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Old 03-30-2007, 12:21 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2003
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This might sound facetious, but it isn't - the case for christ guy and apologists always claim there are thousands of references - someone has probably listed them!

Vatican Library?
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Old 03-30-2007, 06:50 PM   #12
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Falls Creek, Oz.
Posts: 11,192

Originally Posted by Clivedurdle View Post
This might sound facetious, but it isn't - the case for christ guy and apologists always claim there are thousands of references - someone has probably listed them!Vatican Library?

This index of citations is very specific: it relates to references
to "christianity" either by non-christian authors, or where "christians"
have purportedly published data externally into the Roman empire
at large.

The more general index of citations will of course include those
references which are essentially "intra-christian-author", bishop
to bishop comms, etc, comments on dogma, etc, etc. Also in
this category, many people class the hundreds of papyrii fragments
(of the NT writings) which are dated by paleography alone (no C14!).

Additionally we have material which has been added to the citations
index in a fraudulent manner from later centuries. Stuff like the donation
of Constantine, and the like, which may be in the public mind, but
cannot be expected to play a part in the history of the prenicene epoch.

So some people swell a citations index. OTOH I have chosen to
only examine citations that can be vindicated by history, due to
references reaching out from "christianity" to the general community
rather than the internal texts (which cannot be dated anyway).

My expectation is that every single citation on this list, related to
the "externally perceived emergence" of christianity in the chronology,
will be shown to be false, fabricated and fraudulent.

Discussion in this forum has already clearly recognised that there are
in fact no 1st century citations. It is probably a good idea to place the
fraudulent correspondence between Seneca and Paul in this index. There
was a time where this correspondence was held to have integrity.

That is the purpose of this index. It is supposed to have great integrity.
But each element is highly suspect, and each element may indeed one
day be perceived as fraudulent.
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Old 06-06-2007, 12:37 AM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Falls Creek, Oz.
Posts: 11,192

INDEPENDENT citations to the existence
of the Pre-Nicene "tribe of christians"
from the first three centuries.

(Updated 06-JUN-2007)

NOTE: The following list is in respect of independent citations
from non-christian sources about the existence of christianity,
or where christians are claiming direct social and/or political
contact with the established structure of the Roman Empire. Thus
the list does not include citations of literature and/or events
which are purportedly exclusively "inter-christian" publications
from a host of purported prenicene "christian authors".

COL1 = Century
COL2 = Approximate Date where known
COL3 = Description of correspondence

1st - 032 - Letter of King Agbar & Jesus' Rescript - FRAUD
1st - 030 - Letter from Herod Antipas - FRAUD
1st - 030 - letter of Publius Lentulus - FRAUD
1st - 032 - Letters of Caiaphas - FRAUD
1st - 050 - Letters of Pilate - FRAUD
1st - 050 - Confession of Pilate - FRAUD
1st - 050 - Correspondence between Paul and Seneca - FRAUD
1st - 050 - Correspondence between Seneca and Paul - FRAUD
1st - 064 - Nero fire refs (Tacit.Annals XV) - INTERPOLATION
1st - 075 - Domitian (emp:069-079) "Persecution" - FRAUD
1st - 091 - Josephus Flavius (TF; AJ) - INTERPOLATION
1st - XXX - SUMMARY: All above citations recognised as FRAUD.

2nd - XXX - Papyrii fragments (paleography ZERO C14)
2nd - 109 - Tacitus (references in Annals XV) - INTERPOLATION
2nd - 112 - Plinius, Ep 10:97 - Pliny to Trajan - INTERPOLATION
2nd - 113 - Trajan to Pliny (rescript) - INTERPOLATION
2nd - 115 - Trajan's order Martyrdom Ignatius - FRAUD
2nd - 135 - Hadrian Rescript to the pro-consul of Asia - FRAUD
2nd - 150 - Antonius Pius (emp:138-161) commune of Asia - FRAUD
2nd - 166 - Martydom of Justin Martyr at Rome - FRAUD
2nd - 167 - M.Antoninus "christian" ref (Med, 11:3) - INTERPOLATION
2nd - 167 - Martydom of Polycarp at Smyrna - FRAUD
2nd - 169 - Lucian (Life of Peregrine) - INTERPOLATION
2nd - 174 - M.Antoninus (Rescript?) - FRAUD
2nd - 174 - M.Antoninus (Report to Senate "Thundering Legion") - FRAUD
2nd - 175 - Celsus ("The True Word") - FRAUD (See Eusebius)
2nd - 177 - Apology of Melito (to M.Antoninus ?)- FRAUD
2nd - 177 - Apology of Tatian (to M.Antoninus ?)- FRAUD
2nd - 177 - Letter "Gallic christians" - Blandina & Pothinus - FRAUD
2nd - 177 - Apology of Athenagoras (to M.Antoninus ?) - FRAUD
2nd - 178 - Apology of Apollinaris (to M.Antoninus ?) - FRAUD
2nd - 178 - Apology of Theophilus (to M.Antoninus ?) - FRAUD
2nd - 178 - Apology of Miltiades (to M.Antoninus ?) - FRAUD
2nd - 180 - Lucian (Alexander the Prophet) - INTERPOLATION

3rd - 202 - The "edict of Septimius Severus"- FRAUD
3rd - 216 - Inscription of Abercius (NOT NECESSARILY CHRISTIAN).
3rd - 248 - Philip Arabus, turns christian millenial games - FRAUD
3rd - 250 - Emperor Decius - perhaps 50 executions (250/251)
3rd - 255 - Galienus' decree (via H.E.); 253-258 - FRAUD
3rd - 258 - Dura-Europa "house church" (NON-CHRISTIAN)
3rd - 276 - Mani, the Sassanian "sage" ("christian") - FRAUD
3rd - XXX - "The <<Christian>> Inscriptions of Phyrgia - "LATER HAND"!

4rd - 301 - Porphyry's violent anti-christian polemic - FRAUD
4th - 303 - Diocletian - perhaps 50 executions (FRAUD; Egyptian persecution)

addenda ...

4th - 305 - The rise of Constantine
4th - 312 - The taking of Rome by Constantine
4th - 312 to 324 - Eusebius' Christian "Ecclesiastical History"
4th - 324 - The military supremacy of Constantine
4th - 324 -----------------------------------------
4th - 325 ------------------------------------------
4th - 325 - Constantine's Supremacy Party (Council of Nicaea)
4th - 331 - Constantine is the first to publish "The Bible".
4th - 361 - Julian: "convinced the fabrication is a fiction of wicked men".

As a separate comment, this index represents the external frame
of the purported influence of christianity on the Roman Empire for
the first 300 years. As can be seen, each element in the underlying
atomic structure of this frame may be seen to be FRAUDULENT.

If anyone at all reading this disclaimer thinks they may have an
appropriate archeological and/or scientific citation for the existence
of anything whatsoever "christian" in the prenicene epoch, now is
your time to speak up and lay the fact upon the table.

Otherwise, it appears to me, that it is reasonable
for a person to think that the rise of christianity
coincides with the rise to supremacy of the Roman
emperor known as Constantine the Great.
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