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Old 10-03-2009, 09:25 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
My analogy works just fine. This is a perfect example showing that God exists outside of our space and time dimension. It would be impossible to locate that marble.
So following your analogy, it's impossible to locate God. Therefore whatever you THINK you know about God is completely imaginary, as it's impossible for you to know anything about him.

Thank you for admitting that God is imaginary :wave:

And ditto on the best post ever XD
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Old 10-04-2009, 08:01 AM   #172
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"there is no way that you would have been a Christian today"

Just a reminder to -all- who are participating here,
(1.) IBelieveInHymn, (by his own admissions) is NOT a member of any 'Christian' congregation,
(2.) Has NOT joined THE Christian Church,
(3.) And does NOT live nor practice the 'Christian' lifestyle'.

Under these circumstances, IBelieveInHymn is NOT a 'Christian', and is NOT a spokesperson for THE Christian Church;
It is therefore inappropriate to consider these 'creative textual interpretations', 'readings', ideas or statements of Scriptural 'meanings' initiated solely by him as possesing any official acceptance of, or authorisation from THE Christian Church or Religion.

Do not lay his errors of fact, or lack of tact, at their door.
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Old 10-04-2009, 08:52 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by Sai View Post
Most everyone on earth has searched that field, every last grain of sand picked up and examined over and over.
Are you suggesting mankind can explore the entire universe? If so, explain. I gotta see this.

They have dug deep, and looked outside the field. They have brought sextants, astrolabes and other curious devices to aid in the search. Some have chanted for the marble, others have done exotic breathing exercises . Some believe they have Experienced the Marble.
So, if people have had experiences with this marble, then why do you disbelieve?

Many have reported finding the marble! It is large small red blue and green; some say it is made of steel, others say glass, stone or clay. None can produce it on demand; they say you must have a urim or a thumim or an alarm clock in order to be able to see it. Others maintain it is invisible, and only the pure at heart can perceive it.
This is similiar to your statement above. Many people claim they have had an experience with this marble. So, what makes you believe these people are delusional? Many people can claim this marble is blue, red, green or black. That doesn't matter. The bottom line is, they know it's there, and they can feel it's presense, but it's impossible to locate it.

Some say, study with me, pay me, and you too shall if you believe, be able to see the marble.
I've never heard a preacher say we can see God if you pray to him. Feel his presense, yes, but to actually see him, no. That is a blatant lie because God said, "no man shall see me."

They all say lo! those others are bearers of the False Marble. i alone know the One True Marble.
We are talking about one marble. Being singular. I didn't place 1,000 marbles in that field, just one. You can't find it. However, I know it's there because I put it there personally. As I sit back and watch you search, you will claim there is insufficent evidence of this marble, but I look at you and I know you're dead wrong. But that's all I can do is to tell you to keep searching. Maybe you will locate it, maybe you won't. I have heard of many stories about atheists finding this marble. They have a desire to find God, you don't. Yes, even those people who claim they are atheist, they are searching for the truth that is beyond our capabilities. But if you search with a sincere heart and mind, God will reveal this marble to you.

Then they go to fighting and squabbling among themselves.
It's become more than fighting and bickering. Nations that hold different religious views are planning to attack each other using nuclear force. We aren't living in 900 B.C anymore. People used to attack each other with sling-shots. These days, we can press a button, and our enemy is devoured.

The atheists walk off shaking their heads in bemused disgust.
The atheists spend the majority of their life on the internet discussing God and the bible. I don't see any atheists walking away. Atheists mix themselves right in there with the theists. Everyone discusses God, whether you believe in him or not.

I have never seen so many people searching for this marble, but since they can't locate it, they just assume it's not there. And they believe that concludes their research.
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:02 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post

"there is no way that you would have been a Christian today"

Just a reminder to -all- who are participating here,
(1.) IBelieveInHymn, (by his own admissions) is NOT a member of any 'Christian' congregation,
(2.) Has NOT joined THE Christian Church,
(3.) And does NOT live nor practice the 'Christian' lifestyle'.

Under these circumstances, IBelieveInHymn is NOT a 'Christian', and is NOT a spokesperson for THE Christian Church;
It is therefore inappropriate to consider these 'creative textual interpretations', 'readings', ideas or statements of Scriptural 'meanings' initiated solely by him as possesing any official acceptance of, or authorisation from THE Christian Church or Religion.

Do not lay his errors of fact, or lack of tact, at their door.
Adding bold font does not express your opinions any more clear.

Paul wrote the book of Ephesians. It was a letter to people who were already Christians. In this part of Ephesians he was talking about how we are an important part of the church. Most of the time when we think of church we think of a building. It's not! A church is a group of people, Christians. Every Christian is a part of the church, even if they don't go to one. If we don't attend a church we aren't doing our part to hold the church together. And, we can't have the support of the other parts (Christians) of the church. Paul was telling us that when we come together as a church we become the dwelling place for God. We need the friendship, worship, teaching, and preaching. We also need to be a part of it!

Ephesians 2:22 "And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit."

The Church is not a building structure like you think. The Church represented the Christian people.

Learn your facts.

Christians DO NOT have to attend church to be rewarded into Heaven.

A Christian is someone who has been baptized into the church and professed the faith of the church.

I was saved by the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the Church of the Christian Missionary Alliance back in 2005.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Being faithful to God makes someone a Christian.

Just as I have said all along. Atheists don't understand the bible whatsoever.
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:10 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Paul wrote the book of Ephesians.
Are you sure? There's no scholarly consensus on who wrote Ephesians. What if it was written by Marcion? There's no evidence of Christians referring to Ephesians before Marcion...
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:12 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by show_no_mercy View Post
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Paul wrote the book of Ephesians.
Are you sure? There's no scholarly consensus on who wrote Ephesians. What if it was written by Marcion?
It doesn't matter who you believe wrote Ephesians, The bottom line is, the bible says, believing in God, and following his ways makes you a Christian.

Sheshbazzar claims I'm not a true Christian because I don't attend weekly services.

That's a bunch of bologne.

A church in the bible was considered a group of Christians, and not an actual structure.

Sheshbazzar is confused.

And I'm in an atheist forum teaching the ways of Christ.

That sounds like a Christian to me.

Does Sheshbazzar think I'm a secret atheist pretending to be a Christian?
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:30 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
It doesn't matter who you believe wrote Ephesians, The bottom line is, the bible says, believing in God, and following his ways makes you a Christian.
The bible does not say anything. It is a collection of human writings.
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:36 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post
Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
It doesn't matter who you believe wrote Ephesians, The bottom line is, the bible says, believing in God, and following his ways makes you a Christian.
The bible does not say anything. It is a collection of human writings.
Why do you try to defend this nonsense coming from your peers?

Your fellow atheists are claiming I'm not a Christian because I don't attend Church. There is so much wrong with that statement, it's almost not even worth mentioning.

God said "Believe in me, and I shall grant you eternal life."
He didn't say, "You must attend Church to be a true Christian."

You people are making a parody of atheism.
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:42 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
Originally Posted by Deus Ex View Post

The bible does not say anything. It is a collection of human writings.
Why do you try to defend this nonsense coming from your peers?

Your fellow atheists are claiming I'm not a Christian because I don't attend Church. There is so much wrong with that statement, it's almost not even worth mentioning.

God said "Believe in me, and I shall grant you eternal life."
He didn't say, "You must attend Church to be a true Christian."

You people are making a parody of atheism.
Again, here's the problem.

You call yourself a Christian, but you pick and choose what you want to believe from the Bible and twist scripture to your liking.

It's hard to fault you on that since Christians have been doing that since the beginning.

But again, that's the problem.

You have Christians pointing the finger at other Christians claiming they're not "true" Christians and will not enter heaven, etc.

Where's the unity in Christianity? For those of us on the outside looking in, who are we supposed to believe? It's easier believing none of you than all of you because while you can't all be right, you CAN all be wrong.
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:42 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInHymn View Post
You people are making a parody of atheism.
Those in glass houses IBIH...
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