but I am busy at this time.

Remember that I am the Director of a national web ministry, and I have other responsibilities, including perhaps if it is the Lords will a girl friend.
However, it's your OP. I think that it would be interesting if you'd try to show that the bible is "Inerrant" within this topic. The OP of course does no such thing. I think that a fresh start might be in order.

Here is a starting point, a point that is necessary for you to make your case. The only person who is qualified to say whether your bible is without error is your god, if it is, as you claim, it's word. So you'll need to demonstrate not only that your god exists, but that it believes that the bible is without error. And note that quotes from the bible will not do. They could easily be errors.

So, please show that your god exists and that in the mind of your god the bible is without error. Statements of faith as I pointed out in Post #26, don't cut it.
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Old 08-28-2007, 03:05 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
I recently started a thread at the BC&H Forum that is titled "What are your favorite Bible contradictions?" It is interesting to note that not any Christians are still left in that thread. If the Bible does not contain any contradictions, then it is obvious that God has gone out of his way to make it appear that it does contain contradictions.
Originally Posted by Timetospend
I wrote a couple of posts (or more) in this thread and might look back at it again with this prompting. However, to be honest, there was not much requiring comment.

I do not know that "it is obvious that God has gone out of his way to make it appear that it does contain contradictions,......."
Oh I think that you do. For example, the accounts of the events at the tomb and the death of Judas are two excellent examples of confusing texts that cannot easily be understood, and which could easily have been written much more clearly than they were written if the God of the Bible exists. If any other religious book contained claims of a similar nature, you would not be so quick to try to explain them away. How can you expect to fairly evaluate the Bible when you have already made up your mind that it does not contain any contradictions?

Originally Posted by Timetospend
Given the prolific, unnecessary ridicule already present on this thread, even emphasized by the moderator, I might not look back to this thread. It might be too painful.
Ridicule? Now please, whatever ridicule you have gotten is nothing compared to what the disciples and millions of other early Christians gladly endured. When I use to debate at the Theology Web, which is run by Christians, I was treated rudely by Christians on many occasions, even though I was always polite to Christians. I did not pay any attention to the ridicule. Most people use pen names, and no one knows where participants live.

If we may get back to the topic of inerrancy, what evidence convinced you that the Bible is inerrant, and that God inspired the originals?
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Old 08-28-2007, 06:04 PM   #45
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First page of the first book

1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
1:7 And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

The whole second day of creation spent building an ocean in the sky and a firmament. Later it tells how this firmament is as hard as beated brass and how it has doors and even flood gates.

Have you ever flown in an airplane BJ?
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Old 08-28-2007, 06:40 PM   #46
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To prove the Bible inerrant, BJ, you're going to have to address each apparent error and show how it isn't *really* erroneous. Simply declaring that it's inerrant cuts no mustard. It requires an astonishing and infuriating degree of blind arrogance to even make the assertion of inerrancy, without addressing the blatant contradictions, fallacies, and inaccuracies that exist in the book- several of which we've pointed out here.
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Old 08-28-2007, 06:56 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by BigJim
Bible John and Johnny Skeptic, this thread is an excellent example of why you should take a debate to the formal debates arena. Keeps us riff raff out of it.
Hey, I can't help it if Bible John likes to have discussions with me. He has certainly made replies to people other than me in this thread. One reason that Bible John likes to have discussions with me is because I do not insult him. To his credit, he is only defending that which he believes is true. In addition, he has admitted on several occasions in some other threads that he was wrong, and he has apologized for his behavior on certain occasions. That is quite rare for a fundie, at least from what I have seen at these forums during the past two years.

Sure, Bible John has wacky ideas that do not make any sense, but what fundie has any ideas that make any sense?
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Old 08-28-2007, 07:18 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Bible John View Post
... Remember that I am the Director of a national web ministry, ...
You crack me up, Bible John. Did I mention that I'm the Director of an intergalactic software design and catering amalgam?
...and I have other responsibilities, including perhaps if it is the Lords will a girl friend.
How does she feel about your whole women should never be in authority over a man schtick? Or, have you had the good sense not to whip that one out yet?
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Old 08-28-2007, 10:07 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by bobhope2112 View Post
How does she feel about your whole women should never be in authority over a man schtick? Or, have you had the good sense not to whip that one out yet?
Many christian women agree with that one. If he whips it out on her she might just oooh and aaah and get all excited over it.
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Old 08-29-2007, 08:11 AM   #50
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It is not likely that the Bible is inerrant, and that God inspired it. An inerrant and inspired Bible quite naturally indicates a desire that people have access to it, and we know that it was God's intention to make sure that hundreds of millions of people died without hearing the Gospel message because that is exactly what happened, assuming of course for the sake of argument that the God of the Bible exists. Since God deliberately withheld the Gospel message from hundreds of millions of people who died without hearing it, why would he want anyone to hear it?

If the universe is naturalistic (I am not saying that it is), the Gospel message would have been spread according to the prevailing methods of communication, transportation, printing, and translation of a given time period. Those means are entirely secular. On the other hand, if a God exists, and inspired the Bible, and wanted people to have access to it, he certainly would not depend upon human effort over millennia to make it accessible to people.

A child is much more likely to become a Christian if his parents are Christians. This means that God discriminates against the children of skeptics. In the U.S., a much higher percentage of women become Christians than men. This means that God discriminates against men. A much smaller percentage of elderly skeptics become Christians than younger people. That is because elderly people are much less likely to change their worldviews than younger people are. This means that God discriminates against elderly sketpics. If God performs miracle healings today, it is not even debatable that he always discriminates against amputees. However, to God's credit, when he creates hurricanes and kills people with them, he does not discriminate against anyone, and he does not discriminate against innocent animals.
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