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Old 11-03-2006, 01:39 AM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post
Morality has nothing to do with it. The woman saw that the TOK was good for gaining food, wisdom and beauty and therefore bad is opposite to good.
I see where you are coming from now. Eve, having no concept of good and evil, did have a concept of good and bad, thus saw the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was good in a certain respect. You have to ignore that bad and evil are a matter of semantics, but why not, when you're already creating your own version of the Genesis story. While you are at it, how about throwing logic out... oh wait... you do. :banghead:
Evil has no part in it and the fig leave is added to show conscious awareness to identify the second nature of man.
Sure... The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was just a cool but misleading title for The Tree of Self-Awareness.
This was identified with "who told you that you were naked" for which two identities are needed. The fallen nature was called Adam and he took the serpent to be his wife and called here Eve while the woman remained in the Tree of Life (which would be the subconscious mind if the the TOK is the conscious mind).
Since Tree of Knowledge is not the conscious mind, rather it was the self-conscious (self-reflexive mind), your speculation is bunk. The Tree of Life was denied to Adam, so is irrelevant.
The Tree of knowledge gave man a human condition wherein he had a self reflexive consciousness, yes, but that is what gave man a forked mind and a dual identity. One wherein he was God and the other wherein he was 'like god' and could evaluate the world around him for the purpose of gaining wisdom food and beauty.
No. Man became a god, when he ate the fruit. That is why God freaked out.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Note, he was denied fruit from the Tree of Life. In your warped version he was denied the subconscious. And I don't see how sub-consciousness equates to eternal life.
Apples in the subconscious mind? Rocks maybe but not apples.
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Old 11-03-2006, 06:39 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by LoungeHead View Post
I see where you are coming from now. Eve, having no concept of good and evil, did have a concept of good and bad, thus saw the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was good in a certain respect. You have to ignore that bad and evil are a matter of semantics, but why not, when you're already creating your own version of the Genesis story. While you are at it, how about throwing logic out... oh wait... you do. :banghead:
Logic tells me that if all was good there is no place for evil in Eden. It also tells me that the woman is not Eve and never will be Eve because Eve became Adam's wife when they left Eden, which the woman never did.

Please tell me how things that find corporeal existence in being can be evil?
Even cunning snakes are not evil but are used here to teach Adam to crawl when the going gets tough outside Eden. Crawling is a human trait, in case you wonder.


Sure... The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was just a cool but misleading title for The Tree of Self-Awareness.
So why do you insist on calling it that? "Good and bad" is my choice of words.

Since Tree of Knowledge is not the conscious mind, rather it was the self-conscious (self-reflexive mind), your speculation is bunk. The Tree of Life was denied to Adam, so is irrelevant.
Adam represents our second nature or persona which is a phantom that is created in and by the TOK to be the 'scavenger' that is needed to preselect that which is good and bad for the body of man. The essence of the good is eventually tied down in the TOL towards the enhancement of the TOL and Eden at large where the TOL remains with the woman presiding over it.

No. Man became a god, when he ate the fruit. That is why God freaked out.
Man became 'like god' spelled with a small g. This made him hu-man and earthly in addition to heavenly if you allow me to place heaven opposite to earth (hu-man is from humi is 'earthly man' so he could learn to crawl).

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Note, he was denied fruit from the Tree of Life. In your warped version he was denied the subconscious. And I don't see how sub-consciousness equates to eternal life.

The subconscious is where time-as-such is not known because that is where heaven is at which is created in the plural so it can span many generations. The concept time will never be tied down in the TOL, nor is the concept space . . . or even sickness, pain and suffering. They are the illusions that Adam created out of necessity that they might teach him right from wrong and that is the inheritance we now have to go by as human beings. The evidence of this is that the subconscious (or TOL) is still beyond our reach while pain and suffering is still our best teacher.
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