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Old 12-14-2008, 07:20 PM   #1
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Default Comments on Jeffrey's style split from New Book on Acts

Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post

Dear Jeffrey,

The Temple of Asclepius Aegae, Cilicia patronised by Apollonius of Tyana in 324/325 was utterly destroyed by Constantine (Eus VC 3.56-58; SS HE 1.18; Zonaras HE 13.12.30-34; Soz HE 2.5 "This temple was most highly honored and reverenced by the ancients" ).
So some = one?

Have you actually read this article in its entirety, let alone the passage that notes:

Constantine's Prohibition of Pagan Sacrifice T. D. Barnes, The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 105, No. 1 (Spring, 1984), pp. 69-72,

Have you actually read this one? Barnes does not speak of the destruction of the Temple of Asclepius at Aegae or that of any other Temples, for that matter..

And now I'm beginning to suspect that you haven't read Lane Fox either, or at least very closely. Here's what he says:

Really? Then, as I suspected, you've not actually read (and/or you've certainly misread) Bradbury, Barnes, and Lane-Fox.


Hold on! Why am I being asked to tabulate how many pagan temples and shrines were in existence in the first half of the fourth century when the question was whether you knew what the percentage of all extant "pagan" Temples and shrines the five or six destroyed by Constantine was.

So, the answer is, as I suspected it would be, no, you don't.


Since I can send it via e-mail, I have no idea why this is relevant. And what you've offered to pay is a pittance. Ten Austrailian dollars is less than $7.00 US.
I had doubled this.
Wow! $14! I can now retire.

Sheesh - are you always this rude and arrogant mate?
Do you label yourself a christian, agnostic or athiest?
Mountainman may evade some questions but so does almost everyone on these boards when it suits them.
Mountainman always seems polite even whne provoked by people like you.
Maybe you could learn from his attitude.
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Old 12-14-2008, 07:26 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Transient View Post
Maybe you could learn from his attitude.
Do you have anything of substance to add to the issues at hand?

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Old 12-14-2008, 07:34 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Originally Posted by Transient View Post
Maybe you could learn from his attitude.
Do you have anything of substance to add to the issues at hand?

Why should I have mate?
It is not against the rules to read and learn and to comment like I have.
Not all of us are such intellectual beings with such distinguished credentials like yourself and therefore of course you can make mincemeat of us if we pretend to know anything at all.
You haven't answered my questions?
For the record I am an agnostic - I do not consider that I believe enuf to call myself a christian or believer of any other faith.
Some that I know, with less knowledge than myself, call themselves christian because it provides stability and a social identity in the communities in which they live.
Unlike most if not all of the people around me in my life I am trying to find out what the hell really happened 2000 years ago - not just what I have been fed for the last 58 years.

So you see not all of us have what you have and we cannot all add much to the debate but I will always speak up when I see what I consider injustice.
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Old 12-14-2008, 07:48 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Transient View Post
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post

Do you have anything of substance to add to the issues at hand?

Why should I have mate?
Because what is supposed to go on here is discussion and debate of points raised.

It is not against the rules to read and learn and to comment like I have.
I take it that you are unfamilar with the concept of ad hominem comments?

Not all of us are such intellectual beings with such distinguished credentials like yourself and therefore of course you can make mincemeat of us if we pretend to know anything at all.
No -- my beef is with people who claim to know more than they do, who present themselves as experts when they are quite evidently not.

You haven't answered my questions?
Your questions are irrelevant to the matters at hand and it suggest that you want to engage in, or work from, the genetic fallacy known as "poisoning the well".

So you see not all of us have what you have and we cannot all add much to the debate but I will always speak up when I see what I consider injustice.
The only injustice that's been going on in this thread is Pete's claiming he knows more than he knows and his raping of the evidence he adduces to support his claims.

And yet I haven't heard a word from you about that.

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Old 12-14-2008, 07:58 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Originally Posted by Transient View Post

Why should I have mate?
Because what is supposed to go on here is discussion and debate of points raised.

I take it that you are unfamilar with the concept of ad hominem comments?

No -- my beef is with people who claim to know more than they do, who present themselves as experts when they are quite evidently not.

Your questions are irrelevant to the matters at hand and it suggest that you want to engage in, or work from, the genetic fallacy known as "poisoning the well".

So you see not all of us have what you have and we cannot all add much to the debate but I will always speak up when I see what I consider injustice.
The only injustice that's been going on in this thread is Pete's claiming he knows more than he knows and his raping of the evidence he adduces to support his claims.

And yet I haven't heard a word from you about that.

My beef is just they insulting way you deal with him.
I do not agree with everything he says but I note that he at least does not insult even when provoked.
That quality seems to me to be reserved mainly for christians but not exclusively.
Maybe you can change my mind on that by leaving the insults behind - difficult but not impossible.
Really your attitude is way better than many I have seen and if you just admitted that you were a little harsh then I would shut up.
It would be the end of the matter.
Pete may be wrong with his conclusions or he may not be but either way he adds an interesting perspective to things and has a lot of info on his website.
I find it strange that you would bait him as far as sending him a copy of something - not very generous - or is there a lot of cost involved?
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Old 12-14-2008, 08:18 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Transient View Post
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post

Because what is supposed to go on here is discussion and debate of points raised.

I take it that you are unfamilar with the concept of ad hominem comments?

No -- my beef is with people who claim to know more than they do, who present themselves as experts when they are quite evidently not.

Your questions are irrelevant to the matters at hand and it suggest that you want to engage in, or work from, the genetic fallacy known as "poisoning the well".

The only injustice that's been going on in this thread is Pete's claiming he knows more than he knows and his raping of the evidence he adduces to support his claims.

And yet I haven't heard a word from you about that.

My beef is just they insulting way you deal with him.
What you call "insulting him" I call "calling his bluff".

And if you think Pete is all sweetness and light, perhaps you'll have a look at what he says about mainstream scholarship on Constantine and Arius.
I do not agree with everything he says but I note that he at least does not insult even when provoked.
Then you haven't been reading his posts for long.

That quality seems to me to be reserved mainly for christians but not exclusively.
Maybe you can change my mind on that by leaving the insults behind - difficult but not impossible.
Really your attitude is way better than many I have seen and if you just admitted that you were a little harsh then I would shut up.
Yes, I am a little harsh. I don't suffer fools gladly, especially when they persist in their foolishness after the extent of their foolishness has been shown to them (and by others as well as myself), and when they claim to have mastered their subject when it's evident to all but them that they haven't a clue about what mastery of it involves.

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