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Old 08-22-2011, 11:26 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
... So if he uses the same arguments that others have used, he will almost certainly be lumped in with them. How can he not be? If they are intellectually dishonest, then he must be also, even if subconsciously. Don't you agree?
I think the expectation is that he will come up with some intellectually respectable arguments, instead of the execrable ones we have seen.
I think the expectation here is that he will come up with the execrable arguments, because there are no intellectually respectable ones. Hands are waving over keyboards now in anticipation as we speak. Will he use "Brother of the Lord"? Zap! "Seed of David"? Kapow!

Originally Posted by Toto View Post
So, Toto, has there been anyone who calmly and honestly holds to a historical Jesus position and who thinks mythicists are wrong, who is not intellectually dishonest? If not, why think that Ehrman will not be the same? Even if he is just lying to himself?
I know of no such charges against:
Mark Goodacre
Bruce Metzger
Gerd Luedemann
Dennis McDonald
David Trobisch
James Tabor
Marcus Borg
Geza Vermes
John P. Meier
E. P. Sanders
Luke Timothy Johnson
John Dominic Crossan
Robert Funk
Burton Mack
Richard Horsley
Hyam Maccoby
Gerd Theissen
I wasn't aware that they had addressed mythicist arguments. Were they arguing against Doherty? Wells? Or even Drews?

Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Is it your role to stir up trouble?
More like a sideline than a role.
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Old 08-22-2011, 11:36 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

I think the expectation is that he will come up with some intellectually respectable arguments, instead of the execrable ones we have seen.
Toto, seriously: Do you think that Ehrman will come up with some intellectually respectable arguments, or will he repeat those arguments that have already been repeated here many times?

And if he just repeats those arguments that have already been repeated here many times, does that mean he is not being intellectually respectable?
I don't think he would bother to write a book if he is just going to recycle old arguments. I feel no need to anticipate what he is going to write.

I wasn't aware that they had addressed mythicist arguments. Most predate Doherty -- were they arguing against Wells? Or even Drews?
All have made some arguments that relate to historicity. Just not the bad ones that you are familiar with.

Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Is it your role to stir up trouble?
More like a sideline than a role.
Let me just point out that you took a few incidents from feisty online debates and tried to claim that "mythicists" would smear any scholar who came out against mythicism, although your examples included Neil Godfrey, who does not describe himself as a mythicist, and also included an Acharya S fan complaining about Richard Carrier. I fail to see any good will in this.
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Old 08-22-2011, 11:46 AM   #93
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Toto, we will see if I am right in about three months. When Ehrman's book comes out, I'm going to make myself a big bag of popcorn and sit back and wait for the fun to begin. It should be great!
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Old 08-22-2011, 05:20 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by shalak View Post
I was wondering if someone could direct me to some other scholars Besides Ehrman on the subject of the NT's history, compilation etc.
If you are willing to extend your research out of the backwater swamps of Biblical Historians and move into the field of ancient history, then you might think about reading either Robert M Grant or Arnaldo Momigliano. And if you have not already done so, I think that you could do no harm to your education in reading Chapters 15 and 16 of Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Momigliano would categorise Bart Ehman as a "Biblical Scholar" and thus as an "insider". The people inside the field of Biblical History use strange and archaic so-called criteria in their logical presentations and discussions (which have been listed by Richard Carrier). The critical scholars are not really to be found inside the field of Biblical criticism, rather they are to be found outside of it, in the general field of ancient history. There is no problem in the field of Biblical History which is not also a problem of the field of Ancient History, so why restrict your enquiries just to the tenured insiders, or to those who are "working the crowd"?
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Old 08-22-2011, 06:22 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
Can you, GakuseiDon, tell me why every one of those religious studies people who have bothered to comment on the work of Doherty have tended to use ad hominem, misrepresentation, and assumed conclusions rather than what would be in other fields neutral criticism? Isn't this a blot on these people's integrity?
As someone myself who has often been accused of adhoms, misrepresentation and assumed conclusions: no.

Have people accused you of these things, spin? How is your integrity?
That's a great bait and switch, GakuseiDon. It's not the perspective of the individual that is the issue. It is the way the individual's material is received in the community, or more here the way it is not received. Ad hominem, misrepresentation, and assumed conclusions, are merely means of ignoring the material and are no reflection of the value of the material or lack thereof. Your hoo-haa is irrelevant. Your persistent appeal to authority is mocked by your authority's approach.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
Is Neil Godfrey incorrect in his judgment when he asks, "Why must scholars like yourself and McGrath and Crossley and Fredriksen be rude and offensive when mythicism is discussed?" If so, how would you describe their behavior when faced with having to comment on mythicism?
The rudeness and offensiveness is not directed against mythicism per se. Who has been rude and offensive against Wells, for example? The rudeness is a product of Internet debating against individuals. See Dave31's diatribes against, well, everyone. Including against Richard Carrier and Thomas Verenna.
Wells is functionally of a pre-internet era and was sufficiently ignored to have him nullified. The process is called "repressive tolerance". In internet the process is somewhat different, because of internet's reach. One tends to use ad hominem, misrepresentation, and assumed conclusions, appealing to the status quo.

Your reference to Dave31 is another bait-and-switch. In the end here all you've done is assert "The rudeness and offensiveness is not directed against mythicism per se." You say Godfrey isn't correct, but you don't support your assertion. I guess you have no logical reason to make the assertion.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
If Ehrman is as dismissive and condescending as those who have gone before him, doesn't he deserve to get called out?
Sure. Please call Ehrman out whenever he is dismissive and condescending.
I'll probably call him on various other things as well. We've been through the evidence and unless he has the rabbit in there, he's bound to fail.
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Old 08-22-2011, 07:17 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Toto, we will see if I am right in about three months. When Ehrman's book comes out, I'm going to make myself a big bag of popcorn and sit back and wait for the fun to begin. It should be great!
What do you honestly think Ehrman can bring to the discussion that hasn't been dealt with before? Enjoy your small amusements!
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Old 08-22-2011, 07:48 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Toto, we will see if I am right in about three months. When Ehrman's book comes out, I'm going to make myself a big bag of popcorn and sit back and wait for the fun to begin. It should be great!
What do you honestly think Ehrman can bring to the discussion that hasn't been dealt with before? Enjoy your small amusements!
That's just it. I honestly don't think that Ehrman will bring anything new to the discussion. That's why I'm anticipating the blow to his credibility on this board after his ebook comes out in November: Dave31's outrage at him for not reading Acharya S, whether he's read her work or not; Earl Doherty's [censored]; Mountain man's picking over any pre-Constantine evidence used by Ehrman; Neil "Mr Furious" Godfrey's claims of intellectual dishonesty, etc. All coming together in a perfect storm!

Coming soon: "Perfect Storm II: the mythicist tsunami!" Available on all good forums from Nov 22!
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Old 08-22-2011, 07:54 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
That's a great bait and switch, GakuseiDon. It's not the perspective of the individual that is the issue. It is the way the individual's material is received in the community, or more here the way it is not received. Ad hominem, misrepresentation, and assumed conclusions, are merely means of ignoring the material and are no reflection of the value of the material or lack thereof.
I agree.
Originally Posted by spin View Post
Your hoo-haa is irrelevant. Your persistent appeal to authority is mocked by your authority's approach.

Originally Posted by spin View Post
Wells is functionally of a pre-internet era and was sufficiently ignored to have him nullified. The process is called "repressive tolerance". In internet the process is somewhat different, because of internet's reach.
I think that is my point. Wells should have got out more.

Originally Posted by spin View Post
Your reference to Dave31 is another bait-and-switch. In the end here all you've done is assert "The rudeness and offensiveness is not directed against mythicism per se." You say Godfrey isn't correct, but you don't support your assertion. I guess you have no logical reason to make the assertion.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm saying Godfrey isn't correct about what?

Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Sure. Please call Ehrman out whenever he is dismissive and condescending.
I'll probably call him on various other things as well. We've been through the evidence and unless he has the rabbit in there, he's bound to fail.
Agreed. Erhman walking == Deadman walking!
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Old 08-22-2011, 08:39 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
.... I honestly don't think that Ehrman will bring anything new to the discussion. That's why I'm anticipating the blow to his credibility on this board after his ebook comes out in November:...
If you haven't noticed, most people here think highly of Ehrman on the issue of textual criticism, but not so much on some of his historical conclusions. I don't think any of this will change.

I expect that he will come out with something along the lines of Mark Goodacre's podcast on mythicism. Goodacre managed to criticize mythicism without any sneers, ad hominems, or blatant mischaracterizations, and you don't see hoards of mythicists descending on his blog to revile him. Or did you notice that?

It is evangelical Christians who have started the Ehrman Project to discredit him. You might speculate on how they will react.

Or you could find a more productive use for your time and your wild imagination.
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Old 08-22-2011, 08:51 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
What do you honestly think Ehrman can bring to the discussion that hasn't been dealt with before? Enjoy your small amusements!
That's just it. I honestly don't think that Ehrman will bring anything new to the discussion.
OK, fine.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
That's why I'm anticipating the blow to his credibility on this board after his ebook comes out in November: Dave31's outrage at him for not reading Acharya S, whether he's read her work or not; Earl Doherty's [censored]; Mountain man's picking over any pre-Constantine evidence used by Ehrman;
Two out of three are just a few of your straw dogs. You aren't getting to any general significance.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Neil "Mr Furious" Godfrey's claims of intellectual dishonesty, etc. All coming together in a perfect storm!
If you accept the charges of ad hominem, misrepresentation, and assumed conclusions mentioned earlier, that seems to me to be accepting Godfrey's claims.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Coming soon: "Perfect Storm II: the mythicist tsunami!" Available on all good forums from Nov 22!
Anything to prevent yourself from doing objective analysis on christianity though, right?
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