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Old 10-01-2005, 01:19 PM   #261
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Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
You cannot expect serious answers when you ask a silly question and make ludicrous comparisons. Here you are only showing prejudice.

What do you know about the Jewish traditions

If you want to make a valid comparison, try to answer the following question:
Do the Swiss speak German? :wave:
Johann Kaspar,
You are parroting him: "what do you know."
Answer #1.The Jews invented the juice!!!
Answer #2. The Swiss eat Swiss stake!!!!!
A see this as a desperate attempt to save your guru. Have you read the lastest posting? Your guru has been defeated by a rookie.*
My God! My God! Why have the infidels have forsaken you? :angel:

*(as I have been called)
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Old 10-01-2005, 01:33 PM   #262
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Default Don't be a complainer.

Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar
I find this post loaded with sarcasm and insults. spin = guru :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Last but not least, there is no argument.
You can't have it both ways: to make ridiculing comments on someone's words and to expect an argument in return from him. You will get back what you dish out. Kaspar, don't take this personally. Don't get emotional about it. Don't be paranoid.
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Old 10-01-2005, 02:00 PM   #263
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Default This forum and the Sadducees: why the resemblance?

Originally Posted by cass256
What do you know about Swiss traditions :huh:
after Greek Lesson #1 spin is nowhere to be seen.
Sooner or later, they will come back to resume their micky mouse scholarhip: scorning each other's postings. This reminds me what I read in Josephus, Wars of the Jews, book 2:
"Moreover, the Pharisees are friendly to one another, and are for the exercise of concord and regard for the public. But the behavior of the Sadducees one towards another is in some degree wild; and their conversation with those that are of their own party is as barbarous as if they were strangers to them."
Why does this forum resemble so much a convention of Sadducees? :angry:
Kaspar, you asked for an agrument. This one is for you. Can you answer the question?
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Old 10-01-2005, 03:27 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by Pilate
after Greek Lesson #1 spin is nowhere to be seen.
As usual you're looking in the wrong places.

Originally Posted by Pilate
This reminds me what I read in Josephus, Wars of the Jews, book 2:
"Moreover, the Pharisees are friendly to one another, and are for the exercise of concord and regard for the public. But the behavior of the Sadducees one towards another is in some degree wild; and their conversation with those that are of their own party is as barbarous as if they were strangers to them."
Why does this forum resemble so much a convention of Sadducees?
Because you have no respect for the forum or rules of scholarship and you don't like your pet opinions being not treated as gospel.

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Old 10-01-2005, 03:45 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by Pilate
My God! You don't give up! ... and, still, sound so confident you are right!
One of the things I find so fascinating about your posts is the stunning lack of reading skills: what makes you think that I am confident I am right on the particular subject. hmmmmmm?

Originally Posted by Pilate
If you knew Greek, you would have immediately recognized the gender of this word.
If you had read what I said you'd have found this little potted lesson pointless.

Originally Posted by Pilate
Even if the article was missing, you could have determined the gender of "Golgothan" by the words that are within the sentence.
The article "ton" is masculine accusative = just this alone should have been your clue that "Golgothan" is masculine. (notice Mark is using the n Golgothan, not Golgotha).
That's why I pointed to a feminine noun, amartia, which oddly enough takes an /n/ in the accusdaive. Your argument based on the /n/ is simply irrelevant. The only argument is the ton in the Alexandrian tradition.

Originally Posted by Pilate
If you knew the word "topon" you could have determined the gender of Golgothan. It is the accusative of topos= a masculine noun.
You are predicating your sermon on the assumption that the Alexandrian version was the one I was using. Wrong. You don't read.

If you look at the Byzantine tradition, you'll find your potted grammar lesson ill-directed. Look at the Textus Receptus epi golgoQa topon and try again. Two choice: topon is in apposition and its gender is irrelevant or 2) golgoQa is an indeclinable adjectival form, so gender is indistinguishable.

However, as we have the Alexandrian version, which I acknowledged in my previous post, why don't we go with the flow and you take the dog collar off?

Originally Posted by Pilate
If you really want to take up Christianity (prove Christianity is false) you have to know Greek. "Old son," (as you called me) in Greece they have a saying, "you have to eat a lot of bread to grow up."
There's an old English saying, "You can teach old dogs new tricks, but they need functional long-term memory intact."

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Old 10-01-2005, 03:48 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by Pilate
Kaspar, don't take this personally.
You umm, (whinged) when I used a name that you found so objectionable as "Andy" towards you, but here you go, calling Johann_Kaspar merely Kaspar.
As you say: "You can't have it both ways".

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Old 10-01-2005, 03:54 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by Pilate
Let me teach you math: (pilate=andy) =(spin=guru)
As I haven't called you "andy" for quite a while, I gather this is an invitation to start again. Or are you just grandstanding your wounded umm, pride, because somebody dared to call you something as horrid as "andy"? Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, I called you that. I shouldn't have done it. I'm so contrite.

But go ahead, call me whatever you like within the rules of the forum, if it will assuage your wounds. I can take it. It'll be hard, as you found out when you were called "andy", but I'll bear it. Through my stripes you will be made whole.

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Old 10-01-2005, 09:56 PM   #268
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Please leave the personal sniping - including nicknames - out of this forum. Pilate, I'm looking at you. The patience of the mods is not infinite. If you feel that you have been insulted, please click the little red triangle. We are not going to keep on telling you this forever.

DtC, moderator, BC&H
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Old 10-02-2005, 11:12 AM   #269
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Originally Posted by Pilate
This reminds me what I read in Josephus, Wars of the Jews, book 2:
"Moreover, the Pharisees are friendly to one another, and are for the exercise of concord and regard for the public. But the behavior of the Sadducees one towards another is in some degree wild; and their conversation with those that are of their own party is as barbarous as if they were strangers to them."
Why does this forum resemble so much a convention of Sadducees? :angry:
Well, seeing as they were all men, one might think it was an Ego thing, and too much testosterone. The way I look at it is .. do the arguments bear any fruit?

I don't mind being wrong, if the person arguing with me is going to give me something I can learn from. That is why I choose to stick around.
98% hot air still leaves for a 2% chance i will learn something I didn't know before. Even if I end up supplying some of the 98%.

For example, you mention the Saducees. I look them up to compare to the Pharisees, and I wonder why such a strong willed bunch of hot heads seemed to have disappeared after 70 AD. Are they the ones who ended up in areas where we have found scrolls that were not known of much before my lifetime?

and I still wonder why spin is so against John having spoken a word of Aramaic. He obviously has some idea that would challange what I have seen of how things may have been. I can't make sense of it so far. I must be missing something, unless he also thinks there is a conspiracy against the Hebrew language. It makes no sense to me that Christians would need to lose Hebrew. So I must be an idiot. It just doesn't make sense. what is the goal of such a conspiracy? oh well... enough for now..
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Old 10-02-2005, 03:06 PM   #270
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Originally Posted by cass256
and I still wonder why spin is so against John having spoken a word of Aramaic.
I'm against unfounded assumptions. Jn is written in Greek. Love it or leave it. Beyond that is conjecture.

Originally Posted by cass256
He obviously has some idea that would challange what I have seen of how things may have been.
You've seen nothing because there is nothing to see, just conjecture. The best word in your sentence is "may", ie what you see is not what you see, but you conjecture how it may have been.

Originally Posted by cass256
I can't make sense of it so far. I must be missing something, unless he also thinks there is a conspiracy against the Hebrew language.
Greek texts. Start there.

Originally Posted by cass256
It makes no sense to me that Christians would need to lose Hebrew.
This seems to be an absurd arrival on your part.

Originally Posted by cass256
So I must be an idiot. It just doesn't make sense. what is the goal of such a conspiracy? oh well... enough for now..
Conspiracy, Shonspiracy.

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